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<view :style="viewColor">
<view class='productList'>
<view class='search acea-row row-between-wrapper'>
<!--#ifdef H5-->
<view v-if='!$wechat.isWeixin()' class="back" @click='backjJump()'>
<view class="iconfont icon-xiangzuo"></view>
<view class='input acea-row row-between-wrapper'><text class='iconfont icon-sousuo'></text>
<input placeholder='搜索店铺名称' placeholder-class='placeholder' confirm-type='search' name="search" :value='sotreParam.keyword'
<view v-if="mer_location == 1" style="text-align: right;" class='iconfont search-right' @click='showMaoLocation(latitude,longitude)'>
<view class="iconfont icon-dingwei"></view>
<view class="right-text" v-if="recommend_address">
<view class="iconfont icon-xiangyou" v-if="recommend_address"></view>
<view class="nav-wrapper">
<view class='nav acea-row row-middle'>
<view v-for="item in downMenus" :key="item.key" class='item' :class="{'font-colors':firstKey == item.key}" @click='set_where(item.key)'>
<view class="line" :class="{'font-line':firstKey == item.key}">
<!-- 店铺 -->
<view class="mer-box"v-if="storeList.length > 0">
<view class="mer-item" v-for="(item,index) in storeList" :key='index'>
<view class="mer-hd" @click="goStore(item.mer_id)">
<image :src="item.mini_banner?item.mini_banner:item.mer_banner"></image>
<view class="mer-name">
<image :src="item.mer_avatar"></image>
<view class="">
<view class="mer-top">
<view class="txt line1">{{item.mer_name}}</view>
<text v-if="item.type_name" class="font-bg-red ml8">{{item.type_name}}</text>
<text v-else-if="item.is_trader" class="font-bg-red ml8">自营</text>
<view class="mer-btn">
<view class="">
{{item.care_count<10000 ? item.care_count : (item.care_count/10000).toFixed(2)+'万'}}人关注
<view class="line" v-if="item.distance"></view>
<view class="distance" v-if="item.distance" @click.stop="showStoreLocation(item)">
<view class="">
<view class="iconfont icon-xiangyou"></view>
<view class="pro-box">
<navigator :url="`/pages/goods_details/index?id=${itemn.product_id}`" hover-class="none" class="pro-item" v-for="(itemn,indexn) in item.recommend"
:key='indexn' v-if="item.recommend.length<=3">
<image :src="itemn.image" mode=""></image>
<view class="price">
<view class='loadingicon acea-row row-center-wrapper' v-if="loading">
<text class='loading iconfont icon-jiazai' :hidden='loading==false'></text>{{loadTitle}}
<view class='no-shop' v-if="!storeList.length && !loading && !loadingIcon" v-cloak>
<view class='pictrue' style="margin: 0 auto;">
<image :src="`${domain}/static/images/noCart.png`"></image>
import {
} from '@/api/store.js';
import { getMerchantServiceLst } from '@/api/activity.js';
import { mapGetters } from "vuex";
import { goShopDetail } from '@/libs/order.js'
import { HTTP_REQUEST_URL } from '@/config/app';
const app = getApp();
export default {
data() {
return {
price: 0,
stock: 0,
nows: false,
loading: false,
loadingIcon: true,
loadTitle: '加载更多',
title: '',
hotPage: 1,
hotLimit: 10,
hotScroll: false,
// 筛选框
rightBox: false,
brandList: [],
downKey: 0,
downStatus: false,
// 下拉菜单
downMenu: [{
title: '默认',
key: 0,
order: ""
title: '销量',
key: 1,
order: 'sales'
title: '好评',
key: 2,
order: 'rate'
title: '距离',
key: 3,
order: 'location'
// 是否第一个
firstKey: 0,
// 商铺列表
storeList: [],
sotreParam: {
keyword: '',
page: 1,
limit: 10,
order: '',
storeKey: 0,
storeScroll: true,
mer_id: '',
sortId: '',
hide_mer_status: "",
price_on: '',
price_off: '',
detaile_address: "",
recommend_address: "",
latitude: "",
longitude: "",
count: 0,
mer_location: "",
created() {
computed: {
downMenus: function() {
return this.downMenu.filter((item) => {
if (this.mer_location) {
return item
} else {
return item.key < 3
onLoad: function(options) {
this.mer_id = options.mer_id;
success: (res) => {
this.hide_mer_status =
this.storeList = []
if ( == 1) {
this.mer_location =
methods: {
// 打开地图
showMaoLocation(lat, long) {
if (!lat || !long) return this.$util.Tips({
title: '请设置允许商城访问您的位置!'
//#ifdef H5
if (this.$wechat.isWeixin() === true) {
latitude: Number(lat),
longitude: Number(long),
name: '当前位置',
address: this.recommend_address
latitude: parseFloat(lat),
longitude: parseFloat(long),
scale: 8,
geocode: true,
name: '当前位置',
address: this.recommend_address,
success: function(res) {
// #ifdef H5
showStoreLocation(item) {
console.log(lat, long)
if (! || !item.long) return this.$util.Tips({
title: '请设置允许商城访问您的位置!'
//#ifdef H5
if (this.$wechat.isWeixin() === true) {
latitude: Number(,
longitude: Number(item.long),
name: item.mer_name,
address: item.mer_address ? item.mer_address: '',
latitude: parseFloat(,
longitude: parseFloat(item.long),
scale: 8,
name: item.mer_name,
address: item.mer_address ? item.mer_address: '',
success: function(res) {
// #ifdef H5
selfLocation() {
let self = this
type: 'gcj02',
success: (res) => {
let latitude, longitude;
latitude = res.latitude.toString();
longitude = res.longitude.toString();
self.latitude = res.latitude
self.longitude = res.longitude
lat: latitude,
long: longitude
}).then(res => {
self.detaile_address =;
self.recommend_address = > 4 ?,4) + '...' :
fail: (res) => {
title: res,
icon: 'none',
duration: 1000
complete: (res) => {
// 查找店铺
getServiceList() {
if (this.loading) return
this.loading = true
let rqData = {
keyword: this.sotreParam.keyword,
limit: 10,
order: this.sotreParam.order,
if (this.latitude) {
rqData.location = this.latitude + ',' + this.longitude
getMerchantServiceLst(rqData).then(res => {
this.count =
this.storeList = this.storeList.concat(
this.loading = false
this.loadingIcon = false
// 进店
goStore(id) {
if (this.hide_mer_status != 1) {
url: `/pages/store/home/index?id=${id}`
searchSubmit: function(e) {
let that = this;
that.$set(that.sotreParam, 'keyword', e.detail.value);
set_where: function(e) {
if (this.loading) return
console.log(this.downMenu, e)
this.storeList = []
this.firstKey = e = 1
this.sotreParam.order = this.downMenu[e].order
backjJump() {
delta: 1
onPullDownRefresh() {
onReachBottom() {
if (this.count === this.storeList.length) {
if (this.count === 0) {
title: '已加载全部',
icon: 'none',
duration: 1000
} else { += 1
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