/** * json-schema-draft-02 Environment * * @fileOverview Implementation of the second revision of the JSON Schema specification draft. * @author Gary Court * @version 1.7.1 * @see http://github.com/garycourt/JSV */ /* * Copyright 2010 Gary Court. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are * permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of * conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY GARY COURT ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL GARY COURT OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those of the * authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies, either expressed * or implied, of Gary Court or the JSON Schema specification. */ /*jslint white: true, sub: true, onevar: true, undef: true, eqeqeq: true, newcap: true, immed: true, indent: 4 */ /*global require */ (function () { var O = {}, JSV = require('./jsv').JSV, ENVIRONMENT, TYPE_VALIDATORS, SCHEMA, HYPERSCHEMA, LINKS; TYPE_VALIDATORS = { "string" : function (instance, report) { return instance.getType() === "string"; }, "number" : function (instance, report) { return instance.getType() === "number"; }, "integer" : function (instance, report) { return instance.getType() === "number" && instance.getValue() % 1 === 0; }, "boolean" : function (instance, report) { return instance.getType() === "boolean"; }, "object" : function (instance, report) { return instance.getType() === "object"; }, "array" : function (instance, report) { return instance.getType() === "array"; }, "null" : function (instance, report) { return instance.getType() === "null"; }, "any" : function (instance, report) { return true; } }; ENVIRONMENT = new JSV.Environment(); ENVIRONMENT.setOption("defaultFragmentDelimiter", "/"); ENVIRONMENT.setOption("defaultSchemaURI", "http://json-schema.org/schema#"); //updated later SCHEMA = ENVIRONMENT.createSchema({ "$schema" : "http://json-schema.org/hyper-schema#", "id" : "http://json-schema.org/schema#", "type" : "object", "properties" : { "type" : { "type" : ["string", "array"], "items" : { "type" : ["string", {"$ref" : "#"}] }, "optional" : true, "uniqueItems" : true, "default" : "any", "parser" : function (instance, self) { var parser; if (instance.getType() === "string") { return instance.getValue(); } else if (instance.getType() === "object") { return instance.getEnvironment().createSchema( instance, self.getEnvironment().findSchema(self.resolveURI("#")) ); } else if (instance.getType() === "array") { parser = self.getValueOfProperty("parser"); return JSV.mapArray(instance.getProperties(), function (prop) { return parser(prop, self); }); } //else return "any"; }, "validator" : function (instance, schema, self, report, parent, parentSchema, name) { var requiredTypes = JSV.toArray(schema.getAttribute("type")), x, xl, type, subreport, typeValidators; //for instances that are required to be a certain type if (instance.getType() !== "undefined" && requiredTypes && requiredTypes.length) { typeValidators = self.getValueOfProperty("typeValidators") || {}; //ensure that type matches for at least one of the required types for (x = 0, xl = requiredTypes.length; x < xl; ++x) { type = requiredTypes[x]; if (JSV.isJSONSchema(type)) { subreport = JSV.createObject(report); subreport.errors = []; subreport.validated = JSV.clone(report.validated); if (type.validate(instance, subreport, parent, parentSchema, name).errors.length === 0) { return true; //instance matches this schema } } else { if (typeValidators[type] !== O[type] && typeof typeValidators[type] === "function") { if (typeValidators[type](instance, report)) { return true; //type is valid } } else { return true; //unknown types are assumed valid } } } //if we get to this point, type is invalid report.addError(instance, schema, "type", "Instance is not a required type", requiredTypes); return false; } //else, anything is allowed if no type is specified return true; }, "typeValidators" : TYPE_VALIDATORS }, "properties" : { "type" : "object", "additionalProperties" : {"$ref" : "#"}, "optional" : true, "default" : {}, "parser" : function (instance, self, arg) { var env = instance.getEnvironment(), selfEnv = self.getEnvironment(); if (instance.getType() === "object") { if (arg) { return env.createSchema(instance.getProperty(arg), selfEnv.findSchema(self.resolveURI("#"))); } else { return JSV.mapObject(instance.getProperties(), function (instance) { return env.createSchema(instance, selfEnv.findSchema(self.resolveURI("#"))); }); } } //else return {}; }, "validator" : function (instance, schema, self, report, parent, parentSchema, name) { var propertySchemas, key; //this attribute is for object type instances only if (instance.getType() === "object") { //for each property defined in the schema propertySchemas = schema.getAttribute("properties"); for (key in propertySchemas) { if (propertySchemas[key] !== O[key] && propertySchemas[key]) { //ensure that instance property is valid propertySchemas[key].validate(instance.getProperty(key), report, instance, schema, key); } } } } }, "items" : { "type" : [{"$ref" : "#"}, "array"], "items" : {"$ref" : "#"}, "optional" : true, "default" : {}, "parser" : function (instance, self) { if (instance.getType() === "object") { return instance.getEnvironment().createSchema(instance, self.getEnvironment().findSchema(self.resolveURI("#"))); } else if (instance.getType() === "array") { return JSV.mapArray(instance.getProperties(), function (instance) { return instance.getEnvironment().createSchema(instance, self.getEnvironment().findSchema(self.resolveURI("#"))); }); } //else return instance.getEnvironment().createEmptySchema(); }, "validator" : function (instance, schema, self, report, parent, parentSchema, name) { var properties, items, x, xl, itemSchema, additionalProperties; if (instance.getType() === "array") { properties = instance.getProperties(); items = schema.getAttribute("items"); additionalProperties = schema.getAttribute("additionalProperties"); if (JSV.typeOf(items) === "array") { for (x = 0, xl = properties.length; x < xl; ++x) { itemSchema = items[x] || additionalProperties; if (itemSchema !== false) { itemSchema.validate(properties[x], report, instance, schema, x); } else { report.addError(instance, schema, "additionalProperties", "Additional items are not allowed", itemSchema); } } } else { itemSchema = items || additionalProperties; for (x = 0, xl = properties.length; x < xl; ++x) { itemSchema.validate(properties[x], report, instance, schema, x); } } } } }, "optional" : { "type" : "boolean", "optional" : true, "default" : false, "parser" : function (instance, self) { return !!instance.getValue(); }, "validator" : function (instance, schema, self, report, parent, parentSchema, name) { if (instance.getType() === "undefined" && !schema.getAttribute("optional")) { report.addError(instance, schema, "optional", "Property is required", false); } }, "validationRequired" : true }, "additionalProperties" : { "type" : [{"$ref" : "#"}, "boolean"], "optional" : true, "default" : {}, "parser" : function (instance, self) { if (instance.getType() === "object") { return instance.getEnvironment().createSchema(instance, self.getEnvironment().findSchema(self.resolveURI("#"))); } else if (instance.getType() === "boolean" && instance.getValue() === false) { return false; } //else return instance.getEnvironment().createEmptySchema(); }, "validator" : function (instance, schema, self, report, parent, parentSchema, name) { var additionalProperties, propertySchemas, properties, key; //we only need to check against object types as arrays do their own checking on this property if (instance.getType() === "object") { additionalProperties = schema.getAttribute("additionalProperties"); propertySchemas = schema.getAttribute("properties") || {}; properties = instance.getProperties(); for (key in properties) { if (properties[key] !== O[key] && properties[key] && !propertySchemas[key]) { if (JSV.isJSONSchema(additionalProperties)) { additionalProperties.validate(properties[key], report, instance, schema, key); } else if (additionalProperties === false) { report.addError(instance, schema, "additionalProperties", "Additional properties are not allowed", additionalProperties); } } } } } }, "requires" : { "type" : ["string", {"$ref" : "#"}], "optional" : true, "parser" : function (instance, self) { if (instance.getType() === "string") { return instance.getValue(); } else if (instance.getType() === "object") { return instance.getEnvironment().createSchema(instance, self.getEnvironment().findSchema(self.resolveURI("#"))); } }, "validator" : function (instance, schema, self, report, parent, parentSchema, name) { var requires; if (instance.getType() !== "undefined" && parent && parent.getType() !== "undefined") { requires = schema.getAttribute("requires"); if (typeof requires === "string") { if (parent.getProperty(requires).getType() === "undefined") { report.addError(instance, schema, "requires", 'Property requires sibling property "' + requires + '"', requires); } } else if (JSV.isJSONSchema(requires)) { requires.validate(parent, report); //WATCH: A "requires" schema does not support the "requires" attribute } } } }, "minimum" : { "type" : "number", "optional" : true, "parser" : function (instance, self) { if (instance.getType() === "number") { return instance.getValue(); } }, "validator" : function (instance, schema, self, report, parent, parentSchema, name) { var minimum, minimumCanEqual; if (instance.getType() === "number") { minimum = schema.getAttribute("minimum"); minimumCanEqual = schema.getAttribute("minimumCanEqual"); if (typeof minimum === "number" && (instance.getValue() < minimum || (minimumCanEqual === false && instance.getValue() === minimum))) { report.addError(instance, schema, "minimum", "Number is less than the required minimum value", minimum); } } } }, "maximum" : { "type" : "number", "optional" : true, "parser" : function (instance, self) { if (instance.getType() === "number") { return instance.getValue(); } }, "validator" : function (instance, schema, self, report, parent, parentSchema, name) { var maximum, maximumCanEqual; if (instance.getType() === "number") { maximum = schema.getAttribute("maximum"); maximumCanEqual = schema.getAttribute("maximumCanEqual"); if (typeof maximum === "number" && (instance.getValue() > maximum || (maximumCanEqual === false && instance.getValue() === maximum))) { report.addError(instance, schema, "maximum", "Number is greater than the required maximum value", maximum); } } } }, "minimumCanEqual" : { "type" : "boolean", "optional" : true, "requires" : "minimum", "default" : true, "parser" : function (instance, self) { if (instance.getType() === "boolean") { return instance.getValue(); } //else return true; } }, "maximumCanEqual" : { "type" : "boolean", "optional" : true, "requires" : "maximum", "default" : true, "parser" : function (instance, self) { if (instance.getType() === "boolean") { return instance.getValue(); } //else return true; } }, "minItems" : { "type" : "integer", "optional" : true, "minimum" : 0, "default" : 0, "parser" : function (instance, self) { if (instance.getType() === "number") { return instance.getValue(); } //else return 0; }, "validator" : function (instance, schema, self, report, parent, parentSchema, name) { var minItems; if (instance.getType() === "array") { minItems = schema.getAttribute("minItems"); if (typeof minItems === "number" && instance.getProperties().length < minItems) { report.addError(instance, schema, "minItems", "The number of items is less than the required minimum", minItems); } } } }, "maxItems" : { "type" : "integer", "optional" : true, "minimum" : 0, "parser" : function (instance, self) { if (instance.getType() === "number") { return instance.getValue(); } }, "validator" : function (instance, schema, self, report, parent, parentSchema, name) { var maxItems; if (instance.getType() === "array") { maxItems = schema.getAttribute("maxItems"); if (typeof maxItems === "number" && instance.getProperties().length > maxItems) { report.addError(instance, schema, "maxItems", "The number of items is greater than the required maximum", maxItems); } } } }, "uniqueItems" : { "type" : "boolean", "optional" : true, "default" : false, "parser" : function (instance, self) { return !!instance.getValue(); }, "validator" : function (instance, schema, self, report, parent, parentSchema, name) { var value, x, xl, y, yl; if (instance.getType() === "array" && schema.getAttribute("uniqueItems")) { value = instance.getProperties(); for (x = 0, xl = value.length - 1; x < xl; ++x) { for (y = x + 1, yl = value.length; y < yl; ++y) { if (value[x].equals(value[y])) { report.addError(instance, schema, "uniqueItems", "Array can only contain unique items", { x : x, y : y }); } } } } } }, "pattern" : { "type" : "string", "optional" : true, "format" : "regex", "parser" : function (instance, self) { if (instance.getType() === "string") { return instance.getValue(); } }, "validator" : function (instance, schema, self, report, parent, parentSchema, name) { var pattern; try { pattern = new RegExp(schema.getAttribute("pattern")); if (instance.getType() === "string" && pattern && !pattern.test(instance.getValue())) { report.addError(instance, schema, "pattern", "String does not match pattern", pattern.toString()); } } catch (e) { report.addError(instance, schema, "pattern", "Invalid pattern", e); } } }, "minLength" : { "type" : "integer", "optional" : true, "minimum" : 0, "default" : 0, "parser" : function (instance, self) { if (instance.getType() === "number") { return instance.getValue(); } //else return 0; }, "validator" : function (instance, schema, self, report, parent, parentSchema, name) { var minLength; if (instance.getType() === "string") { minLength = schema.getAttribute("minLength"); if (typeof minLength === "number" && instance.getValue().length < minLength) { report.addError(instance, schema, "minLength", "String is less than the required minimum length", minLength); } } } }, "maxLength" : { "type" : "integer", "optional" : true, "parser" : function (instance, self) { if (instance.getType() === "number") { return instance.getValue(); } }, "validator" : function (instance, schema, self, report, parent, parentSchema, name) { var maxLength; if (instance.getType() === "string") { maxLength = schema.getAttribute("maxLength"); if (typeof maxLength === "number" && instance.getValue().length > maxLength) { report.addError(instance, schema, "maxLength", "String is greater than the required maximum length", maxLength); } } } }, "enum" : { "type" : "array", "optional" : true, "minItems" : 1, "uniqueItems" : true, "parser" : function (instance, self) { if (instance.getType() === "array") { return instance.getValue(); } }, "validator" : function (instance, schema, self, report, parent, parentSchema, name) { var enums, x, xl; if (instance.getType() !== "undefined") { enums = schema.getAttribute("enum"); if (enums) { for (x = 0, xl = enums.length; x < xl; ++x) { if (instance.equals(enums[x])) { return true; } } report.addError(instance, schema, "enum", "Instance is not one of the possible values", enums); } } } }, "title" : { "type" : "string", "optional" : true }, "description" : { "type" : "string", "optional" : true }, "format" : { "type" : "string", "optional" : true, "parser" : function (instance, self) { if (instance.getType() === "string") { return instance.getValue(); } }, "validator" : function (instance, schema, self, report, parent, parentSchema, name) { var format, formatValidators; if (instance.getType() === "string") { format = schema.getAttribute("format"); formatValidators = self.getValueOfProperty("formatValidators"); if (typeof format === "string" && formatValidators[format] !== O[format] && typeof formatValidators[format] === "function" && !formatValidators[format].call(this, instance, report)) { report.addError(instance, schema, "format", "String is not in the required format", format); } } }, "formatValidators" : {} }, "contentEncoding" : { "type" : "string", "optional" : true }, "default" : { "type" : "any", "optional" : true }, "divisibleBy" : { "type" : "number", "minimum" : 0, "minimumCanEqual" : false, "optional" : true, "parser" : function (instance, self) { if (instance.getType() === "number") { return instance.getValue(); } }, "validator" : function (instance, schema, self, report, parent, parentSchema, name) { var divisor; if (instance.getType() === "number") { divisor = schema.getAttribute("divisibleBy"); if (divisor === 0) { report.addError(instance, schema, "divisibleBy", "Nothing is divisible by 0", divisor); } else if (divisor !== 1 && ((instance.getValue() / divisor) % 1) !== 0) { report.addError(instance, schema, "divisibleBy", "Number is not divisible by " + divisor, divisor); } } } }, "disallow" : { "type" : ["string", "array"], "items" : {"type" : "string"}, "optional" : true, "uniqueItems" : true, "parser" : function (instance, self) { if (instance.getType() === "string" || instance.getType() === "array") { return instance.getValue(); } }, "validator" : function (instance, schema, self, report, parent, parentSchema, name) { var disallowedTypes = JSV.toArray(schema.getAttribute("disallow")), x, xl, key, typeValidators; //for instances that are required to be a certain type if (instance.getType() !== "undefined" && disallowedTypes && disallowedTypes.length) { typeValidators = self.getValueOfProperty("typeValidators") || {}; //ensure that type matches for at least one of the required types for (x = 0, xl = disallowedTypes.length; x < xl; ++x) { key = disallowedTypes[x]; if (typeValidators[key] !== O[key] && typeof typeValidators[key] === "function") { if (typeValidators[key](instance, report)) { report.addError(instance, schema, "disallow", "Instance is a disallowed type", disallowedTypes); return false; } } /* else { report.addError(instance, schema, "disallow", "Instance may be a disallowed type", disallowedTypes); return false; } */ } //if we get to this point, type is valid return true; } //else, everything is allowed if no disallowed types are specified return true; }, "typeValidators" : TYPE_VALIDATORS }, "extends" : { "type" : [{"$ref" : "#"}, "array"], "items" : {"$ref" : "#"}, "optional" : true, "default" : {}, "parser" : function (instance, self) { if (instance.getType() === "object") { return instance.getEnvironment().createSchema(instance, self.getEnvironment().findSchema(self.resolveURI("#"))); } else if (instance.getType() === "array") { return JSV.mapArray(instance.getProperties(), function (instance) { return instance.getEnvironment().createSchema(instance, self.getEnvironment().findSchema(self.resolveURI("#"))); }); } }, "validator" : function (instance, schema, self, report, parent, parentSchema, name) { var extensions = schema.getAttribute("extends"), x, xl; if (extensions) { if (JSV.isJSONSchema(extensions)) { extensions.validate(instance, report, parent, parentSchema, name); } else if (JSV.typeOf(extensions) === "array") { for (x = 0, xl = extensions.length; x < xl; ++x) { extensions[x].validate(instance, report, parent, parentSchema, name); } } } } } }, "optional" : true, "default" : {}, "fragmentResolution" : "slash-delimited", "parser" : function (instance, self) { if (instance.getType() === "object") { return instance.getEnvironment().createSchema(instance, self); } }, "validator" : function (instance, schema, self, report, parent, parentSchema, name) { var propNames = schema.getPropertyNames(), x, xl, attributeSchemas = self.getAttribute("properties"), validator; for (x in attributeSchemas) { if (attributeSchemas[x] !== O[x] && attributeSchemas[x].getValueOfProperty("validationRequired")) { JSV.pushUnique(propNames, x); } } for (x = 0, xl = propNames.length; x < xl; ++x) { if (attributeSchemas[propNames[x]] !== O[propNames[x]]) { validator = attributeSchemas[propNames[x]].getValueOfProperty("validator"); if (typeof validator === "function") { validator(instance, schema, attributeSchemas[propNames[x]], report, parent, parentSchema, name); } } } }, "initializer" : function (instance) { var link, extension, extended; //if there is a link to a different schema, set reference link = instance._schema.getLink("describedby", instance); if (link && instance._schema._uri !== link) { instance.setReference("describedby", link); } //if instance has a URI link to itself, update it's own URI link = instance._schema.getLink("self", instance); if (JSV.typeOf(link) === "string") { instance._uri = JSV.formatURI(link); } //if there is a link to the full representation, set reference link = instance._schema.getLink("full", instance); if (link && instance._uri !== link) { instance.setReference("full", link); } //extend schema extension = instance.getAttribute("extends"); if (JSV.isJSONSchema(extension)) { extended = JSV.inherits(extension, instance, true); instance = instance._env.createSchema(extended, instance._schema, instance._uri); } return instance; } }, true, "http://json-schema.org/schema#"); HYPERSCHEMA = ENVIRONMENT.createSchema(JSV.inherits(SCHEMA, ENVIRONMENT.createSchema({ "$schema" : "http://json-schema.org/hyper-schema#", "id" : "http://json-schema.org/hyper-schema#", "properties" : { "links" : { "type" : "array", "items" : {"$ref" : "links#"}, "optional" : true, "parser" : function (instance, self, arg) { var links, linkSchemaURI = self.getValueOfProperty("items")["$ref"], linkSchema = self.getEnvironment().findSchema(linkSchemaURI), linkParser = linkSchema && linkSchema.getValueOfProperty("parser"); arg = JSV.toArray(arg); if (typeof linkParser === "function") { links = JSV.mapArray(instance.getProperties(), function (link) { return linkParser(link, linkSchema); }); } else { links = JSV.toArray(instance.getValue()); } if (arg[0]) { links = JSV.filterArray(links, function (link) { return link["rel"] === arg[0]; }); } if (arg[1]) { links = JSV.mapArray(links, function (link) { var instance = arg[1], href = link["href"]; href = href.replace(/\{(.+)\}/g, function (str, p1, offset, s) { var value; if (p1 === "-this") { value = instance.getValue(); } else { value = instance.getValueOfProperty(p1); } return value !== undefined ? String(value) : ""; }); return href ? JSV.formatURI(instance.resolveURI(href)) : href; }); } return links; } }, "fragmentResolution" : { "type" : "string", "optional" : true, "default" : "slash-delimited" }, "root" : { "type" : "boolean", "optional" : true, "default" : false }, "readonly" : { "type" : "boolean", "optional" : true, "default" : false }, "pathStart" : { "type" : "string", "optional" : true, "format" : "uri", "validator" : function (instance, schema, self, report, parent, parentSchema, name) { var pathStart; if (instance.getType() !== "undefined") { pathStart = schema.getAttribute("pathStart"); if (typeof pathStart === "string") { //TODO: Find out what pathStart is relative to if (instance.getURI().indexOf(pathStart) !== 0) { report.addError(instance, schema, "pathStart", "Instance's URI does not start with " + pathStart, pathStart); } } } } }, "mediaType" : { "type" : "string", "optional" : true, "format" : "media-type" }, "alternate" : { "type" : "array", "items" : {"$ref" : "#"}, "optional" : true } }, "links" : [ { "href" : "{$ref}", "rel" : "full" }, { "href" : "{$schema}", "rel" : "describedby" }, { "href" : "{id}", "rel" : "self" } ]//, //not needed as JSV.inherits does the job for us //"extends" : {"$ref" : "http://json-schema.org/schema#"} }, SCHEMA), true), true, "http://json-schema.org/hyper-schema#"); ENVIRONMENT.setOption("defaultSchemaURI", "http://json-schema.org/hyper-schema#"); LINKS = ENVIRONMENT.createSchema({ "$schema" : "http://json-schema.org/hyper-schema#", "id" : "http://json-schema.org/links#", "type" : "object", "properties" : { "href" : { "type" : "string" }, "rel" : { "type" : "string" }, "targetSchema" : { "$ref" : "hyper-schema#", //need this here because parsers are run before links are resolved "parser" : HYPERSCHEMA.getAttribute("parser") }, "method" : { "type" : "string", "default" : "GET", "optional" : true }, "enctype" : { "type" : "string", "requires" : "method", "optional" : true }, "properties" : { "type" : "object", "additionalProperties" : {"$ref" : "hyper-schema#"}, "optional" : true, "parser" : function (instance, self, arg) { var env = instance.getEnvironment(), selfEnv = self.getEnvironment(), additionalPropertiesSchemaURI = self.getValueOfProperty("additionalProperties")["$ref"]; if (instance.getType() === "object") { if (arg) { return env.createSchema(instance.getProperty(arg), selfEnv.findSchema(self.resolveURI(additionalPropertiesSchemaURI))); } else { return JSV.mapObject(instance.getProperties(), function (instance) { return env.createSchema(instance, selfEnv.findSchema(self.resolveURI(additionalPropertiesSchemaURI))); }); } } } } }, "parser" : function (instance, self) { var selfProperties = self.getProperty("properties"); if (instance.getType() === "object") { return JSV.mapObject(instance.getProperties(), function (property, key) { var propertySchema = selfProperties.getProperty(key), parser = propertySchema && propertySchema.getValueOfProperty("parser"); if (typeof parser === "function") { return parser(property, propertySchema); } //else return property.getValue(); }); } return instance.getValue(); } }, HYPERSCHEMA, "http://json-schema.org/links#"); JSV.registerEnvironment("json-schema-draft-02", ENVIRONMENT); if (!JSV.getDefaultEnvironmentID() || JSV.getDefaultEnvironmentID() === "json-schema-draft-01") { JSV.setDefaultEnvironmentID("json-schema-draft-02"); } }());