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namespace app\server;
use app\model\Orders;
use Exception;
use support\Log;
use support\Redis;
use think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException;
use think\db\exception\DbException;
use think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException;
class Douyin
private $cookie = '';
private $id = '';
private $os = '';
private $token = '';
private $tryTimes = 0;
private $gate = '';
public $totalPage = 6;
private $keywords = ['泰国', '普吉岛', '西藏', 'S', 'G', 's', 'g'];
public function __construct($os = 3)
$this->cookie = $this->_cookie();
$this->id = $this->_id();
$this->os = $os;
$this->token = $this->_token('', $os);
public function login()
public function voucher($check_sn)
$res = $this->_curl('/nib/trade/b/voucher/show', [
'voucherCode' => $check_sn,
'yodaReady' => 'h5',
'csecplatform' => '4',
'csecversion' => '2.4.0'
return $res;
/*public function get($page, $start = null, $end = null, $orderId = '')
if (empty($start) || empty($end)) {
$start = date('Y-m-d 00:00:00');
$end = date('Y-m-d 23:59:59');
$start = strtotime($start) * 1000;
$end = strtotime($end) * 1000 + 999;
if ($start < strtotime('2024-05-23') * 1000) {
$this->totalPage = 1;
return [];
$_list = [];
foreach (array_keys(Orders::DouyinStatus) as $status) {
$params = [
'page_index' => $page,
'page_size' => 20,
'status' => $status,
'order_id' => '',
'sku_name' => '',
'last_phone' => '',
'category' => [
"third_category_list" => []
$list = $this->_curl('/life/trip/v2/travel_agency/book/search?root_life_account_id='.$this->_id(), $params, 'POST');
if (empty($list) || $list->status_code != 0) {
throw new \Exception("抖音拉单失败,Err:" . json_encode($list));
if ($list && $list->status_code == 0 && !empty($list->order_list)) {
foreach ($list->order_list as $order) {
if (empty($cert)) {
$cert = $this->_cert($order->order_info->order_id);
if (empty($cert)) {
throw new \Exception("抖音拉单{$order->order_info->order_id}详情获取失败");
$item = new Orders();
$item->os = 3;
$item->sn = $order->order_info->order_id;
$item->product_id = $order->order_info->product_id;
$item->product_name = $order->order_info->product_name;
$item->category_id = $order->order_info->product_sub_type;
$item->create_at = $order->order_info->pay_time * 1000;
$item->mobile = $order->order_info->buyer_phone;
$item->travel_date = $order->book_info->book_start_date ?? null;
$item->unit_price = $order->order_info->pay_amount;
$item->total_price = $order->order_info->pay_amount;
$item->actual_price = $order->order_info->pay_amount;
$item->quantity = $order->book_child_info->rec_person_num;
$item->order_status = $status;
$item->asset_status = $cert->status ?? 0;
$item->category_desc = $order->order_info->sku_category_name;
$item->asset_price = $cert->status == 2 || $cert->status == 5 ? $cert->amount->verify_amount : 0;
if ($item->create_at < strtotime('2024-05-23') * 1000) {
$this->totalPage = 1;
//if(mb_strrpos($item->product_name, "S") === false) continue;
if (!(mb_strrpos($item->product_name, "S") || mb_strrpos($item->product_name, "G"))) continue;
$_list[] = $item;
return $_list; //返回半成品
* @throws ModelNotFoundException
* @throws DataNotFoundException
* @throws DbException
* @throws Exception
public function get($page, $start = null, $end = null, $orderId = '')
if (empty($start) || empty($end)) {
$start = date('Y-m-d 00:00:00');
$end = date('Y-m-d 23:59:59');
$start = strtotime($start);
$end = strtotime($end);
// if ($start < strtotime('2024-05-22')) {
// $this->totalPage = 1;
// return [];
// }
if ($orderId) {
$start = $end = null;
$_list = [];
$list = $this->_certificateList($start, $end, $page, $orderId);
if (empty($list->data->list) || $list->status_code !== 0) {
$this->totalPage = 1;
return $_list;
Log::info(date('Y-m-d', $start) . '--' . date('Y-m-d', $end) . " 抖音 page:{$page} total_count:" . $list->data->pagination->total_count . " page_count:" . $list->data->pagination->page_count );
foreach ($list->data->list as $order) {
Log::info("抖音 订单号:{$order->order_id} \n\n");
$orderDetail = $this->_orderDetail($order->order_id, $order->status);
if (empty($orderDetail)) {
Log::info("抖音 订单详情拉取失败:{$order->order_id}");
throw new Exception("抖音拉单{$order->order_id}详情获取失败");
$item = new Orders();
$item->os = $this->os;
$item->sn = $order->order_id;
$item->product_id = $order->sku->sku_id;
$item->product_name = $order->sku->title;
$item->category_id = $order->product_sub_type;
$item->create_at = $order->pay_time * 1000;
$item->mobile = $orderDetail->order_info->buyer_phone ?? null;
$item->travel_date = $orderDetail->book_info->book_start_date ?? null;
$item->unit_price = $order->amount->pay_amount;
$item->total_price = $order->amount->pay_amount;
$item->actual_price = $order->amount->pay_amount;
$item->quantity = $orderDetail->book_child_info->rec_person_num ?? null;
$item->order_status = $order->status;
$item->asset_status = $order->status ?? 0;
$item->category_desc = $order->sku->title;
$item->asset_price = $order->amount->verify_amount ?? 0;
$item->is_refunded = $item->order_status == 4 ? 1 : 0; // 是否已退款1-已退款0-未退款)
if ($item->create_at < strtotime('2024-05-22') * 1000) {
$this->totalPage = 1;
// $this->totalPage = intval($list->data->pagination->total_count / $list->data->pagination->page_count);
// if (($list->data->pagination->total_count % $list->data->pagination->page_count) > 0) {
// $this->totalPage += 1;
// }
//if(mb_strrpos($item->product_name, "S") === false) continue; G 达人 S 自己
// if (!(mb_strrpos($item->product_name, "S") || mb_strrpos($item->product_name, "G") || mb_strrpos($item->product_name, "甄"))) continue;
$kw_match = false;
foreach ($this->keywords as $kw) {
if (mb_strpos($item->product_name, $kw) !== false) {
$kw_match = true;
if ($this->os == 3 && !$kw_match) {
$_list[] = $item;
return $_list; //返回半成品
* @throws Exception
public function _certificateList($start, $end, $page, $orderId)
$params = [
"filter" => [
"start_time" => $start,//开始时间
"end_time" => $end,//结束时间 时间范围限定一个月
"is_market" => false,//必带
/*"status" => 1,//不传 全部,1未核销 2已核销 3申请退款中 4已退款 5部分核销
"product_option" => [],// 1团购/代金券 13预售券 15次卡 18通兑券/品 26有价券包 1303日历票 1305日历房 1306演出预订 1309日历品 2201团购|线上约
"is_combo_product" => true,//是否组合品
"order_id" => "1061241582949143669",//订单号
"sku_id" => "7379541565490675752" //产品ID*/
if ($orderId) {
$params['filter']['order_id'] = $orderId;
// Log::error('===_certificateList查询page='.$page.'时间:'.date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$start).'--'.date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$end).'====');
$list = $this->_curl("/life/trip/fulfilment/v1/query/certificate_list?end_time={$end}&page_index={$page}&page_size=50&start_time={$start}&root_life_account_id=" . $this->_id(), $params, 'POST');
if (empty($list) || $list->status_code != 0) {
$list = $this->_curl("/life/trip/fulfilment/v1/query/certificate_list?end_time={$end}&page_index={$page}&page_size=50&start_time={$start}&root_life_account_id=" . $this->_id(), $params, 'POST');
if (empty($list) || $list->status_code != 0) {
Log::error('===查询时间:' . $start . '--' . $end . '====certificate_list: ' . json_encode($list));
//throw new Exception("抖音拉单失败,Err:" . json_encode($list));
// Log::warning('====list=====',['list'=>$list->data->pagination]);
return $list;
public function _getRetriesLock(): bool
$pattern = 'php webman spider:dy';
$maxProcesses = 8;
$this->_killMiddleProcesses($pattern, $maxProcesses);
$maxRetries = 5;
$retries = 0;
while ($retries < $maxRetries) {
$back = Redis::set('SpiderMt:CertificateList:lock', time(), 'EX', 1, 'NX');
if ($back) {
return true;
public function _killMiddleProcesses($pattern, $maxProcesses)
// 检查操作系统是否为 Linux
if (PHP_OS !== 'Linux') {
return false;
// 获取当前进程的 PID
$currentPid = getmypid();
// 获取进程列表
$command = "ps aux | grep '$pattern' | grep -v grep | grep -v '$currentPid' | awk '{print $2,$10}'";
$output = [];
exec($command, $output);
$processList = [];
foreach ($output as $line) {
list($pid, $runtime) = explode(' ', $line);
$runtimeParts = explode(':', $runtime);
$hours = intval($runtimeParts[0]);
$minutes = intval($runtimeParts[1]);
$totalMinutes = $hours * 60 + $minutes;
$processList[] = ['pid' => $pid, 'runtime' => $totalMinutes];
// 按运行时间排序
usort($processList, function ($a, $b) {
return $a['runtime'] <=> $b['runtime'];
// 过滤掉当前 PID 和运行时间最短的 PID
if (!empty($processList)) {
array_shift($processList); // 移除运行时间最短的
$processList = array_filter($processList, function ($process) use ($currentPid) {
return $process['pid'] != $currentPid;
$processCount = count($processList);
// 如果进程数量超过最大值,则终止中间部分的进程
if ($processCount > $maxProcesses) {
$processesToKill = $processCount - $maxProcesses;
$processesKilled = 0;
// 杀死运行时间最短的进程
foreach ($processList as $process) {
if ($processesKilled >= $processesToKill) {
exec("kill -9 {$process['pid']}");
Log::info("Killed process with PID: {$process['pid']}\n");
if ($processesKilled === 0) {
Log::info( "No processes to kill.\n");
} else {
Log::info( "Process count is not over the limit.\n");
return true;
public function _orderDetail($orderId = null, $status = null)
$orderDetail = $this->_curl("/life/trip/v2/travel_agency/book/detail", [
'order_id' => $orderId,
'book_order_id' => '',
'status' => $status,
'root_life_account_id' => $this->_id($this->os)
return $orderDetail->data ?? null;
* @param string $orderId
* @return array|null
public function _orderMakeAppointmentStatus(string $orderId)
if (empty($orderId)) return [];
$params = [
'page_index' => 1,
'page_size' => 50,
'status' => 3,
'order_id' => $orderId,
'sku_name' => '',
'last_phone' => '',
'category' => [
"third_category_list" => []
$orderBookingManagement = $this->_curl('/life/trade_view/v1/travel_agency/book/search?root_life_account_id=' . $this->_id(), $params, 'POST');
return $orderBookingManagement->order_list ?? null;
public function _orderBookingManagement(string $orderId)
if (empty($orderId)) return [];
foreach (array_keys(Orders::DouyinReservationStatus) as $status) {
$params = [
'page_index' => 1,
'page_size' => 50,
'status' => $status,
'order_id' => $orderId,
'sku_name' => '',
'last_phone' => '',
'category' => [
"third_category_list" => []
$orderBookingManagement = $this->_curl('/life/trip/v2/travel_agency/book/search?root_life_account_id=' . $this->_id(), $params, 'POST');
if (!empty($orderBookingManagement->order_list)) break;
return $orderBookingManagement->order_list ?? null;
public function _cert($order_id = null)
$info = $this->_curl('/life/trip/fulfilment/v1/query/certificate_list?root_life_account_id=' . $this->_id(), [
'filter' => [
"start_time" => strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', time() - 5 * 24 * 3600)),
"end_time" => strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59')),
"is_market" => false,
"order_id" => $order_id
], 'POST');
if ($info->status_code != 0 || empty($info->data->list)) return [];
$i = $info->data->list[0];
if (empty($i)) return [];
$more = $this->_curl('/life/trip/fulfilment/v1/query/certificate_by_id/',
'certificate_id' => $i->certificate_id,
'root_life_account_id' => $this->_id()
if ($more->status_code == 0) return $more->data->certificate ?? [];
return [];
public function _cookie($data = '')
$key = 'Douyin:cookie';
if ($this->os == 5) {
$key = 'Douyin:cookie-' . $this->os;
if ($data) Redis::set($key, $data);
return Redis::get($key);
public function _id($id = '')
if ($this->os == 5) {
return '7399206501845403686';
} else {
// return '7259680722519066679';
return Redis::get('Douyin:id');
protected $_try = 0;
public function _token($token = '')
$dyKey = sprintf('Douyin:token-%s', $this->os);
if ($token) Redis::set($dyKey, $token, 'ex', 3600 * 24 - 50);
$token = Redis::get($dyKey);
if (empty($token) && $this->_cookie()) {
if ($this->_try > 3) {
throw new Exception("cookie 失效");
$id = $this->_curl('/life/gate/v1/user/detail', null, 'HEAD');
if ($id) {
Redis::set($dyKey, $id, 'ex', 3600 * 24 - 50);
return Redis::get($dyKey);
public function _curl($url, $params, $method = 'GET')
// 请求次数统计
$key = sprintf("Douyin:ReqiestCount:%s", date('Y-m-d'));
$requestCount = Redis::incrBy($key, 1);
if ($requestCount == 1) {
Redis::expire($key, 604800); // 7天
$cookiePath = sprintf(runtime_path() . '%s_dy_cookie.txt', $this->os);
$http = $this->gate . $url;
if ($method == 'GET') {
$http = $http . '?' . http_build_query($params);
$ch = curl_init($http);
$header = [
'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36',
'Sec-Ch-Ua-Platform: "Windows"',
'Sec-Ch-Ua: "Google Chrome";v="123", "Not:A-Brand";v="8", "Chromium";v="123"',
'Accept-Language: zh-CN,zh;q=0.9',
'Content-type: application/json'
if ($method == 'GET' || $method == 'POST') {
$header[] = 'x-secsdk-csrf-token: ' . $this->_token('');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
} else {
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, $cookiePath);
$header[] = 'x-secsdk-csrf-request: 1';
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, $method);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIE, $this->_cookie(''));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, $cookiePath);
if ($method == 'POST') {
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($params));
$body = curl_exec($ch);
if (!in_array($method, ['GET', 'POST'])) {
$header_size = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZE);
$header = substr($body, 0, $header_size);
$in = explode("\n", $body);
foreach ($in as $i) {
if (stripos($i, 'x-ware-csrf-token') !== false) {
$inn = explode(',', $i);
return $inn[1];
return null;
$res = json_decode($body);
if (!isset($res->status_code) || $res->status_code != 0) {
Log::info("抖音 os{$this->os} \n\n");
Log::info( "抖音 body{$body} \n\n");
if ($this->tryTimes > 2) {
(new ThirdApiService())->weComNotice($this->os);
return $res;
public function bookSearch($orderId, $status = 3, $pageIndex = 1, $pageSize = 1) {
$params = [
"order_id" => $orderId,// 预约ID
"page_index" => $pageIndex,
"page_size" => $pageSize,
"status" => $status,
Log::info('bookSearch:' . json_encode($params));
return $this->_curl("/life/trade_view/v1/travel_agency/book/search?root_life_account_id=" . env('DY_ACCOUNT_ID'), $params, 'POST');
* 取消预约/订单 发送短信
* @throws Exception
public function bookCancelSmsSend($saleType, $bookId) {
$searchRes = $this->bookSearch($bookId);
$searchRes = json_decode(json_encode($searchRes), true);
if (empty($searchRes) || $searchRes['status_code'] != 0) {
throw new Exception('获取预约信息失败');
try {
// 预约ID
$bookId = $searchRes['order_list'][0]['book_info']['book_id'];
$bookOrderId = $searchRes['order_list'][0]['book_info']['book_order_id'];
} catch (Exception $exception) {
Log::info('bookInfo searchRes:' . json_encode($searchRes));
throw new Exception('获取预约信息失败');
$params = [
"after_sale_type" => $saleType,// 类型 1取消预约并退款2取消预约
"book_id" => $bookId,// 预约ID800010584572603545816150740
"book_order_id" => $bookOrderId,// 预约订单ID1076695371865940740
Log::info('orderCancel:' . json_encode($params));
return $this->_curl("/life/trip/v2/travel_agency/book/cancel/sms/send?root_life_account_id=" . env('DY_ACCOUNT_ID'), $params, 'POST');
* //
* 售后审核
* @throws Exception
public function audit($auditOrderId, $auditResult, $bookId, $bookOrderId) {
$params = [
"audit_order_id" => $auditOrderId,
"audit_result" => $auditResult,
"book_id" => $bookId,
"book_order_id" => $bookOrderId,
if ($auditResult == 2) {
$params['reject_reason_code'] = 1105;
$params['reject_reason_msg'] = '线下沟通';
Log::info('audit:' . json_encode($params));
return $this->_curl("/life/trip/v2/travel_agency/book/cancel/audit?root_life_account_id=" . env('DY_ACCOUNT_ID'), $params, 'POST');