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<view class="content">
<view class="rank_header" :style="{ 'background-image': `url(${domain}/static/images/rank_header.png)`}">
<view class="cate_name">
<text class="name line1">
<text class="title_icon icon_left" :style="{ 'background-image': `url(${domain}/static/images/rank-title.png)`}"></text>
{{(active == 0 || !cate_name) ? '热销TOP总榜单' : `${cate_name}热卖榜`}}
<text class="title_icon icon_right" :style="{ 'background-image': `url(${domain}/static/images/rank-title.png)`}"></text>
<view class="scroll_box">
<scroll-view scroll-x="true" style="white-space: nowrap; vertical-align: middle;" show-scrollbar="false"
<view class="scroll_item"
v-for="(item,index) in categoryList"
:class="active == item.store_category_id ? 'scroll_item_active' : ''">{{item.cate_name}}
<view class="rank_list pad30">
<swiper :interval="interval" indicator-color="rgba(255,255,255,0.6)" :current="swiperCurrent" @change="swiperChange" :style="'height:'+swiperHeight+'px;'" >
<block v-for="(item,index) in categoryList" :key="item.store_category_id">
<swiper-item :item-id="`${item.store_category_id}`">
<scroll-view scroll-y="true" :style="'height:'+swiperHeight+'px'" id="goods">
<view class='item acea-row' v-for="(itm,idx) in spuTopList" :key="itm.spu_id" @click="godDetail(itm)">
<view class="rank" :class="'rank'+idx"
:style="{'color': idx<3 ? '#CE8F21' : '#986561'}">
{{idx < 9 ? '0'+(idx+1) : idx+1}}
<view class='pictrue on'>
<image :src='itm.image' class="on"></image>
<view class='goods-msg pad16 acea-row row-column row-between'>
<text class="name line2">{{itm.store_name}}</text>
<view v-if="itm.sales>0" class="list"><text class="iconfont icon-goumai"></text>{{itm.sales>10000 ? (itm.sales/10000)+'万' : itm.sales}}人买过</view>
<view class="mt-18 acea-row row-bottom">
<BaseMoney :money="itm.price" symbolSize="26" integerSize="36" decimalSize="28"
incolor="E93323" weight />
<BaseMoney :money="itm.ot_price" symbolSize="22" integerSize="22" decimalSize="22"
incolor="999999" class="ml-16" line />
<!-- <view class='item acea-row' v-for="(item,index) in spuTopList" :key="item.spu_id" @click="godDetail(item)">
<view class="rank" :class="'rank'+index"
:style="{'color': index<3 ? '#CE8F21' : '#986561'}">
{{index < 9 ? '0'+(index+1) : index+1}}
<view class='pictrue on'>
<image :src='item.image' class="on"></image>
<view class='goods-msg pad16 acea-row row-column row-between'>
<text class="name line2">{{item.store_name}}</text>
<view v-if="item.sales>0" class="list"><text class="iconfont icon-goumai"></text>{{item.sales>10000 ? (item.sales/10000)+'万' : item.sales}}人买过</view>
<view class="mt-18 acea-row row-bottom">
<BaseMoney :money="item.price" symbolSize="26" integerSize="36" decimalSize="28"
incolor="E93323" weight />
<BaseMoney :money="item.ot_price" symbolSize="22" integerSize="22" decimalSize="22"
incolor="999999" class="ml-16" line />
</view> -->
<!-- -->
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者助力企业发展 ]
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// | Copyright (c) 2016~2024 All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
import { spuTop,spuTopList } from '@/api/activity.js';
import { HTTP_REQUEST_URL } from '@/config/app';
export default {
data() {
return {
categoryList: [{
store_category_id: 0,
cate_name: '总榜'
cate_name: "",
spuTopList: [],
active: 0,
pro_top_banner: '',
scrollInto: '',
tabClick: 0,
tabLeft: 0,
isLeft: 0, //导航栏下划线位置
isWidth: 0, //每个导航栏占位
windowHeight: 0,
swiperHeight: 0,
swiperCur: 0,
circular: true,
isScroll: false,
interval: 3000,
currentItemId: 0,
swiperCurrent: 0,
created() {
var that = this;
// 获取设备宽度
success(e) {
that.isWidth = e.windowWidth / 6;
that.windowHeight = e.windowHeight;
// that.swiperHeight = that.windowHeight - 205
that.$set(that, 'swiperHeight', that.windowHeight-150);
onLoad(option) {
this.spuTop(option.cate_id || 0)
if(option.cate_id){ = option.cate_id
methods: {
spuTop(cate_id) {
spuTop().then(res => {
this.categoryList = [...this.categoryList,]
this.cate_name = this.getCate(cate_id,this.categoryList) || ''
this.$nextTick(() => {
this.getSpuTopList(cate_id) = cate_id && this.cate_name ? cate_id : 0
this.scrollInto = `cate${cate_id}`;
let tabLeft = (this.swiperCur - 2) * this.isWidth; //设置下划线位置
this.$set(this, 'tabLeft', tabLeft);
getSpuTopList(cate_id) {
cate_id = this.cate_name ? cate_id : 0
cate_pid: cate_id
}).then(res => {
this.spuTopList = ([0] &&[0]['list']) || []
swiperChange(e) {
let { current, source, currentItemId } = e.detail;
// if({
// if(current == 1){
// current = this.swiperCur+1
// }else if(current == 0){
// current = this.swiperCur-1
// }
// currentItemId = this.categoryList[current]['store_category_id']
// }
if (source === 'autoplay' || source === 'touch') { = currentItemId;
this.swiperCur = current
if (this.categoryList.length > 6) {
var tempIndex = this.swiperCur - 2;
tempIndex = tempIndex <= 0 ? 0 : tempIndex;
let tabLeft = (this.swiperCur - 2) * this.isWidth; //设置下划线位置
this.$nextTick(function() {
this.$set(this, 'tabLeft', tabLeft);
checkActive(item, index, isScroll) { = item.store_category_id;
this.cate_name = item.cate_name
this.swiperCurrent = index;
this.swiperCur = index
this.isScroll = isScroll;
this.tabClick = index; //设置导航点击了哪一个
this.isLeft = index * this.isWidth; //设置下划线位置
this.spuTopList = [];
// 去商品详情页
godDetail(item) {
url: "/pages/goods_details/index?id=" + item.product_id
// 获取第一次进来的默认分类名称
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (arr[i].store_category_id == id) {
this.swiperCur = i
return arr[i]['cate_name']
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