'use strict'; var _ = { sum: require('lodash/sum'), flatten: require('lodash/flatten'), }; var chalk = require('chalk'); /** * The paginator returns a subset of the choices if the list is too long. */ class Paginator { constructor(screen, options = {}) { const { isInfinite = true } = options; this.lastIndex = 0; this.screen = screen; this.isInfinite = isInfinite; } paginate(output, active, pageSize) { pageSize = pageSize || 7; var lines = output.split('\n'); if (this.screen) { lines = this.screen.breakLines(lines); active = _.sum(lines.map((lineParts) => lineParts.length).splice(0, active)); lines = _.flatten(lines); } // Make sure there's enough lines to paginate if (lines.length <= pageSize) { return output; } const visibleLines = this.isInfinite ? this.getInfiniteLines(lines, active, pageSize) : this.getFiniteLines(lines, active, pageSize); this.lastIndex = active; return ( visibleLines.join('\n') + '\n' + chalk.dim('(Move up and down to reveal more choices)') ); } getInfiniteLines(lines, active, pageSize) { if (this.pointer === undefined) { this.pointer = 0; } var middleOfList = Math.floor(pageSize / 2); // Move the pointer only when the user go down and limit it to the middle of the list if ( this.pointer < middleOfList && this.lastIndex < active && active - this.lastIndex < pageSize ) { this.pointer = Math.min(middleOfList, this.pointer + active - this.lastIndex); } // Duplicate the lines so it give an infinite list look var infinite = _.flatten([lines, lines, lines]); var topIndex = Math.max(0, active + lines.length - this.pointer); return infinite.splice(topIndex, pageSize); } getFiniteLines(lines, active, pageSize) { var topIndex = active - pageSize / 2; if (topIndex < 0) { topIndex = 0; } else if (topIndex + pageSize > lines.length) { topIndex = lines.length - pageSize; } return lines.splice(topIndex, pageSize); } } module.exports = Paginator;