'use strict'; var _crypto; function _load_crypto() { return (_crypto = _interopRequireDefault(require('crypto'))); } var _fs; function _load_fs() { return (_fs = _interopRequireDefault(require('fs'))); } var _path; function _load_path() { return (_path = _interopRequireDefault(require('path'))); } var _babelPresetJest; function _load_babelPresetJest() { return (_babelPresetJest = _interopRequireDefault( require('babel-preset-jest') )); } var _babelCore; function _load_babelCore() { return (_babelCore = require('babel-core')); } var _babelPluginIstanbul; function _load_babelPluginIstanbul() { return (_babelPluginIstanbul = _interopRequireDefault( require('babel-plugin-istanbul') )); } function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : {default: obj}; } /** * Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * * */ const BABELRC_FILENAME = '.babelrc'; const BABELRC_JS_FILENAME = '.babelrc.js'; const BABEL_CONFIG_JS_FILENAME = 'babel.config.js'; const BABEL_CONFIG_KEY = 'babel'; const PACKAGE_JSON = 'package.json'; const THIS_FILE = (_fs || _load_fs()).default.readFileSync(__filename); const createTransformer = options => { const cache = Object.create(null); const getBabelRC = filename => { const paths = []; let directory = filename; while ( directory !== (directory = (_path || _load_path()).default.dirname(directory)) ) { if (cache[directory]) { break; } paths.push(directory); const configFilePath = (_path || _load_path()).default.join( directory, BABELRC_FILENAME ); if ((_fs || _load_fs()).default.existsSync(configFilePath)) { cache[directory] = (_fs || _load_fs()).default.readFileSync( configFilePath, 'utf8' ); break; } let configJsFilePath = (_path || _load_path()).default.join( directory, BABELRC_JS_FILENAME ); if ((_fs || _load_fs()).default.existsSync(configJsFilePath)) { // $FlowFixMe cache[directory] = JSON.stringify(require(configJsFilePath)); break; } configJsFilePath = (_path || _load_path()).default.join( directory, BABEL_CONFIG_JS_FILENAME ); if ((_fs || _load_fs()).default.existsSync(configJsFilePath)) { // $FlowFixMe cache[directory] = JSON.stringify(require(configJsFilePath)); break; } const resolvedJsonFilePath = (_path || _load_path()).default.join( directory, PACKAGE_JSON ); const packageJsonFilePath = resolvedJsonFilePath === PACKAGE_JSON ? (_path || _load_path()).default.resolve(directory, PACKAGE_JSON) : resolvedJsonFilePath; if ((_fs || _load_fs()).default.existsSync(packageJsonFilePath)) { // $FlowFixMe const packageJsonFileContents = require(packageJsonFilePath); if (packageJsonFileContents[BABEL_CONFIG_KEY]) { cache[directory] = JSON.stringify( packageJsonFileContents[BABEL_CONFIG_KEY] ); break; } } } paths.forEach(directoryPath => (cache[directoryPath] = cache[directory])); return cache[directory] || ''; }; options = Object.assign({}, options, { compact: false, plugins: (options && options.plugins) || [], presets: ((options && options.presets) || []).concat([ (_babelPresetJest || _load_babelPresetJest()).default ]), sourceMaps: 'both' }); delete options.cacheDirectory; delete options.filename; return { canInstrument: true, getCacheKey: function(fileData, filename, configString, _ref) { let instrument = _ref.instrument, rootDir = _ref.rootDir; return (_crypto || _load_crypto()).default .createHash('md5') .update(THIS_FILE) .update('\0', 'utf8') .update(JSON.stringify(options)) .update('\0', 'utf8') .update(fileData) .update('\0', 'utf8') .update((_path || _load_path()).default.relative(rootDir, filename)) .update('\0', 'utf8') .update(configString) .update('\0', 'utf8') .update(getBabelRC(filename)) .update('\0', 'utf8') .update(instrument ? 'instrument' : '') .digest('hex'); }, process: function(src, filename, config, transformOptions) { const altExts = config.moduleFileExtensions.map( extension => '.' + extension ); if ( (_babelCore || _load_babelCore()).util && !(_babelCore || _load_babelCore()).util.canCompile(filename, altExts) ) { return src; } const theseOptions = Object.assign({filename: filename}, options); if (transformOptions && transformOptions.instrument) { theseOptions.auxiliaryCommentBefore = ' istanbul ignore next '; // Copied from jest-runtime transform.js theseOptions.plugins = theseOptions.plugins.concat([ [ (_babelPluginIstanbul || _load_babelPluginIstanbul()).default, { // files outside `cwd` will not be instrumented cwd: config.rootDir, exclude: [] } ] ]); } // babel v7 might return null in the case when the file has been ignored. const transformResult = (0, (_babelCore || _load_babelCore()).transform)( src, theseOptions ); return transformResult || src; } }; }; module.exports = createTransformer(); module.exports.createTransformer = createTransformer;