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// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者助力企业发展 ]
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// | Copyright (c) 2016~2022 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
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// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
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// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace app\common\repositories\system\groupData;
use app\common\dao\BaseDao;
use app\common\dao\system\groupData\GroupDataDao;
use app\common\repositories\BaseRepository;
use app\common\repositories\store\product\ProductLabelRepository;
use app\common\repositories\store\StoreCategoryRepository;
use FormBuilder\Exception\FormBuilderException;
use FormBuilder\Factory\Elm;
use FormBuilder\Form;
use think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException;
use think\db\exception\DbException;
use think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException;
use think\exception\ValidateException;
use think\facade\Route;
use think\Model;
* Class GroupDataRepository
* @package app\common\repositories\system\groupData
* @mixin GroupDataDao
* @author xaboy
* @day 2020-03-30
class GroupDataRepository extends BaseRepository
* GroupDataRepository constructor.
* @param GroupDataDao $dao
public function __construct(GroupDataDao $dao)
$this->dao = $dao;
* @param int $merId
* @param array $data
* @param array $fieldRule
* @return BaseDao|Model
* @author xaboy
* @day 2020-03-30
public function create(int $merId, array $data, array $fieldRule)
$this->checkData($data['value'], $fieldRule);
$data['mer_id'] = $merId;
return $this->dao->create($data);
* @param $merId
* @param $id
* @param $data
* @param $fieldRule
* @return int
* @throws DbException
* @author xaboy
* @day 2020/9/23
public function merUpdate($merId, $id, $data, $fieldRule)
$this->checkData($data['value'], $fieldRule);
return $this->dao->merUpdate($merId, $id, $data);
* @param array $data
* @param array $fieldRule
* @author xaboy
* @day 2020/9/23
public function checkData(array $data, array $fieldRule)
foreach ($fieldRule as $rule) {
// if (!isset($data[$rule['field']]) || $data[$rule['field']] === '') {
// throw new ValidateException($rule['name'] . '不能为空');
// }
if ($rule['type'] === 'number' && $data[$rule['field']] < 0)
throw new ValidateException($rule['name'] . '不能小于0');
* @param int $merId
* @param int $groupId
* @param int $page
* @param int $limit
* @return array
* @throws DataNotFoundException
* @throws DbException
* @throws ModelNotFoundException
* @author xaboy
* @day 2020-03-30
public function getGroupDataLst(int $merId, int $groupId, int $page, int $limit): array
$query = $this->dao->getGroupDataWhere($merId, $groupId)->order('sort DESC,group_data_id ASC');
$count = $query->count();
$list = $query->field('group_data_id,value,sort,status,create_time')->page($page, $limit)->select()->toArray();
foreach ($list as $k => $data) {
$value = $data['value'];
$data += $value;
$list[$k] = $data;
return compact('count', 'list');
* @param int $groupId
* @param int|null $id
* @param array $formData
* @return Form
* @throws FormBuilderException
* @author xaboy
* @day 2020-04-02
public function form(int $groupId, ?int $id = null, ?int $merId = null, array $formData = []): Form
$fields = app()->make(GroupRepository::class)->fields($groupId);
if (is_null($merId)) {
$url = is_null($id)
? Route::buildUrl('groupDataCreate', compact('groupId'))->build()
: Route::buildUrl('groupDataUpdate', compact('groupId', 'id'))->build();
} else {
$url = is_null($id)
? Route::buildUrl('merchantGroupDataCreate', compact('groupId'))->build()
: Route::buildUrl('merchantGroupDataUpdate', compact('groupId', 'id'))->build();
$form = Elm::createForm($url);
$rules = [];
foreach ($fields as $field) {
$rule = null;
if ($field['type'] == 'image') {
$rule = Elm::frameImage($field['field'], $field['name'], '/' . config('admin.' . ($merId ? 'merchant' : 'admin') . '_prefix') . '/setting/uploadPicture?field=' . $field['field'] . '&type=1')->icon('el-icon-camera')->modal(['modal' => false])->width('1000px')->height('600px')->props(['footer' => false]);
} else if ($field['type'] == 'images') {
$rule = Elm::frameImage($field['field'], $field['name'], '/' . config('admin.' . ($merId ? 'merchant' : 'admin') . '_prefix') . '/setting/uploadPicture?field=' . $field['field'] . '&type=2')->maxLength(5)->icon('el-icon-camera')->modal(['modal' => false])->width('1000px')->height('600px')->props(['footer' => false]);
} else if ($field['type'] == 'cate') {
$rule = Elm::cascader($field['field'], $field['name'])->options(function () use ($id) {
$storeCategoryRepository = app()->make(StoreCategoryRepository::class);
$menus = $storeCategoryRepository->getAllOptions(0, 1, null,0);
if ($id && isset($menus[$id])) unset($menus[$id]);
$menus = formatCascaderData($menus, 'cate_name');
return $menus;
})->props(['props' => ['checkStrictly' => true, 'emitPath' => false]])->filterable(true)->appendValidate(Elm::validateInt()->required()->message('请选择分类'));
} else if ($field['type'] == 'label') {
$rule = Elm::select($field['field'], $field['name'])->options(function () {
return app()->make(ProductLabelRepository::class)->getSearch(['mer_id' => request()->merId(), 'status' => 1])->column('label_name as label,product_label_id as value');
} else if (in_array($field['type'], ['select', 'checkbox', 'radio'])) {
$options = array_map(function ($val) {
[$value, $label] = explode(':', $val, 2);
return compact('value', 'label');
}, explode("\n", $field['param']));
$rule = Elm::{$field['type']}($field['field'], $field['name'])->options($options);
if ($field['type'] == 'select') {
$rule->filterable(true)->prop('allow-create', true);
} else if ($field['type'] == 'file') {
$rule = Elm::uploadFile($field['field'], $field['name'], rtrim(systemConfig('site_url'), '/') . Route::buildUrl('configUpload', ['field' => 'file'])->build())->headers(['X-Token' => request()->token()]);
} else {
$rule = Elm::{$field['type']}($field['field'], $field['name'], '');
if ($field['props'] ?? '') {
$props = @parse_ini_string($field['props'], false, INI_SCANNER_TYPED);
if (is_array($props)) {
if(isset($props['required']) && $props['required']){
if (isset($props['defaultValue'])) {
$rules[] = $rule;
$rules[] = Elm::number('sort', '排序:', 0)->precision(0)->max(99999);
$rules[] = Elm::switches('status', '是否显示:', 1)->activeValue(1)->inactiveValue(0)->inactiveText('关')->activeText('开');
return $form->setTitle(is_null($id) ? '添加数据' : '编辑数据')->formData(array_filter($formData, function ($item) {
return $item !== '' && !is_null($item);
* @param int $groupId
* @param int $merId
* @param int $id
* @return Form
* @throws DataNotFoundException
* @throws DbException
* @throws FormBuilderException
* @throws ModelNotFoundException
* @author xaboy
* @day 2020-04-02
public function updateForm(int $groupId, int $merId, int $id)
$data = $this->dao->getGroupDataWhere($merId, $groupId)->where('group_data_id', $id)->find()->toArray();
$value = $data['value'];
$data += $value;
return $this->form($groupId, $id, $merId, $data);
* @param string $key
* @param int $merId
* @param int|null $page
* @param int|null $limit
* @return array
* @author xaboy
* @day 2020/5/27
public function groupData(string $key, int $merId, ?int $page = null, ?int $limit = 10)
$make = app()->make(GroupRepository::class);
$groupId = $make->keyById($key);
if (!$groupId) return [];
return $this->dao->getGroupData($merId, $groupId, $page, $limit);
* @param string $key
* @param int $merId
* @param int|null $page
* @param int|null $limit
* @return int
* @author xaboy
* @day 2020/5/27
public function getGroupDataCount(string $key, int $merId)
/** @var GroupRepository $make */
$make = app()->make(GroupRepository::class);
$groupId = $make->keyById($key);
if (!$groupId) 0;
return $this->dao->groupDataCount($merId, $groupId);
* @param int $id
* @param int $merId
* @return mixed|void
* @throws DataNotFoundException
* @throws DbException
* @throws ModelNotFoundException
* @author xaboy
* @day 2020/6/2
public function idByData(int $id, int $merId)
$data = $this->dao->merGet($id, $merId);
if (!$data) return;
return json_decode($data['value']);
* @param string $key
* @param int $merId
* @param int|null $page
* @param int|null $limit
* @return array
* @author xaboy
* @day 2020/6/3
public function groupDataId(string $key, int $merId, ?int $page = null, ?int $limit = 10)
$make = app()->make(GroupRepository::class);
$groupId = $make->keyById($key);
if (!$groupId) return [];
return $this->dao->getGroupDataId($merId, $groupId, $page, $limit);
public function setGroupData(string $key, $merId, array $data)
$groupRepository = app()->make(GroupRepository::class);
$group = $groupRepository->getWhere(['group_key' => $key]);
$fields = array_column($groupRepository->fields($group->group_id), 'field');
$insert = [];
foreach ($data as $k => $item) {
unset($item['group_data_id'], $item['group_mer_id']);
$value = [];
foreach ($fields as $field) {
if (isset($item[$field])) {
$value[$field] = $item[$field];
$insert[$k] = [
'value' => json_encode($value,JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE),
'status' => 1,
'sort' => 0,
'group_id' => $group->group_id,
'mer_id' => $merId,
$this->dao->selectWhere(['group_id' => $group->group_id])->delete();
if (count($insert)) {
public function clearGroup(string $key, $merId)
$groupRepository = app()->make(GroupRepository::class);
$group = $groupRepository->getWhere(['group_key' => $key]);
$this->dao->selectWhere(['group_id' => $group->group_id,'mer_id' => $merId])->delete();
public function reSetDataForm(int $groupId, ?int $id, ?int $merId)
$formData = [];
if (is_null($id)) {
$url = is_null($merId)
? Route::buildUrl('groupDataCreate', compact('groupId'))->build()
: Route::buildUrl('merchantGroupDataCreate', compact('groupId'))->build();
} else {
$data = $this->dao->getSearch([])->find($id);
if (!$data) throw new ValidateException('数据不存在');
$formData = $data->value;
$formData['status'] = $data->status;
$formData['sort'] = $data->sort;
$url = is_null($merId)
? Route::buildUrl('systemUserSvipTypeUpdate', compact('groupId','id'))->build()
: Route::buildUrl('merchantGroupDataUpdate', compact('groupId','id'))->build();
$form = Elm::createForm($url);
$rules = [
Elm::input('svip_name', '会员名:')->required(),
Elm::radio('svip_type', '会员类别:', '2')
['value' => '1', 'label' => '试用期',],
['value' => '2', 'label' => '有限期',],
['value' => '3', 'label' => '永久期',],
'value' => '1',
'rule' => [
Elm::number('svip_number', '有效期(天):')->required()->min(0),
'value' =>'2',
'rule' => [
Elm::number('svip_number', '有效期(天):')->required()->min(0),
'value' => '3',
'rule' => [
Elm::input('svip_number1', '有效期(天):','永久期')->disabled(true)->placeholder('请输入有效期'),
Elm::input('svip_number', '有效期(天):','永久期')->hiddenStatus(true)->placeholder('请输入有效期'),
])->appendRule('suffix', [
'type' => 'div',
'style' => ['color' => '#999999'],
'domProps' => [
'innerHTML' =>'试用期每个用户只能购买一次,购买过付费会员之后将不在展示,不可购买',
Elm::number('cost_price', '原价:')->required(),
Elm::number('price', '优惠价:')->required(),
Elm::number('sort', '排序:'),
Elm::switches('status', '是否显示:')->activeValue(1)->inactiveValue(0)->inactiveText('关')->activeText('开'),
if ($formData && $formData['svip_type'] == 3) $formData['svip_number'] = '永久期';
return $form->setTitle(is_null($id) ? '添加' : '编辑')->formData($formData);
* 查找组合数关联标签名称
* @param array $fields
* @param array $data
* @return array
* @date 2023/09/09
* @author yyw
public function handleDataValue(array $fields = [], array $data = [])
foreach ($fields as $field) {
switch ($field['type']) {
case 'label': // 标签
$data[$field['type'].'_name'] = app()->make(ProductLabelRepository::class)->getLabelName($data[$field['field']]);
case 'cate': // 平台分类
$data[$field['type'].'_name'] = app()->make(StoreCategoryRepository::class)->getCateName($data[$field['field']]);
return $data;