<?php namespace app\server; use app\common\Error; use app\model\Admins; use app\model\Admins as AdminsModel; use app\model\Blacks; use app\model\FilterMobiles; use app\model\Finances as FinancesModel; use app\model\LiveRoomWorks; use app\model\Orders as OrdersModel; use app\model\Products; use support\Log; use support\Redis; class Orders { protected static $redisPool = []; public static function isDaishiyong(OrdersModel $order): bool { // 根据 OrdersModel::AllOssStatusSql[1] 进行判断 // ((os=1 and order_status=3) or (os=2 and order_status=4) or (os=3 and order_status=1)) return (in_array($order->os, [1, 7]) && $order->order_status == 3) || ($order->os == 2 && $order->order_status == 4) || (in_array($order->os, [3, 5]) && in_array($order->order_status, [1, 5])) || (in_array($order->os, [6]) && in_array($order->order_status, [200])); } /** * @params []OrdersModel $order * @return array */ public static function reminderOrders(OrdersModel ...$orders) { $admin_ids = []; $sns = []; foreach ($orders as $order) { $admin_ids[] = $order->admin_id; $sns[] = $order->sn; } $admins = AdminsModel::whereIn('id', $admin_ids)->select()->column('mobile', 'id'); if (empty($admins)) { return array_fill_keys($sns, Error::undefined('admin check error')); } $ttl = 86400; $result = []; $admins = array_column($admins, null, 'id'); foreach($orders as $order) { $admin_mobile = $admins[$order->admin_id] ?? ''; if (empty($order->mobile) || empty($admin_mobile)) { $result[$order->sn] = Error::undefined('client mobile or admin mobile invalid'); continue; } if (FilterMobiles::isFilterMobile($order->mobile)) { $result[$order->sn] = Error::undefined('刷单账单'); continue; } $admin_mobile = $admin_mobile['mobile'] ?? ''; if (Blacks::CExists($order->mobile)) { $result[$order->sn] = Error::ERR_SMS_BLACKS; Log::info(__METHOD__ . " blacks", [$order->mobile, $order->sn]); continue; } $key = sprintf("CRM:%s:%s_%s", 'reminderOrders', $order->sn, $order->mobile); $ok = Redis::set($key, time(), 'EX', $ttl, 'NX'); if (!$ok) { $result[$order->sn] = Error::undefined('reminder cooldown'); continue; } $res = SMS::juhe_sms_send($order->mobile, SMS::JUHE_TMP_REMINDER_ORDER, ['title' => $order->product_name, 'mobile' => $admin_mobile]); $err_code = $res['error_code'] ?? 0; if ($err_code != 0) { Log::error(__METHOD__ . " send error", [$res, $order->mobile, $order->sn]); $result[$order->sn] = Error::ERR_SMS_SEND_FAIL; continue; } $result[$order->sn] = []; } return count($orders) > 1 ? $result : reset($result); } public static function syncFromThird(OrdersModel $order) { $got = null; switch ($order->os) { case 1: case 7: $mt = new Meituan($order->os); $it = $mt->get(1, null, null, $order->sn); if ($it) { $got = $it[0]; } break; case 3: case 5: $dy = new Douyin($order->os); $it = $dy->get(1, null, null, $order->sn); if ($it) { $got = $it[0]; // 查询未预约状态 if ($order->appointment_status == 0) { $appointment_status = $dy->_orderMakeAppointmentStatus($order->sn); if ($appointment_status !== null) { $got['appointment_status'] = 1; } } } break; case 6: $tc = new Tongcheng($order->os); $it = $tc->get(1, null, null, $order->sn); if ($it) { $got = $it[0]; } break; } if (is_null($got)) { Log::info(__METHOD__ . ": get from os is null", [$order]); return; } $back = $order->save($got); if ($back) { self::finance(0, $order->id, $order->asset_price); } return 0; } public static function finance($type = 1, $order_id = 0, $price = 0) { //总的关于这个订单的金额 $total = FinancesModel::where('order_id', $order_id)->sum('total'); //如果总金额大于提交上来的核销金额,那就是退费的 //如果提交上来的金额小于总金额,那就是核销的 if ($total > $price) { $type = 2; $fee = -($total - $price); } elseif ($total < $price) { $type = 1; $fee = $price - $total; } else { return; } FinancesModel::create([ 'order_id' => $order_id, 'type' => $type, 'total' => $fee, 'status' => 1 ]); return; } /** * 同步第三方返回 * @param OrdersModel $order * @return mixed * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException */ public static function syncFromThirdV2(OrdersModel $order) { $got = null; switch ($order->os) { case 1: case 7: $mt = new Meituan($order->os); $it = $mt->get(1, null, null, $order->sn); if ($it) { $got = $it[0]; } break; case 3: case 5: $dy = new Douyin($order->os); $it = $dy->get(1, null, null, $order->sn); if ($it) { $got = $it[0]; } break; } if (is_null($got)) { Log::info(__METHOD__ . ": get from os is null", [$order]); return $order; } $back = $order->save($got); if ($back) { self::finance(0, $order->id, $order->asset_price); } return $order; } /** * @param int $orderCreateTime * @param $productId * @return array|mixed|\think\Model * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException */ public static function getLiveRoomWork(int $orderCreateTime, $productId) { $orderCreateDate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $orderCreateTime/1000); $roomWork = LiveRoomWorks::join('live_room', 'live_room_works.live_room_id=live_room.id') ->where('live_room_works.start', '<', $orderCreateDate) ->where('live_room_works.end', '>', $orderCreateDate) ->whereRaw(sprintf('find_in_set(%s, live_room.`product_ids`)', $productId)) ->field(['live_room_works.id']) ->find(); return $roomWork; } /** * 分配用户 * @param int $status * @param string $categoryDesc * @return int|string * @throws \Exception */ public static function poolUser($status, $thirdProductId) { $status .= $thirdProductId; if (empty(self::$redisPool[$status])) { self::$redisPool[$status] = Redis::hGetAll('CRM:Pool:' . $status); $users = self::users($thirdProductId); $_users = []; if (empty(self::$redisPool[$status])) { foreach ($users as $user) { $_users[$user->username] = 0; Redis::hSet('CRM:Pool:' . $status, $user->username, 0); } self::$redisPool[$status] = $_users; } else { asort(self::$redisPool[$status]); $key_users = array_keys(self::$redisPool[$status]); $username = $key_users[0]; $max = self::$redisPool[$status][$username]; $_users = []; foreach ($users as $user) { $_users[] = $user->username; if (!in_array($user->username, $key_users)) { self::$redisPool[$status][$username] = $max; Redis::hSet('CRM:Pool:' . $status, $user->username, $max); } } foreach (self::$redisPool[$status] as $username => $val) { if (!in_array($username, $_users)) { unset(self::$redisPool[$status][$username]); Redis::hDel('CRM:Pool:' . $status, $username); } } } } $username = null; try { $pool = self::$redisPool[$status]; if (empty($pool)) $pool = []; asort($pool); $keys = array_keys($pool); if (empty($keys)) { throw new \Exception('没有可以分配的用户'); } $username = $keys[0]; self::$redisPool[$status][$username] += 1; Redis::hIncrBy('CRM:Pool:' . $status, $username, 1); } catch (\Exception $e) { Log::error(dirname(__FILE__) . __LINE__ . '没有可以分配的用户', func_get_args()); throw new \Exception('没有可以分配的用户'); } return $username; } /** * @param $thirdProductId * @return array * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException */ protected static function users($thirdProductId) { $product = Products::query()->where('third_product_id', $thirdProductId)->find(); if (empty($product)) { return []; } $users = Admins::where('status', 1)->where('is_order', 1)->whereFindInSet('product_ids', $product->id)->select(); if ($thirdProductId == '1128292503') { Log::info(' 1128292503 find not one...' . json_encode($product)); } $us = []; foreach ($users as $u) { $ru = Redis::get('CRM:USER:ONLINE:' . $u->id); if (empty($ru)) continue; $_u = new \stdClass(); $_u->username = $u->id; $us[] = $_u; }; return $us; } /** * 发送订单短信 * @param $admin_id * @param $order * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException */ public static function sendOrderSms($admin_id, $order) { $user = Admins::cache(true)->where('id', $admin_id)->find(); if ((!config('app.debug', true) || config('app.debug', true) === 'false') && (time() * 1000 - $order->create_at) / 1000 < 2 * 24 * 3600) { $has = Blacks::where('mobile', $order->mobile)->find(); if (empty($has) && !empty($order->mobile)) { SMS::juhe_sms_send($order->mobile, 261607, ['title' => $order->product_name, 'mobile' => $user->mobile]); } else { sleep(10); } } else { Log::info('订单未发送短息:' . json_encode([$order->mobile, 261607, ['title' => $order->product_name, 'mobile' => $user->mobile]])); } } }