# @vue/compiler-sfc > Lower level utilities for compiling Vue Single File Components **Note: as of 3.2.13+, this package is included as a dependency of the main `vue` package and can be accessed as `vue/compiler-sfc`. This means you no longer need to explicitly install this package and ensure its version match that of `vue`'s. Just use the main `vue/compiler-sfc` deep import instead.** This package contains lower level utilities that you can use if you are writing a plugin / transform for a bundler or module system that compiles Vue Single File Components (SFCs) into JavaScript. It is used in [vue-loader](https://github.com/vuejs/vue-loader) and [@vitejs/plugin-vue](https://github.com/vitejs/vite-plugin-vue/tree/main/packages/plugin-vue). ## API The API is intentionally low-level due to the various considerations when integrating Vue SFCs in a build system: - Separate hot-module replacement (HMR) for script, template and styles - template updates should not reset component state - style updates should be performed without component re-render - Leveraging the tool's plugin system for pre-processor handling. e.g. `