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<view :style="viewColor" class="page-container">
<view class='flash-sale'>
<view class="fixed-head">
<view class="sys-head" :style="{height:statusBarHeight}"></view>
<view class="tool-bar">
<!--#ifdef H5-->
<view v-if='!$wechat.isWeixin()' class='iconfont icon-xiangzuo' @tap='goBack'></view>
<user-name-swiper class="name-swiper" :style="'top:'+ (navH/2) +'rpx'" :combinationUserList="combinationUserList"></user-name-swiper>
<view class='head' :style="{ 'background-image': `url(${domain}/static/diy/combination${keyColor}.png)` }">
<view class="sys-head" :style="{height:statusBarHeight}"></view>
<view class="tool-bar"></view>
<view class='header'>
<view class="success_per">
<view class="success_num">{{combinationUserCount}}人已参与拼团</view>
<view class="activity_pic" v-if="combinationUserList.length > 0">
<view v-for="(item,index) in combinationUserList.slice(0,10)" class="picture" :key="index">
<image v-if="index != 9" class="avatar" :src='item.avatar ? item.avatar : "/static/images/f.png"'></image>
<span v-else class="avatar" style="background:#fff;"><text class="iconfont icon-gengduo1"></text></span>
<view class="main_count">
<tabNav class="tabNav" :class="{'fixed':isFixed}" :tabTitle="navTop" @changeTab='changeTab'></tabNav>
<view class='list'>
<block v-for="(item,index) in combinationList" :key='index'>
<view class='item acea-row row-between-wrapper' @tap='goDetails(item)'>
<view class='pictrue'>
<image :src='item.product.image'></image>
<view class='text acea-row row-column-around'>
<view class='name line1'>{{item.product.store_name}}</view>
<view class='booking'>
<text class="count">
<text class="iconfont icon-pintuan"></text>
{{item.buying_count_num}}人团 <text class="line"></text>
已拼{{item.sales ? item.sales : 0}}{{item.product.unit_name}}
<view class="progress">
<view class='combination_price'>
<text class="combination_text">拼团价</text>
<text class="price">¥ <text>{{ item.price }}</text></text>
<view class='order_btn' :style="{ 'background-image': `url(${domain}/static/diy/pink_btn${keyColor}.png)` }">去拼团</view>
<!-- #ifndef H5 -->
<!-- #endif -->
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2024 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
import { getCombinationList, getCombinationUser, getActivitycategory } from '../../../api/activity.js';
import home from '@/components/home/index.vue'
import tabNav from '@/components/combinNav'
import userNameSwiper from '@/components/userNameSwiper/userNameSwiper.vue'
import { getIndexData } from '@/api/api.js';
import { configMap } from "@/utils";
import { HTTP_REQUEST_URL } from '@/config/app';
// #ifndef H5
import passwordPopup from '@/components/passwordPopup';
// #endif
import { mapGetters } from "vuex";
let app = getApp();
export default {
components: {
// #ifndef H5
// #endif
computed: configMap({statusBarHeight:0},mapGetters(['viewColor','keyColor'])),
data() {
return {
navH: '',
topImage: '',
combinationList: [],
combinationUserList: [],
combinationUserCount: 0,
navTop: [{
'cate_name': '精选',
store_category_id: ''
active: 1,
type: 0,
scrollLeft: 0,
interval: 0,
status: 1,
page: 1,
limit: 10,
loading: false,
loadend: false,
pageloading: false,
isFixed: false,
navIndex: 0,
avatar: '../../../static/images/f.png',
headBg: '../static/images/comHead'
* 用户点击右上角分享
// #ifdef MP
onShareAppMessage: function() {
withShareTicket: true,
menus: ['shareAppMessage', 'shareTimeline']
return {
title: '拼团',
path: 'pages/activity/combination/index',
onShareTimeline: function() {
return {
title: '拼团活动',
query: {
key: ''
imageUrl: ''
// #endif
onLoad() {
var pages = getCurrentPages();
title: "拼团列表"
this.navH = app.globalData.navHeight;
methods: {
goBack: function() {
getCombinationProductList: function(store_category_id) {
var that = this;
var data = {
page: that.page,
limit: that.limit,
store_category_id: store_category_id
if (that.pageloading) return;
this.pageloading = true
getCombinationList(data).then(res => {
var combinationList = res.data.list;
that.combinationList = that.combinationList.concat(combinationList);
uni.stopPullDownRefresh(); //结束下拉刷新
that.page = that.page;
that.pageloading = false;
}).catch(err => {
that.pageloading = false
// 首页数据
getIndexConfig: function() {
let that = this;
getActivitycategory(4).then(res => {
that.navTop = that.navTop.concat(res.data)
getCombinationUser: function() {
let that = this;
limit: 30
}).then(res => {
that.$set(that, "combinationUserCount", res.data.count);
that.$set(that, "combinationUserList", res.data.list);
// 导航分类切换
changeTab(e) {
let that = this
if (that.navIndex == e.index) return
that.navIndex = e.index;
that.page = 1;
that.limit = 8;
that.combinationList = [];
goDetails(item) {
url: '/pages/activity/combination_details/index?id=' + item.product_group_id
onPullDownRefresh: function(){
this.page = 1;
this.pageloading = false;
this.loadend = false;
this.combinationList = []
* 页面上拉触底事件的处理函数
onReachBottom: function() {
// 滚动监听
onPageScroll(e) {
// #ifdef H5
let self = this
if (e.scrollTop >= self.searchH) {
self.isFixed = true
} else {
self.isFixed = false
// #endif
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font-size: 28rpx;
.flash-sale .list .item .text .booking {
margin-top: 17rpx;
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margin-bottom: 5rpx;
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