# flag-icons > A curated collection of all country flags in SVG — plus the CSS for easier integration. See the [demo](https://flagicons.lipis.dev). ## Install You can either [download](https://github.com/lipis/flag-icons/archive/main.zip) the whole project as is or install it via npm or Yarn: ```bash npm install flag-icons # or yarn add flag-icons ``` ## Usage First, you need to import css: ```js import "/node_modules/flag-icons/css/flag-icons.min.css"; ``` or use CDN: ```html ``` For using the flags inline with text add the classes `.fi` and `.fi-xx` (where `xx` is the [ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code](https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#search/code/) of a country) to an empty ``. If you want to have a squared version flag then add the class `fis` as well. Example: ```html ``` You could also apply this to any element, but in that case you'll have to use the `fib` instead of `fi` and you're set. This will add the correct background with the following CSS properties: ```css background-size: contain; background-position: 50%; background-repeat: no-repeat; ``` Which means that the flag is just going to appear in the middle of an element, so you will have to set manually the correct size of 4 by 3 ratio or if it's squared add also the `flag-icon-squared` class. ## Development Run the `yarn` to install the dependencies after cloning the project and you'll be able to: To build `*.scss` files ```bash $ yarn build ``` To serve it on `localhost:8000` ```bash $ yarn start ``` To have only specific countries in the css file, remove the ones that you don't need from the [`_flag-icons-list.scss`](sass/_flag-icons-list.scss) file and build it again. ## Credits - This project wouldn't exist without the awesome and now deleted collection of SVG flags by [koppi](https://github.com/koppi). - Thank you [Andrejs Abrickis](https://twitter.com/andrejsabrickis) for providing the `flag-icons` name on [npm](https://www.npmjs.com/package/flag-icons).