<?php namespace app\admin\controller; use app\model\Admins; use app\model\Onlines; use app\model\Orders; use app\model\Sales; use app\model\Works; use support\Log; use support\Request; class DataController extends base { /** * 获取订单统计数据 * @param $times * @param $os * @return Orders[]|array|\think\Collection|\think\db\Query[]|\think\model\Collection * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException */ private function orderStatics($times, $os) { $query = Orders::alias('o')->with('admin') ->leftJoin('admins a','a.id = o.admin_id') ->order('o.admin_id','desc') ->group('a.id,a.name,o.admin_id') ->fieldRaw(' count(o.id) as orders, SUM(o.total_price) as total_price, SUM(CASE WHEN (o.os in (1,7) AND o.order_status = 4) OR (o.os in(3,5) AND o.order_status = 2) OR (o.os = 2 AND o.order_status = 5) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as assets, SUM(CASE WHEN (o.os in (1,7) AND o.order_status = 4) OR (o.os in(3,5) AND o.order_status = 2) OR (o.os = 2 AND o.order_status = 5) THEN asset_price ELSE 0 END) as asset_price, SUM(CASE WHEN (o.os in (1,7) AND o.order_status = 5) OR (o.os in(3,5) AND o.order_status = 4) OR (o.os = 2 AND o.order_status = 1) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS nopays, SUM(CASE WHEN (o.os in (1,7) AND o.order_status = 5) OR (o.os in(3,5) AND o.order_status = 4) OR (o.os = 2 AND o.order_status = 1) THEN actual_price ELSE 0 END) AS nopay_price, o.admin_id,a.name'); if($times) { if (is_string($times)) { $times = explode(',', $times); } $query->whereBetween('o.create_at',[strtotime($times[0])*1000,strtotime($times[1])*1000+999]); } if($os) { $query->where('o.os', $os); } return $query->select(); } public function index(Request $request) { $times = $request->get('times'); $os = $request->get('os'); $list = $this->orderStatics($times, $os); //统计每一列 $totalArr[1] = [ 'write_rate' => 0, 'write_rate_price' => 0, 'orders' => 0, 'total_price' => 0, 'assets' => 0, 'asset_price' => 0, 'nopays' => 0, 'nopay_price' => 0, 'admin_id' => 0, 'm_orders' => 0, 'm_total_price' => 0, 'm_assets' => 0, 'm_asset_price' => 0, 'month_write_num' => 0, 'name' => '合计', 'admin' => [ 'username' => '合计', 'name' => '合计', 'avatar' => '', ] ]; // 当月数据统计 $currentList = $this->orderStatics([date('Y-m-01'), date('Y-m-d H:i:s')], $os); $currentList = array_column($currentList->toArray(), null, 'admin_id'); foreach ($list as $k => $v) { $list[$k]['write_rate'] = number_format(($v['assets']/$v['orders'])*100,2); $list[$k]['write_rate_price'] = number_format(($v['asset_price']/$v['total_price'])*100,2); // 当月核销率(按订单) $list[$k]['month_write_rate'] = 0; // 当月核销率(按销售额) $list[$k]['month_write_rate_price'] = 0; // 当月核销数(按核销时间) $list[$k]['month_write_num'] = Orders::query()->where('admin_id', $v['admin_id'])->where('verification_date', '>', date('Y-m-01'))->count(); if (isset($currentList[$v['admin_id']])) { $currentAdmin = $currentList[$v['admin_id']]; $list[$k]['month_write_rate'] = number_format(($currentAdmin['assets']/$currentAdmin['orders'])*100,2); $list[$k]['month_write_rate_price'] = number_format(($currentAdmin['asset_price']/$currentAdmin['total_price'])*100,2); $totalArr[1]['m_orders'] += $currentAdmin['orders']; $totalArr[1]['m_total_price'] += $currentAdmin['total_price']; $totalArr[1]['m_assets'] += $currentAdmin['assets']; $totalArr[1]['m_asset_price'] += $currentAdmin['asset_price']; } $totalArr[1]['orders'] += $list[$k]['orders']; $totalArr[1]['total_price'] += $list[$k]['total_price']; $totalArr[1]['assets'] += $list[$k]['assets']; $totalArr[1]['asset_price'] += $list[$k]['asset_price']; $totalArr[1]['nopays'] += $list[$k]['nopays']; $totalArr[1]['nopay_price'] += $list[$k]['nopay_price']; $totalArr[1]['month_write_num'] += $list[$k]['month_write_num']; } if (isset($totalArr[1]['orders']) && $totalArr[1]['orders'] > 0) { $totalArr[1]['write_rate'] = (float)number_format(($totalArr[1]['assets']/$totalArr[1]['orders'])*100,2); } if (isset($totalArr[1]['total_price']) && $totalArr[1]['total_price'] > 0) { $totalArr[1]['write_rate_price'] = (float)number_format(($totalArr[1]['asset_price']/$totalArr[1]['total_price'])*100,2); } if (isset($totalArr[1]['m_orders']) && $totalArr[1]['m_orders'] > 0) { $totalArr[1]['month_write_rate'] = (float)number_format(($totalArr[1]['m_assets']/$totalArr[1]['m_orders'])*100,2); } if (isset($totalArr[1]['m_total_price']) && $totalArr[1]['m_total_price'] > 0) { $totalArr[1]['month_write_rate_price'] = (float)number_format(($totalArr[1]['m_asset_price']/$totalArr[1]['m_total_price'])*100,2); } $list = array_merge($list->toArray(), $totalArr); $excel = $request->get('excel'); if($excel == 1) { $writer = new \XLSXWriter(); $writer->writeSheetHeader('跟进统计', [ '姓名' => 'string', '订单数' => 'string', '订单总金额' => 'price', '核销数' => 'integer', '核销金额' => 'price', '未付款订单' => 'integer', '未付款金额' => 'price', '核销率(按订单)' => 'string', '退款率' => 'string', ]); $osList = [ 1 => '美团', 2 => '快手', 3 => '抖音', ]; bcscale(2); $list = array_values($list); Log::info('lists:' . json_encode($list)); foreach($list as $val) { $writer->writeSheetRow('跟进统计', [ $val['admin'] ? $val['admin']['name'] : '', $val['orders'], bcdiv($val['total_price'], 100), $val['assets'], bcdiv($val['asset_price'], 100), $val['nopays'], bcdiv($val['nopay_price'], 100), $val['write_rate'] . '%', $val['write_rate_price'] . '%', ]); } $file_name = "跟进统计-".date('Ymd-His').".xlsx"; $response = response(); $c = $writer->writeToString(); $response->withHeaders([ 'Content-Type' => 'application/force-download', 'Content-Disposition' => 'attachment; filename="'.$file_name.'"', 'Content-Transfer-Encoding' => 'binary', 'Cache-Control' => 'max-age=0', ])->withBody($c); return $response; } return $this->success(array_values($list), null, ['oss' => Orders::OSS]); } /** * 在线时长 */ public function online(Request $request) { $times = $request->get('times'); $admin = $request->get('admin'); $online = new Onlines(); $list = $online->online($admin, $times); return $this->success($list); } public function anchor(Request $request) { $times = $request->get('times'); $admin = $request->get('admin'); if(!empty($times) && is_array($times) && count($times) >= 2) { $start = date('Y-m-d 00:00:00',strtotime($times[0])); $end = date('Y-m-d 23:59:59',strtotime($times[1])); }else{ $start = date('Y-m-01 00:00:00'); $end = date('Y-m-d 23:59:59'); } if($admin) { $admins = Admins::where('is_anchor', 1)->where('username', $admin)->select(); }else{ $admins = Admins::where('is_anchor', 1)->select(); } foreach($admins as $admin) { $admin->works = Works::where('admin_id', $admin->id)->where('status',1)->whereBetween('start',[$start, $end])->order('start','asc')->select()->append(['total']); } return $this->success($admins->hidden(['password','remember_token'])); } public function sale(Request $request) { $query = Sales::with(['admin'])->order('date','desc')->order("id",'asc'); $admin = $request->get('admin'); if($admin) { $admin_id = Admins::where('username', $admin)->value('id'); $query->where('admin_id', $admin_id); } $times = $request->get('times'); if($times) { $start = date('Ymd', strtotime($times[0])); $end = date('Ymd', strtotime($times[1])); $query->whereBetween('date',[$start,$end]); } $list = $query->paginate($request->get('limit')); return $this->success($list); } }