"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.default = _default; function _default(action, { checkPath = true, checkAbortOnFail = true } = {}) { // it's not even an object, you fail! if (typeof action !== 'object') { return `Invalid action object: ${JSON.stringify(action)}`; } const { path, abortOnFail } = action; if (checkPath && (typeof path !== 'string' || path.length === 0)) { return `Invalid path "${path}"`; } // abortOnFail is optional, but if it's provided it needs to be a Boolean if (checkAbortOnFail && abortOnFail !== undefined && typeof abortOnFail !== 'boolean') { return `Invalid value for abortOnFail (${abortOnFail} is not a Boolean)`; } return true; }