* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ namespace Obs\Internal\Common; use GuzzleHttp\Psr7; use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\LazyOpenStream; use Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface; use GuzzleHttp\Handler\CurlFactoryInterface; use GuzzleHttp\Handler\EasyHandle; class SdkCurlFactory implements CurlFactoryInterface { private $handles = []; private $maxHandles; public function __construct($maxHandles) { $this->maxHandles = $maxHandles; } public function create(RequestInterface $request, array $options): EasyHandle { if (isset($options['curl']['body_as_string'])) { $options['_body_as_string'] = $options['curl']['body_as_string']; unset($options['curl']['body_as_string']); } $easy = new EasyHandle; $easy->request = $request; $easy->options = $options; $conf = $this->getDefaultConf($easy); $this->applyMethod($easy, $conf); $this->applyHandlerOptions($easy, $conf); $this->applyHeaders($easy, $conf); unset($conf['_headers']); if (isset($options['curl'])) { $conf = array_replace($conf, $options['curl']); } $conf[CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION] = $this->createHeaderFn($easy); if ($this->handles) { $easy->handle = array_pop($this->handles); } else { $easy->handle = curl_init(); } curl_setopt_array($easy->handle, $conf); return $easy; } public function close() { if ($this->handles) { foreach ($this->handles as $handle) { curl_close($handle); } unset($this->handles); $this->handles = []; } } public function release(EasyHandle $easy): void { $resource = $easy->handle; unset($easy->handle); if (count($this->handles) >= $this->maxHandles) { curl_close($resource); } else { curl_setopt($resource, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, null); curl_setopt($resource, CURLOPT_READFUNCTION, null); curl_setopt($resource, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, null); curl_setopt($resource, CURLOPT_PROGRESSFUNCTION, null); curl_reset($resource); $this->handles[] = $resource; } } private function getDefaultConf(EasyHandle $easy) { $conf = [ '_headers' => $easy->request->getHeaders(), CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => $easy->request->getMethod(), CURLOPT_URL => (string) $easy->request->getUri()->withFragment(''), CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => false, CURLOPT_HEADER => false, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT => 150, ]; if (defined('CURLOPT_PROTOCOLS')) { $conf[CURLOPT_PROTOCOLS] = CURLPROTO_HTTP | CURLPROTO_HTTPS; } $version = $easy->request->getProtocolVersion(); if ($version == 1.1) { $conf[CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION] = CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1; } elseif ($version == 2.0) { $conf[CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION] = CURL_HTTP_VERSION_2_0; } else { $conf[CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION] = CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_0; } return $conf; } private function applyMethod(EasyHandle $easy, array &$conf) { $body = $easy->request->getBody(); $size = $body->getSize(); if ($size === null || $size > 0) { $this->applyBody($easy->request, $easy->options, $conf); return; } $method = $easy->request->getMethod(); if (($method === 'PUT' || $method === 'POST') && (!$easy->request->hasHeader('Content-Length'))) { $conf[CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER][] = 'Content-Length: 0'; } if ($method === 'HEAD') { $conf[CURLOPT_NOBODY] = true; unset( $conf[CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION], $conf[CURLOPT_READFUNCTION], $conf[CURLOPT_FILE], $conf[CURLOPT_INFILE] ); } } private function applyBody(RequestInterface $request, array $options, array &$conf) { $size = $request->hasHeader('Content-Length') ? (int) $request->getHeaderLine('Content-Length') : $request->getBody()->getSize(); if ($request->getBody()->getSize() === $size && $request->getBody()->tell() <= 0) { if (($size !== null && $size < 1000000) || !empty($options['_body_as_string']) ) { $conf[CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS] = (string) $request->getBody(); $this->removeHeader('Content-Length', $conf); $this->removeHeader('Transfer-Encoding', $conf); } else { $conf[CURLOPT_UPLOAD] = true; if ($size !== null) { $conf[CURLOPT_INFILESIZE] = $size; $this->removeHeader('Content-Length', $conf); } $body = $request->getBody(); if ($body->isSeekable()) { $body->rewind(); } $conf[CURLOPT_READFUNCTION] = function ($ch, $fd, $length) use ($body) { return $body->read($length); }; } } else { $body = $request->getBody(); $conf[CURLOPT_UPLOAD] = true; $conf[CURLOPT_INFILESIZE] = $size; $readCount = 0; $conf[CURLOPT_READFUNCTION] = function ($ch, $fd, $length) use ($body, $readCount, $size) { if ($readCount >= $size) { $body->close(); return ''; } $readCountOnce = $length <= $size ? $length : $size; $readCount += $readCountOnce; return $body->read($readCountOnce); }; } if (!$request->hasHeader('Expect')) { $conf[CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER][] = 'Expect:'; } if (!$request->hasHeader('Content-Type')) { $conf[CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER][] = 'Content-Type:'; } } private function applyHeaders(EasyHandle $easy, array &$conf) { foreach ($conf['_headers'] as $name => $values) { foreach ($values as $value) { $conf[CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER][] = "$name: $value"; } } // Remove the Accept header if one was not set if (!$easy->request->hasHeader('Accept')) { $conf[CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER][] = 'Accept:'; } } private function removeHeader($name, array &$options) { foreach (array_keys($options['_headers']) as $key) { if (!strcasecmp($key, $name)) { unset($options['_headers'][$key]); return; } } } private function applyHandlerOptions(EasyHandle $easy, array &$conf) { $options = $easy->options; if (isset($options['verify'])) { $conf[CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST] = 0; if ($options['verify'] === false) { unset($conf[CURLOPT_CAINFO]); $conf[CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER] = false; } else { $conf[CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER] = true; if (is_string($options['verify'])) { if (!file_exists($options['verify'])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( "SSL CA bundle not found: {$options['verify']}" ); } if (is_dir($options['verify']) || (is_link($options['verify']) && is_dir(readlink($options['verify'])))) { $conf[CURLOPT_CAPATH] = $options['verify']; } else { $conf[CURLOPT_CAINFO] = $options['verify']; } } } } if (!empty($options['decode_content'])) { $accept = $easy->request->getHeaderLine('Accept-Encoding'); if ($accept) { $conf[CURLOPT_ENCODING] = $accept; } else { $conf[CURLOPT_ENCODING] = ''; $conf[CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER][] = 'Accept-Encoding:'; } } if (isset($options['sink'])) { $sink = $options['sink']; if (!is_string($sink)) { try { $sink = Psr7\stream_for($sink); } catch (\Throwable $e) { $sink = Psr7\Utils::streamFor($sink); } } elseif (!is_dir(dirname($sink))) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( 'Directory %s does not exist for sink value of %s', dirname($sink), $sink )); } else { $sink = new LazyOpenStream($sink, 'w+'); } $easy->sink = $sink; $conf[CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION] = function ($ch, $write) use ($sink) { return $sink->write($write); }; } else { $conf[CURLOPT_FILE] = fopen('php://temp', 'w+'); try { $easy->sink = Psr7\stream_for($conf[CURLOPT_FILE]); } catch (\Throwable $e) { $easy->sink = Psr7\Utils::streamFor($conf[CURLOPT_FILE]); } } $timeoutRequiresNoSignal = false; if (isset($options['timeout'])) { $timeoutRequiresNoSignal |= $options['timeout'] < 1; $conf[CURLOPT_TIMEOUT_MS] = $options['timeout'] * 1000; } if (isset($options['force_ip_resolve'])) { if ('v4' === $options['force_ip_resolve']) { $conf[CURLOPT_IPRESOLVE] = CURL_IPRESOLVE_V4; } if ('v6' === $options['force_ip_resolve']) { $conf[CURLOPT_IPRESOLVE] = CURL_IPRESOLVE_V6; } } if (isset($options['connect_timeout'])) { $timeoutRequiresNoSignal |= $options['connect_timeout'] < 1; $conf[CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT_MS] = $options['connect_timeout'] * 1000; } if ($timeoutRequiresNoSignal && strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) !== 'WIN') { $conf[CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL] = true; } if (isset($options['proxy'])) { if (!is_array($options['proxy'])) { $conf[CURLOPT_PROXY] = $options['proxy']; } else { $scheme = $easy->request->getUri()->getScheme(); if (isset($options['proxy'][$scheme])) { $host = $easy->request->getUri()->getHost(); if (!isset($options['proxy']['no']) || !\GuzzleHttp\is_host_in_noproxy($host, $options['proxy']['no']) ) { $conf[CURLOPT_PROXY] = $options['proxy'][$scheme]; } } } } if (isset($options['cert'])) { $cert = $options['cert']; if (is_array($cert)) { $conf[CURLOPT_SSLCERTPASSWD] = $cert[1]; $cert = $cert[0]; } if (!file_exists($cert)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( "SSL certificate not found: {$cert}" ); } $conf[CURLOPT_SSLCERT] = $cert; } if (isset($options['ssl_key'])) { $sslKey = $options['ssl_key']; if (is_array($sslKey)) { $conf[CURLOPT_SSLKEYPASSWD] = $sslKey[1]; $sslKey = $sslKey[0]; } if (!file_exists($sslKey)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( "SSL private key not found: {$sslKey}" ); } $conf[CURLOPT_SSLKEY] = $sslKey; } if (isset($options['progress'])) { $progress = $options['progress']; if (!is_callable($progress)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( 'progress client option must be callable' ); } $conf[CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS] = false; $conf[CURLOPT_PROGRESSFUNCTION] = function () use ($progress) { $args = func_get_args(); if (is_resource($args[0])) { array_shift($args); } call_user_func_array($progress, $args); }; } if (!empty($options['debug'])) { $conf[CURLOPT_STDERR] = \GuzzleHttp\debug_resource($options['debug']); $conf[CURLOPT_VERBOSE] = true; } } private function createHeaderFn(EasyHandle $easy) { if (isset($easy->options['on_headers'])) { $onHeaders = $easy->options['on_headers']; if (!is_callable($onHeaders)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('on_headers must be callable'); } } else { $onHeaders = null; } return function ($ch, $h) use ( $onHeaders, $easy, &$startingResponse ) { $value = trim($h); if ($value === '') { $startingResponse = true; $easy->createResponse(); if ($onHeaders !== null) { try { $onHeaders($easy->response); } catch (\Exception $e) { $easy->onHeadersException = $e; return -1; } } } elseif ($startingResponse) { $startingResponse = false; $easy->headers = [$value]; } else { $easy->headers[] = $value; } return strlen($h); }; } }