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import * as _vueuse_shared from '@vueuse/shared';
import { Fn, MaybeRef, MaybeComputedRef, Awaitable, ConfigurableEventFilter, ConfigurableFlush, RemovableRef, EventHookOn, Arrayable, MaybeReadonlyRef, UseIntervalFnOptions, Pausable, UseTimeoutFnOptions, EventHook } from '@vueuse/shared';
export * from '@vueuse/shared';
import * as vue_demi from 'vue-demi';
import { Ref, InjectionKey, ComputedRef, ComponentPublicInstance, Component, UnwrapRef, WatchOptions, UnwrapNestedRefs, WatchSource, ToRefs, StyleValue, ShallowRef } from 'vue-demi';
import * as vue from 'vue-demi';
* Handle overlapping async evaluations.
* @param cancelCallback The provided callback is invoked when a re-evaluation of the computed value is triggered before the previous one finished
type AsyncComputedOnCancel = (cancelCallback: Fn) => void;
interface AsyncComputedOptions {
* Should value be evaluated lazily
* @default false
lazy?: boolean;
* Ref passed to receive the updated of async evaluation
evaluating?: Ref<boolean>;
* Use shallowRef
* The default value will be changed to `true` in the next major version
* @default false
shallow?: boolean;
* Callback when error is caught.
onError?: (e: unknown) => void;
* Create an asynchronous computed dependency.
* @see https://vueuse.org/computedAsync
* @param evaluationCallback The promise-returning callback which generates the computed value
* @param initialState The initial state, used until the first evaluation finishes
* @param optionsOrRef Additional options or a ref passed to receive the updates of the async evaluation
declare function computedAsync<T>(evaluationCallback: (onCancel: AsyncComputedOnCancel) => T | Promise<T>, initialState?: T, optionsOrRef?: Ref<boolean> | AsyncComputedOptions): Ref<T>;
type ComputedInjectGetter<T, K> = (source: T | undefined, ctx?: any) => K;
type ComputedInjectGetterWithDefault<T, K> = (source: T, ctx?: any) => K;
type ComputedInjectSetter<T> = (v: T) => void;
interface WritableComputedInjectOptions<T, K> {
get: ComputedInjectGetter<T, K>;
set: ComputedInjectSetter<K>;
interface WritableComputedInjectOptionsWithDefault<T, K> {
get: ComputedInjectGetterWithDefault<T, K>;
set: ComputedInjectSetter<K>;
declare function computedInject<T, K = any>(key: InjectionKey<T> | string, getter: ComputedInjectGetter<T, K>): ComputedRef<K | undefined>;
declare function computedInject<T, K = any>(key: InjectionKey<T> | string, options: WritableComputedInjectOptions<T, K>): ComputedRef<K | undefined>;
declare function computedInject<T, K = any>(key: InjectionKey<T> | string, getter: ComputedInjectGetterWithDefault<T, K>, defaultSource: T, treatDefaultAsFactory?: false): ComputedRef<K>;
declare function computedInject<T, K = any>(key: InjectionKey<T> | string, options: WritableComputedInjectOptionsWithDefault<T, K>, defaultSource: T | (() => T), treatDefaultAsFactory: true): ComputedRef<K>;
type UnrefFn<T> = T extends (...args: infer A) => infer R ? (...args: {
[K in keyof A]: MaybeRef<A[K]>;
}) => R : never;
* Make a plain function accepting ref and raw values as arguments.
* Returns the same value the unconverted function returns, with proper typing.
declare const createUnrefFn: <T extends Function>(fn: T) => UnrefFn<T>;
type VueInstance = ComponentPublicInstance;
type MaybeElementRef<T extends MaybeElement = MaybeElement> = MaybeRef<T>;
type MaybeComputedElementRef<T extends MaybeElement = MaybeElement> = MaybeComputedRef<T>;
type MaybeElement = HTMLElement | SVGElement | VueInstance | undefined | null;
type UnRefElementReturn<T extends MaybeElement = MaybeElement> = T extends VueInstance ? Exclude<MaybeElement, VueInstance> : T | undefined;
* Get the dom element of a ref of element or Vue component instance
* @param elRef
declare function unrefElement<T extends MaybeElement>(elRef: MaybeComputedElementRef<T>): UnRefElementReturn<T>;
interface ConfigurableWindow {
window?: Window;
interface ConfigurableDocument {
document?: Document;
interface ConfigurableDocumentOrShadowRoot {
document?: DocumentOrShadowRoot;
interface ConfigurableNavigator {
navigator?: Navigator;
interface ConfigurableLocation {
location?: Location;
declare const defaultWindow: (Window & typeof globalThis) | undefined;
declare const defaultDocument: Document | undefined;
declare const defaultNavigator: Navigator | undefined;
declare const defaultLocation: Location | undefined;
interface OnClickOutsideOptions extends ConfigurableWindow {
* List of elements that should not trigger the event.
ignore?: (MaybeElementRef | string)[];
* Use capturing phase for internal event listener.
* @default true
capture?: boolean;
* Run handler function if focus moves to an iframe.
* @default false
detectIframe?: boolean;
type OnClickOutsideHandler<T extends {
detectIframe: OnClickOutsideOptions['detectIframe'];
} = {
detectIframe: false;
}> = (evt: T['detectIframe'] extends true ? PointerEvent | FocusEvent : PointerEvent) => void;
* Listen for clicks outside of an element.
* @see https://vueuse.org/onClickOutside
* @param target
* @param handler
* @param options
declare function onClickOutside<T extends OnClickOutsideOptions>(target: MaybeElementRef, handler: OnClickOutsideHandler<{
detectIframe: T['detectIframe'];
}>, options?: T): (() => void) | undefined;
type KeyPredicate = (event: KeyboardEvent) => boolean;
type KeyFilter = true | string | string[] | KeyPredicate;
type KeyStrokeEventName = 'keydown' | 'keypress' | 'keyup';
interface OnKeyStrokeOptions {
eventName?: KeyStrokeEventName;
target?: MaybeComputedRef<EventTarget | null | undefined>;
passive?: boolean;
declare function onKeyStroke(key: KeyFilter, handler: (event: KeyboardEvent) => void, options?: OnKeyStrokeOptions): () => void;
declare function onKeyStroke(handler: (event: KeyboardEvent) => void, options?: OnKeyStrokeOptions): () => void;
* Listen for keyboard keys being stroked.
* @see https://vueuse.org/onKeyStroke
declare function onKeyStroke(key: KeyFilter, handler: (event: KeyboardEvent) => void, options?: OnKeyStrokeOptions): () => void;
declare function onKeyStroke(handler: (event: KeyboardEvent) => void, options?: OnKeyStrokeOptions): () => void;
* Listen to the keydown event of the given key.
* @see https://vueuse.org/onKeyStroke
* @param key
* @param handler
* @param options
declare function onKeyDown(key: KeyFilter, handler: (event: KeyboardEvent) => void, options?: Omit<OnKeyStrokeOptions, 'eventName'>): () => void;
* Listen to the keypress event of the given key.
* @see https://vueuse.org/onKeyStroke
* @param key
* @param handler
* @param options
declare function onKeyPressed(key: KeyFilter, handler: (event: KeyboardEvent) => void, options?: Omit<OnKeyStrokeOptions, 'eventName'>): () => void;
* Listen to the keyup event of the given key.
* @see https://vueuse.org/onKeyStroke
* @param key
* @param handler
* @param options
declare function onKeyUp(key: KeyFilter, handler: (event: KeyboardEvent) => void, options?: Omit<OnKeyStrokeOptions, 'eventName'>): () => void;
interface OnLongPressOptions {
* Time in ms till `longpress` gets called
* @default 500
delay?: number;
modifiers?: OnLongPressModifiers;
interface OnLongPressModifiers {
stop?: boolean;
once?: boolean;
prevent?: boolean;
capture?: boolean;
self?: boolean;
declare function onLongPress(target: MaybeElementRef, handler: (evt: PointerEvent) => void, options?: OnLongPressOptions): void;
* Fires when users start typing on non-editable elements.
* @see https://vueuse.org/onStartTyping
* @param callback
* @param options
declare function onStartTyping(callback: (event: KeyboardEvent) => void, options?: ConfigurableDocument): void;
* Shorthand for binding ref to template element.
* @see https://vueuse.org/templateRef
* @param key
* @param initialValue
declare function templateRef<T extends HTMLElement | SVGElement | Component | null>(key: string, initialValue?: T | null): Readonly<Ref<T>>;
interface UseActiveElementOptions extends ConfigurableWindow, ConfigurableDocumentOrShadowRoot {
* Reactive `document.activeElement`
* @see https://vueuse.org/useActiveElement
* @param options
declare function useActiveElement<T extends HTMLElement>(options?: UseActiveElementOptions): _vueuse_shared.ComputedRefWithControl<T | null | undefined>;
type UseAsyncQueueTask<T> = (...args: any[]) => T | Promise<T>;
interface UseAsyncQueueResult<T> {
state: 'pending' | 'fulfilled' | 'rejected';
data: T | null;
interface UseAsyncQueueReturn<T> {
activeIndex: Ref<number>;
result: T;
interface UseAsyncQueueOptions {
* Interrupt tasks when current task fails.
* @default true
interrupt?: boolean;
* Trigger it when the tasks fails.
onError?: () => void;
* Trigger it when the tasks ends.
onFinished?: () => void;
* Asynchronous queue task controller.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useAsyncQueue
* @param tasks
* @param options
declare function useAsyncQueue<T1>(tasks: [UseAsyncQueueTask<T1>], options?: UseAsyncQueueOptions): UseAsyncQueueReturn<[UseAsyncQueueResult<T1>]>;
declare function useAsyncQueue<T1, T2>(tasks: [UseAsyncQueueTask<T1>, UseAsyncQueueTask<T2>], options?: UseAsyncQueueOptions): UseAsyncQueueReturn<[UseAsyncQueueResult<T1>, UseAsyncQueueResult<T2>]>;
declare function useAsyncQueue<T1, T2, T3>(tasks: [UseAsyncQueueTask<T1>, UseAsyncQueueTask<T2>, UseAsyncQueueTask<T3>], options?: UseAsyncQueueOptions): UseAsyncQueueReturn<[UseAsyncQueueResult<T1>, UseAsyncQueueResult<T2>, UseAsyncQueueResult<T3>]>;
declare function useAsyncQueue<T1, T2, T3, T4>(tasks: [UseAsyncQueueTask<T1>, UseAsyncQueueTask<T2>, UseAsyncQueueTask<T3>, UseAsyncQueueTask<T4>], options?: UseAsyncQueueOptions): UseAsyncQueueReturn<[UseAsyncQueueResult<T1>, UseAsyncQueueResult<T2>, UseAsyncQueueResult<T3>, UseAsyncQueueResult<T4>]>;
declare function useAsyncQueue<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5>(tasks: [UseAsyncQueueTask<T1>, UseAsyncQueueTask<T2>, UseAsyncQueueTask<T3>, UseAsyncQueueTask<T4>, UseAsyncQueueTask<T5>], options?: UseAsyncQueueOptions): UseAsyncQueueReturn<[UseAsyncQueueResult<T1>, UseAsyncQueueResult<T2>, UseAsyncQueueResult<T3>, UseAsyncQueueResult<T4>, UseAsyncQueueResult<T5>]>;
declare function useAsyncQueue<T>(tasks: UseAsyncQueueTask<T>[], options?: UseAsyncQueueOptions): UseAsyncQueueReturn<UseAsyncQueueResult<T>[]>;
interface UseAsyncStateReturn<Data, Params extends any[], Shallow extends boolean> {
state: Shallow extends true ? Ref<Data> : Ref<UnwrapRef<Data>>;
isReady: Ref<boolean>;
isLoading: Ref<boolean>;
error: Ref<unknown>;
execute: (delay?: number, ...args: Params) => Promise<Data>;
interface UseAsyncStateOptions<Shallow extends boolean, D = any> {
* Delay for executing the promise. In milliseconds.
* @default 0
delay?: number;
* Execute the promise right after the function is invoked.
* Will apply the delay if any.
* When set to false, you will need to execute it manually.
* @default true
immediate?: boolean;
* Callback when error is caught.
onError?: (e: unknown) => void;
* Callback when success is caught.
* @param {D} data
onSuccess?: (data: D) => void;
* Sets the state to initialState before executing the promise.
* This can be useful when calling the execute function more than once (for
* example, to refresh data). When set to false, the current state remains
* unchanged until the promise resolves.
* @default true
resetOnExecute?: boolean;
* Use shallowRef.
* @default true
shallow?: Shallow;
* An error is thrown when executing the execute function
* @default false
throwError?: boolean;
* Reactive async state. Will not block your setup function and will trigger changes once
* the promise is ready.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useAsyncState
* @param promise The promise / async function to be resolved
* @param initialState The initial state, used until the first evaluation finishes
* @param options
declare function useAsyncState<Data, Params extends any[] = [], Shallow extends boolean = true>(promise: Promise<Data> | ((...args: Params) => Promise<Data>), initialState: Data, options?: UseAsyncStateOptions<Shallow, Data>): UseAsyncStateReturn<Data, Params, Shallow>;
interface ToDataURLOptions {
* MIME type
type?: string | undefined;
* Image quality of jpeg or webp
quality?: any;
interface UseBase64ObjectOptions<T> {
serializer: (v: T) => string;
interface UseBase64Return {
base64: Ref<string>;
promise: Ref<Promise<string>>;
execute: () => Promise<string>;
declare function useBase64(target: MaybeComputedRef<string>): UseBase64Return;
declare function useBase64(target: MaybeComputedRef<Blob>): UseBase64Return;
declare function useBase64(target: MaybeComputedRef<ArrayBuffer>): UseBase64Return;
declare function useBase64(target: MaybeComputedRef<HTMLCanvasElement>, options?: ToDataURLOptions): UseBase64Return;
declare function useBase64(target: MaybeComputedRef<HTMLImageElement>, options?: ToDataURLOptions): UseBase64Return;
declare function useBase64<T extends Record<string, unknown>>(target: MaybeComputedRef<T>, options?: UseBase64ObjectOptions<T>): UseBase64Return;
declare function useBase64<T extends Map<string, unknown>>(target: MaybeComputedRef<T>, options?: UseBase64ObjectOptions<T>): UseBase64Return;
declare function useBase64<T extends Set<unknown>>(target: MaybeComputedRef<T>, options?: UseBase64ObjectOptions<T>): UseBase64Return;
declare function useBase64<T>(target: MaybeComputedRef<T[]>, options?: UseBase64ObjectOptions<T[]>): UseBase64Return;
interface BatteryManager extends EventTarget {
charging: boolean;
chargingTime: number;
dischargingTime: number;
level: number;
* Reactive Battery Status API.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useBattery
* @param options
declare function useBattery({ navigator }?: ConfigurableNavigator): {
isSupported: vue_demi.Ref<boolean>;
charging: vue_demi.Ref<boolean>;
chargingTime: vue_demi.Ref<number>;
dischargingTime: vue_demi.Ref<number>;
level: vue_demi.Ref<number>;
type UseBatteryReturn = ReturnType<typeof useBattery>;
interface UseBluetoothRequestDeviceOptions {
* An array of BluetoothScanFilters. This filter consists of an array
* of BluetoothServiceUUIDs, a name parameter, and a namePrefix parameter.
filters?: BluetoothLEScanFilter[] | undefined;
* An array of BluetoothServiceUUIDs.
* @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/BluetoothRemoteGATTService/uuid
optionalServices?: BluetoothServiceUUID[] | undefined;
interface UseBluetoothOptions extends UseBluetoothRequestDeviceOptions, ConfigurableNavigator {
* A boolean value indicating that the requesting script can accept all Bluetooth
* devices. The default is false.
* !! This may result in a bunch of unrelated devices being shown
* in the chooser and energy being wasted as there are no filters.
* Use it with caution.
* @default false
acceptAllDevices?: boolean;
declare function useBluetooth(options?: UseBluetoothOptions): UseBluetoothReturn;
interface UseBluetoothReturn {
isSupported: Ref<boolean>;
isConnected: ComputedRef<boolean>;
device: Ref<BluetoothDevice | undefined>;
requestDevice: () => Promise<void>;
server: Ref<BluetoothRemoteGATTServer | undefined>;
error: Ref<unknown | null>;
* Breakpoints from Tailwind V2
* @see https://tailwindcss.com/docs/breakpoints
declare const breakpointsTailwind: {
sm: number;
md: number;
lg: number;
xl: number;
'2xl': number;
* Breakpoints from Bootstrap V5
* @see https://getbootstrap.com/docs/5.0/layout/breakpoints
declare const breakpointsBootstrapV5: {
sm: number;
md: number;
lg: number;
xl: number;
xxl: number;
* Breakpoints from Vuetify V2
* @see https://vuetifyjs.com/en/features/breakpoints
declare const breakpointsVuetify: {
xs: number;
sm: number;
md: number;
lg: number;
* Breakpoints from Ant Design
* @see https://ant.design/components/layout/#breakpoint-width
declare const breakpointsAntDesign: {
xs: number;
sm: number;
md: number;
lg: number;
xl: number;
xxl: number;
* Breakpoints from Quasar V2
* @see https://quasar.dev/style/breakpoints
declare const breakpointsQuasar: {
xs: number;
sm: number;
md: number;
lg: number;
* Sematic Breakpoints
declare const breakpointsSematic: {
mobileS: number;
mobileM: number;
mobileL: number;
tablet: number;
laptop: number;
laptopL: number;
desktop4K: number;
* Breakpoints from Master CSS
* @see https://docs.master.co/css/breakpoints
declare const breakpointsMasterCss: {
'3xs': number;
'2xs': number;
xs: number;
sm: number;
md: number;
lg: number;
xl: number;
'2xl': number;
'3xl': number;
'4xl': number;
type Breakpoints<K extends string = string> = Record<K, number | string>;
* Reactively viewport breakpoints
* @see https://vueuse.org/useBreakpoints
* @param options
declare function useBreakpoints<K extends string>(breakpoints: Breakpoints<K>, options?: ConfigurableWindow): {
greater(k: K): Ref<boolean>;
greaterOrEqual: (k: K) => Ref<boolean>;
smaller(k: K): Ref<boolean>;
smallerOrEqual(k: K): Ref<boolean>;
between(a: K, b: K): Ref<boolean>;
isGreater(k: K): boolean;
isGreaterOrEqual(k: K): boolean;
isSmaller(k: K): boolean;
isSmallerOrEqual(k: K): boolean;
isInBetween(a: K, b: K): boolean;
} & Record<K, Ref<boolean>>;
type UseBreakpointsReturn<K extends string = string> = {
greater: (k: K) => Ref<boolean>;
greaterOrEqual: (k: K) => Ref<boolean>;
smaller(k: K): Ref<boolean>;
smallerOrEqual: (k: K) => Ref<boolean>;
between(a: K, b: K): Ref<boolean>;
isGreater(k: K): boolean;
isGreaterOrEqual(k: K): boolean;
isSmaller(k: K): boolean;
isSmallerOrEqual(k: K): boolean;
isInBetween(a: K, b: K): boolean;
} & Record<K, Ref<boolean>>;
interface UseBroadcastChannelOptions extends ConfigurableWindow {
* The name of the channel.
name: string;
* Reactive BroadcastChannel
* @see https://vueuse.org/useBroadcastChannel
* @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/BroadcastChannel
* @param options
declare const useBroadcastChannel: <D, P>(options: UseBroadcastChannelOptions) => UseBroadcastChannelReturn<D, P>;
interface UseBroadcastChannelReturn<D, P> {
isSupported: Ref<boolean>;
channel: Ref<BroadcastChannel | undefined>;
data: Ref<D>;
post: (data: P) => void;
close: () => void;
error: Ref<Event | null>;
isClosed: Ref<boolean>;
interface BrowserLocationState {
trigger: string;
state?: any;
length?: number;
hash?: string;
host?: string;
hostname?: string;
href?: string;
origin?: string;
pathname?: string;
port?: string;
protocol?: string;
search?: string;
* Reactive browser location.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useBrowserLocation
* @param options
declare function useBrowserLocation({ window }?: ConfigurableWindow): vue_demi.Ref<{
trigger: string;
state?: any;
length?: number | undefined;
hash?: string | undefined;
host?: string | undefined;
hostname?: string | undefined;
href?: string | undefined;
origin?: string | undefined;
pathname?: string | undefined;
port?: string | undefined;
protocol?: string | undefined;
search?: string | undefined;
type UseBrowserLocationReturn = ReturnType<typeof useBrowserLocation>;
declare function useCached<T>(refValue: Ref<T>, comparator?: (a: T, b: T) => boolean, watchOptions?: WatchOptions): Ref<T>;
interface UseClipboardOptions<Source> extends ConfigurableNavigator {
* Enabled reading for clipboard
* @default false
read?: boolean;
* Copy source
source?: Source;
* Milliseconds to reset state of `copied` ref
* @default 1500
copiedDuring?: number;
* Whether fallback to document.execCommand('copy') if clipboard is undefined.
* @default false
legacy?: boolean;
interface UseClipboardReturn<Optional> {
isSupported: Ref<boolean>;
text: ComputedRef<string>;
copied: ComputedRef<boolean>;
copy: Optional extends true ? (text?: string) => Promise<void> : (text: string) => Promise<void>;
* Reactive Clipboard API.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useClipboard
* @param options
declare function useClipboard(options?: UseClipboardOptions<undefined>): UseClipboardReturn<false>;
declare function useClipboard(options: UseClipboardOptions<MaybeComputedRef<string>>): UseClipboardReturn<true>;
interface UseClonedOptions<T = any> extends WatchOptions {
* Custom clone function.
* By default, it use `JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(value))` to clone.
clone?: (source: T) => T;
* Manually sync the ref
* @default false
manual?: boolean;
interface UseClonedReturn<T> {
* Cloned ref
cloned: ComputedRef<T>;
* Sync cloned data with source manually
sync: () => void;
type CloneFn<F, T = F> = (x: F) => T;
declare function cloneFnJSON<T>(source: T): T;
declare function useCloned<T>(source: MaybeComputedRef<T>, options?: UseClonedOptions): {
cloned: vue_demi.Ref<vue_demi.UnwrapRef<T>>;
sync: () => void;
interface StorageLikeAsync {
getItem(key: string): Awaitable<string | null>;
setItem(key: string, value: string): Awaitable<void>;
removeItem(key: string): Awaitable<void>;
interface StorageLike {
getItem(key: string): string | null;
setItem(key: string, value: string): void;
removeItem(key: string): void;
* @experimental The API is not finalized yet. It might not follow semver.
interface SSRHandlersMap {
getDefaultStorage: () => StorageLike | undefined;
getDefaultStorageAsync: () => StorageLikeAsync | undefined;
updateHTMLAttrs: (selector: string, attribute: string, value: string) => void;
declare function getSSRHandler<T extends keyof SSRHandlersMap>(key: T, fallback: SSRHandlersMap[T]): SSRHandlersMap[T];
declare function getSSRHandler<T extends keyof SSRHandlersMap>(key: T, fallback: SSRHandlersMap[T] | undefined): SSRHandlersMap[T] | undefined;
declare function setSSRHandler<T extends keyof SSRHandlersMap>(key: T, fn: SSRHandlersMap[T]): void;
interface Serializer<T> {
read(raw: string): T;
write(value: T): string;
interface SerializerAsync<T> {
read(raw: string): Awaitable<T>;
write(value: T): Awaitable<string>;
declare const StorageSerializers: Record<'boolean' | 'object' | 'number' | 'any' | 'string' | 'map' | 'set' | 'date', Serializer<any>>;
declare const customStorageEventName = "vueuse-storage";
interface StorageEventLike {
storageArea: StorageLike | null;
key: StorageEvent['key'];
oldValue: StorageEvent['oldValue'];
newValue: StorageEvent['newValue'];
interface UseStorageOptions<T> extends ConfigurableEventFilter, ConfigurableWindow, ConfigurableFlush {
* Watch for deep changes
* @default true
deep?: boolean;
* Listen to storage changes, useful for multiple tabs application
* @default true
listenToStorageChanges?: boolean;
* Write the default value to the storage when it does not exist
* @default true
writeDefaults?: boolean;
* Merge the default value with the value read from the storage.
* When setting it to true, it will perform a **shallow merge** for objects.
* You can pass a function to perform custom merge (e.g. deep merge), for example:
* @default false
mergeDefaults?: boolean | ((storageValue: T, defaults: T) => T);
* Custom data serialization
serializer?: Serializer<T>;
* On error callback
* Default log error to `console.error`
onError?: (error: unknown) => void;
* Use shallow ref as reference
* @default false
shallow?: boolean;
declare function useStorage(key: string, defaults: MaybeComputedRef<string>, storage?: StorageLike, options?: UseStorageOptions<string>): RemovableRef<string>;
declare function useStorage(key: string, defaults: MaybeComputedRef<boolean>, storage?: StorageLike, options?: UseStorageOptions<boolean>): RemovableRef<boolean>;
declare function useStorage(key: string, defaults: MaybeComputedRef<number>, storage?: StorageLike, options?: UseStorageOptions<number>): RemovableRef<number>;
declare function useStorage<T>(key: string, defaults: MaybeComputedRef<T>, storage?: StorageLike, options?: UseStorageOptions<T>): RemovableRef<T>;
declare function useStorage<T = unknown>(key: string, defaults: MaybeComputedRef<null>, storage?: StorageLike, options?: UseStorageOptions<T>): RemovableRef<T>;
type BasicColorSchema = 'light' | 'dark' | 'auto';
interface UseColorModeOptions<T extends string = BasicColorSchema> extends UseStorageOptions<T | BasicColorSchema> {
* CSS Selector for the target element applying to
* @default 'html'
selector?: string;
* HTML attribute applying the target element
* @default 'class'
attribute?: string;
* The initial color mode
* @default 'auto'
initialValue?: T | BasicColorSchema;
* Prefix when adding value to the attribute
modes?: Partial<Record<T | BasicColorSchema, string>>;
* A custom handler for handle the updates.
* When specified, the default behavior will be overridden.
* @default undefined
onChanged?: (mode: T | BasicColorSchema, defaultHandler: ((mode: T | BasicColorSchema) => void)) => void;
* Custom storage ref
* When provided, `useStorage` will be skipped
storageRef?: Ref<T | BasicColorSchema>;
* Key to persist the data into localStorage/sessionStorage.
* Pass `null` to disable persistence
* @default 'vueuse-color-scheme'
storageKey?: string | null;
* Storage object, can be localStorage or sessionStorage
* @default localStorage
storage?: StorageLike;
* Emit `auto` mode from state
* When set to `true`, preferred mode won't be translated into `light` or `dark`.
* This is useful when the fact that `auto` mode was selected needs to be known.
* @default undefined
emitAuto?: boolean;
* Reactive color mode with auto data persistence.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useColorMode
* @param options
declare function useColorMode<T extends string = BasicColorSchema>(options?: UseColorModeOptions<T>): vue_demi.WritableComputedRef<BasicColorSchema | T>;
type UseConfirmDialogRevealResult<C, D> = {
data?: C;
isCanceled: false;
} | {
data?: D;
isCanceled: true;
interface UseConfirmDialogReturn<RevealData, ConfirmData, CancelData> {
* Revealing state
isRevealed: ComputedRef<boolean>;
* Opens the dialog.
* Create promise and return it. Triggers `onReveal` hook.
reveal: (data?: RevealData) => Promise<UseConfirmDialogRevealResult<ConfirmData, CancelData>>;
* Confirms and closes the dialog. Triggers a callback inside `onConfirm` hook.
* Resolves promise from `reveal()` with `data` and `isCanceled` ref with `false` value.
* Can accept any data and to pass it to `onConfirm` hook.
confirm: (data?: ConfirmData) => void;
* Cancels and closes the dialog. Triggers a callback inside `onCancel` hook.
* Resolves promise from `reveal()` with `data` and `isCanceled` ref with `true` value.
* Can accept any data and to pass it to `onCancel` hook.
cancel: (data?: CancelData) => void;
* Event Hook to be triggered right before dialog creating.
onReveal: EventHookOn<RevealData>;
* Event Hook to be called on `confirm()`.
* Gets data object from `confirm` function.
onConfirm: EventHookOn<ConfirmData>;
* Event Hook to be called on `cancel()`.
* Gets data object from `cancel` function.
onCancel: EventHookOn<CancelData>;
* Hooks for creating confirm dialogs. Useful for modal windows, popups and logins.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useConfirmDialog/
* @param revealed `boolean` `ref` that handles a modal window
declare function useConfirmDialog<RevealData = any, ConfirmData = any, CancelData = any>(revealed?: Ref<boolean>): UseConfirmDialogReturn<RevealData, ConfirmData, CancelData>;
interface UseCssVarOptions extends ConfigurableWindow {
initialValue?: string;
* Manipulate CSS variables.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useCssVar
* @param prop
* @param target
* @param initialValue
* @param options
declare function useCssVar(prop: MaybeComputedRef<string>, target?: MaybeElementRef, { window, initialValue }?: UseCssVarOptions): vue_demi.Ref<string>;
declare function useCurrentElement<T extends Element = Element>(): _vueuse_shared.ComputedRefWithControl<T>;
interface UseCycleListOptions<T> {
* The initial value of the state.
* A ref can be provided to reuse.
initialValue?: MaybeRef<T>;
* The default index when
fallbackIndex?: number;
* Custom function to get the index of the current value.
getIndexOf?: (value: T, list: T[]) => number;
* Cycle through a list of items
* @see https://vueuse.org/useCycleList
declare function useCycleList<T>(list: T[], options?: UseCycleListOptions<T>): UseCycleListReturn<T>;
interface UseCycleListReturn<T> {
state: Ref<T>;
index: Ref<number>;
next: (n?: number) => T;
prev: (n?: number) => T;
interface UseDarkOptions extends Omit<UseColorModeOptions<BasicColorSchema>, 'modes' | 'onChanged'> {
* Value applying to the target element when isDark=true
* @default 'dark'
valueDark?: string;
* Value applying to the target element when isDark=false
* @default ''
valueLight?: string;
* A custom handler for handle the updates.
* When specified, the default behavior will be overridden.
* @default undefined
onChanged?: (isDark: boolean) => void;
* Reactive dark mode with auto data persistence.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useDark
* @param options
declare function useDark(options?: UseDarkOptions): vue_demi.WritableComputedRef<boolean>;
interface UseRefHistoryRecord<T> {
snapshot: T;
timestamp: number;
interface UseManualRefHistoryOptions<Raw, Serialized = Raw> {
* Maximum number of history to be kept. Default to unlimited.
capacity?: number;
* Clone when taking a snapshot, shortcut for dump: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(value)).
* Default to false
* @default false
clone?: boolean | CloneFn<Raw>;
* Serialize data into the history
dump?: (v: Raw) => Serialized;
* Deserialize data from the history
parse?: (v: Serialized) => Raw;
* Deserialize data from the history
setSource?: (source: Ref<Raw>, v: Raw) => void;
interface UseManualRefHistoryReturn<Raw, Serialized> {
* Bypassed tracking ref from the argument
source: Ref<Raw>;
* An array of history records for undo, newest comes to first
history: Ref<UseRefHistoryRecord<Serialized>[]>;
* Last history point, source can be different if paused
last: Ref<UseRefHistoryRecord<Serialized>>;
* Same as {@link UseManualRefHistoryReturn.history | history}
undoStack: Ref<UseRefHistoryRecord<Serialized>[]>;
* Records array for redo
redoStack: Ref<UseRefHistoryRecord<Serialized>[]>;
* A ref representing if undo is possible (non empty undoStack)
canUndo: Ref<boolean>;
* A ref representing if redo is possible (non empty redoStack)
canRedo: Ref<boolean>;
* Undo changes
undo: () => void;
* Redo changes
redo: () => void;
* Clear all the history
clear: () => void;
* Create new a new history record
commit: () => void;
* Reset ref's value with latest history
reset: () => void;
* Track the change history of a ref, also provides undo and redo functionality.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useManualRefHistory
* @param source
* @param options
declare function useManualRefHistory<Raw, Serialized = Raw>(source: Ref<Raw>, options?: UseManualRefHistoryOptions<Raw, Serialized>): UseManualRefHistoryReturn<Raw, Serialized>;
interface UseRefHistoryOptions<Raw, Serialized = Raw> extends ConfigurableEventFilter {
* Watch for deep changes, default to false
* When set to true, it will also create clones for values store in the history
* @default false
deep?: boolean;
* The flush option allows for greater control over the timing of a history point, default to 'pre'
* Possible values: 'pre', 'post', 'sync'
* It works in the same way as the flush option in watch and watch effect in vue reactivity
* @default 'pre'
flush?: 'pre' | 'post' | 'sync';
* Maximum number of history to be kept. Default to unlimited.
capacity?: number;
* Clone when taking a snapshot, shortcut for dump: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(value)).
* Default to false
* @default false
clone?: boolean | CloneFn<Raw>;
* Serialize data into the history
dump?: (v: Raw) => Serialized;
* Deserialize data from the history
parse?: (v: Serialized) => Raw;
interface UseRefHistoryReturn<Raw, Serialized> extends UseManualRefHistoryReturn<Raw, Serialized> {
* A ref representing if the tracking is enabled
isTracking: Ref<boolean>;
* Pause change tracking
pause(): void;
* Resume change tracking
* @param [commit] if true, a history record will be create after resuming
resume(commit?: boolean): void;
* A sugar for auto pause and auto resuming within a function scope
* @param fn
batch(fn: (cancel: Fn) => void): void;
* Clear the data and stop the watch
dispose(): void;
* Track the change history of a ref, also provides undo and redo functionality.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useRefHistory
* @param source
* @param options
declare function useRefHistory<Raw, Serialized = Raw>(source: Ref<Raw>, options?: UseRefHistoryOptions<Raw, Serialized>): UseRefHistoryReturn<Raw, Serialized>;
* Shorthand for [useRefHistory](https://vueuse.org/useRefHistory) with debounce filter.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useDebouncedRefHistory
* @param source
* @param options
declare function useDebouncedRefHistory<Raw, Serialized = Raw>(source: Ref<Raw>, options?: Omit<UseRefHistoryOptions<Raw, Serialized>, 'eventFilter'> & {
debounce?: MaybeComputedRef<number>;
}): UseRefHistoryReturn<Raw, Serialized>;
interface DeviceMotionOptions extends ConfigurableWindow, ConfigurableEventFilter {
* Reactive DeviceMotionEvent.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useDeviceMotion
* @param options
declare function useDeviceMotion(options?: DeviceMotionOptions): {
acceleration: Ref<DeviceMotionEventAcceleration | null>;
accelerationIncludingGravity: Ref<DeviceMotionEventAcceleration | null>;
rotationRate: Ref<DeviceMotionEventRotationRate | null>;
interval: Ref<number>;
type UseDeviceMotionReturn = ReturnType<typeof useDeviceMotion>;
* Reactive DeviceOrientationEvent.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useDeviceOrientation
* @param options
declare function useDeviceOrientation(options?: ConfigurableWindow): {
isSupported: Ref<boolean>;
isAbsolute: Ref<boolean>;
alpha: Ref<number | null>;
beta: Ref<number | null>;
gamma: Ref<number | null>;
type UseDeviceOrientationReturn = ReturnType<typeof useDeviceOrientation>;
* Reactively track `window.devicePixelRatio`.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useDevicePixelRatio
* @param options
declare function useDevicePixelRatio({ window, }?: ConfigurableWindow): {
pixelRatio: vue_demi.Ref<number>;
type UseDevicePixelRatioReturn = ReturnType<typeof useDevicePixelRatio>;
interface UseDevicesListOptions extends ConfigurableNavigator {
onUpdated?: (devices: MediaDeviceInfo[]) => void;
* Request for permissions immediately if it's not granted,
* otherwise label and deviceIds could be empty
* @default false
requestPermissions?: boolean;
* Request for types of media permissions
* @default { audio: true, video: true }
constraints?: MediaStreamConstraints;
interface UseDevicesListReturn {
* All devices
devices: Ref<MediaDeviceInfo[]>;
videoInputs: ComputedRef<MediaDeviceInfo[]>;
audioInputs: ComputedRef<MediaDeviceInfo[]>;
audioOutputs: ComputedRef<MediaDeviceInfo[]>;
permissionGranted: Ref<boolean>;
ensurePermissions: () => Promise<boolean>;
isSupported: Ref<boolean>;
* Reactive `enumerateDevices` listing available input/output devices
* @see https://vueuse.org/useDevicesList
* @param options
declare function useDevicesList(options?: UseDevicesListOptions): UseDevicesListReturn;
interface UseDisplayMediaOptions extends ConfigurableNavigator {
* If the stream is enabled
* @default false
enabled?: MaybeRef<boolean>;
* If the stream video media constraints
video?: boolean | MediaTrackConstraints | undefined;
* If the stream audio media constraints
audio?: boolean | MediaTrackConstraints | undefined;
* Reactive `mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia` streaming
* @see https://vueuse.org/useDisplayMedia
* @param options
declare function useDisplayMedia(options?: UseDisplayMediaOptions): {
isSupported: Ref<boolean>;
stream: Ref<MediaStream | undefined>;
start: () => Promise<MediaStream | undefined>;
stop: () => void;
enabled: Ref<boolean>;
type UseDisplayMediaReturn = ReturnType<typeof useDisplayMedia>;
* Reactively track `document.visibilityState`.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useDocumentVisibility
* @param options
declare function useDocumentVisibility({ document }?: ConfigurableDocument): Ref<DocumentVisibilityState>;
interface Position {
x: number;
y: number;
interface RenderableComponent {
* The element that the component should be rendered as
* @default 'div'
as?: Object | string;
type PointerType = 'mouse' | 'touch' | 'pen';
interface UseDraggableOptions {
* Only start the dragging when click on the element directly
* @default false
exact?: MaybeComputedRef<boolean>;
* Prevent events defaults
* @default false
preventDefault?: MaybeComputedRef<boolean>;
* Prevent events propagation
* @default false
stopPropagation?: MaybeComputedRef<boolean>;
* Element to attach `pointermove` and `pointerup` events to.
* @default window
draggingElement?: MaybeComputedRef<HTMLElement | SVGElement | Window | Document | null | undefined>;
* Handle that triggers the drag event
* @default target
handle?: MaybeComputedRef<HTMLElement | SVGElement | null | undefined>;
* Pointer types that listen to.
* @default ['mouse', 'touch', 'pen']
pointerTypes?: PointerType[];
* Initial position of the element.
* @default { x: 0, y: 0 }
initialValue?: MaybeComputedRef<Position>;
* Callback when the dragging starts. Return `false` to prevent dragging.
onStart?: (position: Position, event: PointerEvent) => void | false;
* Callback during dragging.
onMove?: (position: Position, event: PointerEvent) => void;
* Callback when dragging end.
onEnd?: (position: Position, event: PointerEvent) => void;
* Make elements draggable.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useDraggable
* @param target
* @param options
declare function useDraggable(target: MaybeComputedRef<HTMLElement | SVGElement | null | undefined>, options?: UseDraggableOptions): {
position: vue_demi.Ref<{
x: number;
y: number;
isDragging: vue_demi.ComputedRef<boolean>;
style: vue_demi.ComputedRef<string>;
x: vue_demi.Ref<number>;
y: vue_demi.Ref<number>;
type UseDraggableReturn = ReturnType<typeof useDraggable>;
interface UseDropZoneReturn {
isOverDropZone: Ref<boolean>;
declare function useDropZone(target: MaybeComputedRef<HTMLElement | null | undefined>, onDrop?: (files: File[] | null) => void): UseDropZoneReturn;
interface UseElementBoundingOptions {
* Reset values to 0 on component unmounted
* @default true
reset?: boolean;
* Listen to window resize event
* @default true
windowResize?: boolean;
* Listen to window scroll event
* @default true
windowScroll?: boolean;
* Immediately call update on component mounted
* @default true
immediate?: boolean;
* Reactive bounding box of an HTML element.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useElementBounding
* @param target
declare function useElementBounding(target: MaybeComputedElementRef, options?: UseElementBoundingOptions): {
height: vue_demi.Ref<number>;
bottom: vue_demi.Ref<number>;
left: vue_demi.Ref<number>;
right: vue_demi.Ref<number>;
top: vue_demi.Ref<number>;
width: vue_demi.Ref<number>;
x: vue_demi.Ref<number>;
y: vue_demi.Ref<number>;
update: () => void;
type UseElementBoundingReturn = ReturnType<typeof useElementBounding>;
interface UseElementByPointOptions extends ConfigurableDocument {
x: MaybeComputedRef<number>;
y: MaybeComputedRef<number>;
* Reactive element by point.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useElementByPoint
* @param options - UseElementByPointOptions
declare function useElementByPoint(options: UseElementByPointOptions): {
isActive: Readonly<vue_demi.Ref<boolean>>;
pause: _vueuse_shared.Fn;
resume: _vueuse_shared.Fn;
element: vue_demi.Ref<HTMLElement | null>;
type UseElementByPointReturn = ReturnType<typeof useElementByPoint>;
interface UseElementHoverOptions extends ConfigurableWindow {
delayEnter?: number;
delayLeave?: number;
declare function useElementHover(el: MaybeComputedRef<EventTarget | null | undefined>, options?: UseElementHoverOptions): Ref<boolean>;
interface ResizeObserverSize {
readonly inlineSize: number;
readonly blockSize: number;
interface ResizeObserverEntry {
readonly target: Element;
readonly contentRect: DOMRectReadOnly;
readonly borderBoxSize?: ReadonlyArray<ResizeObserverSize>;
readonly contentBoxSize?: ReadonlyArray<ResizeObserverSize>;
readonly devicePixelContentBoxSize?: ReadonlyArray<ResizeObserverSize>;
type ResizeObserverCallback = (entries: ReadonlyArray<ResizeObserverEntry>, observer: ResizeObserver) => void;
interface UseResizeObserverOptions extends ConfigurableWindow {
* Sets which box model the observer will observe changes to. Possible values
* are `content-box` (the default), `border-box` and `device-pixel-content-box`.
* @default 'content-box'
box?: ResizeObserverBoxOptions;
declare class ResizeObserver {
constructor(callback: ResizeObserverCallback);
disconnect(): void;
observe(target: Element, options?: UseResizeObserverOptions): void;
unobserve(target: Element): void;
* Reports changes to the dimensions of an Element's content or the border-box
* @see https://vueuse.org/useResizeObserver
* @param target
* @param callback
* @param options
declare function useResizeObserver(target: MaybeComputedElementRef, callback: ResizeObserverCallback, options?: UseResizeObserverOptions): {
isSupported: vue_demi.Ref<boolean>;
stop: () => void;
type UseResizeObserverReturn = ReturnType<typeof useResizeObserver>;
interface ElementSize {
width: number;
height: number;
* Reactive size of an HTML element.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useElementSize
* @param target
* @param callback
* @param options
declare function useElementSize(target: MaybeComputedElementRef, initialSize?: ElementSize, options?: UseResizeObserverOptions): {
width: vue_demi.Ref<number>;
height: vue_demi.Ref<number>;
type UseElementSizeReturn = ReturnType<typeof useElementSize>;
interface UseElementVisibilityOptions extends ConfigurableWindow {
scrollTarget?: MaybeComputedRef<HTMLElement | undefined | null>;
* Tracks the visibility of an element within the viewport.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useElementVisibility
* @param element
* @param options
declare function useElementVisibility(element: MaybeComputedElementRef, { window, scrollTarget }?: UseElementVisibilityOptions): vue_demi.Ref<boolean>;
type EventBusListener<T = unknown, P = any> = (event: T, payload?: P) => void;
type EventBusEvents<T, P = any> = EventBusListener<T, P>[];
interface EventBusKey<T> extends Symbol {
type EventBusIdentifier<T = unknown> = EventBusKey<T> | string | number;
interface UseEventBusReturn<T, P> {
* Subscribe to an event. When calling emit, the listeners will execute.
* @param listener watch listener.
* @returns a stop function to remove the current callback.
on: (listener: EventBusListener<T, P>) => Fn;
* Similar to `on`, but only fires once
* @param listener watch listener.
* @returns a stop function to remove the current callback.
once: (listener: EventBusListener<T, P>) => Fn;
* Emit an event, the corresponding event listeners will execute.
* @param event data sent.
emit: (event?: T, payload?: P) => void;
* Remove the corresponding listener.
* @param listener watch listener.
off: (listener: EventBusListener<T>) => void;
* Clear all events
reset: () => void;
declare function useEventBus<T = unknown, P = any>(key: EventBusIdentifier<T>): UseEventBusReturn<T, P>;
interface InferEventTarget<Events> {
addEventListener(event: Events, fn?: any, options?: any): any;
removeEventListener(event: Events, fn?: any, options?: any): any;
type WindowEventName = keyof WindowEventMap;
type DocumentEventName = keyof DocumentEventMap;
interface GeneralEventListener<E = Event> {
(evt: E): void;
* Register using addEventListener on mounted, and removeEventListener automatically on unmounted.
* Overload 1: Omitted Window target
* @see https://vueuse.org/useEventListener
* @param event
* @param listener
* @param options
declare function useEventListener<E extends keyof WindowEventMap>(event: Arrayable<E>, listener: Arrayable<(this: Window, ev: WindowEventMap[E]) => any>, options?: MaybeComputedRef<boolean | AddEventListenerOptions>): Fn;
* Register using addEventListener on mounted, and removeEventListener automatically on unmounted.
* Overload 2: Explicitly Window target
* @see https://vueuse.org/useEventListener
* @param target
* @param event
* @param listener
* @param options
declare function useEventListener<E extends keyof WindowEventMap>(target: Window, event: Arrayable<E>, listener: Arrayable<(this: Window, ev: WindowEventMap[E]) => any>, options?: MaybeComputedRef<boolean | AddEventListenerOptions>): Fn;
* Register using addEventListener on mounted, and removeEventListener automatically on unmounted.
* Overload 3: Explicitly Document target
* @see https://vueuse.org/useEventListener
* @param target
* @param event
* @param listener
* @param options
declare function useEventListener<E extends keyof DocumentEventMap>(target: DocumentOrShadowRoot, event: Arrayable<E>, listener: Arrayable<(this: Document, ev: DocumentEventMap[E]) => any>, options?: MaybeComputedRef<boolean | AddEventListenerOptions>): Fn;
* Register using addEventListener on mounted, and removeEventListener automatically on unmounted.
* Overload 4: Custom event target with event type infer
* @see https://vueuse.org/useEventListener
* @param target
* @param event
* @param listener
* @param options
declare function useEventListener<Names extends string, EventType = Event>(target: InferEventTarget<Names>, event: Arrayable<Names>, listener: Arrayable<GeneralEventListener<EventType>>, options?: MaybeComputedRef<boolean | AddEventListenerOptions>): Fn;
* Register using addEventListener on mounted, and removeEventListener automatically on unmounted.
* Overload 5: Custom event target fallback
* @see https://vueuse.org/useEventListener
* @param target
* @param event
* @param listener
* @param options
declare function useEventListener<EventType = Event>(target: MaybeComputedRef<EventTarget | null | undefined>, event: Arrayable<string>, listener: Arrayable<GeneralEventListener<EventType>>, options?: MaybeComputedRef<boolean | AddEventListenerOptions>): Fn;
type UseEventSourceOptions = EventSourceInit;
* Reactive wrapper for EventSource.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useEventSource
* @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/EventSource/EventSource EventSource
* @param url
* @param events
* @param options
declare function useEventSource(url: string, events?: Array<string>, options?: UseEventSourceOptions): {
eventSource: Ref<EventSource | null>;
event: Ref<string | null>;
data: Ref<string | null>;
status: Ref<"OPEN" | "CONNECTING" | "CLOSED">;
error: Ref<Event | null>;
close: () => void;
type UseEventSourceReturn = ReturnType<typeof useEventSource>;
interface EyeDropperOpenOptions {
* @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/AbortSignal
signal?: AbortSignal;
interface EyeDropper {
new (): EyeDropper;
open: (options?: EyeDropperOpenOptions) => Promise<{
sRGBHex: string;
[Symbol.toStringTag]: 'EyeDropper';
interface UseEyeDropperOptions {
* Initial sRGBHex.
* @default ''
initialValue?: string;
* Reactive [EyeDropper API](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/EyeDropper_API)
* @see https://vueuse.org/useEyeDropper
* @param initialValue string
declare function useEyeDropper(options?: UseEyeDropperOptions): {
isSupported: vue_demi.Ref<boolean>;
sRGBHex: vue_demi.Ref<string>;
open: (openOptions?: EyeDropperOpenOptions) => Promise<{
sRGBHex: string;
} | undefined>;
type UseEyeDropperReturn = ReturnType<typeof useEyeDropper>;
interface UseFaviconOptions extends ConfigurableDocument {
baseUrl?: string;
rel?: string;
* Reactive favicon.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useFavicon
* @param newIcon
* @param options
declare function useFavicon(newIcon: MaybeReadonlyRef<string | null | undefined>, options?: UseFaviconOptions): ComputedRef<string | null | undefined>;
declare function useFavicon(newIcon?: MaybeRef<string | null | undefined>, options?: UseFaviconOptions): Ref<string | null | undefined>;
type UseFaviconReturn = ReturnType<typeof useFavicon>;
interface UseFetchReturn<T> {
* Indicates if the fetch request has finished
isFinished: Ref<boolean>;
* The statusCode of the HTTP fetch response
statusCode: Ref<number | null>;
* The raw response of the fetch response
response: Ref<Response | null>;
* Any fetch errors that may have occurred
error: Ref<any>;
* The fetch response body, may either be JSON or text
data: Ref<T | null>;
* Indicates if the request is currently being fetched.
isFetching: Ref<boolean>;
* Indicates if the fetch request is able to be aborted
canAbort: ComputedRef<boolean>;
* Indicates if the fetch request was aborted
aborted: Ref<boolean>;
* Abort the fetch request
abort: Fn;
* Manually call the fetch
* (default not throwing error)
execute: (throwOnFailed?: boolean) => Promise<any>;
* Fires after the fetch request has finished
onFetchResponse: EventHookOn<Response>;
* Fires after a fetch request error
onFetchError: EventHookOn;
* Fires after a fetch has completed
onFetchFinally: EventHookOn;
get(): UseFetchReturn<T> & PromiseLike<UseFetchReturn<T>>;
post(payload?: MaybeComputedRef<unknown>, type?: string): UseFetchReturn<T> & PromiseLike<UseFetchReturn<T>>;
put(payload?: MaybeComputedRef<unknown>, type?: string): UseFetchReturn<T> & PromiseLike<UseFetchReturn<T>>;
delete(payload?: MaybeComputedRef<unknown>, type?: string): UseFetchReturn<T> & PromiseLike<UseFetchReturn<T>>;
patch(payload?: MaybeComputedRef<unknown>, type?: string): UseFetchReturn<T> & PromiseLike<UseFetchReturn<T>>;
head(payload?: MaybeComputedRef<unknown>, type?: string): UseFetchReturn<T> & PromiseLike<UseFetchReturn<T>>;
options(payload?: MaybeComputedRef<unknown>, type?: string): UseFetchReturn<T> & PromiseLike<UseFetchReturn<T>>;
json<JSON = any>(): UseFetchReturn<JSON> & PromiseLike<UseFetchReturn<JSON>>;
text(): UseFetchReturn<string> & PromiseLike<UseFetchReturn<string>>;
blob(): UseFetchReturn<Blob> & PromiseLike<UseFetchReturn<Blob>>;
arrayBuffer(): UseFetchReturn<ArrayBuffer> & PromiseLike<UseFetchReturn<ArrayBuffer>>;
formData(): UseFetchReturn<FormData> & PromiseLike<UseFetchReturn<FormData>>;
type Combination = 'overwrite' | 'chain';
interface BeforeFetchContext {
* The computed url of the current request
url: string;
* The request options of the current request
options: RequestInit;
* Cancels the current request
cancel: Fn;
interface AfterFetchContext<T = any> {
response: Response;
data: T | null;
interface OnFetchErrorContext<T = any, E = any> {
error: E;
data: T | null;
interface UseFetchOptions {
* Fetch function
fetch?: typeof window.fetch;
* Will automatically run fetch when `useFetch` is used
* @default true
immediate?: boolean;
* Will automatically refetch when:
* - the URL is changed if the URL is a ref
* - the payload is changed if the payload is a ref
* @default false
refetch?: MaybeComputedRef<boolean>;
* Initial data before the request finished
* @default null
initialData?: any;
* Timeout for abort request after number of millisecond
* `0` means use browser default
* @default 0
timeout?: number;
* Will run immediately before the fetch request is dispatched
beforeFetch?: (ctx: BeforeFetchContext) => Promise<Partial<BeforeFetchContext> | void> | Partial<BeforeFetchContext> | void;
* Will run immediately after the fetch request is returned.
* Runs after any 2xx response
afterFetch?: (ctx: AfterFetchContext) => Promise<Partial<AfterFetchContext>> | Partial<AfterFetchContext>;
* Will run immediately after the fetch request is returned.
* Runs after any 4xx and 5xx response
onFetchError?: (ctx: {
data: any;
response: Response | null;
error: any;
}) => Promise<Partial<OnFetchErrorContext>> | Partial<OnFetchErrorContext>;
interface CreateFetchOptions {
* The base URL that will be prefixed to all urls unless urls are absolute
baseUrl?: MaybeComputedRef<string>;
* Determine the inherit behavior for beforeFetch, afterFetch, onFetchError
* @default 'chain'
combination?: Combination;
* Default Options for the useFetch function
options?: UseFetchOptions;
* Options for the fetch request
fetchOptions?: RequestInit;
declare function createFetch(config?: CreateFetchOptions): typeof useFetch;
declare function useFetch<T>(url: MaybeComputedRef<string>): UseFetchReturn<T> & PromiseLike<UseFetchReturn<T>>;
declare function useFetch<T>(url: MaybeComputedRef<string>, useFetchOptions: UseFetchOptions): UseFetchReturn<T> & PromiseLike<UseFetchReturn<T>>;
declare function useFetch<T>(url: MaybeComputedRef<string>, options: RequestInit, useFetchOptions?: UseFetchOptions): UseFetchReturn<T> & PromiseLike<UseFetchReturn<T>>;
interface UseFileDialogOptions extends ConfigurableDocument {
* @default true
multiple?: boolean;
* @default '*'
accept?: string;
* Select the input source for the capture file.
* @see [HTMLInputElement Capture](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Attributes/capture)
capture?: string;
interface UseFileDialogReturn {
files: Ref<FileList | null>;
open: (localOptions?: Partial<UseFileDialogOptions>) => void;
reset: () => void;
* Open file dialog with ease.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useFileDialog
* @param options
declare function useFileDialog(options?: UseFileDialogOptions): UseFileDialogReturn;
* window.showOpenFilePicker parameters
* @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/window/showOpenFilePicker#parameters
interface FileSystemAccessShowOpenFileOptions {
multiple?: boolean;
types?: Array<{
description?: string;
accept: Record<string, string[]>;
excludeAcceptAllOption?: boolean;
* window.showSaveFilePicker parameters
* @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/window/showSaveFilePicker#parameters
interface FileSystemAccessShowSaveFileOptions {
suggestedName?: string;
types?: Array<{
description?: string;
accept: Record<string, string[]>;
excludeAcceptAllOption?: boolean;
* FileHandle
* @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/FileSystemFileHandle
interface FileSystemFileHandle {
getFile: () => Promise<File>;
createWritable: () => FileSystemWritableFileStream;
* @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/FileSystemWritableFileStream
interface FileSystemWritableFileStream extends WritableStream {
* @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/FileSystemWritableFileStream/write
write: FileSystemWritableFileStreamWrite;
* @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/FileSystemWritableFileStream/seek
seek: (position: number) => Promise<void>;
* @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/FileSystemWritableFileStream/truncate
truncate: (size: number) => Promise<void>;
* FileStream.write
* @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/FileSystemWritableFileStream/write
interface FileSystemWritableFileStreamWrite {
(data: string | BufferSource | Blob): Promise<void>;
(options: {
type: 'write';
position: number;
data: string | BufferSource | Blob;
}): Promise<void>;
(options: {
type: 'seek';
position: number;
}): Promise<void>;
(options: {
type: 'truncate';
size: number;
}): Promise<void>;
* FileStream.write
* @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/FileSystemWritableFileStream/write
type FileSystemAccessWindow = Window & {
showSaveFilePicker: (options: FileSystemAccessShowSaveFileOptions) => Promise<FileSystemFileHandle>;
showOpenFilePicker: (options: FileSystemAccessShowOpenFileOptions) => Promise<FileSystemFileHandle[]>;
type UseFileSystemAccessCommonOptions = Pick<FileSystemAccessShowOpenFileOptions, 'types' | 'excludeAcceptAllOption'>;
type UseFileSystemAccessShowSaveFileOptions = Pick<FileSystemAccessShowSaveFileOptions, 'suggestedName'>;
type UseFileSystemAccessOptions = ConfigurableWindow & UseFileSystemAccessCommonOptions & {
* file data type
dataType?: MaybeComputedRef<'Text' | 'ArrayBuffer' | 'Blob'>;
* Create and read and write local files.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useFileSystemAccess
* @param options
declare function useFileSystemAccess(options: UseFileSystemAccessOptions & {
dataType: 'Text';
}): UseFileSystemAccessReturn<string>;
declare function useFileSystemAccess(options: UseFileSystemAccessOptions & {
dataType: 'ArrayBuffer';
}): UseFileSystemAccessReturn<ArrayBuffer>;
declare function useFileSystemAccess(options: UseFileSystemAccessOptions & {
dataType: 'Blob';
}): UseFileSystemAccessReturn<Blob>;
declare function useFileSystemAccess(options: UseFileSystemAccessOptions): UseFileSystemAccessReturn<string | ArrayBuffer | Blob>;
interface UseFileSystemAccessReturn<T = string> {
isSupported: Ref<boolean>;
data: Ref<T | undefined>;
file: Ref<File | undefined>;
fileName: Ref<string>;
fileMIME: Ref<string>;
fileSize: Ref<number>;
fileLastModified: Ref<number>;
open: (_options?: UseFileSystemAccessCommonOptions) => Awaitable<void>;
create: (_options?: UseFileSystemAccessShowSaveFileOptions) => Awaitable<void>;
save: (_options?: UseFileSystemAccessShowSaveFileOptions) => Awaitable<void>;
saveAs: (_options?: UseFileSystemAccessShowSaveFileOptions) => Awaitable<void>;
updateData: () => Awaitable<void>;
interface UseFocusOptions extends ConfigurableWindow {
* Initial value. If set true, then focus will be set on the target
* @default false
initialValue?: boolean;
interface UseFocusReturn {
* If read as true, then the element has focus. If read as false, then the element does not have focus
* If set to true, then the element will be focused. If set to false, the element will be blurred.
focused: Ref<boolean>;
* Track or set the focus state of a DOM element.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useFocus
* @param target The target element for the focus and blur events.
* @param options
declare function useFocus(target: MaybeElementRef, options?: UseFocusOptions): UseFocusReturn;
interface UseFocusWithinReturn {
* True if the element or any of its descendants are focused
focused: ComputedRef<boolean>;
* Track if focus is contained within the target element
* @see https://vueuse.org/useFocusWithin
* @param target The target element to track
* @param options Focus within options
declare function useFocusWithin(target: MaybeElementRef, options?: ConfigurableWindow): UseFocusWithinReturn;
interface UseFpsOptions {
* Calculate the FPS on every x frames.
* @default 10
every?: number;
declare function useFps(options?: UseFpsOptions): Ref<number>;
interface UseFullscreenOptions extends ConfigurableDocument {
* Automatically exit fullscreen when component is unmounted
* @default false
autoExit?: boolean;
* Reactive Fullscreen API.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useFullscreen
* @param target
* @param options
declare function useFullscreen(target?: MaybeElementRef, options?: UseFullscreenOptions): {
isSupported: vue_demi.Ref<boolean>;
isFullscreen: vue_demi.Ref<boolean>;
enter: () => Promise<void>;
exit: () => Promise<void>;
toggle: () => Promise<void>;
type UseFullscreenReturn = ReturnType<typeof useFullscreen>;
interface UseGamepadOptions extends ConfigurableWindow, ConfigurableNavigator {
* Maps a standard standard gamepad to an Xbox 360 Controller.
declare function mapGamepadToXbox360Controller(gamepad: Ref<Gamepad | undefined>): vue_demi.ComputedRef<{
buttons: {
a: GamepadButton;
b: GamepadButton;
x: GamepadButton;
y: GamepadButton;
bumper: {
left: GamepadButton;
right: GamepadButton;
triggers: {
left: GamepadButton;
right: GamepadButton;
stick: {
left: {
horizontal: number;
vertical: number;
button: GamepadButton;
right: {
horizontal: number;
vertical: number;
button: GamepadButton;
dpad: {
up: GamepadButton;
down: GamepadButton;
left: GamepadButton;
right: GamepadButton;
back: GamepadButton;
start: GamepadButton;
} | null>;
declare function useGamepad(options?: UseGamepadOptions): {
isSupported: Ref<boolean>;
onConnected: _vueuse_shared.EventHookOn<number>;
onDisconnected: _vueuse_shared.EventHookOn<number>;
gamepads: Ref<{
readonly axes: readonly number[];
readonly buttons: readonly {
readonly pressed: boolean;
readonly touched: boolean;
readonly value: number;
readonly connected: boolean;
readonly hapticActuators: readonly {
readonly type: "vibration";
readonly id: string;
readonly index: number;
readonly mapping: GamepadMappingType;
readonly timestamp: number;
pause: _vueuse_shared.Fn;
resume: _vueuse_shared.Fn;
isActive: Readonly<Ref<boolean>>;
type UseGamepadReturn = ReturnType<typeof useGamepad>;
interface UseGeolocationOptions extends Partial<PositionOptions>, ConfigurableNavigator {
immediate?: boolean;
* Reactive Geolocation API.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useGeolocation
* @param options
declare function useGeolocation(options?: UseGeolocationOptions): {
isSupported: Ref<boolean>;
coords: Ref<GeolocationCoordinates>;
locatedAt: Ref<number | null>;
error: Ref<{
readonly code: number;
readonly message: string;
readonly PERMISSION_DENIED: number;
readonly POSITION_UNAVAILABLE: number;
readonly TIMEOUT: number;
} | null>;
resume: () => void;
pause: () => void;
type UseGeolocationReturn = ReturnType<typeof useGeolocation>;
interface UseIdleOptions extends ConfigurableWindow, ConfigurableEventFilter {
* Event names that listen to for detected user activity
* @default ['mousemove', 'mousedown', 'resize', 'keydown', 'touchstart', 'wheel']
events?: WindowEventName[];
* Listen for document visibility change
* @default true
listenForVisibilityChange?: boolean;
* Initial state of the ref idle
* @default false
initialState?: boolean;
interface UseIdleReturn {
idle: Ref<boolean>;
lastActive: Ref<number>;
* Tracks whether the user is being inactive.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useIdle
* @param timeout default to 1 minute
* @param options IdleOptions
declare function useIdle(timeout?: number, options?: UseIdleOptions): UseIdleReturn;
interface UseImageOptions {
/** Address of the resource */
src: string;
/** Images to use in different situations, e.g., high-resolution displays, small monitors, etc. */
srcset?: string;
/** Image sizes for different page layouts */
sizes?: string;
* Reactive load an image in the browser, you can wait the result to display it or show a fallback.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useImage
* @param options Image attributes, as used in the <img> tag
* @param asyncStateOptions
declare const useImage: <Shallow extends true>(options: MaybeComputedRef<UseImageOptions>, asyncStateOptions?: UseAsyncStateOptions<Shallow, any>) => UseAsyncStateReturn<HTMLImageElement | undefined, [], true>;
type UseImageReturn = ReturnType<typeof useImage>;
interface UseScrollOptions {
* Throttle time for scroll event, it’s disabled by default.
* @default 0
throttle?: number;
* The check time when scrolling ends.
* This configuration will be setting to (throttle + idle) when the `throttle` is configured.
* @default 200
idle?: number;
* Offset arrived states by x pixels
offset?: {
left?: number;
right?: number;
top?: number;
bottom?: number;
* Trigger it when scrolling.
onScroll?: (e: Event) => void;
* Trigger it when scrolling ends.
onStop?: (e: Event) => void;
* Listener options for scroll event.
* @default {capture: false, passive: true}
eventListenerOptions?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions;
* Optionally specify a scroll behavior of `auto` (default, not smooth scrolling) or
* `smooth` (for smooth scrolling) which takes effect when changing the `x` or `y` refs.
* @default 'auto'
behavior?: MaybeComputedRef<ScrollBehavior>;
* Reactive scroll.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useScroll
* @param element
* @param options
declare function useScroll(element: MaybeComputedRef<HTMLElement | SVGElement | Window | Document | null | undefined>, options?: UseScrollOptions): {
x: vue_demi.WritableComputedRef<number>;
y: vue_demi.WritableComputedRef<number>;
isScrolling: vue_demi.Ref<boolean>;
arrivedState: {
left: boolean;
right: boolean;
top: boolean;
bottom: boolean;
directions: {
left: boolean;
right: boolean;
top: boolean;
bottom: boolean;
type UseScrollReturn = ReturnType<typeof useScroll>;
interface UseInfiniteScrollOptions extends UseScrollOptions {
* The minimum distance between the bottom of the element and the bottom of the viewport
* @default 0
distance?: number;
* The direction in which to listen the scroll.
* @default 'bottom'
direction?: 'top' | 'bottom' | 'left' | 'right';
* Whether to preserve the current scroll position when loading more items.
* @default false
preserveScrollPosition?: boolean;
* Reactive infinite scroll.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useInfiniteScroll
declare function useInfiniteScroll(element: MaybeComputedRef<HTMLElement | SVGElement | Window | Document | null | undefined>, onLoadMore: (state: UnwrapNestedRefs<ReturnType<typeof useScroll>>) => void | Promise<void>, options?: UseInfiniteScrollOptions): void;
interface UseIntersectionObserverOptions extends ConfigurableWindow {
* The Element or Document whose bounds are used as the bounding box when testing for intersection.
root?: MaybeElementRef;
* A string which specifies a set of offsets to add to the root's bounding_box when calculating intersections.
rootMargin?: string;
* Either a single number or an array of numbers between 0.0 and 1.
threshold?: number | number[];
* Detects that a target element's visibility.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useIntersectionObserver
* @param target
* @param callback
* @param options
declare function useIntersectionObserver(target: MaybeElementRef, callback: IntersectionObserverCallback, options?: UseIntersectionObserverOptions): {
isSupported: vue_demi.Ref<boolean>;
stop: () => void;
type UseIntersectionObserverReturn = ReturnType<typeof useIntersectionObserver>;
type KeyModifier = 'Alt' | 'AltGraph' | 'CapsLock' | 'Control' | 'Fn' | 'FnLock' | 'Meta' | 'NumLock' | 'ScrollLock' | 'Shift' | 'Symbol' | 'SymbolLock';
interface UseModifierOptions<Initial> extends ConfigurableDocument {
* Event names that will prompt update to modifier states
* @default ['mousedown', 'mouseup', 'keydown', 'keyup']
events?: WindowEventName[];
* Initial value of the returned ref
* @default null
initial?: Initial;
type UseKeyModifierReturn<Initial> = Ref<Initial extends boolean ? boolean : boolean | null>;
declare function useKeyModifier<Initial extends boolean | null>(modifier: KeyModifier, options?: UseModifierOptions<Initial>): UseKeyModifierReturn<Initial>;
declare function useLocalStorage(key: string, initialValue: MaybeComputedRef<string>, options?: UseStorageOptions<string>): RemovableRef<string>;
declare function useLocalStorage(key: string, initialValue: MaybeComputedRef<boolean>, options?: UseStorageOptions<boolean>): RemovableRef<boolean>;
declare function useLocalStorage(key: string, initialValue: MaybeComputedRef<number>, options?: UseStorageOptions<number>): RemovableRef<number>;
declare function useLocalStorage<T>(key: string, initialValue: MaybeComputedRef<T>, options?: UseStorageOptions<T>): RemovableRef<T>;
declare function useLocalStorage<T = unknown>(key: string, initialValue: MaybeComputedRef<null>, options?: UseStorageOptions<T>): RemovableRef<T>;
declare const DefaultMagicKeysAliasMap: Readonly<Record<string, string>>;
interface UseMagicKeysOptions<Reactive extends Boolean> {
* Returns a reactive object instead of an object of refs
* @default false
reactive?: Reactive;
* Target for listening events
* @default window
target?: MaybeComputedRef<EventTarget>;
* Alias map for keys, all the keys should be lowercase
* { target: keycode }
* @example { ctrl: "control" }
* @default <predefined-map>
aliasMap?: Record<string, string>;
* Register passive listener
* @default true
passive?: boolean;
* Custom event handler for keydown/keyup event.
* Useful when you want to apply custom logic.
* When using `e.preventDefault()`, you will need to pass `passive: false` to useMagicKeys().
onEventFired?: (e: KeyboardEvent) => void | boolean;
interface MagicKeysInternal {
* A Set of currently pressed keys,
* Stores raw keyCodes.
* @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/key
current: Set<string>;
type UseMagicKeysReturn<Reactive extends Boolean> = Readonly<Omit<Reactive extends true ? Record<string, boolean> : Record<string, ComputedRef<boolean>>, keyof MagicKeysInternal> & MagicKeysInternal>;
* Reactive keys pressed state, with magical keys combination support.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useMagicKeys
declare function useMagicKeys(options?: UseMagicKeysOptions<false>): UseMagicKeysReturn<false>;
declare function useMagicKeys(options: UseMagicKeysOptions<true>): UseMagicKeysReturn<true>;
* Many of the jsdoc definitions here are modified version of the
* documentation from MDN(https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLMediaElement)
interface UseMediaSource {
* The source url for the media
src: string;
* The media codec type
type?: string;
interface UseMediaTextTrackSource {
* Indicates that the track should be enabled unless the user's preferences indicate
* that another track is more appropriate
default?: boolean;
* How the text track is meant to be used. If omitted the default kind is subtitles.
kind: TextTrackKind;
* A user-readable title of the text track which is used by the browser
* when listing available text tracks.
label: string;
* Address of the track (.vtt file). Must be a valid URL. This attribute
* must be specified and its URL value must have the same origin as the document
src: string;
* Language of the track text data. It must be a valid BCP 47 language tag.
* If the kind attribute is set to subtitles, then srclang must be defined.
srcLang: string;
interface UseMediaControlsOptions extends ConfigurableDocument {
* The source for the media, may either be a string, a `UseMediaSource` object, or a list
* of `UseMediaSource` objects.
src?: MaybeComputedRef<string | UseMediaSource | UseMediaSource[]>;
* A list of text tracks for the media
tracks?: MaybeComputedRef<UseMediaTextTrackSource[]>;
interface UseMediaTextTrack {
* The index of the text track
id: number;
* The text track label
label: string;
* Language of the track text data. It must be a valid BCP 47 language tag.
* If the kind attribute is set to subtitles, then srclang must be defined.
language: string;
* Specifies the display mode of the text track, either `disabled`,
* `hidden`, or `showing`
mode: TextTrackMode;
* How the text track is meant to be used. If omitted the default kind is subtitles.
kind: TextTrackKind;
* Indicates the track's in-band metadata track dispatch type.
inBandMetadataTrackDispatchType: string;
* A list of text track cues
cues: TextTrackCueList | null;
* A list of active text track cues
activeCues: TextTrackCueList | null;
declare function useMediaControls(target: MaybeRef<HTMLMediaElement | null | undefined>, options?: UseMediaControlsOptions): {
currentTime: vue_demi.Ref<number>;
duration: vue_demi.Ref<number>;
waiting: vue_demi.Ref<boolean>;
seeking: vue_demi.Ref<boolean>;
ended: vue_demi.Ref<boolean>;
stalled: vue_demi.Ref<boolean>;
buffered: vue_demi.Ref<[number, number][]>;
playing: vue_demi.Ref<boolean>;
rate: vue_demi.Ref<number>;
volume: vue_demi.Ref<number>;
muted: vue_demi.Ref<boolean>;
tracks: vue_demi.Ref<{
id: number;
label: string;
language: string;
mode: TextTrackMode;
kind: TextTrackKind;
inBandMetadataTrackDispatchType: string;
cues: {
[x: number]: {
endTime: number;
id: string;
onenter: ((this: TextTrackCue, ev: Event) => any) | null;
onexit: ((this: TextTrackCue, ev: Event) => any) | null;
pauseOnExit: boolean;
startTime: number;
readonly track: {
readonly activeCues: any | null;
readonly cues: any | null;
readonly id: string;
readonly inBandMetadataTrackDispatchType: string;
readonly kind: TextTrackKind;
readonly label: string;
readonly language: string;
mode: TextTrackMode;
oncuechange: ((this: TextTrack, ev: Event) => any) | null;
addCue: (cue: TextTrackCue) => void;
removeCue: (cue: TextTrackCue) => void;
addEventListener: {
<K extends "cuechange">(type: K, listener: (this: TextTrack, ev: TextTrackEventMap[K]) => any, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions | undefined): void;
(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions | undefined): void;
removeEventListener: {
<K_1 extends "cuechange">(type: K_1, listener: (this: TextTrack, ev: TextTrackEventMap[K_1]) => any, options?: boolean | EventListenerOptions | undefined): void;
(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, options?: boolean | EventListenerOptions | undefined): void;
dispatchEvent: (event: Event) => boolean;
} | null;
addEventListener: {
<K_2 extends keyof TextTrackCueEventMap>(type: K_2, listener: (this: TextTrackCue, ev: TextTrackCueEventMap[K_2]) => any, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions | undefined): void;
(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions | undefined): void;
removeEventListener: {
<K_3 extends keyof TextTrackCueEventMap>(type: K_3, listener: (this: TextTrackCue, ev: TextTrackCueEventMap[K_3]) => any, options?: boolean | EventListenerOptions | undefined): void;
(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, options?: boolean | EventListenerOptions | undefined): void;
dispatchEvent: (event: Event) => boolean;
readonly length: number;
getCueById: (id: string) => TextTrackCue | null;
[Symbol.iterator]: () => IterableIterator<TextTrackCue>;
} | null;
activeCues: {
[x: number]: {
endTime: number;
id: string;
onenter: ((this: TextTrackCue, ev: Event) => any) | null;
onexit: ((this: TextTrackCue, ev: Event) => any) | null;
pauseOnExit: boolean;
startTime: number;
readonly track: {
readonly activeCues: any | null;
readonly cues: any | null;
readonly id: string;
readonly inBandMetadataTrackDispatchType: string;
readonly kind: TextTrackKind;
readonly label: string;
readonly language: string;
mode: TextTrackMode;
oncuechange: ((this: TextTrack, ev: Event) => any) | null;
addCue: (cue: TextTrackCue) => void;
removeCue: (cue: TextTrackCue) => void;
addEventListener: {
<K extends "cuechange">(type: K, listener: (this: TextTrack, ev: TextTrackEventMap[K]) => any, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions | undefined): void;
(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions | undefined): void;
removeEventListener: {
<K_1 extends "cuechange">(type: K_1, listener: (this: TextTrack, ev: TextTrackEventMap[K_1]) => any, options?: boolean | EventListenerOptions | undefined): void;
(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, options?: boolean | EventListenerOptions | undefined): void;
dispatchEvent: (event: Event) => boolean;
} | null;
addEventListener: {
<K_2 extends keyof TextTrackCueEventMap>(type: K_2, listener: (this: TextTrackCue, ev: TextTrackCueEventMap[K_2]) => any, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions | undefined): void;
(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions | undefined): void;
removeEventListener: {
<K_3 extends keyof TextTrackCueEventMap>(type: K_3, listener: (this: TextTrackCue, ev: TextTrackCueEventMap[K_3]) => any, options?: boolean | EventListenerOptions | undefined): void;
(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, options?: boolean | EventListenerOptions | undefined): void;
dispatchEvent: (event: Event) => boolean;
readonly length: number;
getCueById: (id: string) => TextTrackCue | null;
[Symbol.iterator]: () => IterableIterator<TextTrackCue>;
} | null;
selectedTrack: vue_demi.Ref<number>;
enableTrack: (track: number | UseMediaTextTrack, disableTracks?: boolean) => void;
disableTrack: (track?: number | UseMediaTextTrack) => void;
supportsPictureInPicture: boolean | undefined;
togglePictureInPicture: () => Promise<unknown>;
isPictureInPicture: vue_demi.Ref<boolean>;
onSourceError: _vueuse_shared.EventHookOn<Event>;
type UseMediaControlsReturn = ReturnType<typeof useMediaControls>;
* Reactive Media Query.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useMediaQuery
* @param query
* @param options
declare function useMediaQuery(query: MaybeComputedRef<string>, options?: ConfigurableWindow): vue_demi.Ref<boolean>;
type CacheKey = any;
* Custom memoize cache handler
interface UseMemoizeCache<Key, Value> {
* Get value for key
get(key: Key): Value | undefined;
* Set value for key
set(key: Key, value: Value): void;
* Return flag if key exists
has(key: Key): boolean;
* Delete value for key
delete(key: Key): void;
* Clear cache
clear(): void;
* Memoized function
interface UseMemoizeReturn<Result, Args extends unknown[]> {
* Get result from cache or call memoized function
(...args: Args): Result;
* Call memoized function and update cache
load(...args: Args): Result;
* Delete cache of given arguments
delete(...args: Args): void;
* Clear cache
clear(): void;
* Generate cache key for given arguments
generateKey(...args: Args): CacheKey;
* Cache container
cache: UseMemoizeCache<CacheKey, Result>;
interface UseMemoizeOptions<Result, Args extends unknown[]> {
getKey?: (...args: Args) => string | number;
cache?: UseMemoizeCache<CacheKey, Result>;
* Reactive function result cache based on arguments
declare function useMemoize<Result, Args extends unknown[]>(resolver: (...args: Args) => Result, options?: UseMemoizeOptions<Result, Args>): UseMemoizeReturn<Result, Args>;
* Performance.memory
* @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Performance/memory
interface MemoryInfo {
* The maximum size of the heap, in bytes, that is available to the context.
readonly jsHeapSizeLimit: number;
* The total allocated heap size, in bytes.
readonly totalJSHeapSize: number;
* The currently active segment of JS heap, in bytes.
readonly usedJSHeapSize: number;
[Symbol.toStringTag]: 'MemoryInfo';
interface UseMemoryOptions extends UseIntervalFnOptions {
interval?: number;
* Reactive Memory Info.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useMemory
* @param options
declare function useMemory(options?: UseMemoryOptions): {
isSupported: vue_demi.Ref<boolean>;
memory: vue_demi.Ref<MemoryInfo | undefined>;
type UseMemoryReturn = ReturnType<typeof useMemory>;
* Mounted state in ref.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useMounted
* @param options
declare function useMounted(): vue_demi.Ref<boolean>;
interface UseMouseOptions extends ConfigurableWindow, ConfigurableEventFilter {
* Mouse position based by page, client, or relative to previous position
* @default 'page'
type?: 'page' | 'client' | 'movement';
* Listen to `touchmove` events
* @default true
touch?: boolean;
* Reset to initial value when `touchend` event fired
* @default false
resetOnTouchEnds?: boolean;
* Initial values
initialValue?: Position;
type MouseSourceType = 'mouse' | 'touch' | null;
* Reactive mouse position.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useMouse
* @param options
declare function useMouse(options?: UseMouseOptions): {
x: vue_demi.Ref<number>;
y: vue_demi.Ref<number>;
sourceType: vue_demi.Ref<MouseSourceType>;
type UseMouseReturn = ReturnType<typeof useMouse>;
interface MouseInElementOptions extends UseMouseOptions {
handleOutside?: boolean;
* Reactive mouse position related to an element.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useMouseInElement
* @param target
* @param options
declare function useMouseInElement(target?: MaybeElementRef, options?: MouseInElementOptions): {
x: vue_demi.Ref<number>;
y: vue_demi.Ref<number>;
sourceType: vue_demi.Ref<MouseSourceType>;
elementX: vue_demi.Ref<number>;
elementY: vue_demi.Ref<number>;
elementPositionX: vue_demi.Ref<number>;
elementPositionY: vue_demi.Ref<number>;
elementHeight: vue_demi.Ref<number>;
elementWidth: vue_demi.Ref<number>;
isOutside: vue_demi.Ref<boolean>;
stop: () => void;
type UseMouseInElementReturn = ReturnType<typeof useMouseInElement>;
interface MousePressedOptions extends ConfigurableWindow {
* Listen to `touchstart` `touchend` events
* @default true
touch?: boolean;
* Listen to `dragstart` `drop` and `dragend` events
* @default true
drag?: boolean;
* Initial values
* @default false
initialValue?: boolean;
* Element target to be capture the click
target?: MaybeElementRef;
* Reactive mouse position.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useMousePressed
* @param options
declare function useMousePressed(options?: MousePressedOptions): {
pressed: vue_demi.Ref<boolean>;
sourceType: vue_demi.Ref<MouseSourceType>;
type UseMousePressedReturn = ReturnType<typeof useMousePressed>;
interface UseMutationObserverOptions extends MutationObserverInit, ConfigurableWindow {
* Watch for changes being made to the DOM tree.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useMutationObserver
* @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/MutationObserver MutationObserver MDN
* @param target
* @param callback
* @param options
declare function useMutationObserver(target: MaybeElementRef, callback: MutationCallback, options?: UseMutationObserverOptions): {
isSupported: vue_demi.Ref<boolean>;
stop: () => void;
type UseMutationObserverReturn = ReturnType<typeof useMutationObserver>;
interface NavigatorLanguageState {
isSupported: Ref<boolean>;
* ISO 639-1 standard Language Code
* @info The detected user agent language preference as a language tag
* (which is sometimes referred to as a "locale identifier").
* This consists of a 2-3 letter base language tag that indicates a
* language, optionally followed by additional subtags separated by
* '-'. The most common extra information is the country or region
* variant (like 'en-US' or 'fr-CA').
* @see https://www.iso.org/iso-639-language-codes.html
* @see https://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/php/code_list.php
language: Ref<string | undefined>;
* Reactive useNavigatorLanguage
* Detects the currently selected user language and returns a reactive language
* @see https://vueuse.org/useNavigatorLanguage
declare const useNavigatorLanguage: (options?: ConfigurableWindow) => Readonly<NavigatorLanguageState>;
type UseNavigatorLanguageReturn = ReturnType<typeof useNavigatorLanguage>;
type NetworkType = 'bluetooth' | 'cellular' | 'ethernet' | 'none' | 'wifi' | 'wimax' | 'other' | 'unknown';
type NetworkEffectiveType = 'slow-2g' | '2g' | '3g' | '4g' | undefined;
interface NetworkState {
isSupported: Ref<boolean>;
* If the user is currently connected.
isOnline: Ref<boolean>;
* The time since the user was last connected.
offlineAt: Ref<number | undefined>;
* At this time, if the user is offline and reconnects
onlineAt: Ref<number | undefined>;
* The download speed in Mbps.
downlink: Ref<number | undefined>;
* The max reachable download speed in Mbps.
downlinkMax: Ref<number | undefined>;
* The detected effective speed type.
effectiveType: Ref<NetworkEffectiveType | undefined>;
* The estimated effective round-trip time of the current connection.
rtt: Ref<number | undefined>;
* If the user activated data saver mode.
saveData: Ref<boolean | undefined>;
* The detected connection/network type.
type: Ref<NetworkType>;
* Reactive Network status.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useNetwork
* @param options
declare function useNetwork(options?: ConfigurableWindow): Readonly<NetworkState>;
type UseNetworkReturn = ReturnType<typeof useNetwork>;
interface UseNowOptions<Controls extends boolean> {
* Expose more controls
* @default false
controls?: Controls;
* Update interval, or use requestAnimationFrame
* @default requestAnimationFrame
interval?: 'requestAnimationFrame' | number;
* Reactive current Date instance.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useNow
* @param options
declare function useNow(options?: UseNowOptions<false>): Ref<Date>;
declare function useNow(options: UseNowOptions<true>): {
now: Ref<Date>;
} & Pausable;
type UseNowReturn = ReturnType<typeof useNow>;
* Reactive URL representing an object.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useObjectUrl
* @param object
declare function useObjectUrl(object: MaybeRef<Blob | MediaSource | undefined>): Readonly<vue_demi.Ref<string | undefined>>;
interface UseOffsetPaginationOptions {
* Total number of items.
total?: MaybeRef<number>;
* The number of items to display per page.
* @default 10
pageSize?: MaybeRef<number>;
* The current page number.
* @default 1
page?: MaybeRef<number>;
* Callback when the `page` change.
onPageChange?: (returnValue: UnwrapNestedRefs<UseOffsetPaginationReturn>) => unknown;
* Callback when the `pageSize` change.
onPageSizeChange?: (returnValue: UnwrapNestedRefs<UseOffsetPaginationReturn>) => unknown;
* Callback when the `pageCount` change.
onPageCountChange?: (returnValue: UnwrapNestedRefs<UseOffsetPaginationReturn>) => unknown;
interface UseOffsetPaginationReturn {
currentPage: Ref<number>;
currentPageSize: Ref<number>;
pageCount: ComputedRef<number>;
isFirstPage: ComputedRef<boolean>;
isLastPage: ComputedRef<boolean>;
prev: () => void;
next: () => void;
type UseOffsetPaginationInfinityPageReturn = Omit<UseOffsetPaginationReturn, 'isLastPage'>;
declare function useOffsetPagination(options: Omit<UseOffsetPaginationOptions, 'total'>): UseOffsetPaginationInfinityPageReturn;
declare function useOffsetPagination(options: UseOffsetPaginationOptions): UseOffsetPaginationReturn;
* Reactive online state.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useOnline
* @param options
declare function useOnline(options?: ConfigurableWindow): vue.Ref<boolean>;
* Reactive state to show whether mouse leaves the page.
* @see https://vueuse.org/usePageLeave
* @param options
declare function usePageLeave(options?: ConfigurableWindow): vue_demi.Ref<boolean>;
interface UseParallaxOptions extends ConfigurableWindow {
deviceOrientationTiltAdjust?: (i: number) => number;
deviceOrientationRollAdjust?: (i: number) => number;
mouseTiltAdjust?: (i: number) => number;
mouseRollAdjust?: (i: number) => number;
interface UseParallaxReturn {
* Roll value. Scaled to `-0.5 ~ 0.5`
roll: ComputedRef<number>;
* Tilt value. Scaled to `-0.5 ~ 0.5`
tilt: ComputedRef<number>;
* Sensor source, can be `mouse` or `deviceOrientation`
source: ComputedRef<'deviceOrientation' | 'mouse'>;
* Create parallax effect easily. It uses `useDeviceOrientation` and fallback to `useMouse`
* if orientation is not supported.
* @param target
* @param options
declare function useParallax(target: MaybeElementRef, options?: UseParallaxOptions): UseParallaxReturn;
type DescriptorNamePolyfill = 'accelerometer' | 'accessibility-events' | 'ambient-light-sensor' | 'background-sync' | 'camera' | 'clipboard-read' | 'clipboard-write' | 'gyroscope' | 'magnetometer' | 'microphone' | 'notifications' | 'payment-handler' | 'persistent-storage' | 'push' | 'speaker';
type GeneralPermissionDescriptor = PermissionDescriptor | {
name: DescriptorNamePolyfill;
interface UsePermissionOptions<Controls extends boolean> extends ConfigurableNavigator {
* Expose more controls
* @default false
controls?: Controls;
type UsePermissionReturn = Readonly<Ref<PermissionState | undefined>>;
interface UsePermissionReturnWithControls {
state: UsePermissionReturn;
isSupported: Ref<boolean>;
query: () => Promise<PermissionStatus | undefined>;
* Reactive Permissions API.
* @see https://vueuse.org/usePermission
declare function usePermission(permissionDesc: GeneralPermissionDescriptor | GeneralPermissionDescriptor['name'], options?: UsePermissionOptions<false>): UsePermissionReturn;
declare function usePermission(permissionDesc: GeneralPermissionDescriptor | GeneralPermissionDescriptor['name'], options: UsePermissionOptions<true>): UsePermissionReturnWithControls;
interface UsePointerState extends Position {
pressure: number;
pointerId: number;
tiltX: number;
tiltY: number;
width: number;
height: number;
twist: number;
pointerType: PointerType | null;
interface UsePointerOptions extends ConfigurableWindow {
* Pointer types that listen to.
* @default ['mouse', 'touch', 'pen']
pointerTypes?: PointerType[];
* Initial values
initialValue?: MaybeRef<Partial<UsePointerState>>;
* @default window
target?: MaybeRef<EventTarget | null | undefined> | Document | Window;
* Reactive pointer state.
* @see https://vueuse.org/usePointer
* @param options
declare function usePointer(options?: UsePointerOptions): {
isInside: Ref<boolean>;
pressure: Ref<number>;
pointerId: Ref<number>;
tiltX: Ref<number>;
tiltY: Ref<number>;
width: Ref<number>;
height: Ref<number>;
twist: Ref<number>;
pointerType: Ref<PointerType | null>;
x: Ref<number>;
y: Ref<number>;
type UsePointerReturn = ReturnType<typeof usePointer>;
declare global {
interface PointerLockOptions {
unadjustedMovement?: boolean;
interface Element {
requestPointerLock(options?: PointerLockOptions): Promise<void> | void;
type MaybeHTMLElement = HTMLElement | undefined | null;
interface UsePointerLockOptions extends ConfigurableDocument {
pointerLockOptions?: PointerLockOptions;
* Reactive pointer lock.
* @see https://vueuse.org/usePointerLock
* @param target
* @param options
declare function usePointerLock(target?: MaybeElementRef<MaybeHTMLElement>, options?: UsePointerLockOptions): {
isSupported: vue_demi.Ref<boolean>;
element: vue_demi.Ref<MaybeHTMLElement>;
triggerElement: vue_demi.Ref<MaybeHTMLElement>;
lock: (e: MaybeElementRef<MaybeHTMLElement> | Event, options?: PointerLockOptions) => Promise<HTMLElement>;
unlock: () => Promise<boolean>;
type UsePointerLockReturn = ReturnType<typeof usePointerLock>;
declare enum SwipeDirection {
UP = "UP",
interface UseSwipeOptions extends ConfigurableWindow {
* Register events as passive
* @default true
passive?: boolean;
* @default 50
threshold?: number;
* Callback on swipe start
onSwipeStart?: (e: TouchEvent) => void;
* Callback on swipe moves
onSwipe?: (e: TouchEvent) => void;
* Callback on swipe ends
onSwipeEnd?: (e: TouchEvent, direction: SwipeDirection) => void;
interface UseSwipeReturn {
isPassiveEventSupported: boolean;
isSwiping: Ref<boolean>;
direction: ComputedRef<SwipeDirection | null>;
coordsStart: Readonly<Position>;
coordsEnd: Readonly<Position>;
lengthX: ComputedRef<number>;
lengthY: ComputedRef<number>;
stop: () => void;
* Reactive swipe detection.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useSwipe
* @param target
* @param options
declare function useSwipe(target: MaybeComputedRef<EventTarget | null | undefined>, options?: UseSwipeOptions): UseSwipeReturn;
interface UsePointerSwipeOptions {
* @default 50
threshold?: number;
* Callback on swipe start.
onSwipeStart?: (e: PointerEvent) => void;
* Callback on swipe move.
onSwipe?: (e: PointerEvent) => void;
* Callback on swipe end.
onSwipeEnd?: (e: PointerEvent, direction: SwipeDirection) => void;
* Pointer types to listen to.
* @default ['mouse', 'touch', 'pen']
pointerTypes?: PointerType[];
interface UsePointerSwipeReturn {
readonly isSwiping: Ref<boolean>;
direction: Readonly<Ref<SwipeDirection | null>>;
readonly posStart: Position;
readonly posEnd: Position;
distanceX: Readonly<Ref<number>>;
distanceY: Readonly<Ref<number>>;
stop: () => void;
* Reactive swipe detection based on PointerEvents.
* @see https://vueuse.org/usePointerSwipe
* @param target
* @param options
declare function usePointerSwipe(target: MaybeComputedRef<HTMLElement | null | undefined>, options?: UsePointerSwipeOptions): UsePointerSwipeReturn;
type ColorSchemeType = 'dark' | 'light' | 'no-preference';
* Reactive prefers-color-scheme media query.
* @see https://vueuse.org/usePreferredColorScheme
* @param [options]
declare function usePreferredColorScheme(options?: ConfigurableWindow): vue_demi.ComputedRef<ColorSchemeType>;
type ContrastType = 'more' | 'less' | 'custom' | 'no-preference';
* Reactive prefers-contrast media query.
* @see https://vueuse.org/usePreferredContrast
* @param [options]
declare function usePreferredContrast(options?: ConfigurableWindow): vue_demi.ComputedRef<ContrastType>;
* Reactive dark theme preference.
* @see https://vueuse.org/usePreferredDark
* @param [options]
declare function usePreferredDark(options?: ConfigurableWindow): vue.Ref<boolean>;
* Reactive Navigator Languages.
* @see https://vueuse.org/usePreferredLanguages
* @param options
declare function usePreferredLanguages(options?: ConfigurableWindow): Ref<readonly string[]>;
type ReducedMotionType = 'reduce' | 'no-preference';
* Reactive prefers-reduced-motion media query.
* @see https://vueuse.org/usePreferredReducedMotion
* @param [options]
declare function usePreferredReducedMotion(options?: ConfigurableWindow): vue_demi.ComputedRef<ReducedMotionType>;
* Holds the previous value of a ref.
* @see {@link https://vueuse.org/usePrevious}
declare function usePrevious<T>(value: MaybeComputedRef<T>): Readonly<Ref<T | undefined>>;
declare function usePrevious<T>(value: MaybeComputedRef<T>, initialValue: T): Readonly<Ref<T>>;
interface UseRafFnCallbackArguments {
* Time elapsed between this and the last frame.
delta: number;
* Time elapsed since the creation of the web page. See {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/DOMHighResTimeStamp#the_time_origin Time origin}.
timestamp: DOMHighResTimeStamp;
interface UseRafFnOptions extends ConfigurableWindow {
* Start the requestAnimationFrame loop immediately on creation
* @default true
immediate?: boolean;
* Call function on every `requestAnimationFrame`. With controls of pausing and resuming.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useRafFn
* @param fn
* @param options
declare function useRafFn(fn: (args: UseRafFnCallbackArguments) => void, options?: UseRafFnOptions): Pausable;
* Reactive screen orientation
* @see https://vueuse.org/useScreenOrientation
declare const useScreenOrientation: (options?: ConfigurableWindow) => {
isSupported: vue_demi.Ref<boolean>;
orientation: vue_demi.Ref<OrientationType | undefined>;
angle: vue_demi.Ref<number>;
lockOrientation: (type: OrientationLockType) => Promise<void>;
unlockOrientation: () => void;
type UseScreenOrientationReturn = ReturnType<typeof useScreenOrientation>;
* Reactive `env(safe-area-inset-*)`
* @see https://vueuse.org/useScreenSafeArea
declare function useScreenSafeArea(): {
top: vue_demi.Ref<string>;
right: vue_demi.Ref<string>;
bottom: vue_demi.Ref<string>;
left: vue_demi.Ref<string>;
update: () => void;
interface UseScriptTagOptions extends ConfigurableDocument {
* Load the script immediately
* @default true
immediate?: boolean;
* Add `async` attribute to the script tag
* @default true
async?: boolean;
* Script type
* @default 'text/javascript'
type?: string;
* Manual controls the timing of loading and unloading
* @default false
manual?: boolean;
crossOrigin?: 'anonymous' | 'use-credentials';
referrerPolicy?: 'no-referrer' | 'no-referrer-when-downgrade' | 'origin' | 'origin-when-cross-origin' | 'same-origin' | 'strict-origin' | 'strict-origin-when-cross-origin' | 'unsafe-url';
noModule?: boolean;
defer?: boolean;
* Add custom attribute to the script tag
attrs?: Record<string, string>;
* Async script tag loading.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useScriptTag
* @param src
* @param onLoaded
* @param options
declare function useScriptTag(src: MaybeComputedRef<string>, onLoaded?: (el: HTMLScriptElement) => void, options?: UseScriptTagOptions): {
scriptTag: vue_demi.Ref<HTMLScriptElement | null>;
load: (waitForScriptLoad?: boolean) => Promise<HTMLScriptElement | boolean>;
unload: () => void;
type UseScriptTagReturn = ReturnType<typeof useScriptTag>;
* Lock scrolling of the element.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useScrollLock
* @param element
declare function useScrollLock(element: MaybeComputedRef<HTMLElement | SVGElement | Window | Document | null | undefined>, initialState?: boolean): vue_demi.WritableComputedRef<boolean>;
declare function useSessionStorage(key: string, initialValue: MaybeComputedRef<string>, options?: UseStorageOptions<string>): RemovableRef<string>;
declare function useSessionStorage(key: string, initialValue: MaybeComputedRef<boolean>, options?: UseStorageOptions<boolean>): RemovableRef<boolean>;
declare function useSessionStorage(key: string, initialValue: MaybeComputedRef<number>, options?: UseStorageOptions<number>): RemovableRef<number>;
declare function useSessionStorage<T>(key: string, initialValue: MaybeComputedRef<T>, options?: UseStorageOptions<T>): RemovableRef<T>;
declare function useSessionStorage<T = unknown>(key: string, initialValue: MaybeComputedRef<null>, options?: UseStorageOptions<T>): RemovableRef<T>;
interface UseShareOptions {
title?: string;
files?: File[];
text?: string;
url?: string;
* Reactive Web Share API.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useShare
* @param shareOptions
* @param options
declare function useShare(shareOptions?: MaybeComputedRef<UseShareOptions>, options?: ConfigurableNavigator): {
isSupported: vue.Ref<boolean>;
share: (overrideOptions?: MaybeComputedRef<UseShareOptions>) => Promise<void>;
type UseShareReturn = ReturnType<typeof useShare>;
type UseSortedCompareFn<T = any> = (a: T, b: T) => number;
type UseSortedFn<T = any> = (arr: T[], compareFn: UseSortedCompareFn<T>) => T[];
interface UseSortedOptions<T = any> {
* sort algorithm
sortFn?: UseSortedFn<T>;
* compare function
compareFn?: UseSortedCompareFn<T>;
* change the value of the source array
* @default false
dirty?: boolean;
declare function useSorted<T = any>(source: MaybeRef<T[]>, compareFn?: UseSortedCompareFn<T>): Ref<T[]>;
declare function useSorted<T = any>(source: MaybeRef<T[]>, options?: UseSortedOptions<T>): Ref<T[]>;
declare function useSorted<T = any>(source: MaybeRef<T[]>, compareFn?: UseSortedCompareFn<T>, options?: Omit<UseSortedOptions<T>, 'compareFn'>): Ref<T[]>;
type SpeechRecognitionErrorCode = 'aborted' | 'audio-capture' | 'bad-grammar' | 'language-not-supported' | 'network' | 'no-speech' | 'not-allowed' | 'service-not-allowed';
interface SpeechGrammar {
src: string;
weight: number;
interface SpeechGrammarList {
readonly length: number;
addFromString(string: string, weight?: number): void;
addFromURI(src: string, weight?: number): void;
item(index: number): SpeechGrammar;
[index: number]: SpeechGrammar;
interface SpeechRecognitionErrorEvent extends Event {
readonly error: SpeechRecognitionErrorCode;
readonly message: string;
interface SpeechRecognitionEvent extends Event {
readonly resultIndex: number;
readonly results: SpeechRecognitionResultList;
interface SpeechRecognitionEventMap {
'audioend': Event;
'audiostart': Event;
'end': Event;
'error': SpeechRecognitionErrorEvent;
'nomatch': SpeechRecognitionEvent;
'result': SpeechRecognitionEvent;
'soundend': Event;
'soundstart': Event;
'speechend': Event;
'speechstart': Event;
'start': Event;
interface SpeechRecognition extends EventTarget {
continuous: boolean;
grammars: SpeechGrammarList;
interimResults: boolean;
lang: string;
maxAlternatives: number;
onaudioend: ((this: SpeechRecognition, ev: Event) => any) | null;
onaudiostart: ((this: SpeechRecognition, ev: Event) => any) | null;
onend: ((this: SpeechRecognition, ev: Event) => any) | null;
onerror: ((this: SpeechRecognition, ev: SpeechRecognitionErrorEvent) => any) | null;
onnomatch: ((this: SpeechRecognition, ev: SpeechRecognitionEvent) => any) | null;
onresult: ((this: SpeechRecognition, ev: SpeechRecognitionEvent) => any) | null;
onsoundend: ((this: SpeechRecognition, ev: Event) => any) | null;
onsoundstart: ((this: SpeechRecognition, ev: Event) => any) | null;
onspeechend: ((this: SpeechRecognition, ev: Event) => any) | null;
onspeechstart: ((this: SpeechRecognition, ev: Event) => any) | null;
onstart: ((this: SpeechRecognition, ev: Event) => any) | null;
abort(): void;
start(): void;
stop(): void;
addEventListener<K extends keyof SpeechRecognitionEventMap>(type: K, listener: (this: SpeechRecognition, ev: SpeechRecognitionEventMap[K]) => any, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions): void;
addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions): void;
removeEventListener<K extends keyof SpeechRecognitionEventMap>(type: K, listener: (this: SpeechRecognition, ev: SpeechRecognitionEventMap[K]) => any, options?: boolean | EventListenerOptions): void;
removeEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, options?: boolean | EventListenerOptions): void;
interface UseSpeechRecognitionOptions extends ConfigurableWindow {
* Controls whether continuous results are returned for each recognition, or only a single result.
* @default true
continuous?: boolean;
* Controls whether interim results should be returned (true) or not (false.) Interim results are results that are not yet final
* @default true
interimResults?: boolean;
* Language for SpeechRecognition
* @default 'en-US'
lang?: MaybeComputedRef<string>;
* Reactive SpeechRecognition.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useSpeechRecognition
* @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/SpeechRecognition SpeechRecognition
* @param options
declare function useSpeechRecognition(options?: UseSpeechRecognitionOptions): {
isSupported: Ref<boolean>;
isListening: Ref<boolean>;
isFinal: Ref<boolean>;
recognition: SpeechRecognition | undefined;
result: Ref<string>;
error: Ref<SpeechRecognitionErrorEvent | undefined>;
toggle: (value?: boolean) => void;
start: () => void;
stop: () => void;
type UseSpeechRecognitionReturn = ReturnType<typeof useSpeechRecognition>;
type UseSpeechSynthesisStatus = 'init' | 'play' | 'pause' | 'end';
interface UseSpeechSynthesisOptions extends ConfigurableWindow {
* Language for SpeechSynthesis
* @default 'en-US'
lang?: MaybeComputedRef<string>;
* Gets and sets the pitch at which the utterance will be spoken at.
* @default 1
pitch?: SpeechSynthesisUtterance['pitch'];
* Gets and sets the speed at which the utterance will be spoken at.
* @default 1
rate?: SpeechSynthesisUtterance['rate'];
* Gets and sets the voice that will be used to speak the utterance.
voice?: MaybeRef<SpeechSynthesisVoice>;
* Gets and sets the volume that the utterance will be spoken at.
* @default 1
volume?: SpeechSynthesisUtterance['volume'];
* Reactive SpeechSynthesis.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useSpeechSynthesis
* @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/SpeechSynthesis SpeechSynthesis
* @param options
declare function useSpeechSynthesis(text: MaybeComputedRef<string>, options?: UseSpeechSynthesisOptions): {
isSupported: Ref<boolean>;
isPlaying: Ref<boolean>;
status: Ref<UseSpeechSynthesisStatus>;
utterance: vue_demi.ComputedRef<SpeechSynthesisUtterance>;
error: Ref<SpeechSynthesisErrorEvent | undefined>;
stop: () => void;
toggle: (value?: boolean) => void;
speak: () => void;
type UseSpeechSynthesisReturn = ReturnType<typeof useSpeechSynthesis>;
interface UseStepperReturn<StepName, Steps, Step> {
/** List of steps. */
steps: Readonly<Ref<Steps>>;
/** List of step names. */
stepNames: Readonly<Ref<StepName[]>>;
/** Index of the current step. */
index: Ref<number>;
/** Current step. */
current: ComputedRef<Step>;
/** Next step, or undefined if the current step is the last one. */
next: ComputedRef<StepName | undefined>;
/** Previous step, or undefined if the current step is the first one. */
previous: ComputedRef<StepName | undefined>;
/** Whether the current step is the first one. */
isFirst: ComputedRef<boolean>;
/** Whether the current step is the last one. */
isLast: ComputedRef<boolean>;
/** Get the step at the specified index. */
at: (index: number) => Step | undefined;
/** Get a step by the specified name. */
get: (step: StepName) => Step | undefined;
/** Go to the specified step. */
goTo: (step: StepName) => void;
/** Go to the next step. Does nothing if the current step is the last one. */
goToNext: () => void;
/** Go to the previous step. Does nothing if the current step is the previous one. */
goToPrevious: () => void;
/** Go back to the given step, only if the current step is after. */
goBackTo: (step: StepName) => void;
/** Checks whether the given step is the next step. */
isNext: (step: StepName) => boolean;
/** Checks whether the given step is the previous step. */
isPrevious: (step: StepName) => boolean;
/** Checks whether the given step is the current step. */
isCurrent: (step: StepName) => boolean;
/** Checks if the current step is before the given step. */
isBefore: (step: StepName) => boolean;
/** Checks if the current step is after the given step. */
isAfter: (step: StepName) => boolean;
declare function useStepper<T extends string | number>(steps: MaybeRef<T[]>, initialStep?: T): UseStepperReturn<T, T[], T>;
declare function useStepper<T extends Record<string, any>>(steps: MaybeRef<T>, initialStep?: keyof T): UseStepperReturn<Exclude<keyof T, symbol>, T, T[keyof T]>;
interface UseStorageAsyncOptions<T> extends Omit<UseStorageOptions<T>, 'serializer'> {
* Custom data serialization
serializer?: SerializerAsync<T>;
declare function useStorageAsync(key: string, initialValue: MaybeComputedRef<string>, storage?: StorageLikeAsync, options?: UseStorageAsyncOptions<string>): RemovableRef<string>;
declare function useStorageAsync(key: string, initialValue: MaybeComputedRef<boolean>, storage?: StorageLikeAsync, options?: UseStorageAsyncOptions<boolean>): RemovableRef<boolean>;
declare function useStorageAsync(key: string, initialValue: MaybeComputedRef<number>, storage?: StorageLikeAsync, options?: UseStorageAsyncOptions<number>): RemovableRef<number>;
declare function useStorageAsync<T>(key: string, initialValue: MaybeComputedRef<T>, storage?: StorageLikeAsync, options?: UseStorageAsyncOptions<T>): RemovableRef<T>;
declare function useStorageAsync<T = unknown>(key: string, initialValue: MaybeComputedRef<null>, storage?: StorageLikeAsync, options?: UseStorageAsyncOptions<T>): RemovableRef<T>;
interface UseStyleTagOptions extends ConfigurableDocument {
* Media query for styles to apply
media?: string;
* Load the style immediately
* @default true
immediate?: boolean;
* Manual controls the timing of loading and unloading
* @default false
manual?: boolean;
* DOM id of the style tag
* @default auto-incremented
id?: string;
interface UseStyleTagReturn {
id: string;
css: Ref<string>;
load: () => void;
unload: () => void;
isLoaded: Readonly<Ref<boolean>>;
* Inject <style> element in head.
* Overload: Omitted id
* @see https://vueuse.org/useStyleTag
* @param css
* @param options
declare function useStyleTag(css: MaybeRef<string>, options?: UseStyleTagOptions): UseStyleTagReturn;
declare function useSupported(callback: () => unknown, sync?: boolean): Ref<boolean>;
type TemplateRefsList<T> = T[] & {
set(el: Object | null): void;
declare function useTemplateRefsList<T = Element>(): Readonly<Ref<Readonly<TemplateRefsList<T>>>>;
type UseTextDirectionValue = 'ltr' | 'rtl' | 'auto';
interface UseTextDirectionOptions extends ConfigurableDocument {
* CSS Selector for the target element applying to
* @default 'html'
selector?: string;
* Observe `document.querySelector(selector)` changes using MutationObserve
* @default false
observe?: boolean;
* Initial value
* @default 'ltr'
initialValue?: UseTextDirectionValue;
* Reactive dir of the element's text.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useTextDirection
declare function useTextDirection(options?: UseTextDirectionOptions): vue_demi.WritableComputedRef<UseTextDirectionValue>;
* Reactively track user text selection based on [`Window.getSelection`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/getSelection).
* @see https://vueuse.org/useTextSelection
declare function useTextSelection(options?: ConfigurableWindow): {
text: vue_demi.ComputedRef<string>;
rects: vue_demi.ComputedRef<DOMRect[]>;
ranges: vue_demi.ComputedRef<Range[]>;
selection: vue_demi.Ref<{
readonly anchorNode: Node | null;
readonly anchorOffset: number;
readonly focusNode: Node | null;
readonly focusOffset: number;
readonly isCollapsed: boolean;
readonly rangeCount: number;
readonly type: string;
addRange: (range: Range) => void;
collapse: (node: Node | null, offset?: number | undefined) => void;
collapseToEnd: () => void;
collapseToStart: () => void;
containsNode: (node: Node, allowPartialContainment?: boolean | undefined) => boolean;
deleteFromDocument: () => void;
empty: () => void;
extend: (node: Node, offset?: number | undefined) => void;
getRangeAt: (index: number) => Range;
modify: (alter?: string | undefined, direction?: string | undefined, granularity?: string | undefined) => void;
removeAllRanges: () => void;
removeRange: (range: Range) => void;
selectAllChildren: (node: Node) => void;
setBaseAndExtent: (anchorNode: Node, anchorOffset: number, focusNode: Node, focusOffset: number) => void;
setPosition: (node: Node | null, offset?: number | undefined) => void;
toString: () => string;
} | null>;
type UseTextSelectionReturn = ReturnType<typeof useTextSelection>;
interface UseTextareaAutosizeOptions {
/** Textarea element to autosize. */
element?: MaybeRef<HTMLTextAreaElement | undefined>;
/** Textarea content. */
input?: MaybeRef<string | undefined>;
/** Watch sources that should trigger a textarea resize. */
watch?: WatchSource | Array<WatchSource>;
/** Function called when the textarea size changes. */
onResize?: () => void;
declare function useTextareaAutosize(options?: UseTextareaAutosizeOptions): {
textarea: vue_demi.Ref<HTMLTextAreaElement>;
input: vue_demi.Ref<string>;
triggerResize: () => void;
type UseTextareaAutosizeReturn = ReturnType<typeof useTextareaAutosize>;
type UseThrottledRefHistoryOptions<Raw, Serialized = Raw> = Omit<UseRefHistoryOptions<Raw, Serialized>, 'eventFilter'> & {
throttle?: MaybeRef<number>;
trailing?: boolean;
type UseThrottledRefHistoryReturn<Raw, Serialized = Raw> = UseRefHistoryReturn<Raw, Serialized>;
* Shorthand for [useRefHistory](https://vueuse.org/useRefHistory) with throttled filter.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useThrottledRefHistory
* @param source
* @param options
declare function useThrottledRefHistory<Raw, Serialized = Raw>(source: Ref<Raw>, options?: UseThrottledRefHistoryOptions<Raw, Serialized>): UseThrottledRefHistoryReturn<Raw, Serialized>;
type UseTimeAgoFormatter<T = number> = (value: T, isPast: boolean) => string;
type UseTimeAgoUnitNamesDefault = 'second' | 'minute' | 'hour' | 'day' | 'week' | 'month' | 'year';
interface UseTimeAgoMessagesBuiltIn {
justNow: string;
past: string | UseTimeAgoFormatter<string>;
future: string | UseTimeAgoFormatter<string>;
invalid: string;
type UseTimeAgoMessages<UnitNames extends string = UseTimeAgoUnitNamesDefault> = UseTimeAgoMessagesBuiltIn & Record<UnitNames, string | UseTimeAgoFormatter<number>>;
interface FormatTimeAgoOptions<UnitNames extends string = UseTimeAgoUnitNamesDefault> {
* Maximum unit (of diff in milliseconds) to display the full date instead of relative
* @default undefined
max?: UnitNames | number;
* Formatter for full date
fullDateFormatter?: (date: Date) => string;
* Messages for formatting the string
messages?: UseTimeAgoMessages<UnitNames>;
* Minimum display time unit (default is minute)
* @default false
showSecond?: boolean;
* Rounding method to apply.
* @default 'round'
rounding?: 'round' | 'ceil' | 'floor' | number;
* Custom units
units?: UseTimeAgoUnit<UseTimeAgoUnitNamesDefault>[];
interface UseTimeAgoOptions<Controls extends boolean, UnitNames extends string = UseTimeAgoUnitNamesDefault> extends FormatTimeAgoOptions<UnitNames> {
* Expose more controls
* @default false
controls?: Controls;
* Intervals to update, set 0 to disable auto update
* @default 30_000
updateInterval?: number;
interface UseTimeAgoUnit<Unit extends string = UseTimeAgoUnitNamesDefault> {
max: number;
value: number;
name: Unit;
type UseTimeAgoReturn<Controls extends boolean = false> = Controls extends true ? {
timeAgo: ComputedRef<string>;
} & Pausable : ComputedRef<string>;
* Reactive time ago formatter.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useTimeAgo
* @param options
declare function useTimeAgo<UnitNames extends string = UseTimeAgoUnitNamesDefault>(time: MaybeComputedRef<Date | number | string>, options?: UseTimeAgoOptions<false, UnitNames>): UseTimeAgoReturn<false>;
declare function useTimeAgo<UnitNames extends string = UseTimeAgoUnitNamesDefault>(time: MaybeComputedRef<Date | number | string>, options: UseTimeAgoOptions<true, UnitNames>): UseTimeAgoReturn<true>;
declare function formatTimeAgo<UnitNames extends string = UseTimeAgoUnitNamesDefault>(from: Date, options?: FormatTimeAgoOptions<UnitNames>, now?: Date | number): string;
declare function useTimeoutPoll(fn: () => Awaitable<void>, interval: MaybeComputedRef<number>, timeoutPollOptions?: UseTimeoutFnOptions): Pausable;
interface UseTimestampOptions<Controls extends boolean> {
* Expose more controls
* @default false
controls?: Controls;
* Offset value adding to the value
* @default 0
offset?: number;
* Update the timestamp immediately
* @default true
immediate?: boolean;
* Update interval, or use requestAnimationFrame
* @default requestAnimationFrame
interval?: 'requestAnimationFrame' | number;
* Callback on each update
callback?: (timestamp: number) => void;
* Reactive current timestamp.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useTimestamp
* @param options
declare function useTimestamp(options?: UseTimestampOptions<false>): Ref<number>;
declare function useTimestamp(options: UseTimestampOptions<true>): {
timestamp: Ref<number>;
} & Pausable;
type UseTimestampReturn = ReturnType<typeof useTimestamp>;
type UseTitleOptionsBase = {
* Observe `document.title` changes using MutationObserve
* Cannot be used together with `titleTemplate` option.
* @default false
observe?: boolean;
} | {
* The template string to parse the title (e.g., '%s | My Website')
* Cannot be used together with `observe` option.
* @default '%s'
titleTemplate?: MaybeRef<string> | ((title: string) => string);
type UseTitleOptions = ConfigurableDocument & UseTitleOptionsBase;
declare function useTitle(newTitle: MaybeReadonlyRef<string | null | undefined>, options?: UseTitleOptions): ComputedRef<string | null | undefined>;
declare function useTitle(newTitle?: MaybeRef<string | null | undefined>, options?: UseTitleOptions): Ref<string | null | undefined>;
type UseTitleReturn = ReturnType<typeof useTitle>;
* Cubic bezier points
type CubicBezierPoints = [number, number, number, number];
* Easing function
type EasingFunction = (n: number) => number;
* Transition options
interface UseTransitionOptions {
* Milliseconds to wait before starting transition
delay?: MaybeRef<number>;
* Disables the transition
disabled?: MaybeRef<boolean>;
* Transition duration in milliseconds
duration?: MaybeRef<number>;
* Callback to execute after transition finishes
onFinished?: () => void;
* Callback to execute after transition starts
onStarted?: () => void;
* Easing function or cubic bezier points for calculating transition values
transition?: MaybeRef<EasingFunction | CubicBezierPoints>;
* Common transitions
* @see https://easings.net
declare const TransitionPresets: Record<"easeInSine" | "easeOutSine" | "easeInOutSine" | "easeInQuad" | "easeOutQuad" | "easeInOutQuad" | "easeInCubic" | "easeOutCubic" | "easeInOutCubic" | "easeInQuart" | "easeOutQuart" | "easeInOutQuart" | "easeInQuint" | "easeOutQuint" | "easeInOutQuint" | "easeInExpo" | "easeOutExpo" | "easeInOutExpo" | "easeInCirc" | "easeOutCirc" | "easeInOutCirc" | "easeInBack" | "easeOutBack" | "easeInOutBack", CubicBezierPoints> & {
linear: EasingFunction;
declare function useTransition(source: Ref<number>, options?: UseTransitionOptions): ComputedRef<number>;
declare function useTransition<T extends MaybeRef<number>[]>(source: [...T], options?: UseTransitionOptions): ComputedRef<{
[K in keyof T]: number;
declare function useTransition<T extends Ref<number[]>>(source: T, options?: UseTransitionOptions): ComputedRef<number[]>;
type UrlParams = Record<string, string[] | string>;
interface UseUrlSearchParamsOptions<T> extends ConfigurableWindow {
* @default true
removeNullishValues?: boolean;
* @default false
removeFalsyValues?: boolean;
* @default {}
initialValue?: T;
* Write back to `window.history` automatically
* @default true
write?: boolean;
* Reactive URLSearchParams
* @see https://vueuse.org/useUrlSearchParams
* @param mode
* @param options
declare function useUrlSearchParams<T extends Record<string, any> = UrlParams>(mode?: 'history' | 'hash' | 'hash-params', options?: UseUrlSearchParamsOptions<T>): T;
interface UseUserMediaOptions extends ConfigurableNavigator {
* If the stream is enabled
* @default false
enabled?: MaybeRef<boolean>;
* Recreate stream when the input devices id changed
* @default true
autoSwitch?: MaybeRef<boolean>;
* The device id of video input
* When passing with `undefined` the default device will be used.
* Pass `false` or "none" to disabled video input
* @default undefined
videoDeviceId?: MaybeRef<string | undefined | false | 'none'>;
* The device id of audi input
* When passing with `undefined` the default device will be used.
* Pass `false` or "none" to disabled audi input
* @default undefined
audioDeviceId?: MaybeRef<string | undefined | false | 'none'>;
* Reactive `mediaDevices.getUserMedia` streaming
* @see https://vueuse.org/useUserMedia
* @param options
declare function useUserMedia(options?: UseUserMediaOptions): {
isSupported: Ref<boolean>;
stream: Ref<MediaStream | undefined>;
start: () => Promise<MediaStream | undefined>;
stop: () => void;
restart: () => Promise<MediaStream | undefined>;
videoDeviceId: Ref<string | false | undefined>;
audioDeviceId: Ref<string | false | undefined>;
enabled: Ref<boolean>;
autoSwitch: Ref<boolean>;
type UseUserMediaReturn = ReturnType<typeof useUserMedia>;
interface UseVModelOptions<T> {
* When passive is set to `true`, it will use `watch` to sync with props and ref.
* Instead of relying on the `v-model` or `.sync` to work.
* @default false
passive?: boolean;
* When eventName is set, it's value will be used to overwrite the emit event name.
* @default undefined
eventName?: string;
* Attempting to check for changes of properties in a deeply nested object or array.
* Apply only when `passive` option is set to `true`
* @default false
deep?: boolean;
* Defining default value for return ref when no value is passed.
* @default undefined
defaultValue?: T;
* Clone the props.
* Accepts a custom clone function.
* When setting to `true`, it will use `JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(value))` to clone.
* @default false
clone?: boolean | CloneFn<T>;
* Shorthand for v-model binding, props + emit -> ref
* @see https://vueuse.org/useVModel
* @param props
* @param key (default 'value' in Vue 2 and 'modelValue' in Vue 3)
* @param emit
declare function useVModel<P extends object, K extends keyof P, Name extends string>(props: P, key?: K, emit?: (name: Name, ...args: any[]) => void, options?: UseVModelOptions<P[K]>): vue_demi.Ref<UnwrapRef<P[K]>> | vue_demi.WritableComputedRef<P[K]>;
* Shorthand for props v-model binding. Think like `toRefs(props)` but changes will also emit out.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useVModels
* @param props
* @param emit
declare function useVModels<P extends object, Name extends string>(props: P, emit?: (name: Name, ...args: any[]) => void, options?: UseVModelOptions<any>): ToRefs<P>;
interface UseVibrateOptions extends ConfigurableNavigator {
* Vibration Pattern
* An array of values describes alternating periods in which the
* device is vibrating and not vibrating. Each value in the array
* is converted to an integer, then interpreted alternately as
* the number of milliseconds the device should vibrate and the
* number of milliseconds it should not be vibrating
* @default []
pattern?: MaybeComputedRef<number[] | number>;
* Interval to run a persistent vibration, in ms
* Pass `0` to disable
* @default 0
interval?: number;
* Reactive vibrate
* @see https://vueuse.org/useVibrate
* @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Vibration_API
* @param options
declare function useVibrate(options?: UseVibrateOptions): {
isSupported: vue.Ref<boolean>;
pattern: MaybeComputedRef<number | number[]>;
intervalControls: Pausable | undefined;
vibrate: (pattern?: number | number[]) => void;
stop: () => void;
type UseVibrateReturn = ReturnType<typeof useVibrate>;
type UseVirtualListItemSize = number | ((index: number) => number);
interface UseHorizontalVirtualListOptions extends UseVirtualListOptionsBase {
* item width, accept a pixel value or a function that returns the height
* @default 0
itemWidth: UseVirtualListItemSize;
interface UseVerticalVirtualListOptions extends UseVirtualListOptionsBase {
* item height, accept a pixel value or a function that returns the height
* @default 0
itemHeight: UseVirtualListItemSize;
interface UseVirtualListOptionsBase {
* the extra buffer items outside of the view area
* @default 5
overscan?: number;
type UseVirtualListOptions = UseHorizontalVirtualListOptions | UseVerticalVirtualListOptions;
interface UseVirtualListItem<T> {
data: T;
index: number;
interface UseVirtualListReturn<T> {
list: Ref<UseVirtualListItem<T>[]>;
scrollTo: (index: number) => void;
containerProps: {
ref: Ref<HTMLElement | null>;
onScroll: () => void;
style: StyleValue;
wrapperProps: ComputedRef<{
style: {
width: string;
height: string;
marginTop: string;
} | {
width: string;
height: string;
marginLeft: string;
display: string;
* Please consider using [`vue-virtual-scroller`](https://github.com/Akryum/vue-virtual-scroller) if you are looking for more features.
declare function useVirtualList<T = any>(list: MaybeRef<T[]>, options: UseVirtualListOptions): UseVirtualListReturn<T>;
type WakeLockType = 'screen';
interface WakeLockSentinel extends EventTarget {
type: WakeLockType;
released: boolean;
release: () => Promise<void>;
type UseWakeLockOptions = ConfigurableNavigator & ConfigurableDocument;
* Reactive Screen Wake Lock API.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useWakeLock
* @param options
declare const useWakeLock: (options?: UseWakeLockOptions) => {
isSupported: vue_demi.Ref<boolean>;
isActive: vue_demi.Ref<boolean>;
request: (type: WakeLockType) => Promise<void>;
release: () => Promise<void>;
type UseWakeLockReturn = ReturnType<typeof useWakeLock>;
interface WebNotificationOptions {
* The title read-only property of the Notification interface indicates
* the title of the notification
* @default ''
title?: string;
* The body string of the notification as specified in the constructor's
* options parameter.
* @default ''
body?: string;
* The text direction of the notification as specified in the constructor's
* options parameter.
* @default ''
dir?: 'auto' | 'ltr' | 'rtl';
* The language code of the notification as specified in the constructor's
* options parameter.
* @default DOMString
lang?: string;
* The ID of the notification(if any) as specified in the constructor's options
* parameter.
* @default ''
tag?: string;
* The URL of the image used as an icon of the notification as specified
* in the constructor's options parameter.
* @default ''
icon?: string;
* Specifies whether the user should be notified after a new notification
* replaces an old one.
* @default false
renotify?: boolean;
* A boolean value indicating that a notification should remain active until the
* user clicks or dismisses it, rather than closing automatically.
* @default false
requireInteraction?: boolean;
* The silent read-only property of the Notification interface specifies
* whether the notification should be silent, i.e., no sounds or vibrations
* should be issued, regardless of the device settings.
* @default false
silent?: boolean;
* Specifies a vibration pattern for devices with vibration hardware to emit.
* A vibration pattern, as specified in the Vibration API spec
* @see https://w3c.github.io/vibration/
vibrate?: number[];
interface UseWebNotificationOptions extends WebNotificationOptions, ConfigurableWindow {
* Reactive useWebNotification
* @see https://vueuse.org/useWebNotification
* @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/notification
* @param title
* @param defaultOptions of type WebNotificationOptions
* @param methods of type WebNotificationMethods
declare const useWebNotification: (defaultOptions?: UseWebNotificationOptions) => {
isSupported: Ref<boolean>;
notification: Ref<Notification | null>;
show: (overrides?: WebNotificationOptions) => Promise<Notification | undefined>;
close: () => void;
onClick: EventHook<any>;
onShow: EventHook<any>;
onError: EventHook<any>;
onClose: EventHook<any>;
type UseWebNotificationReturn = ReturnType<typeof useWebNotification>;
type WebSocketStatus = 'OPEN' | 'CONNECTING' | 'CLOSED';
interface UseWebSocketOptions {
onConnected?: (ws: WebSocket) => void;
onDisconnected?: (ws: WebSocket, event: CloseEvent) => void;
onError?: (ws: WebSocket, event: Event) => void;
onMessage?: (ws: WebSocket, event: MessageEvent) => void;
* Send heartbeat for every x milliseconds passed
* @default false
heartbeat?: boolean | {
* Message for the heartbeat
* @default 'ping'
message?: string | ArrayBuffer | Blob;
* Interval, in milliseconds
* @default 1000
interval?: number;
* Heartbeat response timeout, in milliseconds
* @default 1000
pongTimeout?: number;
* Enabled auto reconnect
* @default false
autoReconnect?: boolean | {
* Maximum retry times.
* Or you can pass a predicate function (which returns true if you want to retry).
* @default -1
retries?: number | (() => boolean);
* Delay for reconnect, in milliseconds
* @default 1000
delay?: number;
* On maximum retry times reached.
onFailed?: Fn;
* Automatically open a connection
* @default true
immediate?: boolean;
* Automatically close a connection
* @default true
autoClose?: boolean;
* List of one or more sub-protocol strings
* @default []
protocols?: string[];
interface UseWebSocketReturn<T> {
* Reference to the latest data received via the websocket,
* can be watched to respond to incoming messages
data: Ref<T | null>;
* The current websocket status, can be only one of:
status: Ref<WebSocketStatus>;
* Closes the websocket connection gracefully.
close: WebSocket['close'];
* Reopen the websocket connection.
* If there the current one is active, will close it before opening a new one.
open: Fn;
* Sends data through the websocket connection.
* @param data
* @param useBuffer when the socket is not yet open, store the data into the buffer and sent them one connected. Default to true.
send: (data: string | ArrayBuffer | Blob, useBuffer?: boolean) => boolean;
* Reference to the WebSocket instance.
ws: Ref<WebSocket | undefined>;
* Reactive WebSocket client.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useWebSocket
* @param url
declare function useWebSocket<Data = any>(url: MaybeComputedRef<string | URL | undefined>, options?: UseWebSocketOptions): UseWebSocketReturn<Data>;
interface UseWebWorkerReturn<Data = any> {
data: Ref<Data>;
post: typeof Worker.prototype['postMessage'];
terminate: () => void;
worker: ShallowRef<Worker | undefined>;
type WorkerFn = (...args: unknown[]) => Worker;
* Simple Web Workers registration and communication.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useWebWorker
* @param url
* @param workerOptions
* @param options
declare function useWebWorker<T = any>(url: string, workerOptions?: WorkerOptions, options?: ConfigurableWindow): UseWebWorkerReturn<T>;
* Simple Web Workers registration and communication.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useWebWorker
* @param worker
declare function useWebWorker<T = any>(worker: Worker | WorkerFn): UseWebWorkerReturn<T>;
type WebWorkerStatus = 'PENDING' | 'SUCCESS' | 'RUNNING' | 'ERROR' | 'TIMEOUT_EXPIRED';
interface UseWebWorkerOptions extends ConfigurableWindow {
* Number of milliseconds before killing the worker
* @default undefined
timeout?: number;
* An array that contains the external dependencies needed to run the worker
dependencies?: string[];
* Run expensive function without blocking the UI, using a simple syntax that makes use of Promise.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useWebWorkerFn
* @param fn
* @param options
declare const useWebWorkerFn: <T extends (...fnArgs: any[]) => any>(fn: T, options?: UseWebWorkerOptions) => {
workerFn: (...fnArgs: Parameters<T>) => Promise<ReturnType<T>>;
workerStatus: vue_demi.Ref<WebWorkerStatus>;
workerTerminate: (status?: WebWorkerStatus) => void;
type UseWebWorkerFnReturn = ReturnType<typeof useWebWorkerFn>;
* Reactively track window focus with `window.onfocus` and `window.onblur`.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useWindowFocus
* @param options
declare function useWindowFocus({ window }?: ConfigurableWindow): Ref<boolean>;
* Reactive window scroll.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useWindowScroll
* @param options
declare function useWindowScroll({ window }?: ConfigurableWindow): {
x: vue_demi.Ref<number>;
y: vue_demi.Ref<number>;
type UseWindowScrollReturn = ReturnType<typeof useWindowScroll>;
interface UseWindowSizeOptions extends ConfigurableWindow {
initialWidth?: number;
initialHeight?: number;
* Listen to window `orientationchange` event
* @default true
listenOrientation?: boolean;
* Whether the scrollbar should be included in the width and height
* @default true
includeScrollbar?: boolean;
* Reactive window size.
* @see https://vueuse.org/useWindowSize
* @param options
declare function useWindowSize(options?: UseWindowSizeOptions): {
width: vue_demi.Ref<number>;
height: vue_demi.Ref<number>;
type UseWindowSizeReturn = ReturnType<typeof useWindowSize>;
export { AfterFetchContext, AsyncComputedOnCancel, AsyncComputedOptions, BasicColorSchema, BatteryManager, BeforeFetchContext, Breakpoints, BrowserLocationState, CloneFn, ColorSchemeType, ComputedInjectGetter, ComputedInjectGetterWithDefault, ComputedInjectSetter, ConfigurableDocument, ConfigurableDocumentOrShadowRoot, ConfigurableLocation, ConfigurableNavigator, ConfigurableWindow, ContrastType, CreateFetchOptions, CubicBezierPoints, DefaultMagicKeysAliasMap, DeviceMotionOptions, DocumentEventName, EasingFunction, ElementSize, EventBusEvents, EventBusIdentifier, EventBusKey, EventBusListener, EyeDropper, EyeDropperOpenOptions, FileSystemAccessShowOpenFileOptions, FileSystemAccessShowSaveFileOptions, FileSystemAccessWindow, FileSystemFileHandle, FormatTimeAgoOptions, GeneralEventListener, GeneralPermissionDescriptor, KeyFilter, KeyModifier, KeyPredicate, KeyStrokeEventName, MagicKeysInternal, MaybeComputedElementRef, MaybeElement, MaybeElementRef, MemoryInfo, MouseInElementOptions, MousePressedOptions, MouseSourceType, NavigatorLanguageState, NetworkEffectiveType, NetworkState, NetworkType, OnClickOutsideHandler, OnClickOutsideOptions, OnFetchErrorContext, OnKeyStrokeOptions, OnLongPressModifiers, OnLongPressOptions, PointerType, Position, ReducedMotionType, RenderableComponent, ResizeObserverCallback, ResizeObserverEntry, ResizeObserverSize, SSRHandlersMap, Serializer, SerializerAsync, StorageEventLike, StorageLike, StorageLikeAsync, StorageSerializers, SwipeDirection, TemplateRefsList, ToDataURLOptions, TransitionPresets, UnRefElementReturn, UnrefFn, UrlParams, UseActiveElementOptions, UseAsyncQueueOptions, UseAsyncQueueResult, UseAsyncQueueReturn, UseAsyncQueueTask, UseAsyncStateOptions, UseAsyncStateReturn, UseBase64ObjectOptions, UseBase64Return, UseBatteryReturn, UseBluetoothOptions, UseBluetoothRequestDeviceOptions, UseBluetoothReturn, UseBreakpointsReturn, UseBroadcastChannelOptions, UseBroadcastChannelReturn, UseBrowserLocationReturn, UseClipboardOptions, UseClipboardReturn, UseClonedOptions, UseClonedReturn, UseColorModeOptions, UseConfirmDialogReturn, UseConfirmDialogRevealResult, UseCssVarOptions, UseCycleListOptions, UseCycleListReturn, UseDarkOptions, UseDeviceMotionReturn, UseDeviceOrientationReturn, UseDevicePixelRatioReturn, UseDevicesListOptions, UseDevicesListReturn, UseDisplayMediaOptions, UseDisplayMediaReturn, UseDraggableOptions, UseDraggableReturn, UseDropZoneReturn, UseElementBoundingOptions, UseElementBoundingReturn, UseElementByPointOptions, UseElementByPointReturn, UseElementHoverOptions, UseElementSizeReturn, UseElementVisibilityOptions, UseEventBusReturn, UseEventSourceOptions, UseEventSourceReturn, UseEyeDropperOptions, UseEyeDropperReturn, UseFaviconOptions, UseFaviconReturn, UseFetchOptions, UseFetchReturn, UseFileDialogOptions, UseFileDialogReturn, UseFileSystemAccessCommonOptions, UseFileSystemAccessOptions, UseFileSystemAccessReturn, UseFileSystemAccessShowSaveFileOptions, UseFocusOptions, UseFocusReturn, UseFocusWithinReturn, UseFpsOptions, UseFullscreenOptions, UseFullscreenReturn, UseGamepadOptions, UseGamepadReturn, UseGeolocationOptions, UseGeolocationReturn, UseHorizontalVirtualListOptions, UseIdleOptions, UseIdleReturn, UseImageOptions, UseImageReturn, UseInfiniteScrollOptions, UseIntersectionObserverOptions, UseIntersectionObserverReturn, UseKeyModifierReturn, UseMagicKeysOptions, UseMagicKeysReturn, UseManualRefHistoryOptions, UseManualRefHistoryReturn, UseMediaControlsReturn, UseMediaSource, UseMediaTextTrack, UseMediaTextTrackSource, UseMemoizeCache, UseMemoizeOptions, UseMemoizeReturn, UseMemoryOptions, UseMemoryReturn, UseModifierOptions, UseMouseInElementReturn, UseMouseOptions, UseMousePressedReturn, UseMouseReturn, UseMutationObserverOptions, UseMutationObserverReturn, UseNavigatorLanguageReturn, UseNetworkReturn, UseNowOptions, UseNowReturn, UseOffsetPaginationInfinityPageReturn, UseOffsetPaginationOptions, UseOffsetPaginationReturn, UseParallaxOptions, UseParallaxReturn, UsePermissionOptions, UsePermissionReturn, UsePermissionReturnWithControls, UsePointerLockOptions, UsePointerLockReturn, UsePointerOptions, UsePointerReturn, UsePointerState, UsePointerSwipeOptions, UsePointerSwipeReturn, UseRafFnCallbackArguments, UseRafFnOptions, UseRefHistoryOptions, UseRefHistoryRecord, UseRefHistoryReturn, UseResizeObserverOptions, UseResizeObserverReturn, UseScreenOrientationReturn, UseScriptTagOptions, UseScriptTagReturn, UseScrollOptions, UseScrollReturn, UseShareOptions, UseShareReturn, UseSortedCompareFn, UseSortedFn, UseSortedOptions, UseSpeechRecognitionOptions, UseSpeechRecognitionReturn, UseSpeechSynthesisOptions, UseSpeechSynthesisReturn, UseSpeechSynthesisStatus, UseStepperReturn, UseStorageAsyncOptions, UseStorageOptions, UseStyleTagOptions, UseStyleTagReturn, UseSwipeOptions, UseSwipeReturn, UseTextDirectionOptions, UseTextDirectionValue, UseTextSelectionReturn, UseTextareaAutosizeOptions, UseTextareaAutosizeReturn, UseThrottledRefHistoryOptions, UseThrottledRefHistoryReturn, UseTimeAgoFormatter, UseTimeAgoMessages, UseTimeAgoMessagesBuiltIn, UseTimeAgoOptions, UseTimeAgoReturn, UseTimeAgoUnit, UseTimeAgoUnitNamesDefault, UseTimestampOptions, UseTimestampReturn, UseTitleOptions, UseTitleOptionsBase, UseTitleReturn, UseTransitionOptions, UseUrlSearchParamsOptions, UseUserMediaOptions, UseUserMediaReturn, UseVModelOptions, UseVerticalVirtualListOptions, UseVibrateOptions, UseVibrateReturn, UseVirtualListItem, UseVirtualListOptions, UseVirtualListOptionsBase, UseVirtualListReturn, UseWakeLockOptions, UseWakeLockReturn, UseWebNotificationOptions, UseWebNotificationReturn, UseWebSocketOptions, UseWebSocketReturn, UseWebWorkerFnReturn, UseWebWorkerOptions, UseWebWorkerReturn, UseWindowScrollReturn, UseWindowSizeOptions, UseWindowSizeReturn, VueInstance, WakeLockSentinel, WebNotificationOptions, WebSocketStatus, WebWorkerStatus, WindowEventName, WritableComputedInjectOptions, WritableComputedInjectOptionsWithDefault, computedAsync as asyncComputed, breakpointsAntDesign, breakpointsBootstrapV5, breakpointsMasterCss, breakpointsQuasar, breakpointsSematic, breakpointsTailwind, breakpointsVuetify, cloneFnJSON, computedAsync, computedInject, createFetch, createUnrefFn, customStorageEventName, defaultDocument, defaultLocation, defaultNavigator, defaultWindow, formatTimeAgo, getSSRHandler, mapGamepadToXbox360Controller, onClickOutside, onKeyDown, onKeyPressed, onKeyStroke, onKeyUp, onLongPress, onStartTyping, setSSRHandler, templateRef, unrefElement, useActiveElement, useAsyncQueue, useAsyncState, useBase64, useBattery, useBluetooth, useBreakpoints, useBroadcastChannel, useBrowserLocation, useCached, useClipboard, useCloned, useColorMode, useConfirmDialog, useCssVar, useCurrentElement, useCycleList, useDark, useDebouncedRefHistory, useDeviceMotion, useDeviceOrientation, useDevicePixelRatio, useDevicesList, useDisplayMedia, useDocumentVisibility, useDraggable, useDropZone, useElementBounding, useElementByPoint, useElementHover, useElementSize, useElementVisibility, useEventBus, useEventListener, useEventSource, useEyeDropper, useFavicon, useFetch, useFileDialog, useFileSystemAccess, useFocus, useFocusWithin, useFps, useFullscreen, useGamepad, useGeolocation, useIdle, useImage, useInfiniteScroll, useIntersectionObserver, useKeyModifier, useLocalStorage, useMagicKeys, useManualRefHistory, useMediaControls, useMediaQuery, useMemoize, useMemory, useMounted, useMouse, useMouseInElement, useMousePressed, useMutationObserver, useNavigatorLanguage, useNetwork, useNow, useObjectUrl, useOffsetPagination, useOnline, usePageLeave, useParallax, usePermission, usePointer, usePointerLock, usePointerSwipe, usePreferredColorScheme, usePreferredContrast, usePreferredDark, usePreferredLanguages, usePreferredReducedMotion, usePrevious, useRafFn, useRefHistory, useResizeObserver, useScreenOrientation, useScreenSafeArea, useScriptTag, useScroll, useScrollLock, useSessionStorage, useShare, useSorted, useSpeechRecognition, useSpeechSynthesis, useStepper, useStorage, useStorageAsync, useStyleTag, useSupported, useSwipe, useTemplateRefsList, useTextDirection, useTextSelection, useTextareaAutosize, useThrottledRefHistory, useTimeAgo, useTimeoutPoll, useTimestamp, useTitle, useTransition, useUrlSearchParams, useUserMedia, useVModel, useVModels, useVibrate, useVirtualList, useWakeLock, useWebNotification, useWebSocket, useWebWorker, useWebWorkerFn, useWindowFocus, useWindowScroll, useWindowSize };