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* 图片转换对话框脚本
var tableData = [],
editorTable = null,
chartsConfig = window.typeConfig,
resizeTimer = null,
currentChartType = 0;
window.onload = function () {
editorTable = domUtils.findParentByTagName( editor.selection.getRange().startContainer, 'table', true);
//未找到表格, 显示错误页面
if ( !editorTable ) {
document.body.innerHTML = "<div class='edui-charts-not-data'>未找到数据</div>";
renderTable( editorTable );
initUserConfig( editorTable.getAttribute( "data-chart" ) );
$( "#scrollBed .view-box:eq("+ currentChartType +")" ).trigger( "click" );
updateViewType( currentChartType );
dialog.addListener( "resize", function () {
if ( resizeTimer != null ) {
window.clearTimeout( resizeTimer );
resizeTimer = window.setTimeout( function () {
resizeTimer = null;
}, 500 );
} );
function initChartsTypeView () {
var contents = [];
for ( var i = 0, len = chartsConfig.length; i<len; i++ ) {
contents.push( '<div class="view-box" data-chart-type="'+ i +'"><img width="300" src="images/charts'+ i +'.png"></div>' );
$( "#scrollBed" ).html( contents.join( "" ) );
//渲染table 以便用户修改数据
function renderTable ( table ) {
var tableHtml = [];
for ( var i = 0, row; row = table.rows[ i ]; i++ ) {
tableData[ i ] = [];
tableHtml[ i ] = [];
for ( var j = 0, cell; cell = row.cells[ j ]; j++ ) {
var value = getCellValue( cell );
if ( i > 0 && j > 0 ) {
value = +value;
if ( i === 0 || j === 0 ) {
tableHtml[ i ].push( '<th>'+ value +'</th>' );
} else {
tableHtml[ i ].push( '<td><input type="text" class="data-item" value="'+ value +'"></td>' );
tableData[ i ][ j ] = value;
tableHtml[ i ] = tableHtml[ i ].join( "" );
//draw 表格
$( "#tableContainer" ).html( '<table id="showTable" border="1"><tbody><tr>'+ tableHtml.join( "</tr><tr>" ) +'</tr></tbody></table>' );
* 根据表格已有的图表属性初始化当前图表属性
function initUserConfig ( config ) {
var parsedConfig = {};
if ( !config ) {
config = config.split( ";" );
$.each( config, function ( index, item ) {
item = item.split( ":" );
parsedConfig[ item[ 0 ] ] = item[ 1 ];
} );
setUserConfig( parsedConfig );
function initEvent () {
var cacheValue = null,
typeViewCount = chartsConfig.length- 1,
$chartsTypeViewBox = $( '#scrollBed .view-box' );
$( ".charts-format" ).delegate( ".format-ctrl", "change", function () {
} )
$( ".table-view" ).delegate( ".data-item", "focus", function () {
cacheValue = this.value;
} ).delegate( ".data-item", "blur", function () {
if ( this.value !== cacheValue ) {
cacheValue = null;
} );
$( "#buttonContainer" ).delegate( "a", "click", function (e) {
if ( this.getAttribute( "data-title" ) === 'prev' ) {
if ( currentChartType > 0 ) {
updateViewType( currentChartType );
} else {
if ( currentChartType < typeViewCount ) {
updateViewType( currentChartType );
} );
$( '#scrollBed' ).delegate( ".view-box", "click", function (e) {
var index = $( this ).attr( "data-chart-type" );
$chartsTypeViewBox.removeClass( "selected" );
$( $chartsTypeViewBox[ index ] ).addClass( "selected" );
currentChartType = index | 0;
//饼图, 禁用部分配置
if ( currentChartType === chartsConfig.length - 1 ) {
} else {
} );
function renderCharts () {
var data = collectData();
$('#chartsContainer').highcharts( $.extend( {}, chartsConfig[ currentChartType ], {
credits: {
enabled: false
exporting: {
enabled: false
title: {
text: data.title,
x: -20 //center
subtitle: {
text: data.subTitle,
x: -20
xAxis: {
title: {
text: data.xTitle
categories: data.categories
yAxis: {
title: {
text: data.yTitle
plotLines: [{
value: 0,
width: 1,
color: '#808080'
tooltip: {
enabled: true,
valueSuffix: data.suffix
legend: {
layout: 'vertical',
align: 'right',
verticalAlign: 'middle',
borderWidth: 1
series: data.series
} ));
function updateViewType ( index ) {
$( "#scrollBed" ).css( 'marginLeft', -index*324+'px' );
function collectData () {
var form = document.forms[ 'data-form' ],
data = null;
if ( currentChartType !== chartsConfig.length - 1 ) {
data = getSeriesAndCategories();
$.extend( data, getUserConfig() );
} else {
data = getSeriesForPieChart();
data.title = form[ 'title' ].value;
data.suffix = form[ 'unit' ].value;
return data;
* 获取用户配置信息
function getUserConfig () {
var form = document.forms[ 'data-form' ],
info = {
title: form[ 'title' ].value,
subTitle: form[ 'sub-title' ].value,
xTitle: form[ 'x-title' ].value,
yTitle: form[ 'y-title' ].value,
suffix: form[ 'unit' ].value,
tableDataFormat: getTableDataFormat (),
tip: $( "#tipInput" ).val()
return info;
function setUserConfig ( config ) {
var form = document.forms[ 'data-form' ];
config.title && ( form[ 'title' ].value = config.title );
config.subTitle && ( form[ 'sub-title' ].value = config.subTitle );
config.xTitle && ( form[ 'x-title' ].value = config.xTitle );
config.yTitle && ( form[ 'y-title' ].value = config.yTitle );
config.suffix && ( form[ 'unit' ].value = config.suffix );
config.dataFormat == "-1" && ( form[ 'charts-format' ][ 1 ].checked = true );
config.tip && ( form[ 'tip' ].value = config.tip );
currentChartType = config.chartType || 0;
function getSeriesAndCategories () {
var form = document.forms[ 'data-form' ],
series = [],
categories = [],
tmp = [],
tableData = getTableData();
if ( getTableDataFormat() === "-1" ) {
for ( var i = 0, len = tableData.length; i < len; i++ ) {
for ( var j = 0, jlen = tableData[ i ].length; j < jlen; j++ ) {
if ( !tmp[ j ] ) {
tmp[ j ] = [];
tmp[ j ][ i ] = tableData[ i ][ j ];
tableData = tmp;
categories = tableData[0].slice( 1 );
for ( var i = 1, data; data = tableData[ i ]; i++ ) {
series.push( {
name: data[ 0 ],
data: data.slice( 1 )
} );
return {
series: series,
categories: categories
* 获取数据源数据对齐方式
function getTableDataFormat () {
var form = document.forms[ 'data-form' ],
items = form['charts-format'];
return items[ 0 ].checked ? items[ 0 ].value : items[ 1 ].value;
* 禁用非饼图类型的配置项
function disableNotPieConfig() {
updateConfigItem( 'disable' );
* 启用非饼图类型的配置项
function enableNotPieConfig() {
updateConfigItem( 'enable' );
function updateConfigItem ( value ) {
var table = $( "#showTable" )[ 0 ],
isDisable = value === 'disable' ? true : false;
for ( var i = 2 , row; row = table.rows[ i ]; i++ ) {
for ( var j = 1, cell; cell = row.cells[ j ]; j++ ) {
$( "input", cell ).attr( "disabled", isDisable );
$( "input.not-pie-item" ).attr( "disabled", isDisable );
$( "#tipInput" ).attr( "disabled", !isDisable )
* 获取饼图数据
* 饼图的数据只取第一行的
function getSeriesForPieChart () {
var series = {
type: 'pie',
name: $("#tipInput").val(),
data: []
tableData = getTableData();
for ( var j = 1, jlen = tableData[ 0 ].length; j < jlen; j++ ) {
var title = tableData[ 0 ][ j ],
val = tableData[ 1 ][ j ];
series.data.push( [ title, val ] );
return {
series: [ series ]
function getTableData () {
var table = document.getElementById( "showTable" ),
xCount = table.rows[0].cells.length - 1,
values = getTableInputValue();
for ( var i = 0, value; value = values[ i ]; i++ ) {
tableData[ Math.floor( i / xCount ) + 1 ][ i % xCount + 1 ] = values[ i ];
return tableData;
function getTableInputValue () {
var table = document.getElementById( "showTable" ),
inputs = table.getElementsByTagName( "input" ),
values = [];
for ( var i = 0, input; input = inputs[ i ]; i++ ) {
values.push( input.value | 0 );
return values;
function getCellValue ( cell ) {
var value = utils.trim( ( cell.innerText || cell.textContent || '' ) );
return value.replace( new RegExp( UE.dom.domUtils.fillChar, 'g' ), '' ).replace( /^\s+|\s+$/g, '' );
dialog.onok = function () {
var form = document.forms[ 'data-form' ],
info = getUserConfig();
info.chartType = currentChartType;
editor.execCommand( 'charts', info );
* 同步图表编辑视图的表格数据到编辑器里的原始表格
function syncTableData () {
var tableData = getTableData();
for ( var i = 1, row; row = editorTable.rows[ i ]; i++ ) {
for ( var j = 1, cell; cell = row.cells[ j ]; j++ ) {
cell.innerHTML = tableData[ i ] [ j ];