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<view :style="viewColor">
<view class='payment-status'>
<!--失败时 用icon-iconfontguanbi fail替换icon-duihao2 bg-color-->
<view class='iconfont icon-duihao2 icon' v-if ="order_pay_info.paid !=0"></view>
<view class='iconfont icon-iconfontguanbi icon' v-else></view>
<!-- 失败时订单支付失败 -->
<!-- <view v-if="order_type== 20" class='status'>{{order_pay_info.paid == 1 ? '商品兑换成功' : order_pay_info.paid==0 && order_pay_info.pay_type != 'offline' && msg != 'success' ? '支付失败' : '未支付'}}</view> -->
<!-- <view v-else class='status'>{{order_pay_info.paid == 1 ? '支付成功' : order_pay_info.paid==0 && order_pay_info.pay_type != 'offline' && msg != 'success' ? '支付失败' : '未支付'}}</view> -->
<view class="status">{{payResult}}</view>
<view class='wrapper'>
<view v-if="order_type== 20" class='item acea-row row-between-wrapper'>
<view class='itemCom'>{{order_pay_info.group_order_sn}}</view>
<view class='item acea-row row-between-wrapper'>
<view>{{order_type== 20 ? '兑换时间' : '下单时间'}}</view>
<view class='itemCom'>{{order_pay_info.create_time}}</view>
<view v-if="order_type== 20" class='item acea-row row-between-wrapper'>
<view class='itemCom'>积分兑换</view>
<view v-else class='item acea-row row-between-wrapper'>
<view v-if="order_pay_info.pay_type==1 || order_pay_info.pay_type==2 || order_pay_info.pay_type==3" class='itemCom'>微信</view>
<view v-else-if="order_pay_info.pay_type==4 || order_pay_info.pay_type==5" class='itemCom'>支付宝</view>
<view v-else class='itemCom'>余额</view>
<view v-if="order_type== 20" class='item acea-row row-between-wrapper'>
<view class='itemCom'>{{order_pay_info.integral}}</view>
<view class='item acea-row row-between-wrapper'>
<view class='itemCom'>{{order_pay_info.pay_price}}</view>
<view v-if="order_pay_info.give_integral > 0 && order_pay_info.paid" class='item acea-row row-between-wrapper'>
<view class='itemCom t-color'>{{order_pay_info.give_integral}}</view>
<!--失败时加上这个 -->
<view class='item acea-row row-between-wrapper' v-if="order_pay_info.paid==0 && order_pay_info.pay_type != 'offline' && msg != 'success'">
<view class='itemCom'>{{order_pay_info.pay_type==0 ? '余额不足':msg}}</view>
<!--失败时: 重新购买 -->
<view @tap="goOrderDetails">
<button formType="submit" class='returnBnt gColor' hover-class='none'>查看订单</button>
<button @click="goPink(order_pay_info.activity_id)" class='returnBnt s-Color' formType="submit" hover-class='none' v-if="order_pay_info.activity_type == 4 && order_pay_info.paid">邀请好友参团</button>
<button v-if="!order_pay_info.paid || order_pay_info.activity_type != 4" @click="goIndex" class='returnBnt s-Color' formType="submit" hover-class='none'>返回首页</button>
<view class="coupon-wrapper" v-if="couponList.length>0 && order_pay_info.paid">
<view class="hd">
<view class="line"></view>
<view class="txt">赠送优惠券</view>
<view class="line"></view>
<view class="coupon-box" :class="{on:isOpen}">
<block v-for="(item,index) in couponList" :key="index">
<view class="coupon-item flex">
<view class="left-bg" :style="{ 'background-image': `url(${domain}/static/diy/couponBg${keyColor}.png)` }"><text></text>{{item.coupon_price}}</view>
<view class="info">
<view class="title">{{item.title}}</view>
<view class="des">{{item.use_min_price}}元可用</view>
<block v-if="item.coupon_type == 1">
<view class="des">有效期:{{ item.use_start_time |timeYMD }}-{{ item.use_end_time |timeYMD}}</view>
<block v-if="item.coupon_type == 0">
<view class="des">领取后{{ item.coupon_time}}天内可用</view>
<view class="more" v-if="couponList.length>2" @click="bindMore">
{{ text }}
<text v-if="!isOpen" class="iconfont icon-xiangxia"></text>
<text v-else class="iconfont icon-xiangshang"></text>
import {getPayOrder} from '@/api/order.js';
import {openOrderSubscribe} from '@/utils/SubscribeMessage.js';
import {mapGetters} from "vuex";
import { toLogin } from '@/libs/login.js';
import { HTTP_REQUEST_URL } from '@/config/app';
export default {
components: {
filters: {
timeYMD: function (value) {
var newDate=/\d{4}-\d{1,2}-\d{1,2}/g.exec(value)
return newDate[0]
data() {
return {
orderId: '',
order_type: '',
order_pay_info: {},
status: 0,
msg: '',
couponList:[], //优惠券列表
isOpen:false ,//展开
moneyBg: '/static/images/couponBg',
text: '展开更多',
timer: null,
payResult: '正在查询支付结果...'
computed: mapGetters(['isLogin','viewColor','keyColor']),
onLoad: function(options) {
if (!options.order_id) return this.$util.Tips({
title: '缺少参数无法查看订单支付状态'
}, {
tab: 3,
url: 1
this.orderId = options.order_id;
this.order_type = options.order_type;
this.status = options.status || 0;
this.msg = options.msg || '';
if (this.isLogin) {
} else {
onHide: function(){
this.timer = null;
methods: {
this.timer = setInterval(()=>{
// 优惠券展开
this.isOpen = !this.isOpen
this.text = this.text == '展开更多' ? '收起' : '展开更多';
* 支付完成查询支付状态
getOrderPayInfo: function() {
let that = this;
getPayOrder(that.orderId).then(res => {
that.$set(that, 'order_pay_info', res.data);
that.couponList = res.data.give_coupon
if(that.order_type == 20){
that.payResult = res.data.paid == 1 ? '商品兑换成功' : '支付失败'
that.payResult = res.data.paid == 1 ? '支付成功' : '支付失败'
title: res.data.paid == 1 ? '支付成功' : '支付失败'
if(res.data.paid == 1){
this.timer = null;
}).catch(err => {
* 去首页关闭当前所有页面
goIndex: function(e) {
url: '/pages/index/index'
// 去参团页面;
goPink: function(id) {
url: '/pages/activity/combination_status/index?id=' + id
* 去订单详情页面
goOrderDetails: function(e) {
let that = this;
if(that.order_type == 20){
url: '/pages/points_mall/exchange_record?delte=1'
if (that.order_pay_info.paid == 0) {
url: '/pages/users/order_list/index'
} else if(that.order_pay_info&&that.order_pay_info.orderList[0]['is_virtual'] == 2){
url: '/pages/users/order_list/index?status=3'
}else {
url: '/pages/users/order_list/index?status=1'
destroyed() {
this.timer = null;
deactivated() {
this.timer = null;
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