'use strict' const test = require('tape') const path = require('path') const fs = require('fs') const os = require('os') const which = require('which') const npmPath = require('../') const SEP = npmPath.SEPARATOR const PATH = npmPath.PATH const level0 = path.join(__dirname, 'fixture', 'level0') const level1 = path.join(level0, 'node_modules', 'level1') const level2 = path.join(level1, 'node_modules', 'level2') const level = [level0, level1, level2] const binPath = level.map(function (levelPath) { return path.join(levelPath, 'node_modules', '.bin') }) test('exports separator', function (t) { t.ok(npmPath.SEPARATOR) t.end() }) test('exports $PATH key', function (t) { t.ok(npmPath.PATH) t.end() }) test('includes current node executable dir', function (t) { const level0Path = npmPath.getSync({cwd: level0}) t.notEqual(level0Path.indexOf(path.dirname(process.execPath) + SEP), -1) t.end() }) test('async version works', function (t) { let isAsync = false npmPath.get({cwd: level0}, function (err, level0Path) { t.ifError(err) t.ok(isAsync) t.notEqual(level0Path.indexOf(path.dirname(process.execPath) + SEP), -1) t.end() }) isAsync = true // can only be set if above callback not synchronous }) test('no fn == sync', function (t) { const level0Path = npmPath.get({cwd: level0}) t.notEqual(level0Path.indexOf(path.dirname(process.execPath) + SEP), -1) t.end() }) test('sync options is optional', function (t) { const newPath = npmPath.get() t.notEqual(newPath.indexOf(path.dirname(process.execPath) + SEP), -1) t.end() }) test('async options is optional', function (t) { let isAsync = false npmPath.get(function (err, newPath) { t.ifError(err) t.notEqual(newPath.indexOf(path.dirname(process.execPath) + SEP), -1) t.ok(isAsync) t.end() }) isAsync = true // can only be set if above callback not synchronous }) test('includes bin from sibling dirs', { skip: true }, function (t) { t.test('from existing sibling directory', function (t) { const level1Path = npmPath.getSync({cwd: path.join(level[0], 'test')}) t.notEqual(level1Path.indexOf(binPath[0] + SEP), -1, 'should include level 0 .bin') t.equal(level1Path.indexOf(binPath[2] + SEP), -1, 'should not include child paths') t.end() }) t.test('from existing sibling directory async', function (t) { npmPath({cwd: path.join(level[0], 'test')}, function (err, level1Path) { t.ifError(err) t.notEqual(level1Path.indexOf(binPath[0] + SEP), -1, 'should include level 0 .bin') t.equal(level1Path.indexOf(binPath[2] + SEP), -1, 'should not include child paths') t.end() }) }) }) test('includes all .bin dirs in all parent node_modules folders', function (t) { t.test('no nesting', function (t) { const level0Path = npmPath.getSync({cwd: level[0]}) t.notEqual(level0Path.indexOf(binPath[0] + SEP), -1, 'should include level 0 .bin') t.equal(level0Path.indexOf(binPath[1] + SEP), -1, 'should not include child paths') t.equal(level0Path.indexOf(binPath[2] + SEP), -1, 'should not include child paths') t.end() }) t.test('1 level of nesting', function (t) { const level1Path = npmPath.getSync({cwd: level[1]}) t.notEqual(level1Path.indexOf(binPath[0] + SEP), -1, 'should include level 0 .bin') t.notEqual(level1Path.indexOf(binPath[1] + SEP), -1, 'should include level 1 .bin') t.equal(level1Path.indexOf(binPath[2] + SEP), -1, 'should not include child paths') t.end() }) t.test('2 levels of nesting', function (t) { const level1Path = npmPath.getSync({cwd: level[2]}) t.notEqual(level1Path.indexOf(binPath[0] + SEP), -1, 'should include level 0 .bin') t.notEqual(level1Path.indexOf(binPath[1] + SEP), -1, 'should include level 1 .bin') t.notEqual(level1Path.indexOf(binPath[2] + SEP), -1, 'should include level 2 .bin') t.end() }) t.end() }) test('handles directories with node_modules in the name', function (t) { const trickyL0 = level[0].replace('level0', 'level0_node_modules') const trickyL1 = level[1].replace('level0', 'level0_node_modules') const trickyL2 = level[2].replace('level0', 'level0_node_modules') t.test('no nesting', function (t) { const level0Path = npmPath.getSync({cwd: trickyL0}) t.notEqual(level0Path.indexOf(path.join(trickyL0, 'node_modules', '.bin') + SEP), -1, 'should include level 0 .bin') t.end() }) t.test('1 level of nesting', function (t) { const level1Path = npmPath.getSync({cwd: trickyL1}) t.notEqual(level1Path.indexOf(path.join(trickyL0, 'node_modules', '.bin') + SEP), -1, 'should include level 0 .bin') t.notEqual(level1Path.indexOf(path.join(trickyL1, 'node_modules', '.bin') + SEP), -1, 'should include level 1 .bin') t.end() }) t.test('2 levels of nesting', function (t) { const level2Path = npmPath.getSync({cwd: trickyL2}) t.notEqual(level2Path.indexOf(path.join(trickyL0, 'node_modules', '.bin') + SEP), -1, 'should include level 0 .bin') t.notEqual(level2Path.indexOf(path.join(trickyL1, 'node_modules', '.bin') + SEP), -1, 'should include level 1 .bin') t.notEqual(level2Path.indexOf(path.join(trickyL2, 'node_modules', '.bin') + SEP), -1, 'should include level 1 .bin') t.end() }) t.end() }) test('can set path', function (t) { const oldPath = process.env[PATH] npmPath.set.sync() const newPath = process.env[PATH] t.notDeepEqual(oldPath, newPath) process.env[PATH] = oldPath t.end() }) test('includes node-gyp bundled with current npm', { skip: true }, function (t) { const oldPath = process.env[PATH] npmPath() const newGypPath = which.sync('node-gyp') t.ok(newGypPath) t.ok(fs.existsSync(newGypPath)) t.notEqual(newGypPath.indexOf(path.join('npm', 'bin', 'node-gyp-bin') + SEP), -1) process.env[PATH] = oldPath t.end() }) test('remove duplicated entries', function (t) { const pathWithDuplicates = '/bin:/sbin:/bin' const newPath = npmPath({env: {PATH: pathWithDuplicates}}).split(':') // Set size is equal to array length if there are no duplicates t.equal(newPath.length, (new Set(newPath)).size) t.end() }) test('can set path to npm root to use for node-gyp lookup', { skip: true }, function (t) { const oldPath = process.env[PATH] const pathToNpm = path.resolve( fs.realpathSync(which.sync('npm')), '..', '..' ) const tmpFile = path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'npm-path-custom-npm') try { fs.unlinkSync(tmpFile) } catch (err) { err // ignore } fs.linkSync(pathToNpm, tmpFile) const newPath = npmPath.get({ npm: tmpFile }) t.notEqual(newPath.indexOf(path.join(tmpFile, 'bin', 'node-gyp-bin') + SEP), -1) process.env[PATH] = oldPath fs.unlinkSync(tmpFile) t.end() }) test('error if passing bad path to npm root', { skip: true }, function (t) { const oldPath = process.env[PATH] const tmpFile = path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'npm-path-custom-npm') try { fs.unlinkSync(tmpFile) } catch (err) { err // ignore } t.throws(() => { npmPath.get({ npm: tmpFile }) }) process.env[PATH] = oldPath t.end() }) test('no error if no npm on existing path', function (t) { const oldPath = process.env[PATH] process.env[PATH] = '' const newPath = npmPath.get() t.equal(newPath.indexOf(path.join('bin', 'node-gyp-bin') + SEP), -1) process.env[PATH] = oldPath t.end() })