<?php namespace app\admin\controller; use app\model\Admins; use app\model\Backs; use app\model\Finances; use app\model\Onlines; use app\model\Orders; use Qiniu\Auth; use support\Log; use support\Redis; use support\Request; class IndexController extends base { public function isWork(Request $request) { Redis::set('CRM:USER:ONLINE:WATCH:' . $request->admin->id, time()); $lastTime = Redis::get('CRM:USER:ONLINE:' . $request->admin->id); $end = Redis::hGet('CRM:USER:ONLINE:END', $request->admin->id); if (!empty($lastTime) && time() - $lastTime <= 5 * 60) { } elseif (empty($lastTime) && $end) { $has = Onlines::where("admin_id", $request->admin->id)->order('id desc')->find(); if ($has && empty($has->end)) { Onlines::where("id", $has->id)->update(['end' => $end]); } else { $start = Redis::hGet('CRM:USER:ONLINE', $request->admin->id); //创建一个新的 Onlines::create([ 'admin_id' => $request->admin->id, 'start' => $start, 'end' => $end ]); } //创建一个新的 Onlines::create([ 'admin_id' => $request->admin->id, 'start' => time(), 'end' => 0 ]); } else { //第一次,给建个新的 Onlines::create([ 'admin_id' => $request->admin->id, 'start' => time(), 'end' => 0 ]); } Redis::Set('CRM:USER:ONLINE:' . $request->admin->id, time(), 'ex', 10 * 60); Redis::hSet('CRM:USER:ONLINE:END', $request->admin->id, time() + 60); $new = Redis::get('CRM:USER:ONLINE:NEW:' . $request->admin->id); Redis::del('CRM:USER:ONLINE:NEW:' . $request->admin->id); $back = Redis::set('CRM:USER:ONLINE:FOLLOW:LOCK:' . $request->admin->id, time(), 'EX', 60, 'nx'); $follow = $backs = 0; if ($back) { $follow = Orders::where('admin_id', $request->admin->id)->whereBetween('next_follow', [1, (time() - 60) * 1000])->count(); $backs = Backs::where('admin', $request->admin->id)->where('status', 0)->count(); } return $this->success(['new' => $new ?? 0, 'follow' => $follow, 'back' => $backs]); } public function line() { $time = strtotime(date('Y-m-d')); $data = []; for ($i = 10; $i > 0; $i--) { $_time = $time - 3600 * 24 * $i; $d = Finances::whereBetween('create_time', [$_time, $_time + 24 * 3600 - 1]) ->where('status', 1) ->fieldRaw('SUM(IF(type=1,`total`,0))/100 as total, SUM(IF(type=2,`total`,0))/100 as refund') ->find(); $d->date = date("m-d", $_time); $data[] = $d; } $_data = []; foreach ($data as $d) { $_data['title'][] = trim($d->date); $_data['total'][] = $d->total ?? 0; $_data['refund'][] = abs($d->refund ?? 0); } return $this->success($_data); } public function orders(Request $request) { $order = Orders::where('admin_id', $request->admin->id)->fieldRaw(' SUM(IF(status=0,1,0)) as wait, SUM(IF(status=1,1,0)) as doing, SUM(total_price) as total, count(id) as `all`, SUM(IF(asset_price>0 AND status=2,1,0)) as asset, SUM(IF(asset_price>0 AND status=2,asset_price,0)) as asset_price, SUM(CASE WHEN (os = 1 AND STATUS = 5) OR (os = 3 AND STATUS = 4) OR (os = 2 AND STATUS = 1) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS refund, SUM(CASE WHEN (os = 1 AND STATUS = 5) OR (os = 3 AND STATUS = 4) OR (os = 2 AND STATUS = 1) THEN actual_price ELSE 0 END) AS refund_price ')->find(); // Log::warning("=====",['sql'=>$order]); return $this->success([ 'wait' => $order->wait ?? 0, 'doing' => $order->doing ?? 0, 'total' => $order->total ?? 0, 'all' => $order->all ?? 0, 'asset' => $order->asset ?? 0, 'asset_price' => $order->asset_price ?? 0, 'refund' => $order->refund ?? 0, 'refund_price' => $order->refund_price ?? 0 ]); } public function pie() { $time = strtotime(date('Y-m-d')); $_time = $time - 3600 * 24 * 10; $data = Orders::whereBetween('create_time', [$_time, time()])->fieldRaw('sum(total_price) as value, status')->group('status')->select(); $ddd = []; foreach (Orders::StatusName as $k => $d) { $item['name'] = $d; $item['value'] = 0; foreach ($data as $dd) { if ($dd->status == $k) { $item['value'] = $dd->value / 100; break; } } $ddd[] = $item; } return $this->success($ddd); } public function Info(Request $request) { $info = Admins::where('id', $request->admin->id)->find(); return $this->success([ 'roles' => [$info->is_super ? 'admin' : 'editor'], 'avatar' => $info->avatar ?? '/avatar.webp', 'name' => $info->name, 'is_anchor' => $info->is_anchor ? 1 : 0, 'oss' => Orders::OSS ]); } public function qiniu() { // 用于签名的公钥和私钥 $accessKey = config('qiniu.accessKey'); $secretKey = config('qiniu.secretKey'); // 初始化签权对象 $auth = new Auth($accessKey, $secretKey); $bucket = 'tt-api'; $key = 'imgs/' . Date('Ym/d-His') . '.jpg'; // 生成上传Token $token = $auth->uploadToken($bucket); return $this->success(['qiniu_key' => $key, 'qiniu_token' => $token, 'qiniu_url' => 'http://up-z2.qiniup.com']); } public function avatar(Request $request) { $file = $request->file("file"); $filename = '/uploads/avatar/' . $request->admin->id . '.' . $file->getUploadExtension(); $file->move(public_path() . $filename); $item = Admins::where('id', $request->admin->id)->find(); $item->avatar = $filename; $item->save(); return $this->success($filename); } public function productNameList(Request $request) { $limit = $request->get('limit', 10); $product_name = $request->get('product_name'); $os = $request->get('os_status'); $list = Orders::where('admin_id',$request->admin->id) ->fieldRaw(' os,product_name, SUM(IF(status=0,1,0)) as wait, SUM(IF(status=1,1,0)) as doing, SUM(total_price) as total, count(id) as `all`, SUM(IF(asset_price>0 AND status=2,1,0)) as asset, SUM(IF(asset_price>0 AND status=2,asset_price,0)) as asset_price, SUM(CASE WHEN (os = 1 AND STATUS = 5) OR (os = 3 AND STATUS = 4) OR (os = 2 AND STATUS = 1) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS refund, SUM(CASE WHEN (os = 1 AND STATUS = 5) OR (os = 3 AND STATUS = 4) OR (os = 2 AND STATUS = 1) THEN actual_price ELSE 0 END) AS refund_price ') ->group('os,product_name') ->order('total desc'); if (!empty($os)){ $list = $list->where('os',$os); } if (!empty($product_name)){ $list = $list->where('product_name','like','%'.$product_name.'%'); } $list = $list->paginate($limit); return $this->success($list); } }