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<view :style="viewColor">
<view class="product-con">
<view class="head-wrapper" id="home" :style="{ top: homeTop + 'rpx' }">
<view class="head-menu">
<view class='iconfont icon-fanhui2' @click="returns"></view>
<view class="iconfont icon-gengduo5" @click="showNav"></view>
<!-- 导航小图标 -->
<view class="dialog_nav" v-show="currentPage" :style="{ top: navH + 'rpx' }">
<view class="dialog_nav_item" :class="item.after" v-for="(item,index) in selectNavList" :key="index"
<text class="iconfont" :class="item.icon"></text>
<text class="pl-20">{{item.name}}</text>
<view v-if="storeInfo && storeInfo.merchant">
<scroll-view :scroll-top="scrollTop" scroll-y='true' scroll-with-animation="true" :style='"height:"+height+"px;"'
<view id="past0">
<!-- #ifdef MP || APP-PLUS -->
<view class="" :style="'width:100%;' + 'height:'+sysHeight + 'px'"></view>
<!-- #endif -->
<productConSwiper :imgUrls="storeInfo.slider_image" :videoCoverImg="videoCoverImg" :videoline="storeInfo.video_link"></productConSwiper>
<view v-if="storeInfo.atmosphere_pic" :style="{ backgroundImage: `url(${storeInfo.atmosphere_pic})` }" class='nav acea-row row-between-wrapper'>
<view class='money skeleton-rect'>HK$<text class='num'>{{storeInfo.price}}</text>
<text v-if="!svipData" class='y-money'>HK${{storeInfo.ot_price}}</text>
<view class="atmosphere" v-if="svipData && svipData.show_svip_price && svipData.show_svip" style="display: inline-block;">
<text class="vip-money">HK${{storeInfo.svip_price}}</text>
<image class="vip-image" :src="`${domain}/static/images/svip.png`"></image>
<view class='wrapper'>
<view v-if="storeInfo.atmosphere_pic" class='introduce skeleton-rect acea-row atmosphere'>
<view class="title">
<text v-if="(storeInfo.merchant && storeInfo.merchant.type_name)" class="font-bg-red bt-color">{{storeInfo.merchant.type_name}}</text>
<text v-else-if="(storeInfo.merchant && storeInfo.merchant.is_trader)" class="font-bg-red bt-color">自营</text>
<view class="fenxiang_btn">
<view @click="setCollect"><text class="iconfont" :class="storeInfo.isRelation ? 'icon-yishoucang2' : 'icon-shoucang4'"></text><br/>收藏</view>
<view @click="listenerActionSheet"><text class="iconfont icon-fenxiang4"></text><br/>分享</view>
<view v-if="storeInfo.atmosphere_pic" class='integral_count skeleton-rect'>
<text v-if="storeInfo.max_integral > 0" class='integral'>积分最高可抵扣{{storeInfo.max_integral}}元</text>
<text v-if="storeInfo.delivery_free == 1" class='integral'>包邮</text>
<view v-else class='share acea-row row-between row-bottom'>
<view class='money p-color skeleton-rect' style="min-width: 70rpx;">
<text class='num'>{{storeInfo.price}}</text>
<view v-if="svipData && svipData.show_svip_price && svipData.show_svip" style="display: inline-block;">
<text class="vip-money">HK${{storeInfo.svip_price}}</text>
<image class="vip-image" :src="`${domain}/static/images/svip.png`"></image>
<view class="fenxiang_btn">
<view @click="setCollect">
<text class="iconfont" :class="storeInfo.isRelation ? 'icon-yishoucang2' : 'icon-shoucang4'"></text><br/>收藏
<view @click="listenerActionSheet"><text class="iconfont icon-fenxiang4"></text><br/>分享</view>
v-if="svipData && !svipData.is_svip && svipData.show_svip"
class="svipCon acea-row row-between-wrapper skeleton-rect" style="margin-top: 20rpx;">
<view class="acea-row row-between-wrapper">
<image :src="`${domain}/static/images/svip_user.png`"></image>
<view class="">开通 SVIP会员
<block v-if="svipData.show_svip_price">立省<text>{{svipData.save_money}}元</text></block>
<block v-else><text>省钱多多,权益多多</text></block>
<navigator class="svipBtn" url="/pages/annex/vip_paid/index">
<text class="iconfont icon-jiantou"></text>
<view v-if="!storeInfo.atmosphere_pic" class='integral_count skeleton-rect'>
<text v-if="storeInfo.max_integral > 0" class='integral'>积分最高可抵扣{{storeInfo.max_integral}}元</text>
<text v-if="storeInfo.delivery_free == 1" class='integral'>包邮</text>
<view v-if="!storeInfo.atmosphere_pic" class='introduce skeleton-rect'>
<text v-if="storeInfo.merchant.type_name" class="font-bg-red bt-color">{{storeInfo.merchant.type_name}}</text>
<text v-else-if="storeInfo.merchant.is_trader" class="font-bg-red bt-color">自营</text>
{{storeInfo.store_name || ''}}
<view class='label acea-row row-between-wrapper' :style="{'padding-bottom':coupon.list.length || storeInfo.top_pid?0 :10+'px;'}">
<view class="skeleton-rect">市场价:HK${{storeInfo.ot_price || 0}}</view>
<view class="skeleton-rect">库存:{{storeInfo.stock ? storeInfo.stock : 0}}{{storeInfo.unit_name ? storeInfo.unit_name : ''}}</view>
<view class="skeleton-rect">销量:{{storeInfo.sales ? storeInfo.sales : 0}}{{storeInfo.unit_name ? storeInfo.unit_name : ''}}</view>
<navigator v-if="storeInfo.top_pid" hover-class='none' :url="`/pages/activity/rank/index?cate_id=${storeInfo.top_pid}`" class='label'>
<view class="rank_list acea-row row-between-wrapper">
<view class="acea-row row-between-wrapper">
<text class="rank_title"></text>
<view>{{ storeInfo.top_name }} · 第{{ storeInfo.top_num }}名</view>
<text class="iconfont icon-xiala1"></text>
<view class='coupon acea-row row-between-wrapper skeleton-rect' @click='couponTap' style="margin-top: 20rpx;" v-if="coupon.list.length > 0">
<view class='hide line1 acea-row'>
<view class='activity' v-for="(item,index) in coupon.list" :key="index">满{{item.use_min_price}}减{{item.coupon_price}}</view>
<view class='iconfont icon-jiantou'></view>
<view class='attribute acea-row row-between-wrapper skeleton-rect' @click="selecAttr">
<view class="acea-row row-between-wrapper">{{attrTxt}}
<text class='atterTxt'>{{attrValue}}</text>
<view class='iconfont icon-jiantou'></view>
<view class="wrappers" v-if="storeInfo.country&&storeInfo.country.icon">
<view class="label acea-row row-between-wrapper wrapper-ul">
<view class="wrapper-li">
<text class="li-title">全球购</text>全球正品,免税精选
<view class="wrapper-li" v-if="storeInfo.country&&storeInfo.country.icon">
<view class="wrapper-li-right">
<uv-steps current="1" active-color="rgb(112, 126, 228)" inactive-color="#999" >
<uv-steps-item :title="storeInfo.country.name">
<template v-slot:icon>
<view class="" style="width: 50rpx;height: 36rpx;border: solid 1px rgb(112, 126, 228);display: flex;justify-content: center;align-items: center;">
<view class="fi" :class="`fi-`+storeInfo.country.icon"></view>
<!-- <image :src="storeInfo.country.icon" mode="" style="width: 50rpx;height: 50rpx;border-radius: 50%;"></image> -->
<uv-steps-item :title="storeInfo.delivery_mode_data.value.name" v-if="storeInfo.delivery_mode_data">
<template v-slot:icon>
<image :src="storeInfo.delivery_mode_data.value.icon" mode="" style="width: 50rpx;height: 50rpx;border-radius: 50%;"></image>
<uv-steps-item :title="storeInfo.location" v-if="storeInfo.location">
<template v-slot:icon>
<image src="@/static/images/orientation.png" mode="" style="width: 50rpx;height: 50rpx;border-radius: 50%;"></image>
<view class="wrapper-li" style="margin-bottom: 28rpx;" v-if="storeInfo.country&&storeInfo.country.name">
<view class="wrapper-li-left">
<view class="wrapper-li-right" style="padding-left: 60rpx;">
{{storeInfo.country.name || '未知'}}
<view v-if="specsInfo.params && specsInfo.params.length>0" class="attribute acea-row row-between-wrapper" @click="seeSpecs">
<view class="acea-row row-middle">
<view class="list line1">
<text class="item params" v-for="(item,index) in specsInfo.params" :key="index"
<view class="iconfont icon-jiantou"></view>
<view v-if="shipping || shippingValue" class='attribute acea-row row-between-wrapper' @click="showShip">
<view class="acea-row row-between-wrapper">运费:
<text class='atterTxt'>{{shippingValue}}</text>
<view class='iconfont icon-jiantou'></view>
<view v-if="guarantee && guarantee.length" class='attribute acea-row row-between-wrapper' @click="showGuaranee">
<view class="acea-row row-between-wrapper">保障:
<view class="guaranteeAttr">
<text class='atterTxt1' :class="item.guarantee_name ? 'hasAttr' : ''" v-for="(item,index) in guarantee">
{{item.guarantee_name ? item.guarantee_name : ''}}
<view class='iconfont icon-jiantou'></view>
<view class='combo' v-if="comboList && comboList.length>0">
<view class='title acea-row row-between-wrapper'>
<view>优惠套餐({{comboTotal}}) </view>
<view class='praise' @click="openCombo">
<text class='iconfont icon-jiantou'></text>
<scroll-view scroll-x="true" style="white-space: nowrap; display: flex;height: 180rpx;" show-scrollbar="false">
<view class="img-box">
<view class="combo_item" v-for="(item,index) in comboList" :key="index">
<view class="img-item" v-for="(itemn,indexn) in item.discountsProduct" :key="indexn">
<image :src="itemn.image" mode="" @click="openCombo"></image>
<text v-if="indexn != item.count-1" class="iconfont icon-jiahao2"></text>
<view class="list_total">
<view class="list_num">共{{item.count}}件</view>
<view class="list_price p-color">省 HK${{item.max_price}}</view>
<view class='userEvaluation' id="past1" v-if="replyCount && replyCount>0">
<view class='title acea-row row-between-wrapper skeleton-rect'>
<navigator class='praise' hover-class='none' :url='"/pages/users/goods_comment_list/index?product_id="+id'>
<text class='t-color'>{{replyChance}}</text>好评率
<text class='iconfont icon-jiantou'></text>
<block v-if="replyCount && replyCount>0">
<userEvaluation :reply="reply"></userEvaluation>
<!-- 种草秀 -->
<view class='userPlant' v-if="storeInfo.community && storeInfo.community.length>0">
<view class='title acea-row row-between-wrapper'>
<view>种草秀 </view>
<navigator class='praise' hover-class='none' :url="'/pages/plantGrass/plant_show/index?spu_id='+storeInfo.spu_id">
<text class='iconfont icon-jiantou'></text>
<view class="imgList acea-row">
<view class="pictrue" v-for="(item, index) in storeInfo.community" :key="index" v-if="index<=2"
<image :src="item.image[0]" class="image"></image>
<image v-if="item.is_type == 2" class="video_img" src="@/static/images/stop.png" mode=""></image>
<!-- 商铺信息 -->
<view class="store-wrapper" v-if="storeInfo.merchant && hide_mer_status !=1">
<view class="store-hd skeleton-rect">
<view v-if="storeInfo.merchant&&hide_mer_status != 1" class="store-info">
<navigator :url="'/pages/store/home/index?id='+storeInfo.mer_id" hover-class="none" class="logo">
<image :src="storeInfo.merchant.mer_avatar" mode=""></image>
<navigator :url="'/pages/store/home/index?id='+storeInfo.mer_id" hover-class="none" class="info">
<view class="name line1">
<text>{{storeInfo.merchant.mer_name ? storeInfo.merchant.mer_name : ''}}</text>
<image v-if="margin_ico_switch==1 && margin_ico && storeInfo.merchant.is_margin == 10" :src="margin_ico" class="store-margin"></image>
<text v-if="storeInfo.merchant.type_name" class="font-bg-red ml8 bt-color">{{storeInfo.merchant.type_name}}</text>
<text v-else-if="storeInfo.merchant.is_trader" class="font-bg-red ml8 bt-color">自营</text>
<view v-if="storeInfo.merchant.care_count" class="txt">
{{storeInfo.merchant.care_count < 10000 ? storeInfo.merchant.care_count : (storeInfo.merchant.care_count/10000).toFixed(2)+'万'}}人关注
<view v-else class="txt">0人关注</view>
<navigator v-if="hide_mer_status != 1" :url="'/pages/store/home/index?id='+storeInfo.mer_id" class="link"
<view class="score-wrapper">
<view class="item">
<view class="item">
<view class="item">
<view v-if="recommend && recommend.length > 0" class="con-box">
<view class="acea-row row-between">
<view class="title">店铺推荐</view>
<navigator v-if="hide_mer_status!=1" class="moer-btn" :url="'/pages/store/home/index?id='+storeInfo.mer_id" hover-class="none">
查看更多<text class='iconfont icon-jiantou'></text></navigator>
<!-- <scroll-view scroll-x="true" style="white-space: nowrap; display: flex" show-scrollbar="false">
<view class="img-box">
<view class="img-item" v-for="(item,index) in storeInfo.merchant.recommend" :key="index" @click="goProDetail(item)">
<easy-loadimage mode="widthFix" :image-src="item.image"></easy-loadimage>
<view class="txt">
<view class="title line1">{{item.store_name}}</view>
<view class="price">
</scroll-view> -->
<view class="swiper page_swiper">
<block v-for="(item,index) in recommend" :key="index">
<swiper-item class="swiper-item">
<view class="img-box">
<view class="img-item" v-for="(itm,idx) in item" :key="idx" @click="goProDetail(itm)">
<easy-loadimage mode="widthFix" :image-src="itm.image"></easy-loadimage>
<view class="txt">
<view class="title line1">{{itm.store_name}}</view>
<view class="price">
<view class='product-intro' id="past3">
<view class='title'>产品介绍</view>
<view class='conter' v-if="description">
<!-- #ifndef APP-PLUS -->
<jyf-parser v-if="description.type == 0" :domain='domain' :html="description.content.replace(/<br\/>/ig, '')" ref="article" :tag-style="tagStyle"></jyf-parser>
<!-- #endif -->
<!-- #ifdef APP-PLUS -->
<view v-if="description.type == 0" class="description" v-html="description.content.replace(/<br\/>/ig, '')"></view>
<!-- #endif -->
<view v-else class="product_content">
<view v-if="description.content && description.content.title" class="title">{{description.content.title}}</view>
<view v-if="description.content && description.content.image" class="pictures">
<image v-for="(item,index) in description.content.image" :key="index" :src="item"></image>
<!-- 价格说明 -->
<view v-if="priceRule.content" class="price-info">
<view class="price-title">{{priceRule.rule_name}}</view>
<!-- #ifndef APP-PLUS -->
<jyf-parser :domain='domain' :html="priceRule.content.replace(/<br\/>/ig, '')" ref="article" :tag-style="tagStyle"></jyf-parser>
<!-- #endif -->
<!-- #ifdef APP-PLUS -->
<view class="description" v-html="priceRule.content.replace(/<br\/>/ig, '')"></view>
<!-- #endif -->
<view style='height:120rpx;'></view>
<view class='footer acea-row row-between-wrapper' :class="{'footpl':hide_mer_status==1}">
<navigator v-if="hide_mer_status !=1" :url="'/pages/store/home/index?id='+storeInfo.mer_id" class='item skeleton-rect'>
<view class='iconfont icon-dianpu2'></view>
<block v-if="storeInfo.merchant">
<view v-if="storeInfo.merchant.services_type== 0" class="item skeleton-rect" @click="goCustomer">
<view class="iconfont icon-kefu"></view>
<view v-else class="item skeleton-rect" @click="call">
<view class="iconfont icon-kefu"></view>
<navigator open-type='switchTab' class="animated item skeleton-rect" :class="animated==true?'bounceIn':''" url='/pages/order_addcart/order_addcart'
<view class='iconfont icon-gouwuche1'>
<text v-if="CartCount>0" class='num'>{{CartCount || 0}}</text>
<view v-if="attr.productSelect.stock != 0" class='bnt acea-row skeleton-rect'>
<form @submit="joinCart" report-submit='true'>
<button v-if="storeInfo.type != 1&&storeInfo.type != 2&&!storeInfo.mer_form_id" class='joinCart bnts' form-type="submit">加入购物车</button>
<form @submit="goBuy" report-submit='true' v-if="attr.productSelect">
<button class='buy bnts' :class="(storeInfo.type == 1 || storeInfo.type == 2 || storeInfo.mer_form_id) ? 'virtual_buy' : ''" form-type="submit" :disabled="attr.productSelect.stock == 0">立即购买</button>
<view v-else class='bnt acea-row skeleton-rect'>
<form report-submit='true'>
<button v-if="procudt_increase_status == 1" class='buy bnts sold_out' form-type="submit" @click="arrivalNotice">到货通知</button>
<button v-else class='buy bnts sold_out' form-type="submit" disabled>商品已售罄</button>
<block v-if="sharePacket.max&&sharePacket.max>0">
<shareRedPackets :sharePacket="sharePacket" @listenerActionSheet="listenerActionSheet" @closeChange="closeChange"
:showAnimate="showAnimate" @boxStatus="boxStatus"></shareRedPackets>
<!-- 组件 -->
<productWindow :attr="attr" :isShow='1' :iSplus='1' @myevent="onMyEvent" @ChangeAttr="ChangeAttr" @ChangeCartNum="ChangeCartNum"
@attrVal="attrVal" @iptCartNum="iptCartNum" id='product-window' :payLimit="pay_limit" :maxCount="max_count" :minCount="min_count" :svipPrice="svipPrice" :image="storeInfo.image"></productWindow>
<block v-if="coupon.coupon">
<couponListWindow :coupon='coupon' @ChangCouponsClose="ChangCouponsClose" @ChangCoupons="ChangCoupons"
<specs :specsInfo="specsInfo" @myevent="mySpecs"></specs>
<!-- 分享按钮 -->
<view class="generate-posters acea-row row-middle" :class="posters ? 'on' : ''">
<!-- #ifndef MP -->
<button class="item" :class="weixinStatus ? 'item3' : ''" hover-class='none' v-if="weixinStatus === true" @click="H5ShareBox = true">
<view class="iconfont icon-weixin3"></view>
<view class="">发送给朋友</view>
<!-- #endif -->
<!-- #ifdef MP -->
<button class="item" :class="weixinStatus ? 'item3' : ''" open-type="share" hover-class='none' @click="goFriend">
<view class="iconfont icon-weixin3"></view>
<view class="">发送给朋友</view>
<!-- #endif -->
<!-- #ifdef APP-PLUS -->
<view class="item" @click="appShare('WXSceneSession')">
<view class="iconfont icon-weixin3"></view>
<view class="">分享给好友</view>
<!-- #endif -->
<button class="item" :class="weixinStatus ? 'item3' : ''" hover-class='none' @click="goPoster">
<view class="iconfont icon-haibao"></view>
<view class="">生成海报</view>
<button class="item" :class="weixinStatus ? 'item3' : ''" hover-class='none' @click="copyPwd">
<view class="iconfont icon-fuzhikouling1"></view>
<view class="mask" v-if="posters" @click="listenerActionClose"></view>
<view class="mask_transparent" v-if="currentPage" @touchmove="hideNav" @click="hideNav()"></view>
<copyPassword :isCopy='isCopy' :copyUrl='copyUrl' @close="closeCopy"></copyPassword>
<!-- 海报展示 -->
<view class='poster-pop' v-if="posterImageStatus">
<image src='../../static/images/poster-close.png' class='close' @click="posterImageClose"></image>
<image :src='posterImage'></image>
<!-- #ifndef H5 -->
<view class='save-poster' @click="savePosterPath">保存到手机</view>
<!-- #endif -->
<!-- #ifdef H5 -->
<view class="keep">长按图片可以保存到手机</view>
<!-- #endif -->
<view class='mask' v-if="posterImageStatus"></view>
<canvas class="canvas" canvas-id='myCanvas' v-if="canvasStatus"></canvas>
<!-- 发送给朋友图片 -->
<view class="share-box" v-if="H5ShareBox">
<image :src="`${domain}/static/images/share-info.png`" @click="H5ShareBox = false"></image>
<guaranteeTemplate ref="guartemplate" :guarantee='guarantee' :shipping='shipping'></guaranteeTemplate>
<!-- #ifndef H5 -->
<!-- #endif -->
<discounts-goods ref="discounts" :uid="uid"></discounts-goods>
var sysHeight = uni.getSystemInfoSync().statusBarHeight;
import { arrivalSubscribe } from '@/utils/SubscribeMessage.js';
import {
copyPasswordApi, getDiscountsLst, priceRuleApi
} from '@/api/store.js';
import { getOrderConfirm } from '@/api/order.js';
import { getUserInfo, imgToBase } from '@/api/user.js';
import { getCoupons,getShopCoupons } from '@/api/api.js';
import { getCartCounts } from '@/api/order.js';
import { mapGetters } from "vuex";
import { configMap } from "@/utils";
import { imageBase64 } from "@/api/public";
import productConSwiper from '@/components/productConSwiper';
import couponListWindow from '@/components/couponListWindow';
import copyPassword from '@/components/copyPassword';
import productWindow from '@/components/productWindow';
import userEvaluation from '@/components/userEvaluation';
import shareRedPackets from '@/components/shareRedPackets';
import specs from '@/components/specs/index.vue';
import Cache from '@/utils/cache';
import { toLogin } from '@/libs/login.js';
// #ifndef H5
import passwordPopup from '@/components/passwordPopup';
// #endif
import { HTTP_REQUEST_URL } from '@/config/app';
import { CART_TIME,CART_ID} from '@/config/cache';
import home from '@/components/home';
import { silenceBindingSpread } from "@/utils";
import parser from "@/components/jyf-parser/jyf-parser";
import history from "@/mixins/history";
import shareScence from "@/libs/spread";
import guaranteeTemplate from '@/components/freightGuarantee';
import discountsGoods from './discountsGoods';
import ClipboardJS from "@/plugin/clipboard/clipboard.js";
import easyLoadimage from '@/components/easy-loadimage/easy-loadimage.vue';
let app = getApp();
export default {
components: {
// #ifndef H5
// #endif
"jyf-parser": parser,
mixins: [history],
data() {
let that = this;
return {
isNodes: 0, //控制什么时候开始抓取元素节点,只要数值改变就重新抓取
sysHeight: sysHeight, //系统导航条高度
coupon: {
'coupon': false,
list: [],
attrTxt: '选择', //属性页面提示
attrValue: '', //已选属性
animated: false, //购物车动画
id: 0, //商品id
replyCount: 0, //总评论数量
reply: [], //评论列表
storeInfo: {
merchant: {}
}, //商品详情
productValue: [], //系统属性
couponList: [], //优惠券
cart_num: 1, //购买数量
isOpen: false, //是否打开属性组件
actionSheetHidden: true,
posterImageStatus: false,
storeImage: '', //海报产品图
PromotionCode: '', //二维码图片
canvasStatus: false, //海报绘图标签
posterImage: '', //海报路径
posterbackgd: '/static/images/posterbackgd.png',
source: '',
sharePacket: {
isState: true, //默认不显示
}, //分销商详细
// uid: 0, //用户uid
circular: false,
autoplay: false,
interval: 3000,
duration: 500,
swiperCur: 0,
clientHeight: "",
systemStore: {}, //门店信息
replyChance: 0,
CartCount: 0,
isDown: true,
storeSelfMention: true,
posters: false,
weixinStatus: false,
attr: {
cartAttr: false,
productAttr: [],
productSelect: {}
description: '',
navActive: 0,
H5ShareBox: false, //公众号分享图片
activity: [],
retunTop: true, //顶部返回
navH: "",
navList: [],
opacity: 0,
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shippingValue: "",
uniqueValue: "",
priceRule: "",
isCopy: false,
copyUrl: '',
comboTotal: 0,
comboList: [],
max_count: 0,
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show: false,
params: []
recommend: [],
serviceInfo: {},
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name: '首页',
icon: 'icon-shouye8',
url: '/pages/index/index',
after: 'dialog_after'
name: '搜索',
icon: 'icon-sousuo6',
url: '/pages/columnGoods/goods_search_con/index',
after: 'dialog_after'
name: '购物车',
icon: 'icon-gouwuche7',
url: '/pages/order_addcart/order_addcart',
after: 'dialog_after'
name: '我的收藏',
icon: 'icon-shoucang3',
url: '/pages/users/user_goods_collection/index',
after: 'dialog_after'
name: '个人中心',
icon: 'icon-gerenzhongxin1',
url: '/pages/user/index'
...configMap(['margin_ico_switch','margin_ico','hide_mer_status','procudt_increase_status','site_name','share_pic'], mapGetters(['isLogin','uid','viewColor'])),
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that.currSpid = options.spid
var pages = getCurrentPages();
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// #ifdef H5
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success: function(res) {
that.height = res.windowHeight
that.navHeight = res.statusBarHeight * (750 / res.windowWidth) + 91;
// #ifdef MP
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let value = this.$util.getUrlParams(decodeURIComponent(options.scene));
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if (value.spid) {
app.globalData.spid = value.spid;
that.currSpid = value.spid
if (!options.id && !options.scene) {
return this.$util.Tips({
title: '缺少参数无法查看商品'
}, {
tab: 3,
url: 1
} else {
this.id = options.id
if (options.spid) app.globalData.spid = options.spid;
// #endif
shareScence(that.currSpid, that.isLogin)
//#ifdef H5
this.isLogin && silenceBindingSpread();
if (this.isLogin) {
onReady() {
this.$nextTick(function() {
// #ifdef MP
const menuButton = uni.getMenuButtonBoundingClientRect();
const query = uni.createSelectorQuery().in(this);
.boundingClientRect(data => {
this.homeTop = menuButton.top * 2 + menuButton.height - data.height;
// #endif
onShow() {
let that = this
// that.getConfig();
* 用户点击右上角分享
// #ifdef MP
onShareAppMessage: function() {
let that = this;
that.$set(that, 'actionSheetHidden', !that.actionSheetHidden);
return {
title: that.storeInfo.store_name || '',
imageUrl: that.storeInfo.image || '',
path: '/pages/goods_details/index?id=' + that.id + '&spid=' + that.uid,
onShareTimeline: function() {
let that = this;
that.$set(that, 'actionSheetHidden', !that.actionSheetHidden);
return {
title: that.storeInfo.store_name || '',
query: {
id: that.id,
spid: that.uid
imageUrl: that.storeInfo.image || ''
// #endif
methods: {
call: function(){
let that = this;
title: '提示',
content: '暂无在线客服,确定拨打客服电话:'+that.storeInfo.merchant.service_phone+'吗?',
success: function(res) {
if (res.confirm) {
// 手机号
phoneNumber: that.storeInfo.merchant.service_phone,
// 成功回调
success: (res) => {},
// 失败回调
fail: (res) => {}
return that.$util.Tips({
title: '暂无可用客服'
getConfig() {
let self = this
// 获取配置
getconfig().then(res => {
}).catch(err => {})
let that = this;
// #ifdef MP
arrivalSubscribe().then((res) => {
}).catch(err => {
// #endif
// #ifndef MP
// #endif
let that = this;
let uniqueValue = that.uniqueValue;
let typeValue = 0;
// #ifdef MP
typeValue = 3
// #endif
// #ifdef H5
if(this.$wechat.isWeixin() === true){
typeValue = 2
typeValue = 1
// #endif
arrivalNoticeApi({ unique: uniqueValue,type:typeValue,product_id: that.id }).then(res => {
return that.$util.Tips({
title: res.message
}).catch(err => {
return that.$util.Tips({
title: err
goProDetail(item) {
url: '/pages/goods_details/index?id=' + item.product_id
linkPage(url) {
if (['/pages/index/index', '/pages/order_addcart/order_addcart',
'/pages/user/index', '/pages/plant_grass/index'
].indexOf(url) > -1) {
} else {
this.currentPage = false
boxStatus(data) {
this.showAnimate = data
closeChange: function() {
this.$set(this.sharePacket, 'isState', true);
showNav() {
this.currentPage = !this.currentPage;
hideNav() {
this.currentPage = false;
showShip: function() {
showGuaranee: function() {
seeSpecs() {
this.specsInfo.show = true;
mySpecs() {
this.$set(this.specsInfo, 'show', false);
getDiscountsLst({product_id: this.id}).then(res => {
this.comboTotal = res.data.count;
res.data.list.forEach((item, index) => {
item.save_price = 0;
item.discountsProduct.forEach((v, i) => {
item.save_price += parseFloat(v.product.ot_price) - parseFloat(v.product.price)
this.comboList = res.data.list;
}).catch(err => {
getPricrRule() {
priceRuleApi(this.storeInfo.cate_id).then(res => {
this.priceRule = res.data
}).catch(err => {
goActivity: function(e) {
let item = e;
if (item.type === "1") {
url: `/pages/activity/goods_seckill_details/index?id=${item.id}&time=${item.time}&status=1`
} else if (item.type === "2") {
url: `/pages/activity/goods_bargain_details/index?id=${item.id}&bargain=${this.uid}`
} else {
url: `/pages/activity/goods_combination_details/index?id=${item.id}`
* 购物车手动填写
iptCartNum: function(e) {
this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, 'cart_num', e);
// 后退
returns: function() {
// 首页
goHome() {
url: '/pages/index/index'
// 种草详情
if(item.is_type == 1){
url: '/pages/plantGrass/plant_detail/index?id='+item.community_id
//#ifdef APP
url: '/pages/short_video/appSwiper/index?id='+item.community_id+'&tab=1'
//#ifndef APP
url: '/pages/short_video/nvueSwiper/index?id='+item.community_id+'&tab=1'
tap: function(index) {
var id = "past" + index;
var index = index;
var that = this;
this.$set(this, 'toView', id);
this.$set(this, 'navActive', index);
this.$set(this, 'lock', true);
this.$set(this, 'scrollTop', index > 0 ? that.topArr[index] - (app.globalData.navHeight / 2) : that.topArr[index]);
scroll: function(e) {
var that = this,
scrollY = e.detail.scrollTop;
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opacity = opacity > 1 ? 1 : opacity;
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that.$set(that, 'opacity', opacity);
that.$set(that, 'scrollY', scrollY);
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for (var i = 0; i < that.topArr.length; i++) {
if (scrollY < that.topArr[i] - (app.globalData.navHeight / 2) + that.heightArr[i]) {
that.$set(that, 'navActive', i)
ChangCouponsClose: function() {
this.$set(this.coupon, 'coupon', false)
* 购物车数量加和数量减
ChangeCartNum: function(changeValue) {
//changeValue:是否 加|减
let productSelect = this.productValue[this.attrValue];
if (productSelect === undefined && !this.attr.productAttr.length)
productSelect = this.attr.productSelect;
if (productSelect === undefined) return;
let stock = productSelect.stock || 0;
let num = this.attr.productSelect;
if (changeValue) {
if (num.cart_num > stock) {
this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "cart_num", stock);
this.$set(this, "cart_num", stock);
if(num.cart_num > this.storeInfo.once_max_count&&this.storeInfo.once_max_count!=0&&this.storeInfo.pay_limit!=0){
this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "cart_num", this.storeInfo.once_max_count);
this.$set(this, "cart_num", this.storeInfo.once_max_count);
return this.$util.Tips({
title: "单次购买件数不能超过"+this.storeInfo.once_max_count+"件!"
} else {
if (num.cart_num < 1) {
this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "cart_num", 1);
this.$set(this, "cart_num", 1);
if(num.cart_num < this.storeInfo.once_min_count&&this.storeInfo.once_min_count!=0){
this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "cart_num", this.storeInfo.once_min_count);
this.$set(this, "cart_num", this.storeInfo.once_min_count);
return this.$util.Tips({
title: "单次购买件数不能少于"+this.storeInfo.once_min_count+"件!"
attrVal(val) {
this.$set(this.attr.productAttr[val.indexw], 'index', this.attr.productAttr[val.indexw].attr_values[val.indexn]);
* 属性变动赋值
ChangeAttr: function(res) {
let productSelect = this.productValue[res];
if(productSelect)this.$set(this, "uniqueValue", productSelect.unique);
if (productSelect && productSelect.stock > 0) {
this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "image", productSelect.image ? productSelect.image : this.storeInfo.image);
this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "price", productSelect.price);
this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "svip_price", productSelect.svip_price);
this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "stock", productSelect.stock);
this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "unique", productSelect.unique);
this.$set(this, "uniqueValue", productSelect.unique);
if (productSelect.stock == 0) {
this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "cart_num", 0);
} else {
this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "cart_num", this.min_count || 1);
this.$set(this, "attrValue", res);
this.$set(this, "attrTxt", "选择");
else {
this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "image", productSelect.image);
this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "price", productSelect.price);
this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "svip_price", productSelect.svip_price);
this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "stock", 0);
this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "unique", "");
this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "cart_num", 0);
this.$set(this, "attrValue", res);
this.$set(this, "attrTxt", "选择");
* 领取完毕移除当前页面领取过的优惠券展示
ChangCoupons: function(e) {
let coupon = e;
let couponList = this.$util.ArrayRemove(this.couponList, 'id', coupon.id);
this.$set(this, 'couponList', couponList);
setClientHeight: function() {
let that = this;
let view = uni.createSelectorQuery().in(this).select("#list0");
size: true,
}, data => {
that.$set(that, 'clientHeight', data.height + 20)
* 获取产品详情
getGoodsDetails: function() {
title: '加载中',
mask: true
let that = this;
getProductDetail(that.id).then(res => {
let storeInfo = res.data;
if (storeInfo.video_link && storeInfo.slider_image.length > 1) {
this.videoCoverImg = storeInfo.slider_image[0]
storeInfo.slider_image.splice(0, 1)
} else if (storeInfo.video_link && storeInfo.slider_image.length === 1) {
this.videoCoverImg = storeInfo.slider_image[0]
that.$set(that, 'storeInfo', storeInfo);
that.$set(that, 'reply', res.data.topReply ? [res.data.topReply] : []);
that.$set(that, 'replyCount', res.data.replayData && res.data.replayData.count);
that.$set(that, 'replyChance', res.data.replayData && res.data.replayData.rate);
that.$set(that.attr, 'productAttr', res.data.attr);
that.$set(that, 'productValue', res.data.sku);
that.$set(that.sharePacket, 'priceName', res.data.priceName);
that.$set(that.sharePacket, 'max', res.data.max_extension);
that.$set(that.sharePacket, 'min', res.data.min_extension);
that.$set(that, 'systemStore', res.data.system_store);
that.$set(that, 'storeSelfMention', res.data.store_self_mention);
that.$set(that, 'PromotionCode', storeInfo.code_base);
that.$set(that, 'activity', res.data.activity ? res.data.activity : []);
that.$set(that, 'max_count', res.data.once_max_count);
that.$set(that, 'pay_limit', res.data.pay_limit);
that.$set(that, 'min_count', res.data.once_min_count);
that.$set(that, 'svipData', res.data.show_svip_info || null);
that.$set(that, 'svipPrice', res.data.show_svip_info && res.data.show_svip_info.show_svip_price || false);
title: storeInfo.store_name.substring(0, 7) + "..."
that.$set(that, 'storeImage', that.storeInfo.image);
getProductParmas(that.id).then((res) => {
that.$set(that, 'description', res.data.content);
if (that.description.type == 0) {
that.description.content = that.description.content.replace(
'<img style="max-width:100%;height:auto;float:left;display:block" '
that.description.content = that.description.content.replace(
'<video style="width:100%;height:300px;display:block" '
that.$set(that, 'guarantee', res.data.guarantee ? res.data.guarantee : []);
that.$set(that, 'shippingValue', res.data.temp ? res.data.temp.name : '');
that.$set(that, 'shipping', res.data.temp ? res.data.temp.info : '');
that.$set(that.specsInfo, 'params', res.data.params);
that.$set(that.storeInfo, 'merchant', res.data.merchant);
that.$set(that.storeInfo, 'spu_id', res.data.spu_id);
that.$set(that.storeInfo, 'community', res.data.community);
that.$set(that.storeInfo, 'atmosphere_pic', res.data.atmosphere_pic);
that.$set(that.storeInfo, 'top_pid', res.data.top_pid);
that.$set(that.storeInfo, 'top_num', res.data.top_num);
that.$set(that.storeInfo, 'top_name', res.data.top_name);
var recommendArr = [];
for(var i=0,len=res.data.merchant.recommend.length;i<len;i+=6){
that.recommend = recommendArr
if (that.isLogin) {
// #ifdef H5
// #endif
setTimeout(function() {
}, 500);
that.$nextTick(function() {
}).catch(err => {
return that.$util.Tips({
title: err
}, {
tab: 3,
url: 1
infoScroll: function() {
var that = this,
topArr = [],
heightArr = [];
for (var i = 0; i < that.navList.length; i++) { //productList
var query = uni.createSelectorQuery().in(this);
var idView = "#past" + i;
query.exec(function(res) {
var top = res[0].top;
var height = res[0].height;
that.$set(that, 'topArr', topArr);
that.$set(that, 'heightArr', heightArr);
* 默认选中属性
DefaultSelect: function() {
let productAttr = this.attr.productAttr;
let value = [];
let arr = []
let unSortArr = []
for (var key in this.productValue) {
if (this.productValue[key].stock > 0) {
value = this.attr.productAttr.length ? key.split(",") : [];
for (let i = 0; i < productAttr.length; i++) {
this.$set(productAttr[i], "index", value[i]);
let productSelect = this.productValue[value.join(",")];
if (productSelect && productAttr.length) {
this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "image", productSelect.image ? productSelect.image : this.storeInfo.image);
this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "price", productSelect.price);
this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "svip_price", productSelect.svip_price);
this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "stock", productSelect.stock);
this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "unique", productSelect.unique);
this.$set(this, "uniqueValue", productSelect.unique);
this.$set(this, "attrValue", value.join(","));
this.$set(this, "attrTxt", "选择");
if (productSelect.stock == 0) {
this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "cart_num", 0);
} else {
this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "cart_num", this.min_count || 1);
} else if (!productSelect && productAttr.length) {
this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "image", this.storeInfo.image);
this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "price", this.storeInfo.price);
this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "svip_price", this.storeInfo.svip_price);
this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "stock", 0);
this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "unique", "");
this.$set(this, "uniqueValue", "");
this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "cart_num", 0);
this.$set(this, "attrValue", "");
this.$set(this, "attrTxt", "选择");
} else if (!productSelect && !productAttr.length) {
this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "image", this.storeInfo.image);
this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "price", this.storeInfo.price);
this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "svip_price", this.storeInfo.svip_price);
this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "stock", this.storeInfo.stock);
this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "unique", this.storeInfo.unique || "");
this.$set(this, "uniqueValue", this.storeInfo.unique || "");
this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "cart_num", 1);
this.$set(this, "attrValue", "");
this.$set(this, "attrTxt", "选择");
} else if (productSelect && !productAttr.length) {
this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "store_name", this.storeInfo.store_name);
this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "image", productSelect.image);
this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "price", productSelect.price);
this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "svip_price", productSelect.svip_price);
this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "stock", productSelect.stock);
this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "unique", productSelect.unique);
this.$set(this, "uniqueValue", productSelect.unique);
this.$set(this, "attrValue", value.join(","));
this.$set(this, "attrTxt", "选择");
if (productSelect.stock == 0) {
this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "cart_num", 0);
} else {
this.$set(this.attr.productSelect, "cart_num", this.min_count || 1);
* 获取优惠券
getCouponList() {
let that = this;
let goodsArr = []
let couponList = [];
let activeList = []
ids: that.id
}).then(res => {
goodsArr = res.data
}) => {
couponList = goodsArr.concat(data)
that.$set(that.coupon, 'list', couponList);
for (let i = 0; i < couponList.length; i++) {
if (!couponList[i].issue && activeList.length < 2) {
that.$set(that, 'couponList', activeList);
ChangCouponsUseState(index) {
let that = this;
that.$set(that.coupon, 'coupon', false);
* 收藏商品
setCollect: function() {
if (this.isLogin === false) {
} else {
let that = this;
if (this.storeInfo.isRelation) {
type: 0,
type_id: this.id
}).then(res => {
title: '已取消收藏'
that.$set(that.storeInfo, 'isRelation', !that.storeInfo.isRelation);
title: err
} else {
type_id: this.id,
type: 0
}).then(res => {
title: '收藏成功'
that.$set(that.storeInfo, 'isRelation', !that.storeInfo.isRelation);
title: err
* 打开属性插件
selecAttr: function() {
this.$set(this.attr, 'cartAttr', true);
this.$set(this, 'isOpen', true);
* 打开优惠券插件
couponTap: function() {
let that = this;
if (that.isLogin === false) {
} else {
that.$set(that.coupon, 'coupon', true);
goCustomer: function() {
let that = this;
if (that.isLogin === false) {
} else {
url: `/pages/chat/customer_list/chat?mer_id=${that.storeInfo.mer_id}&uid=${that.uid}&productId=${that.id}`
onMyEvent: function() {
this.$set(this.attr, 'cartAttr', false);
this.$set(this, 'isOpen', false);
* 打开属性加入购物车
joinCart: function(e) {
if (this.isLogin === false) {
} else {
* 加入购物车
goCat: function(news) {
let that = this,
productSelect = that.productValue[this.attrValue];
if (that.attrValue) {
that.attr.cartAttr = !that.isOpen ? true : false;
// if(!that.isOpen)that.attr.cartAttr = true
} else {
if (that.isOpen) that.attr.cartAttr = true;
that.attr.cartAttr = !that.attr.cartAttr;
if (that.attr.cartAttr === true && that.isOpen === false)
return (that.isOpen = true);
that.isOpen = that.attr.cartAttr = true;
if (
that.attr.productAttr.length &&
that.isOpen === true &&
productSelect.stock == 0
return that.$util.Tips({
title: "产品库存不足,请选择其它"
if (that.attr.productSelect.cart_num == 0) {
return that.$util.Tips({
title: '购买个数不能为0'
let q = {
is_new: news === undefined ? 0 : 1,
product_id: that.id,
cart_num: that.attr.productSelect.cart_num,
product_attr_unique: that.attr.productSelect !== undefined ? that.attr.productSelect.unique : "",
source: this.source,
product_type: 0,
spread_id: this.currSpid
.then(function(res) {
that.isOpen = that.attr.cartAttr = false;
let cartId = res.data.cart_id
let arr = (Cache.get(CART_ID)&&JSON.parse(Cache.get(CART_ID))) || []
// let arr = []
Cache.set(CART_ID, Array.from([...new Set(arr)]))
const timestamp = Date.now();
if (news) {
url: '/pages/users/order_confirm/index?cartId=' + cartId
} else {
title: "添加购物车成功",
success: () => {
.catch(res => {
return that.$util.Tips({
title: res
* 获取购物车数量
* @param boolean 是否展示购物车动画和重置属性
getCartCount: function(isAnima) {
let that = this;
const isLogin = that.isLogin;
if (isLogin) {
getCartCounts().then(res => {
that.CartCount = res.data[0].count;
if (isAnima) {
that.animated = true;
setTimeout(function() {
that.animated = false;
}, 500);
* 立即购买
goBuy: function(e) {
if (this.isLogin === false) {
} else {
* 分享打开
listenerActionSheet: function() {
if (this.isLogin === false) {
} else {
// #ifdef H5
if (this.$wechat.isWeixin() === true) {
this.weixinStatus = true;
// #endif
this.posters = true;
// 分享关闭
listenerActionClose: function() {
this.posters = false;
this.currentPage = false;
posterImageClose: function() {
this.posterImageStatus = false
setDomain: function(url) {
url = url ? url.toString() : '';
if (url.indexOf("https://") > -1) return url;
else return url.replace('http://', 'https://');
* 获取产品分销二维码
* @param function successFn 下载完成回调
downloadFilePromotionCode: function(successFn) {
let that = this;
let type;
// #ifndef MP
type = 'wechat'
// #endif
// #ifdef MP
type = 'routine'
// #endif
getProductCode(that.id, {
type: type,
product_type: 0
}).then(async res => {
that.codeImg = res.data.url
that.$set(that, 'isDown', false);
}).catch(err => {
that.$set(that, 'isDown', false);
that.$set(that, 'PromotionCode', '');
// 小程序关闭分享弹窗;
goFriend: function() {
this.posters = false;
this.currentPage = false;
* 生成海报
async goPoster() {
if (this.posterImage) {
this.posterImageStatus = true
this.posters = false
let that = this;
let arr2
that.posters = false;
that.$set(that, 'canvasStatus', true);
title: '海报生成中',
mask: true
// #ifdef MP || APP-PLUS
arr2 = [that.posterbackgd, await that.fileStoreImage(that.storeImage), await that.fileStoreImage(
that.codeImg), await that.fileStoreImage(that.share_pic)];
// #endif
// #ifdef H5
arr2 = [that.posterbackgd, await that.imgToBase(that.storeImage), await that.imgToBase(that.codeImg), await that.imgToBase(that.share_pic)];
// #endif
that.$util.goodsPosterCanvas(arr2, that.storeInfo.store_name, that.storeInfo.price, that.site_name, that.storeInfo.ot_price, function(tempFilePath) {
that.$set(that, 'posterImage', tempFilePath);
that.$set(that, 'posterImageStatus', true);
that.$set(that, 'actionSheetHidden', !that.actionSheetHidden);
that.$set(that, 'canvasStatus', false);
}, (err) => {
that.$set(that, 'canvasStatus', false);
fileStoreImage(url) {
// #ifdef MP || APP-PLUS
let ishttps = url.split('//')[0] == 'https:'
if (!ishttps) {
url = 'https://'+url.split('//')[1]
// #endif
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let that = this;
url: url,
success: function(res) {
fail: function() {
return that.$util.Tips({
title: ''
* 保存到手机相册
// #ifdef MP
savePosterPath: function() {
let that = this;
success(res) {
if (!res.authSetting['scope.writePhotosAlbum']) {
scope: 'scope.writePhotosAlbum',
success() {
filePath: that.posterImage,
success: function(res) {
title: '保存成功',
icon: 'success'
fail: function(res) {
title: '保存失败'
} else {
filePath: that.posterImage,
success: function(res) {
title: '保存成功',
icon: 'success'
fail: function(res) {
title: '保存失败'
// #endif
// #ifdef APP-PLUS
let that = this
filePath: that.posterImage,
success: function(res) {
title: '保存成功',
icon: 'success'
fail: function(res) {
title: '保存失败'
// #endif
//#ifdef H5
ShareInfo() {
let data = this.storeInfo;
let href = location.href;
if (this.$wechat.isWeixin()) {
getUserInfo().then(res => {
href =
href.indexOf("?") === -1 ?
href + "?spid=" + res.data.uid :
href + "&spid=" + res.data.uid;
let configAppMessage = {
desc: data.store_info,
title: data.store_name,
link: href,
imgUrl: data.image
], configAppMessage).then(res => {
}).catch(err => {
async imgToBase(url) {
let res = await imgToBase({
image: url
return res.data.image
let that = this;
id: that.id,
product_type: 0
}).then(async res => {
that.copyUrl = res.data.str;
that.posters = false
that.isCopy = true;
this.isCopy = false
// APP分享
let that = this
title: '加载中',
mask: true
let routes = getCurrentPages(); // 获取当前打开过的页面路由数组
let curRoute = routes[routes.length - 1].$page.fullPath // 获取当前页面路由,也就是最后一个打开的页面路由
provider: "weixin",
scene: scene,
type: 0,
href: `${HTTP_REQUEST_URL}${curRoute}&spid=${that.uid}`,
title: that.storeInfo.store_name,
summary: that.storeInfo.store_info,
imageUrl: that.storeInfo.image,
success: function(res) {
title: '分享成功',
icon: 'success'
that.posters = false;
fail: function(err) {
title: '分享失败',
icon: 'none',
duration: 2000
that.posters = false;
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/* #ifdef MP */
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