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2024-07-02 15:32:59 +08:00
* Copyright 2019 Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
* License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
* under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
* CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
namespace Obs\Internal;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7;
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use GuzzleHttp\Exception\ConnectException;
use GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response;
use Obs\Internal\Common\Model;
use Obs\Internal\Resource\Constants;
use Obs\Internal\Resource\V2Constants;
use Obs\Internal\Signature\DefaultSignature;
use Obs\Internal\Signature\V4Signature;
use Obs\Log\ObsLog;
use Obs\ObsException;
use Obs\ObsClient;
use Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface;
"Method param must be specified, allowed values: GET | PUT | HEAD | POST | DELETE | OPTIONS";
trait SendRequestTrait
protected $ak;
protected $sk;
protected $securityToken = false;
protected $endpoint = '';
protected $pathStyle = false;
protected $region = 'region';
protected $signature = 'obs';
protected $sslVerify = false;
protected $maxRetryCount = 3;
protected $timeout = 0;
protected $socketTimeout = 60;
protected $connectTimeout = 60;
protected $isCname = false;
/** @var Client */
protected $httpClient;
public function createSignedUrl(array $args = [])
if (strcasecmp($this->signature, 'v4') === 0) {
return $this->createV4SignedUrl($args);
return $this->createCommonSignedUrl($this->signature, $args);
public function createV2SignedUrl(array $args = [])
return $this->createCommonSignedUrl('v2', $args);
private function createCommonSignedUrl(string $signature, array $args = [])
if (!isset($args['Method'])) {
$obsException = new ObsException(INVALID_HTTP_METHOD_MSG);
throw $obsException;
$method = strval($args['Method']);
$bucketName = isset($args['Bucket']) ? strval($args['Bucket']) : null;
$objectKey = isset($args['Key']) ? strval($args['Key']) : null;
$specialParam = isset($args['SpecialParam']) ? strval($args['SpecialParam']) : null;
$expires = isset($args['Expires']) && is_numeric($args['Expires']) ? intval($args['Expires']) : 300;
$headers = [];
if (isset($args['Headers']) && is_array($args['Headers'])) {
foreach ($args['Headers'] as $key => $val) {
if (is_string($key) && $key !== '') {
$headers[$key] = $val;
$queryParams = [];
if (isset($args['QueryParams']) && is_array($args['QueryParams'])) {
foreach ($args['QueryParams'] as $key => $val) {
if (is_string($key) && $key !== '') {
$queryParams[$key] = $val;
$constants = Constants::selectConstants($signature);
if ($this->securityToken && !isset($queryParams[$constants::SECURITY_TOKEN_HEAD])) {
$queryParams[$constants::SECURITY_TOKEN_HEAD] = $this->securityToken;
$sign = new DefaultSignature(
$url = parse_url($this->endpoint);
$host = $url['host'];
$result = '';
if ($bucketName) {
if ($this->pathStyle) {
$result = '/' . $bucketName;
} else {
$host = $this->isCname ? $host : $bucketName . '.' . $host;
$headers['Host'] = $host;
if ($objectKey) {
$objectKey = $sign->urlencodeWithSafe($objectKey);
$result .= '/' . $objectKey;
$result .= '?';
if ($specialParam) {
$queryParams[$specialParam] = '';
$queryParams[$constants::TEMPURL_AK_HEAD] = $this->ak;
if (!is_numeric($expires) || $expires < 0) {
$expires = 300;
$expires = intval($expires) + intval(microtime(true));
$queryParams['Expires'] = strval($expires);
$queryParamsResult = [];
foreach ($queryParams as $key => $val) {
$key = $sign->urlencodeWithSafe($key);
$val = $sign->urlencodeWithSafe($val);
$queryParamsResult[$key] = $val;
$result .= $key;
if ($val) {
$result .= '=' . $val;
$result .= '&';
$canonicalstring = $sign->makeCanonicalstring(
$signatureContent = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha1', $canonicalstring, $this->sk, true));
$result .= 'Signature=' . $sign->urlencodeWithSafe($signatureContent);
$model = new Model();
$model['ActualSignedRequestHeaders'] = $headers;
$defaultPort = strtolower($url['scheme']) === 'https' ? '443' : '80';
$port = isset($url['port']) ? $url['port'] : $defaultPort;
$model['SignedUrl'] = $url['scheme'] . '://' . $host . ':' . $port . $result;
return $model;
public function createV4SignedUrl(array $args = [])
if (!isset($args['Method'])) {
$obsException = new ObsException(INVALID_HTTP_METHOD_MSG);
throw $obsException;
$method = strval($args['Method']);
$bucketName = isset($args['Bucket']) ? strval($args['Bucket']) : null;
$objectKey = isset($args['Key']) ? strval($args['Key']) : null;
$specialParam = isset($args['SpecialParam']) ? strval($args['SpecialParam']) : null;
$expires = isset($args['Expires']) && is_numeric($args['Expires']) ? intval($args['Expires']) : 300;
$headers = [];
if (isset($args['Headers']) && is_array($args['Headers'])) {
foreach ($args['Headers'] as $key => $val) {
if (is_string($key) && $key !== '') {
$headers[$key] = $val;
$queryParams = [];
if (isset($args['QueryParams']) && is_array($args['QueryParams'])) {
foreach ($args['QueryParams'] as $key => $val) {
if (is_string($key) && $key !== '') {
$queryParams[$key] = $val;
if ($this->securityToken && !isset($queryParams['x-amz-security-token'])) {
$queryParams['x-amz-security-token'] = $this->securityToken;
$utcTimeZone = new \DateTimeZone('UTC');
$v4 = new V4Signature(
$url = parse_url($this->endpoint);
$host = $url['host'];
$result = '';
if ($bucketName) {
if ($this->pathStyle) {
$result = '/' . $bucketName;
} else {
$host = $this->isCname ? $host : $bucketName . '.' . $host;
$headers['Host'] = $host;
if ($objectKey) {
$objectKey = $v4->urlencodeWithSafe($objectKey);
$result .= '/' . $objectKey;
$result .= '?';
if ($specialParam) {
$queryParams[$specialParam] = '';
if (!is_numeric($expires) || $expires < 0) {
$expires = 300;
$expires = strval($expires);
$date = $headers['date'];
if (!isset($date)) {
$date = $headers['Date'];
if (!isset($date)) {
$date = null;
$timestamp = time();
if (isset($date)) {
$timestamp = date_create_from_format('D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T', $date, new \DateTimeZone('UTC'))->getTimestamp();
$longDate = gmdate('Ymd\THis\Z', $timestamp);
$shortDate = substr($longDate, 0, 8);
$headers['host'] = $host;
if (isset($url['port'])) {
$port = $url['port'];
if ($port !== 443 && $port !== 80) {
$headers['host'] = $headers['host'] . ':' . $port;
$signedHeaders = $v4->getSignedHeaders($headers);
$queryParams['X-Amz-Algorithm'] = 'AWS4-HMAC-SHA256';
$queryParams['X-Amz-Credential'] = $v4->getCredential($shortDate);
$queryParams['X-Amz-Date'] = $longDate;
$queryParams['X-Amz-Expires'] = $expires;
$queryParams['X-Amz-SignedHeaders'] = $signedHeaders;
$queryParamsResult = [];
foreach ($queryParams as $key => $val) {
$key = rawurlencode($key);
$val = rawurlencode($val);
$queryParamsResult[$key] = $val;
$result .= $key;
if ($val) {
$result .= '=' . $val;
$result .= '&';
$canonicalstring = $v4->makeCanonicalstring(
$signatureContent = $v4->getSignature($canonicalstring, $longDate, $shortDate);
$result .= 'X-Amz-Signature=' . $v4->urlencodeWithSafe($signatureContent);
$model = new Model();
$model['ActualSignedRequestHeaders'] = $headers;
$defaultPort = strtolower($url['scheme']) === 'https' ? '443' : '80';
$port = isset($url['port']) ? $url['port'] : $defaultPort;
$model['SignedUrl'] = $url['scheme'] . '://' . $host . ':' . $port . $result;
return $model;
public function createPostSignature(array $args = [])
if (strcasecmp($this->signature, 'v4') === 0) {
return $this->createV4PostSignature($args);
$bucketName = isset($args['Bucket']) ? strval($args['Bucket']) : null;
$objectKey = isset($args['Key']) ? strval($args['Key']) : null;
$expires = isset($args['Expires']) && is_numeric($args['Expires']) ? intval($args['Expires']) : 300;
$formParams = [];
if (isset($args['FormParams']) && is_array($args['FormParams'])) {
foreach ($args['FormParams'] as $key => $val) {
$formParams[$key] = $val;
$constants = Constants::selectConstants($this->signature);
if ($this->securityToken && !isset($formParams[$constants::SECURITY_TOKEN_HEAD])) {
$formParams[$constants::SECURITY_TOKEN_HEAD] = $this->securityToken;
$timestamp = time();
$expires = gmdate('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z', $timestamp + $expires);
if ($bucketName) {
$formParams['bucket'] = $bucketName;
if ($objectKey) {
$formParams['key'] = $objectKey;
$policy = [];
$policy[] = '{"expiration":"';
$policy[] = $expires;
$policy[] = '", "conditions":[';
$matchAnyBucket = true;
$matchAnyKey = true;
$conditionAllowKeys = ['acl', 'bucket', 'key', 'success_action_redirect', 'redirect', 'success_action_status'];
foreach ($formParams as $key => $val) {
if ($key) {
$key = strtolower(strval($key));
if ($key === 'bucket') {
$matchAnyBucket = false;
} elseif ($key === 'key') {
$matchAnyKey = false;
} else {
// nothing handle
&& strpos($key, $constants::HEADER_PREFIX) !== 0
&& !in_array($key, $conditionAllowKeys)
) {
$key = $constants::METADATA_PREFIX . $key;
$policy[] = '{"';
$policy[] = $key;
$policy[] = '":"';
$policy[] = $val !== null ? strval($val) : '';
$policy[] = '"},';
if ($matchAnyBucket) {
$policy[] = '["starts-with", "$bucket", ""],';
if ($matchAnyKey) {
$policy[] = '["starts-with", "$key", ""],';
$policy[] = ']}';
$originPolicy = implode('', $policy);
$policy = base64_encode($originPolicy);
$signatureContent = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha1', $policy, $this->sk, true));
$model = new Model();
$model['OriginPolicy'] = $originPolicy;
$model['Policy'] = $policy;
$model['Signature'] = $signatureContent;
return $model;
public function createV4PostSignature(array $args = [])
$bucketName = isset($args['Bucket']) ? strval($args['Bucket']) : null;
$objectKey = isset($args['Key']) ? strval($args['Key']) : null;
$expires = isset($args['Expires']) && is_numeric($args['Expires']) ? intval($args['Expires']) : 300;
$formParams = [];
if (isset($args['FormParams']) && is_array($args['FormParams'])) {
foreach ($args['FormParams'] as $key => $val) {
$formParams[$key] = $val;
if ($this->securityToken && !isset($formParams['x-amz-security-token'])) {
$formParams['x-amz-security-token'] = $this->securityToken;
$timestamp = time();
$longDate = gmdate('Ymd\THis\Z', $timestamp);
$shortDate = substr($longDate, 0, 8);
$credential = sprintf('%s/%s/%s/s3/aws4_request', $this->ak, $shortDate, $this->region);
$expires = gmdate('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z', $timestamp + $expires);
$formParams['X-Amz-Algorithm'] = 'AWS4-HMAC-SHA256';
$formParams['X-Amz-Date'] = $longDate;
$formParams['X-Amz-Credential'] = $credential;
if ($bucketName) {
$formParams['bucket'] = $bucketName;
if ($objectKey) {
$formParams['key'] = $objectKey;
$policy = [];
$policy[] = '{"expiration":"';
$policy[] = $expires;
$policy[] = '", "conditions":[';
$matchAnyBucket = true;
$matchAnyKey = true;
$conditionAllowKeys = ['acl', 'bucket', 'key', 'success_action_redirect', 'redirect', 'success_action_status'];
foreach ($formParams as $key => $val) {
if ($key) {
$key = strtolower(strval($key));
if ($key === 'bucket') {
$matchAnyBucket = false;
if ($key === 'key') {
$matchAnyKey = false;
&& strpos($key, V2Constants::HEADER_PREFIX) !== 0
&& !in_array($key, $conditionAllowKeys)
) {
$key = V2Constants::METADATA_PREFIX . $key;
$policy[] = '{"';
$policy[] = $key;
$policy[] = '":"';
$policy[] = $val !== null ? strval($val) : '';
$policy[] = '"},';
if ($matchAnyBucket) {
$policy[] = '["starts-with", "$bucket", ""],';
if ($matchAnyKey) {
$policy[] = '["starts-with", "$key", ""],';
$policy[] = ']}';
$originPolicy = implode('', $policy);
$policy = base64_encode($originPolicy);
$dateKey = hash_hmac('sha256', $shortDate, 'AWS4' . $this->sk, true);
$regionKey = hash_hmac('sha256', $this->region, $dateKey, true);
$serviceKey = hash_hmac('sha256', 's3', $regionKey, true);
$signingKey = hash_hmac('sha256', 'aws4_request', $serviceKey, true);
$signatureContent = hash_hmac('sha256', $policy, $signingKey);
$model = new Model();
$model['OriginPolicy'] = $originPolicy;
$model['Policy'] = $policy;
$model['Algorithm'] = $formParams['X-Amz-Algorithm'];
$model['Credential'] = $formParams['X-Amz-Credential'];
$model['Date'] = $formParams['X-Amz-Date'];
$model['Signature'] = $signatureContent;
return $model;
public function __call($originMethod, $args)
$method = $originMethod;
$contents = Constants::selectRequestResource($this->signature);
$resource = &$contents::$resourceArray;
$async = false;
if (strpos($method, 'Async') === (strlen($method) - 5)) {
$method = substr($method, 0, strlen($method) - 5);
$async = true;
if (isset($resource['aliases'][$method])) {
$method = $resource['aliases'][$method];
$method = lcfirst($method);
$operation = isset($resource['operations'][$method]) ?
$resource['operations'][$method] : null;
if (!$operation) {
ObsLog::commonLog(WARNING, 'unknow method ' . $originMethod);
$obsException = new ObsException('unknow method ' . $originMethod);
throw $obsException;
$start = microtime(true);
if (!$async) {
ObsLog::commonLog(INFO, 'enter method ' . $originMethod . '...');
$model = new Model();
$model['method'] = $method;
$params = empty($args) ? [] : $args[0];
$this->checkMimeType($method, $params);
$this->doRequest($model, $operation, $params);
ObsLog::commonLog(INFO, 'obsclient cost ' . round(microtime(true) - $start, 3) * 1000 . ' ms to execute ' . $originMethod);
return $model;
} else {
if (empty($args) || !(is_callable($callback = $args[count($args) - 1]))) {
ObsLog::commonLog(WARNING, 'async method ' . $originMethod . ' must pass a CallbackInterface as param');
$obsException = new ObsException('async method ' . $originMethod . ' must pass a CallbackInterface as param');
throw $obsException;
ObsLog::commonLog(INFO, 'enter method ' . $originMethod . '...');
$params = count($args) === 1 ? [] : $args[0];
$this->checkMimeType($method, $params);
$model = new Model();
$model['method'] = $method;
return $this->doRequestAsync($model, $operation, $params, $callback, $start, $originMethod);
private function hasContentType(&$params)
return isset($params['ContentType']) && $params['ContentType'] !== null;
private function checkMimeType($method, &$params)
// fix bug that guzzlehttp lib will add the content-type if not set
$uploadMehods = array('putObject', 'initiateMultipartUpload', 'uploadPart');
$hasContentTypeFlag = $this->hasContentType($params);
if (in_array($method, $uploadMehods) && !$hasContentTypeFlag) {
if (isset($params['Key'])) {
try {
$params['ContentType'] = Psr7\mimetype_from_filename($params['Key']);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
$params['ContentType'] = Psr7\MimeType::fromFilename($params['Key']);
if (!$hasContentTypeFlag && isset($params['SourceFile'])) {
try {
$params['ContentType'] = Psr7\mimetype_from_filename($params['SourceFile']);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
$params['ContentType'] = Psr7\MimeType::fromFilename($params['SourceFile']);
if (!$hasContentTypeFlag) {
$params['ContentType'] = 'binary/octet-stream';
protected function makeRequest($model, &$operation, $params, $endpoint = null)
if ($endpoint === null) {
$endpoint = $this->endpoint;
$utcTimeZone = new \DateTimeZone('UTC');
$signatureInterface = strcasecmp($this->signature, 'v4') === 0
? new V4Signature(
: new DefaultSignature(
$authResult = $signatureInterface->doAuth($operation, $params, $model);
$httpMethod = $authResult['method'];
ObsLog::commonLog(DEBUG, 'perform ' . strtolower($httpMethod) . ' request with url ' . $authResult['requestUrl']);
ObsLog::commonLog(DEBUG, 'cannonicalRequest:' . $authResult['cannonicalRequest']);
ObsLog::commonLog(DEBUG, 'request headers ' . var_export($authResult['headers'], true));
$authResult['headers']['User-Agent'] = ObsClient::getDefaultUserAgent();
if ($model['method'] === 'putObject') {
$model['ObjectURL'] = ['value' => $authResult['requestUrl']];
return new Request($httpMethod, $authResult['requestUrl'], $authResult['headers'], $authResult['body']);
protected function doRequest($model, &$operation, $params, $endpoint = null)
$request = $this->makeRequest($model, $operation, $params, $endpoint);
$this->sendRequest($model, $operation, $params, $request);
protected function sendRequest($model, &$operation, $params, $request, $requestCount = 1)
$start = microtime(true);
$saveAsStream = false;
if (isset($operation['stream']) && $operation['stream']) {
$saveAsStream = isset($params['SaveAsStream']) ? $params['SaveAsStream'] : false;
if (isset($params['SaveAsFile'])) {
if ($saveAsStream) {
$obsException = new ObsException('SaveAsStream cannot be used with SaveAsFile together');
throw $obsException;
$saveAsStream = true;
if (isset($params['FilePath'])) {
if ($saveAsStream) {
$obsException = new ObsException('SaveAsStream cannot be used with FilePath together');
throw $obsException;
$saveAsStream = true;
if (isset($params['SaveAsFile']) && isset($params['FilePath'])) {
$obsException = new ObsException('SaveAsFile cannot be used with FilePath together');
throw $obsException;
$promise = $this->httpClient->sendAsync($request, ['stream' => $saveAsStream])->then(
function (Response $response) use ($model, $operation, $params, $request, $requestCount, $start) {
ObsLog::commonLog(INFO, 'http request cost ' . round(microtime(true) - $start, 3) * 1000 . ' ms');
$statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
$readable = isset($params['Body']) && ($params['Body'] instanceof StreamInterface || is_resource($params['Body']));
$isRetryRequest = $statusCode >= 300 && $statusCode < 400 && $statusCode !== 304 && !$readable && $requestCount <= $this->maxRetryCount;
$location = $response->getHeaderLine('location');
if ($isRetryRequest && $location) {
$url = parse_url($this->endpoint);
$newUrl = parse_url($location);
$scheme = (isset($newUrl['scheme']) ? $newUrl['scheme'] : $url['scheme']);
$defaultPort = strtolower($scheme) === 'https' ? '443' : '80';
$port = isset($newUrl['port']) ? $newUrl['port'] : $defaultPort;
$newEndpoint = $scheme . '://' . $newUrl['host'] . ':' . $port;
$this->doRequest($model, $operation, $params, $newEndpoint);
$this->parseResponse($model, $request, $response, $operation);
function (RequestException $exception) use ($model, $operation, $params, $request, $requestCount, $start) {
ObsLog::commonLog(INFO, 'http request cost ' . round(microtime(true) - $start, 3) * 1000 . ' ms');
$message = null;
if ($exception instanceof ConnectException) {
if ($requestCount <= $this->maxRetryCount) {
$this->sendRequest($model, $operation, $params, $request, $requestCount + 1);
} else {
$message = 'Exceeded retry limitation, max retry count:' . $this->maxRetryCount . ', error message:' . $exception->getMessage();
$this->parseException($model, $request, $exception, $message);
protected function doRequestAsync($model, &$operation, $params, $callback, $startAsync, $originMethod, $endpoint = null)
$request = $this->makeRequest($model, $operation, $params, $endpoint);
return $this->sendRequestAsync($model, $operation, $params, $callback, $startAsync, $originMethod, $request);
protected function sendRequestAsync($model, &$operation, $params, $callback, $startAsync, $originMethod, $request, $requestCount = 1)
$start = microtime(true);
$saveAsStream = false;
if (isset($operation['stream']) && $operation['stream']) {
$saveAsStream = isset($params['SaveAsStream']) ? $params['SaveAsStream'] : false;
if ($saveAsStream) {
if (isset($params['SaveAsFile'])) {
$obsException = new ObsException('SaveAsStream cannot be used with SaveAsFile together');
throw $obsException;
if (isset($params['FilePath'])) {
$obsException = new ObsException('SaveAsStream cannot be used with FilePath together');
throw $obsException;
if (isset($params['SaveAsFile']) && isset($params['FilePath'])) {
$obsException = new ObsException('SaveAsFile cannot be used with FilePath together');
throw $obsException;
return $this->httpClient->sendAsync($request, ['stream' => $saveAsStream])->then(
function (Response $response) use ($model, $operation, $params, $callback, $startAsync, $originMethod, $request, $start) {
ObsLog::commonLog(INFO, 'http request cost ' . round(microtime(true) - $start, 3) * 1000 . ' ms');
$statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
$readable = isset($params['Body']) && ($params['Body'] instanceof StreamInterface || is_resource($params['Body']));
if ($statusCode === 307 && !$readable) {
$location = $response->getHeaderLine('location');
if ($location) {
$url = parse_url($this->endpoint);
$newUrl = parse_url($location);
$scheme = (isset($newUrl['scheme']) ? $newUrl['scheme'] : $url['scheme']);
$defaultPort = strtolower($scheme) === 'https' ? '443' : '80';
$port = isset($newUrl['port']) ? $newUrl['port'] : $defaultPort;
$newEndpoint = $scheme . '://' . $newUrl['host'] . ':' . $port;
return $this->doRequestAsync($model, $operation, $params, $callback, $startAsync, $originMethod, $newEndpoint);
$this->parseResponse($model, $request, $response, $operation);
ObsLog::commonLog(INFO, 'obsclient cost ' . round(microtime(true) - $startAsync, 3) * 1000 . ' ms to execute ' . $originMethod);
$callback(null, $model);
function (RequestException $exception) use ($model, $operation, $params, $callback, $startAsync, $originMethod, $request, $start, $requestCount) {
ObsLog::commonLog(INFO, 'http request cost ' . round(microtime(true) - $start, 3) * 1000 . ' ms');
$message = null;
if ($exception instanceof ConnectException) {
if ($requestCount <= $this->maxRetryCount) {
return $this->sendRequestAsync($model, $operation, $params, $callback, $startAsync, $originMethod, $request, $requestCount + 1);
} else {
$message = 'Exceeded retry limitation, max retry count:' . $this->maxRetryCount . ', error message:' . $exception->getMessage();
$obsException = $this->parseExceptionAsync($request, $exception, $message);
ObsLog::commonLog(INFO, 'obsclient cost ' . round(microtime(true) - $startAsync, 3) * 1000 . ' ms to execute ' . $originMethod);
$callback($obsException, null);