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// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
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namespace app\common\repositories\user;
use app\common\dao\BaseDao;
use app\common\dao\user\UserBillDao;
use app\common\repositories\BaseRepository;
use app\common\repositories\store\product\ProductRepository;
use crmeb\jobs\SendSmsJob;
use think\facade\Queue;
use think\Model;
* Class UserBillRepository
* @package app\common\repositories\user
* @author xaboy
* @day 2020-05-07
* @mixin UserBillDao
class UserBillRepository extends BaseRepository
* @var UserBillDao
protected $dao;
const TYPE_INFO = [
'brokerage' => [
'brokerage/now_money' => '佣金转入余额',
'brokerage/order_one' => '获得一级推广佣金',
'brokerage/order_two' => '获得二级推广佣金',
'brokerage/refund_one' => '退还一级佣金',
'brokerage/refund_two' => '退还二级佣金',
'integral' => [
'integral/cancel' => '退回积分',
'integral/deduction' => '购买商品',
'integral/points' => '兑换商品',
'integral/lock' => '下单赠送积分',
'integral/refund' => '订单退款',
'integral/refund_lock' => '扣除赠送积分',
'integral/sign_integral' => '签到赠送积分',
'integral/spread' => '邀请好友',
'integral/sys_dec' => '系统减少积分',
'integral/sys_inc' => '系统增加积分',
'integral/timeout' => '积分过期',
'mer_integral' => [
'mer_integral/deduction' => '积分抵扣',
'mer_integral/refund' => '订单退款',
'now_money' => [
'now_money/brokerage' => '佣金转入余额',
'now_money/pay_product' => '购买商品',
'now_money/presell' => '支付预售尾款',
'now_money/recharge' => '余额充值',
'now_money/sys_dec_money' => '系统减少余额',
'now_money/sys_inc_money' => '系统增加余额',
'svip_pay/svip_pay' => '付费会员支付'
'mer_margin' => [
'mer_margin/local_margin' => '线下缴纳保证金',
'mer_margin/pay_margin' => '线上缴纳保证金',
'mer_lock_money' => [
'mer_lock_money/order' => '商户佣金冻结',
'sys_members' => [
'sys_members/member_upgrade' => '会员升级',
'sys_members/platform_clearing' => '平台清除',
'sys_members/member_pay_num' => '下单获得成长值',
'sys_members/member_sign_num' => '签到获得成长值',
'sys_members/member_reply_num' => '评价获得成长值',
'sys_members/member_share_num' => '邀请获得成长值',
'sys_members/member_community_num' => '社区种草内容获得成长值',
const CATEGORY_SVIP_PAY = 'svip_pay';
const CATEGORY_NOW_MONEY = 'now_money';
const CATEGORY_INTEGRAL = 'integral';
const CATEGORY_BROKERAGE= 'brokerage';
const CATEGORY_MER_MARGIN = 'mer_margin';
const CATEGORY_MER_INTEGRAL = 'mer_integral';
const CATEGORY_MER_LOCK_MONEY = 'mer_lock_money';
const CATEGORY_SYS_MEMBERS = 'sys_members';
// 需要去重复的类型
const TO_REPEAT_TYPE = ['member_community_num'];
* UserBillRepository constructor.
* @param UserBillDao $dao
public function __construct(UserBillDao $dao)
$this->dao = $dao;
public function userList($where, $uid, $page, $limit)
$where['uid'] = $uid;
$query = $this->dao->search($where)->order('create_time DESC');
$count = $query->count();
$list = $query->setOption('field', [])->field('bill_id,pm,title,number,balance,mark,create_time,status')->page($page, $limit)->select();
return compact('count', 'list');
public function month(array $where)
$group = $this->dao->search($where)->field('FROM_UNIXTIME(unix_timestamp(create_time),"%Y-%m") as time')
->order('time DESC')->group('time')->select();
$ret = [];
foreach ($group as $k => $item){
$ret[$k]['month'] = $item['time'];
$query = $this->dao->getSearch($where)->field('title,pm,number,create_time')->whereMonth('create_time',$item['time']);
$ret[$k]['list'] = $query->order('create_time DESC')->select();
return $ret;
public function getList($where, $page, $limit)
$query = $this->dao->searchJoin($where)->order('a.create_time DESC,bill_id DESC');
$count = $query->count();
$list = $query->page($page, $limit)->select();
return compact('count', 'list');
public function getLst($where, $page, $limit)
$query = $this->dao->search($where)->order('create_time DESC');
$count = $query->count();
$list = $query->page($page, $limit)->select();
return compact('count', 'list');
* @param int $uid
* @param string $category
* @param string $type
* @param int $pm
* @param array $data
* @return BaseDao|Model
* @author xaboy
* @day 2020-05-07
public function bill(int $uid, string $category, string $type, int $pm, array $data)
$data['category'] = $category;
$data['type'] = $type;
$data['uid'] = $uid;
$data['pm'] = $pm;
$bill = $this->dao->create($data);
if($category == 'now_money'){
Queue::push(SendSmsJob::class,['tempId' => 'USER_BALANCE_CHANGE','id' => $bill->bill_id]);
return $bill;
* @param int $uid
* @param string $category
* @param string $type
* @param array $data
* @return BaseDao|Model
* @author xaboy
* @day 2020-05-07
public function incBill(int $uid, string $category, string $type, array $data)
return $this->bill($uid, $category, $type, 1, $data);
* @param int $uid
* @param string $category
* @param string $type
* @param array $data
* @return BaseDao|Model
* @author xaboy
* @day 2020-05-07
public function decBill(int $uid, string $category, string $type, array $data)
return $this->bill($uid, $category, $type, 0, $data);
public function type($category)
$data = [];
foreach (self::TYPE_INFO[$category] as $type => $title) {
$data[] = compact('type', 'title');
return $data;
* TODO 积分日志头部统计
* @return array
* @author Qinii
* @day 6/9/21
public function getStat($merId = 0)
$isusd = app()->make(ProductRepository::class)->getSearch(['mer_id' => $merId])->sum('integral_total');
$refund = $this->dao->search(['category' => 'mer_integral','type' => 'refund','mer_id' => $merId])->sum('number');
$numb = app()->make(ProductRepository::class)->getSearch(['mer_id' => $merId])->sum('integral_price_total');
return [
'className' => 'el-icon-s-cooperation',
'count' => $isusd,
'field' => '个',
'name' => '已使用积分(分)'
'className' => 'el-icon-edit',
'count' => $refund,
'field' => '次',
'name' => '退款订单返回积分(分)'
'className' => 'el-icon-edit',
'count' => $numb,
'field' => '次',
'name' => '积分抵扣金额(元)'
// 总积分
$integral = app()->make(UserRepository::class)->search(['status' => 1])->sum('integral');
// 客户签到次数
$sign = app()->make(UserSignRepository::class)->getSearch([])->count('*');
// 签到送出积分
$sign_integral = $this->dao->search(['type' => 'sign_integral'])->sum('number');
// 使用积分
$isusd = $this->dao->search(['category' => 'integral','type' => 'deduction'])->sum('number');
$refund = $this->dao->search(['category' => 'mer_integral','type' => 'refund'])->sum('number');
$order = $isusd - $refund;
// 下单赠送积分
$order_integral1 = $this->dao->search(['category' => 'integral','type' => 'lock'])->sum('number');
$order_integral2 = $this->dao->search(['category' => 'integral','type' => 'refund_lock'])->sum('number');
$order_integral = $order_integral1 - $order_integral2;
$order_integral = $order_integral < 0 ? 0 : $order_integral;
// 冻结积分
$freeze_integral = $this->dao->lockIntegral();
return [
'className' => 'el-icon-s-cooperation',
'count' => $integral,
'field' => '个',
'name' => '总积分'
'className' => 'el-icon-edit',
'count' => $sign,
'field' => '次',
'name' => '客户签到次数'
'className' => 'el-icon-s-goods',
'count' => $sign_integral ,
'field' => '个',
'name' => '签到送出积分'
'className' => 'el-icon-s-order',
'count' => $order,
'field' => '个',
'name' => '使用积分'
'className' => 'el-icon-present',
'count' => $order_integral,
'field' => '个',
'name' => '下单赠送积分'
'className' => 'el-icon-warning',
'count' => $freeze_integral,
'field' => '',
'name' => '冻结积分'
* 判断是否需要去除重复添加
* @param int $uid
* @param string $type
* @param int $link_id
* @return bool
public function ToRepeat(int $uid, string $type, int $link_id)
if (in_array($type, self::TO_REPEAT_TYPE)) {
$make = app()->make(UserBillRepository::class);
$count = $make->getWhereCount(['uid' => $uid, 'type' => $type, 'link_id' => $link_id]);
if ($count) {
return true;
return false;