/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ var zrUtil = require("zrender/lib/core/util"); var eventTool = require("zrender/lib/core/event"); var graphic = require("../../util/graphic"); var throttle = require("../../util/throttle"); var DataZoomView = require("./DataZoomView"); var numberUtil = require("../../util/number"); var layout = require("../../util/layout"); var sliderMove = require("../helper/sliderMove"); /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ var Rect = graphic.Rect; var linearMap = numberUtil.linearMap; var asc = numberUtil.asc; var bind = zrUtil.bind; var each = zrUtil.each; // Constants var DEFAULT_LOCATION_EDGE_GAP = 7; var DEFAULT_FRAME_BORDER_WIDTH = 1; var DEFAULT_FILLER_SIZE = 30; var HORIZONTAL = 'horizontal'; var VERTICAL = 'vertical'; var LABEL_GAP = 5; var SHOW_DATA_SHADOW_SERIES_TYPE = ['line', 'bar', 'candlestick', 'scatter']; var SliderZoomView = DataZoomView.extend({ type: 'dataZoom.slider', init: function (ecModel, api) { /** * @private * @type {Object} */ this._displayables = {}; /** * @private * @type {string} */ this._orient; /** * [0, 100] * @private */ this._range; /** * [coord of the first handle, coord of the second handle] * @private */ this._handleEnds; /** * [length, thick] * @private * @type {Array.} */ this._size; /** * @private * @type {number} */ this._handleWidth; /** * @private * @type {number} */ this._handleHeight; /** * @private */ this._location; /** * @private */ this._dragging; /** * @private */ this._dataShadowInfo; this.api = api; }, /** * @override */ render: function (dataZoomModel, ecModel, api, payload) { SliderZoomView.superApply(this, 'render', arguments); throttle.createOrUpdate(this, '_dispatchZoomAction', this.dataZoomModel.get('throttle'), 'fixRate'); this._orient = dataZoomModel.get('orient'); if (this.dataZoomModel.get('show') === false) { this.group.removeAll(); return; } // Notice: this._resetInterval() should not be executed when payload.type // is 'dataZoom', origin this._range should be maintained, otherwise 'pan' // or 'zoom' info will be missed because of 'throttle' of this.dispatchAction, if (!payload || payload.type !== 'dataZoom' || payload.from !== this.uid) { this._buildView(); } this._updateView(); }, /** * @override */ remove: function () { SliderZoomView.superApply(this, 'remove', arguments); throttle.clear(this, '_dispatchZoomAction'); }, /** * @override */ dispose: function () { SliderZoomView.superApply(this, 'dispose', arguments); throttle.clear(this, '_dispatchZoomAction'); }, _buildView: function () { var thisGroup = this.group; thisGroup.removeAll(); this._resetLocation(); this._resetInterval(); var barGroup = this._displayables.barGroup = new graphic.Group(); this._renderBackground(); this._renderHandle(); this._renderDataShadow(); thisGroup.add(barGroup); this._positionGroup(); }, /** * @private */ _resetLocation: function () { var dataZoomModel = this.dataZoomModel; var api = this.api; // If some of x/y/width/height are not specified, // auto-adapt according to target grid. var coordRect = this._findCoordRect(); var ecSize = { width: api.getWidth(), height: api.getHeight() }; // Default align by coordinate system rect. var positionInfo = this._orient === HORIZONTAL ? { // Why using 'right', because right should be used in vertical, // and it is better to be consistent for dealing with position param merge. right: ecSize.width - coordRect.x - coordRect.width, top: ecSize.height - DEFAULT_FILLER_SIZE - DEFAULT_LOCATION_EDGE_GAP, width: coordRect.width, height: DEFAULT_FILLER_SIZE } : { // vertical right: DEFAULT_LOCATION_EDGE_GAP, top: coordRect.y, width: DEFAULT_FILLER_SIZE, height: coordRect.height }; // Do not write back to option and replace value 'ph', because // the 'ph' value should be recalculated when resize. var layoutParams = layout.getLayoutParams(dataZoomModel.option); // Replace the placeholder value. zrUtil.each(['right', 'top', 'width', 'height'], function (name) { if (layoutParams[name] === 'ph') { layoutParams[name] = positionInfo[name]; } }); var layoutRect = layout.getLayoutRect(layoutParams, ecSize, dataZoomModel.padding); this._location = { x: layoutRect.x, y: layoutRect.y }; this._size = [layoutRect.width, layoutRect.height]; this._orient === VERTICAL && this._size.reverse(); }, /** * @private */ _positionGroup: function () { var thisGroup = this.group; var location = this._location; var orient = this._orient; // Just use the first axis to determine mapping. var targetAxisModel = this.dataZoomModel.getFirstTargetAxisModel(); var inverse = targetAxisModel && targetAxisModel.get('inverse'); var barGroup = this._displayables.barGroup; var otherAxisInverse = (this._dataShadowInfo || {}).otherAxisInverse; // Transform barGroup. barGroup.attr(orient === HORIZONTAL && !inverse ? { scale: otherAxisInverse ? [1, 1] : [1, -1] } : orient === HORIZONTAL && inverse ? { scale: otherAxisInverse ? [-1, 1] : [-1, -1] } : orient === VERTICAL && !inverse ? { scale: otherAxisInverse ? [1, -1] : [1, 1], rotation: Math.PI / 2 // Dont use Math.PI, considering shadow direction. } : { scale: otherAxisInverse ? [-1, -1] : [-1, 1], rotation: Math.PI / 2 }); // Position barGroup var rect = thisGroup.getBoundingRect([barGroup]); thisGroup.attr('position', [location.x - rect.x, location.y - rect.y]); }, /** * @private */ _getViewExtent: function () { return [0, this._size[0]]; }, _renderBackground: function () { var dataZoomModel = this.dataZoomModel; var size = this._size; var barGroup = this._displayables.barGroup; barGroup.add(new Rect({ silent: true, shape: { x: 0, y: 0, width: size[0], height: size[1] }, style: { fill: dataZoomModel.get('backgroundColor') }, z2: -40 })); // Click panel, over shadow, below handles. barGroup.add(new Rect({ shape: { x: 0, y: 0, width: size[0], height: size[1] }, style: { fill: 'transparent' }, z2: 0, onclick: zrUtil.bind(this._onClickPanelClick, this) })); }, _renderDataShadow: function () { var info = this._dataShadowInfo = this._prepareDataShadowInfo(); if (!info) { return; } var size = this._size; var seriesModel = info.series; var data = seriesModel.getRawData(); var otherDim = seriesModel.getShadowDim ? seriesModel.getShadowDim() // @see candlestick : info.otherDim; if (otherDim == null) { return; } var otherDataExtent = data.getDataExtent(otherDim); // Nice extent. var otherOffset = (otherDataExtent[1] - otherDataExtent[0]) * 0.3; otherDataExtent = [otherDataExtent[0] - otherOffset, otherDataExtent[1] + otherOffset]; var otherShadowExtent = [0, size[1]]; var thisShadowExtent = [0, size[0]]; var areaPoints = [[size[0], 0], [0, 0]]; var linePoints = []; var step = thisShadowExtent[1] / (data.count() - 1); var thisCoord = 0; // Optimize for large data shadow var stride = Math.round(data.count() / size[0]); var lastIsEmpty; data.each([otherDim], function (value, index) { if (stride > 0 && index % stride) { thisCoord += step; return; } // FIXME // Should consider axis.min/axis.max when drawing dataShadow. // FIXME // 应该使用统一的空判断?还是在list里进行空判断? var isEmpty = value == null || isNaN(value) || value === ''; // See #4235. var otherCoord = isEmpty ? 0 : linearMap(value, otherDataExtent, otherShadowExtent, true); // Attempt to draw data shadow precisely when there are empty value. if (isEmpty && !lastIsEmpty && index) { areaPoints.push([areaPoints[areaPoints.length - 1][0], 0]); linePoints.push([linePoints[linePoints.length - 1][0], 0]); } else if (!isEmpty && lastIsEmpty) { areaPoints.push([thisCoord, 0]); linePoints.push([thisCoord, 0]); } areaPoints.push([thisCoord, otherCoord]); linePoints.push([thisCoord, otherCoord]); thisCoord += step; lastIsEmpty = isEmpty; }); var dataZoomModel = this.dataZoomModel; // var dataBackgroundModel = dataZoomModel.getModel('dataBackground'); this._displayables.barGroup.add(new graphic.Polygon({ shape: { points: areaPoints }, style: zrUtil.defaults({ fill: dataZoomModel.get('dataBackgroundColor') }, dataZoomModel.getModel('dataBackground.areaStyle').getAreaStyle()), silent: true, z2: -20 })); this._displayables.barGroup.add(new graphic.Polyline({ shape: { points: linePoints }, style: dataZoomModel.getModel('dataBackground.lineStyle').getLineStyle(), silent: true, z2: -19 })); }, _prepareDataShadowInfo: function () { var dataZoomModel = this.dataZoomModel; var showDataShadow = dataZoomModel.get('showDataShadow'); if (showDataShadow === false) { return; } // Find a representative series. var result; var ecModel = this.ecModel; dataZoomModel.eachTargetAxis(function (dimNames, axisIndex) { var seriesModels = dataZoomModel.getAxisProxy(dimNames.name, axisIndex).getTargetSeriesModels(); zrUtil.each(seriesModels, function (seriesModel) { if (result) { return; } if (showDataShadow !== true && zrUtil.indexOf(SHOW_DATA_SHADOW_SERIES_TYPE, seriesModel.get('type')) < 0) { return; } var thisAxis = ecModel.getComponent(dimNames.axis, axisIndex).axis; var otherDim = getOtherDim(dimNames.name); var otherAxisInverse; var coordSys = seriesModel.coordinateSystem; if (otherDim != null && coordSys.getOtherAxis) { otherAxisInverse = coordSys.getOtherAxis(thisAxis).inverse; } otherDim = seriesModel.getData().mapDimension(otherDim); result = { thisAxis: thisAxis, series: seriesModel, thisDim: dimNames.name, otherDim: otherDim, otherAxisInverse: otherAxisInverse }; }, this); }, this); return result; }, _renderHandle: function () { var displaybles = this._displayables; var handles = displaybles.handles = []; var handleLabels = displaybles.handleLabels = []; var barGroup = this._displayables.barGroup; var size = this._size; var dataZoomModel = this.dataZoomModel; barGroup.add(displaybles.filler = new Rect({ draggable: true, cursor: getCursor(this._orient), drift: bind(this._onDragMove, this, 'all'), onmousemove: function (e) { // Fot mobile devicem, prevent screen slider on the button. eventTool.stop(e.event); }, ondragstart: bind(this._showDataInfo, this, true), ondragend: bind(this._onDragEnd, this), onmouseover: bind(this._showDataInfo, this, true), onmouseout: bind(this._showDataInfo, this, false), style: { fill: dataZoomModel.get('fillerColor'), textPosition: 'inside' } })); // Frame border. barGroup.add(new Rect(graphic.subPixelOptimizeRect({ silent: true, shape: { x: 0, y: 0, width: size[0], height: size[1] }, style: { stroke: dataZoomModel.get('dataBackgroundColor') || dataZoomModel.get('borderColor'), lineWidth: DEFAULT_FRAME_BORDER_WIDTH, fill: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)' } }))); each([0, 1], function (handleIndex) { var path = graphic.createIcon(dataZoomModel.get('handleIcon'), { cursor: getCursor(this._orient), draggable: true, drift: bind(this._onDragMove, this, handleIndex), onmousemove: function (e) { // Fot mobile devicem, prevent screen slider on the button. eventTool.stop(e.event); }, ondragend: bind(this._onDragEnd, this), onmouseover: bind(this._showDataInfo, this, true), onmouseout: bind(this._showDataInfo, this, false) }, { x: -1, y: 0, width: 2, height: 2 }); var bRect = path.getBoundingRect(); this._handleHeight = numberUtil.parsePercent(dataZoomModel.get('handleSize'), this._size[1]); this._handleWidth = bRect.width / bRect.height * this._handleHeight; path.setStyle(dataZoomModel.getModel('handleStyle').getItemStyle()); var handleColor = dataZoomModel.get('handleColor'); // Compatitable with previous version if (handleColor != null) { path.style.fill = handleColor; } barGroup.add(handles[handleIndex] = path); var textStyleModel = dataZoomModel.textStyleModel; this.group.add(handleLabels[handleIndex] = new graphic.Text({ silent: true, invisible: true, style: { x: 0, y: 0, text: '', textVerticalAlign: 'middle', textAlign: 'center', textFill: textStyleModel.getTextColor(), textFont: textStyleModel.getFont() }, z2: 10 })); }, this); }, /** * @private */ _resetInterval: function () { var range = this._range = this.dataZoomModel.getPercentRange(); var viewExtent = this._getViewExtent(); this._handleEnds = [linearMap(range[0], [0, 100], viewExtent, true), linearMap(range[1], [0, 100], viewExtent, true)]; }, /** * @private * @param {(number|string)} handleIndex 0 or 1 or 'all' * @param {number} delta * @return {boolean} changed */ _updateInterval: function (handleIndex, delta) { var dataZoomModel = this.dataZoomModel; var handleEnds = this._handleEnds; var viewExtend = this._getViewExtent(); var minMaxSpan = dataZoomModel.findRepresentativeAxisProxy().getMinMaxSpan(); var percentExtent = [0, 100]; sliderMove(delta, handleEnds, viewExtend, dataZoomModel.get('zoomLock') ? 'all' : handleIndex, minMaxSpan.minSpan != null ? linearMap(minMaxSpan.minSpan, percentExtent, viewExtend, true) : null, minMaxSpan.maxSpan != null ? linearMap(minMaxSpan.maxSpan, percentExtent, viewExtend, true) : null); var lastRange = this._range; var range = this._range = asc([linearMap(handleEnds[0], viewExtend, percentExtent, true), linearMap(handleEnds[1], viewExtend, percentExtent, true)]); return !lastRange || lastRange[0] !== range[0] || lastRange[1] !== range[1]; }, /** * @private */ _updateView: function (nonRealtime) { var displaybles = this._displayables; var handleEnds = this._handleEnds; var handleInterval = asc(handleEnds.slice()); var size = this._size; each([0, 1], function (handleIndex) { // Handles var handle = displaybles.handles[handleIndex]; var handleHeight = this._handleHeight; handle.attr({ scale: [handleHeight / 2, handleHeight / 2], position: [handleEnds[handleIndex], size[1] / 2 - handleHeight / 2] }); }, this); // Filler displaybles.filler.setShape({ x: handleInterval[0], y: 0, width: handleInterval[1] - handleInterval[0], height: size[1] }); this._updateDataInfo(nonRealtime); }, /** * @private */ _updateDataInfo: function (nonRealtime) { var dataZoomModel = this.dataZoomModel; var displaybles = this._displayables; var handleLabels = displaybles.handleLabels; var orient = this._orient; var labelTexts = ['', '']; // FIXME // date型,支持formatter,autoformatter(ec2 date.getAutoFormatter) if (dataZoomModel.get('showDetail')) { var axisProxy = dataZoomModel.findRepresentativeAxisProxy(); if (axisProxy) { var axis = axisProxy.getAxisModel().axis; var range = this._range; var dataInterval = nonRealtime // See #4434, data and axis are not processed and reset yet in non-realtime mode. ? axisProxy.calculateDataWindow({ start: range[0], end: range[1] }).valueWindow : axisProxy.getDataValueWindow(); labelTexts = [this._formatLabel(dataInterval[0], axis), this._formatLabel(dataInterval[1], axis)]; } } var orderedHandleEnds = asc(this._handleEnds.slice()); setLabel.call(this, 0); setLabel.call(this, 1); function setLabel(handleIndex) { // Label // Text should not transform by barGroup. // Ignore handlers transform var barTransform = graphic.getTransform(displaybles.handles[handleIndex].parent, this.group); var direction = graphic.transformDirection(handleIndex === 0 ? 'right' : 'left', barTransform); var offset = this._handleWidth / 2 + LABEL_GAP; var textPoint = graphic.applyTransform([orderedHandleEnds[handleIndex] + (handleIndex === 0 ? -offset : offset), this._size[1] / 2], barTransform); handleLabels[handleIndex].setStyle({ x: textPoint[0], y: textPoint[1], textVerticalAlign: orient === HORIZONTAL ? 'middle' : direction, textAlign: orient === HORIZONTAL ? direction : 'center', text: labelTexts[handleIndex] }); } }, /** * @private */ _formatLabel: function (value, axis) { var dataZoomModel = this.dataZoomModel; var labelFormatter = dataZoomModel.get('labelFormatter'); var labelPrecision = dataZoomModel.get('labelPrecision'); if (labelPrecision == null || labelPrecision === 'auto') { labelPrecision = axis.getPixelPrecision(); } var valueStr = value == null || isNaN(value) ? '' // FIXME Glue code : axis.type === 'category' || axis.type === 'time' ? axis.scale.getLabel(Math.round(value)) // param of toFixed should less then 20. : value.toFixed(Math.min(labelPrecision, 20)); return zrUtil.isFunction(labelFormatter) ? labelFormatter(value, valueStr) : zrUtil.isString(labelFormatter) ? labelFormatter.replace('{value}', valueStr) : valueStr; }, /** * @private * @param {boolean} showOrHide true: show, false: hide */ _showDataInfo: function (showOrHide) { // Always show when drgging. showOrHide = this._dragging || showOrHide; var handleLabels = this._displayables.handleLabels; handleLabels[0].attr('invisible', !showOrHide); handleLabels[1].attr('invisible', !showOrHide); }, _onDragMove: function (handleIndex, dx, dy) { this._dragging = true; // Transform dx, dy to bar coordination. var barTransform = this._displayables.barGroup.getLocalTransform(); var vertex = graphic.applyTransform([dx, dy], barTransform, true); var changed = this._updateInterval(handleIndex, vertex[0]); var realtime = this.dataZoomModel.get('realtime'); this._updateView(!realtime); // Avoid dispatch dataZoom repeatly but range not changed, // which cause bad visual effect when progressive enabled. changed && realtime && this._dispatchZoomAction(); }, _onDragEnd: function () { this._dragging = false; this._showDataInfo(false); // While in realtime mode and stream mode, dispatch action when // drag end will cause the whole view rerender, which is unnecessary. var realtime = this.dataZoomModel.get('realtime'); !realtime && this._dispatchZoomAction(); }, _onClickPanelClick: function (e) { var size = this._size; var localPoint = this._displayables.barGroup.transformCoordToLocal(e.offsetX, e.offsetY); if (localPoint[0] < 0 || localPoint[0] > size[0] || localPoint[1] < 0 || localPoint[1] > size[1]) { return; } var handleEnds = this._handleEnds; var center = (handleEnds[0] + handleEnds[1]) / 2; var changed = this._updateInterval('all', localPoint[0] - center); this._updateView(); changed && this._dispatchZoomAction(); }, /** * This action will be throttled. * @private */ _dispatchZoomAction: function () { var range = this._range; this.api.dispatchAction({ type: 'dataZoom', from: this.uid, dataZoomId: this.dataZoomModel.id, start: range[0], end: range[1] }); }, /** * @private */ _findCoordRect: function () { // Find the grid coresponding to the first axis referred by dataZoom. var rect; each(this.getTargetCoordInfo(), function (coordInfoList) { if (!rect && coordInfoList.length) { var coordSys = coordInfoList[0].model.coordinateSystem; rect = coordSys.getRect && coordSys.getRect(); } }); if (!rect) { var width = this.api.getWidth(); var height = this.api.getHeight(); rect = { x: width * 0.2, y: height * 0.2, width: width * 0.6, height: height * 0.6 }; } return rect; } }); function getOtherDim(thisDim) { // FIXME // 这个逻辑和getOtherAxis里一致,但是写在这里是否不好 var map = { x: 'y', y: 'x', radius: 'angle', angle: 'radius' }; return map[thisDim]; } function getCursor(orient) { return orient === 'vertical' ? 'ns-resize' : 'ew-resize'; } var _default = SliderZoomView; module.exports = _default;