# husky > Git hooks made easy [![](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/husky.svg?style=flat)](https://www.npmjs.org/package/husky) [![Mac/Linux Build Status](https://img.shields.io/travis/typicode/husky.svg?label=Mac%20OSX%20%26%20Linux)](https://travis-ci.org/typicode/husky) [![Windows Build status](https://img.shields.io/appveyor/ci/typicode/husky/master.svg?label=Windows)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/typicode/husky) Husky can prevent bad `git commit`, `git push` and more 🐶 _woof!_ ## Support If Husky is saving you time, please consider supporting its development on Patreon 🙏 thank you!

## Install ```sh npm install husky --save-dev ``` ```js // package.json { "husky": { "hooks": { "pre-commit": "npm test", "pre-push": "npm test", "...": "..." } } } ``` ```sh git commit -m 'Keep calm and commit' ``` To go further, see the docs [here](https://github.com/typicode/husky/blob/master/DOCS.md). ## Uninstall ```sh npm uninstall husky ``` ## Upgrading from 0.14 Simply move your existing hooks to `husky.hooks` field and use raw Git hooks names. Also, if you're using the `GIT_PARAMS` env variable, rename it to `HUSKY_GIT_PARAMS`. ```diff { "scripts": { - "precommit": "npm test", - "commitmsg": "commitlint -E GIT_PARAMS" }, + "husky": { + "hooks": { + "pre-commit": "npm test", + "commit-msg": "commitlint -E HUSKY_GIT_PARAMS" + } + } } ``` Alternatively, you can run the following command which will do the same automatically for you ;) ``` ./node_modules/.bin/husky-upgrade ``` Starting with `1.0.0`, you can also configure hooks using `.huskyrc`, `.huskyrc.json` or `.huskyrc.js` file. ```js // .huskyrc { "hooks": { "pre-commit": "npm test" } } ``` To view the full list of changes, please see the [CHANGELOG](https://github.com/typicode/husky/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md). ## Features * Keeps existing user hooks * Supports GUI Git clients * Supports all Git hooks (`pre-commit`, `pre-push`, ...) ## Used by * [jQuery](https://github.com/jquery/jquery) * [babel](https://github.com/babel/babel) * [create-react-app](https://github.com/facebookincubator/create-react-app) * [Next.js](https://github.com/zeit/next.js) * [Hyper](https://github.com/zeit/hyper) * [Kibana](https://github.com/elastic/kibana) * [JSON Server](https://github.com/typicode/json-server) * [Hotel](https://github.com/typicode/hotel) * ... and 28k+ [other awesome repos](https://libraries.io/npm/husky/dependent-repositories) ## See also * [pkg-ok](https://github.com/typicode/pkg-ok) - Prevents publishing a module with bad paths or incorrect line endings * [please-upgrade-node](https://github.com/typicode/please-upgrade-node) - Show a message to upgrade Node instead of a stacktrace in your CLIs * [pinst](https://github.com/typicode/pinst) - dev only postinstall hook ## License MIT [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/typicode) - [Supporters](https://thanks.typicode.com) ✨