/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ var zrUtil = require("zrender/lib/core/util"); var modelUtil = require("../../util/model"); /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ var each = zrUtil.each; var isObject = zrUtil.isObject; var POSSIBLE_STYLES = ['areaStyle', 'lineStyle', 'nodeStyle', 'linkStyle', 'chordStyle', 'label', 'labelLine']; function compatEC2ItemStyle(opt) { var itemStyleOpt = opt && opt.itemStyle; if (!itemStyleOpt) { return; } for (var i = 0, len = POSSIBLE_STYLES.length; i < len; i++) { var styleName = POSSIBLE_STYLES[i]; var normalItemStyleOpt = itemStyleOpt.normal; var emphasisItemStyleOpt = itemStyleOpt.emphasis; if (normalItemStyleOpt && normalItemStyleOpt[styleName]) { opt[styleName] = opt[styleName] || {}; if (!opt[styleName].normal) { opt[styleName].normal = normalItemStyleOpt[styleName]; } else { zrUtil.merge(opt[styleName].normal, normalItemStyleOpt[styleName]); } normalItemStyleOpt[styleName] = null; } if (emphasisItemStyleOpt && emphasisItemStyleOpt[styleName]) { opt[styleName] = opt[styleName] || {}; if (!opt[styleName].emphasis) { opt[styleName].emphasis = emphasisItemStyleOpt[styleName]; } else { zrUtil.merge(opt[styleName].emphasis, emphasisItemStyleOpt[styleName]); } emphasisItemStyleOpt[styleName] = null; } } } function convertNormalEmphasis(opt, optType, useExtend) { if (opt && opt[optType] && (opt[optType].normal || opt[optType].emphasis)) { var normalOpt = opt[optType].normal; var emphasisOpt = opt[optType].emphasis; if (normalOpt) { // Timeline controlStyle has other properties besides normal and emphasis if (useExtend) { opt[optType].normal = opt[optType].emphasis = null; zrUtil.defaults(opt[optType], normalOpt); } else { opt[optType] = normalOpt; } } if (emphasisOpt) { opt.emphasis = opt.emphasis || {}; opt.emphasis[optType] = emphasisOpt; } } } function removeEC3NormalStatus(opt) { convertNormalEmphasis(opt, 'itemStyle'); convertNormalEmphasis(opt, 'lineStyle'); convertNormalEmphasis(opt, 'areaStyle'); convertNormalEmphasis(opt, 'label'); convertNormalEmphasis(opt, 'labelLine'); // treemap convertNormalEmphasis(opt, 'upperLabel'); // graph convertNormalEmphasis(opt, 'edgeLabel'); } function compatTextStyle(opt, propName) { // Check whether is not object (string\null\undefined ...) var labelOptSingle = isObject(opt) && opt[propName]; var textStyle = isObject(labelOptSingle) && labelOptSingle.textStyle; if (textStyle) { for (var i = 0, len = modelUtil.TEXT_STYLE_OPTIONS.length; i < len; i++) { var propName = modelUtil.TEXT_STYLE_OPTIONS[i]; if (textStyle.hasOwnProperty(propName)) { labelOptSingle[propName] = textStyle[propName]; } } } } function compatEC3CommonStyles(opt) { if (opt) { removeEC3NormalStatus(opt); compatTextStyle(opt, 'label'); opt.emphasis && compatTextStyle(opt.emphasis, 'label'); } } function processSeries(seriesOpt) { if (!isObject(seriesOpt)) { return; } compatEC2ItemStyle(seriesOpt); removeEC3NormalStatus(seriesOpt); compatTextStyle(seriesOpt, 'label'); // treemap compatTextStyle(seriesOpt, 'upperLabel'); // graph compatTextStyle(seriesOpt, 'edgeLabel'); if (seriesOpt.emphasis) { compatTextStyle(seriesOpt.emphasis, 'label'); // treemap compatTextStyle(seriesOpt.emphasis, 'upperLabel'); // graph compatTextStyle(seriesOpt.emphasis, 'edgeLabel'); } var markPoint = seriesOpt.markPoint; if (markPoint) { compatEC2ItemStyle(markPoint); compatEC3CommonStyles(markPoint); } var markLine = seriesOpt.markLine; if (markLine) { compatEC2ItemStyle(markLine); compatEC3CommonStyles(markLine); } var markArea = seriesOpt.markArea; if (markArea) { compatEC3CommonStyles(markArea); } var data = seriesOpt.data; // Break with ec3: if `setOption` again, there may be no `type` in option, // then the backward compat based on option type will not be performed. if (seriesOpt.type === 'graph') { data = data || seriesOpt.nodes; var edgeData = seriesOpt.links || seriesOpt.edges; if (edgeData && !zrUtil.isTypedArray(edgeData)) { for (var i = 0; i < edgeData.length; i++) { compatEC3CommonStyles(edgeData[i]); } } zrUtil.each(seriesOpt.categories, function (opt) { removeEC3NormalStatus(opt); }); } if (data && !zrUtil.isTypedArray(data)) { for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { compatEC3CommonStyles(data[i]); } } // mark point data var markPoint = seriesOpt.markPoint; if (markPoint && markPoint.data) { var mpData = markPoint.data; for (var i = 0; i < mpData.length; i++) { compatEC3CommonStyles(mpData[i]); } } // mark line data var markLine = seriesOpt.markLine; if (markLine && markLine.data) { var mlData = markLine.data; for (var i = 0; i < mlData.length; i++) { if (zrUtil.isArray(mlData[i])) { compatEC3CommonStyles(mlData[i][0]); compatEC3CommonStyles(mlData[i][1]); } else { compatEC3CommonStyles(mlData[i]); } } } // Series if (seriesOpt.type === 'gauge') { compatTextStyle(seriesOpt, 'axisLabel'); compatTextStyle(seriesOpt, 'title'); compatTextStyle(seriesOpt, 'detail'); } else if (seriesOpt.type === 'treemap') { convertNormalEmphasis(seriesOpt.breadcrumb, 'itemStyle'); zrUtil.each(seriesOpt.levels, function (opt) { removeEC3NormalStatus(opt); }); } else if (seriesOpt.type === 'tree') { removeEC3NormalStatus(seriesOpt.leaves); } // sunburst starts from ec4, so it does not need to compat levels. } function toArr(o) { return zrUtil.isArray(o) ? o : o ? [o] : []; } function toObj(o) { return (zrUtil.isArray(o) ? o[0] : o) || {}; } function _default(option, isTheme) { each(toArr(option.series), function (seriesOpt) { isObject(seriesOpt) && processSeries(seriesOpt); }); var axes = ['xAxis', 'yAxis', 'radiusAxis', 'angleAxis', 'singleAxis', 'parallelAxis', 'radar']; isTheme && axes.push('valueAxis', 'categoryAxis', 'logAxis', 'timeAxis'); each(axes, function (axisName) { each(toArr(option[axisName]), function (axisOpt) { if (axisOpt) { compatTextStyle(axisOpt, 'axisLabel'); compatTextStyle(axisOpt.axisPointer, 'label'); } }); }); each(toArr(option.parallel), function (parallelOpt) { var parallelAxisDefault = parallelOpt && parallelOpt.parallelAxisDefault; compatTextStyle(parallelAxisDefault, 'axisLabel'); compatTextStyle(parallelAxisDefault && parallelAxisDefault.axisPointer, 'label'); }); each(toArr(option.calendar), function (calendarOpt) { convertNormalEmphasis(calendarOpt, 'itemStyle'); compatTextStyle(calendarOpt, 'dayLabel'); compatTextStyle(calendarOpt, 'monthLabel'); compatTextStyle(calendarOpt, 'yearLabel'); }); // radar.name.textStyle each(toArr(option.radar), function (radarOpt) { compatTextStyle(radarOpt, 'name'); }); each(toArr(option.geo), function (geoOpt) { if (isObject(geoOpt)) { compatEC3CommonStyles(geoOpt); each(toArr(geoOpt.regions), function (regionObj) { compatEC3CommonStyles(regionObj); }); } }); each(toArr(option.timeline), function (timelineOpt) { compatEC3CommonStyles(timelineOpt); convertNormalEmphasis(timelineOpt, 'label'); convertNormalEmphasis(timelineOpt, 'itemStyle'); convertNormalEmphasis(timelineOpt, 'controlStyle', true); var data = timelineOpt.data; zrUtil.isArray(data) && zrUtil.each(data, function (item) { if (zrUtil.isObject(item)) { convertNormalEmphasis(item, 'label'); convertNormalEmphasis(item, 'itemStyle'); } }); }); each(toArr(option.toolbox), function (toolboxOpt) { convertNormalEmphasis(toolboxOpt, 'iconStyle'); each(toolboxOpt.feature, function (featureOpt) { convertNormalEmphasis(featureOpt, 'iconStyle'); }); }); compatTextStyle(toObj(option.axisPointer), 'label'); compatTextStyle(toObj(option.tooltip).axisPointer, 'label'); } module.exports = _default;