{"status":200,"message":"\u6210\u529f","data":{"sellerOrderResultDOS":[],"showVerify":false,"page":{"currentPage":2,"pageSize":10,"totalCount":0,"noMore":false},"canVerify":false,"canBatchDelivery":false,"canAsyncExportOrder":true},"success":true,"traceId":"EL2AgICAsoKsChjdAyDS_sLB8TEowpfGgQ8="} ALTER TABLE `travel`.`orders` MODIFY COLUMN `appointment_status` tinyint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '是否已预约(0-未预约,1-已预约未处理,2-已预约已处理)' AFTER `next_remind_time`; ALTER TABLE `admins` ADD COLUMN `type` tinyint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '类型(0-管理员,1-客服,2-主播,3-中控)' AFTER `route_type`; ALTER TABLE `orders` ADD COLUMN `live_room_works` int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '排班表id' AFTER `appointment_status`; 2024/10/13 ALTER TABLE `orders` ADD COLUMN `is_refunded` tinyint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '是否已退款(0-否,1-是)' AFTER `update_time`; update `orders` set is_refunded = 1 WHERE `os` IN ( '1', '7' ) and order_status = 5; update `orders` set is_refunded = 1 WHERE (`os` IN ( '3', '5' ) and order_status = 4) ALTER TABLE `orders` ADD COLUMN `verification_date` datetime NULL COMMENT '核销日期'; ALTER TABLE `follows` ADD INDEX `idx_order_id`(`order_id`) USING HASH; update orders set verification_date =( SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME(create_time) FROM `follows` where status = 2 and order_id = orders.id limit 1)