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2024-06-24 11:28:18 +08:00
"use strict";
var _interopRequireDefault = require("@babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireDefault");
exports.__esModule = true;
exports.default = SchemaType;
var _extends2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("@babel/runtime/helpers/extends"));
var _has = _interopRequireDefault(require("lodash/has"));
var _cloneDeepWith = _interopRequireDefault(require("lodash/cloneDeepWith"));
var _toArray2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("lodash/toArray"));
var _locale = require("./locale");
var _Condition = _interopRequireDefault(require("./Condition"));
var _runValidations = _interopRequireDefault(require("./util/runValidations"));
var _merge = _interopRequireDefault(require("./util/merge"));
var _isSchema = _interopRequireDefault(require("./util/isSchema"));
var _isAbsent = _interopRequireDefault(require("./util/isAbsent"));
var _createValidation = _interopRequireDefault(require("./util/createValidation"));
var _printValue = _interopRequireDefault(require("./util/printValue"));
var _Reference = _interopRequireDefault(require("./Reference"));
var _reach = require("./util/reach");
var notEmpty = function notEmpty(value) {
return !(0, _isAbsent.default)(value);
var RefSet =
function () {
function RefSet() {
this.list = new Set();
this.refs = new Map();
var _proto = RefSet.prototype;
_proto.toArray = function toArray() {
return (0, _toArray2.default)(this.list).concat((0, _toArray2.default)(this.refs.values()));
_proto.add = function add(value) {
_Reference.default.isRef(value) ? this.refs.set(value.key, value) : this.list.add(value);
_proto.delete = function _delete(value) {
_Reference.default.isRef(value) ? this.refs.delete(value.key, value) : this.list.delete(value);
_proto.has = function has(value, resolve) {
if (this.list.has(value)) return true;
var item,
values = this.refs.values();
while (item =, !item.done) {
if (resolve(item.value) === value) return true;
return false;
return RefSet;
function SchemaType(options) {
var _this = this;
if (options === void 0) {
options = {};
if (!(this instanceof SchemaType)) return new SchemaType();
this._deps = [];
this._conditions = [];
this._options = {
abortEarly: true,
recursive: true
this._exclusive = Object.create(null);
this._whitelist = new RefSet();
this._blacklist = new RefSet();
this.tests = [];
this.transforms = [];
this.withMutation(function () {
if ((0, _has.default)(options, 'default')) this._defaultDefault = options.default;
this._type = options.type || 'mixed';
var proto = SchemaType.prototype = {
__isYupSchema__: true,
constructor: SchemaType,
clone: function clone() {
var _this2 = this;
if (this._mutate) return this; // if the nested value is a schema we can skip cloning, since
// they are already immutable
return (0, _cloneDeepWith.default)(this, function (value) {
if ((0, _isSchema.default)(value) && value !== _this2) return value;
label: function label(_label) {
var next = this.clone();
next._label = _label;
return next;
meta: function meta(obj) {
if (arguments.length === 0) return this._meta;
var next = this.clone();
next._meta = (0, _extends2.default)(next._meta || {}, obj);
return next;
withMutation: function withMutation(fn) {
this._mutate = true;
var result = fn(this);
this._mutate = false;
return result;
concat: function concat(schema) {
if (!schema) return this;
if (schema._type !== this._type && this._type !== 'mixed') throw new TypeError("You cannot `concat()` schema's of different types: " + this._type + " and " + schema._type);
var cloned = this.clone();
var next = (0, _merge.default)(this.clone(), schema.clone()); // undefined isn't merged over, but is a valid value for default
if ((0, _has.default)(schema, '_default')) next._default = schema._default;
next.tests = cloned.tests;
next._exclusive = cloned._exclusive; // manually add the new tests to ensure
// the deduping logic is consistent
schema.tests.forEach(function (fn) {
next = next.test(fn.OPTIONS);
next._type = schema._type;
return next;
isType: function isType(v) {
if (this._nullable && v === null) return true;
return !this._typeCheck || this._typeCheck(v);
resolve: function resolve(_ref) {
var context = _ref.context,
parent = _ref.parent;
if (this._conditions.length) {
return this._conditions.reduce(function (schema, match) {
return match.resolve(schema, match.getValue(parent, context));
}, this);
return this;
cast: function cast(value, options) {
if (options === void 0) {
options = {};
var resolvedSchema = this.resolve(options);
var result = resolvedSchema._cast(value, options);
if (value !== undefined && options.assert !== false && resolvedSchema.isType(result) !== true) {
var formattedValue = (0, _printValue.default)(value);
var formattedResult = (0, _printValue.default)(result);
throw new TypeError("The value of " + (options.path || 'field') + " could not be cast to a value " + ("that satisfies the schema type: \"" + resolvedSchema._type + "\". \n\n") + ("attempted value: " + formattedValue + " \n") + (formattedResult !== formattedValue ? "result of cast: " + formattedResult : ''));
return result;
_cast: function _cast(rawValue) {
var _this3 = this;
var value = rawValue === undefined ? rawValue : this.transforms.reduce(function (value, fn) {
return, value, rawValue);
}, rawValue);
if (value === undefined && (0, _has.default)(this, '_default')) {
value = this.default();
return value;
_validate: function _validate(_value, options) {
var _this4 = this;
if (options === void 0) {
options = {};
var value = _value;
var originalValue = options.originalValue != null ? options.originalValue : _value;
var isStrict = this._option('strict', options);
var endEarly = this._option('abortEarly', options);
var sync = options.sync;
var path = options.path;
var label = this._label;
if (!isStrict) {
value = this._cast(value, (0, _extends2.default)({
assert: false
}, options));
} // value is cast, we can check if it meets type requirements
var validationParams = {
value: value,
path: path,
schema: this,
options: options,
label: label,
originalValue: originalValue,
sync: sync
var initialTests = [];
if (this._typeError) initialTests.push(this._typeError(validationParams));
if (this._whitelistError) initialTests.push(this._whitelistError(validationParams));
if (this._blacklistError) initialTests.push(this._blacklistError(validationParams));
return (0, _runValidations.default)({
validations: initialTests,
endEarly: endEarly,
value: value,
path: path,
sync: sync
}).then(function (value) {
return (0, _runValidations.default)({
path: path,
sync: sync,
value: value,
endEarly: endEarly,
validations: (fn) {
return fn(validationParams);
validate: function validate(value, options) {
if (options === void 0) {
options = {};
var schema = this.resolve(options);
return schema._validate(value, options);
validateSync: function validateSync(value, options) {
if (options === void 0) {
options = {};
var schema = this.resolve(options);
var result, err;
schema._validate(value, (0, _extends2.default)({}, options, {
sync: true
})).then(function (r) {
return result = r;
}).catch(function (e) {
return err = e;
if (err) throw err;
return result;
isValid: function isValid(value, options) {
return this.validate(value, options).then(function () {
return true;
}).catch(function (err) {
if ( === 'ValidationError') return false;
throw err;
isValidSync: function isValidSync(value, options) {
try {
this.validateSync(value, (0, _extends2.default)({}, options));
return true;
} catch (err) {
if ( === 'ValidationError') return false;
throw err;
getDefault: function getDefault(options) {
if (options === void 0) {
options = {};
var schema = this.resolve(options);
return schema.default();
default: function _default(def) {
if (arguments.length === 0) {
var defaultValue = (0, _has.default)(this, '_default') ? this._default : this._defaultDefault;
return typeof defaultValue === 'function' ? : (0, _cloneDeepWith.default)(defaultValue);
var next = this.clone();
next._default = def;
return next;
strict: function strict() {
var next = this.clone();
next._options.strict = true;
return next;
required: function required(message) {
if (message === void 0) {
message = _locale.mixed.required;
return this.test({
message: message,
name: 'required',
test: notEmpty
notRequired: function notRequired() {
var next = this.clone();
next.tests = next.tests.filter(function (test) {
return !== 'required';
return next;
nullable: function nullable(value) {
var next = this.clone();
next._nullable = value === false ? false : true;
return next;
transform: function transform(fn) {
var next = this.clone();
return next;
* Adds a test function to the schema's queue of tests.
* tests can be exclusive or non-exclusive.
* - exclusive tests, will replace any existing tests of the same name.
* - non-exclusive: can be stacked
* If a non-exclusive test is added to a schema with an exclusive test of the same name
* the exclusive test is removed and further tests of the same name will be stacked.
* If an exclusive test is added to a schema with non-exclusive tests of the same name
* the previous tests are removed and further tests of the same name will replace each other.
test: function test() {
for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
args[_key] = arguments[_key];
var opts = args[0];
if (args.length > 1) {
var name = args[0],
message = args[1],
test = args[2];
if (test == null) {
test = message;
message = _locale.mixed.default;
opts = {
name: name,
test: test,
message: message,
exclusive: false
if (typeof opts.test !== 'function') throw new TypeError('`test` is a required parameters');
var next = this.clone();
var validate = (0, _createValidation.default)(opts);
var isExclusive = opts.exclusive || && next._exclusive[] === true;
if (opts.exclusive && ! {
throw new TypeError('Exclusive tests must provide a unique `name` identifying the test');
next._exclusive[] = !!opts.exclusive;
next.tests = next.tests.filter(function (fn) {
if ( === {
if (isExclusive) return false;
if (fn.OPTIONS.test === validate.OPTIONS.test) return false;
return true;
return next;
when: function when(keys, options) {
var next = this.clone(),
deps = [].concat(keys).map(function (key) {
return new _Reference.default(key);
deps.forEach(function (dep) {
if (!dep.isContext) next._deps.push(dep.key);
next._conditions.push(new _Condition.default(deps, options));
return next;
typeError: function typeError(message) {
var next = this.clone();
next._typeError = (0, _createValidation.default)({
message: message,
name: 'typeError',
test: function test(value) {
if (value !== undefined && !this.schema.isType(value)) return this.createError({
params: {
type: this.schema._type
return true;
return next;
oneOf: function oneOf(enums, message) {
if (message === void 0) {
message = _locale.mixed.oneOf;
var next = this.clone();
enums.forEach(function (val) {
next._whitelistError = (0, _createValidation.default)({
message: message,
name: 'oneOf',
test: function test(value) {
if (value === undefined) return true;
var valids = this.schema._whitelist;
return valids.has(value, this.resolve) ? true : this.createError({
params: {
values: valids.toArray().join(', ')
return next;
notOneOf: function notOneOf(enums, message) {
if (message === void 0) {
message = _locale.mixed.notOneOf;
var next = this.clone();
enums.forEach(function (val) {
next._blacklistError = (0, _createValidation.default)({
message: message,
name: 'notOneOf',
test: function test(value) {
var invalids = this.schema._blacklist;
if (invalids.has(value, this.resolve)) return this.createError({
params: {
values: invalids.toArray().join(', ')
return true;
return next;
strip: function strip(_strip) {
if (_strip === void 0) {
_strip = true;
var next = this.clone();
next._strip = _strip;
return next;
_option: function _option(key, overrides) {
return (0, _has.default)(overrides, key) ? overrides[key] : this._options[key];
describe: function describe() {
var next = this.clone();
return {
type: next._type,
meta: next._meta,
label: next._label,
tests: (fn) {
return {
params: fn.OPTIONS.params
}).filter(function (n, idx, list) {
return list.findIndex(function (c) {
return ===;
}) === idx;
var _arr = ['validate', 'validateSync'];
var _loop = function _loop() {
var method = _arr[_i];
proto[method + "At"] = function (path, value, options) {
if (options === void 0) {
options = {};
var _getIn = (0, _reach.getIn)(this, path, value, options.context),
parent = _getIn.parent,
parentPath = _getIn.parentPath,
schema = _getIn.schema;
return schema[method](parent && parent[parentPath], (0, _extends2.default)({}, options, {
parent: parent,
path: path
for (var _i = 0; _i < _arr.length; _i++) {
var _arr2 = ['equals', 'is'];
for (var _i2 = 0; _i2 < _arr2.length; _i2++) {
var alias = _arr2[_i2];
proto[alias] = proto.oneOf;
var _arr3 = ['not', 'nope'];
for (var _i3 = 0; _i3 < _arr3.length; _i3++) {
var _alias = _arr3[_i3];
proto[_alias] = proto.notOneOf;
module.exports = exports["default"];