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// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者助力企业发展 ]
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// | Copyright (c) 2016~2022 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
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// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
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// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace app\controller\openapi\store;
use app\common\repositories\openapi\OpenAuthRepository;
use app\common\repositories\system\merchant\MerchantRepository;
use crmeb\exceptions\AuthException;
use think\App;
use crmeb\basic\BaseController;
use app\common\repositories\store\product\ProductRepository as repository;
class StoreProduct extends BaseController
* @var repository
protected $repository;
* StoreProduct constructor.
* @param App $app
* @param repository $repository
public function __construct(App $app, repository $repository)
$this->repository = $repository;
$this->merId = $this->request->openMerId();
if (!in_array(OpenAuthRepository::AUTH_TYPE_PRODUCT,$this->request->openRoule())) throw new AuthException('无此权限');
* @Author:Qinii
* @Date: 2020/5/18
* @return mixed
public function lst()
* type 商品状态 1 出售中 2 仓库中 3 已售罄 4 警戒库存 5 回收站 6 待审核 7 审核未通过
* temp_id 运费模板ID
* cate_id 平台商品分类ID
* mer_cate_id 商户商品分类
* product_id 商品ID
* status 审核状态 0 待审核 1 审核通过 -1 审核未通过/强制下架
* us_status 上架状态 1 上架 0 下架 -1 平台关闭/未审核通过
* is_ficti 是否未虚拟商品 0 实体 1 虚拟 2 卡密
* svip_price_type 付费会员价类型 0不参加1默认比例2自定义
[$page, $limit] = $this->getPage();
$type = $this->request->param('type',1);
$where = $this->request->params(['temp_id','cate_id','keyword','mer_cate_id','is_gift_bag','status','us_status','product_id','mer_labels',['order','sort'],'is_ficti','svip_price_type','filters_type','is_action']);
$where = array_merge($where,$this->repository->switchType($type,$this->merId,0));
return app('json')->success($this->repository->getList($this->merId,$where, $page, $limit));
* @Author:Qinii
* @Date: 2020/5/18
* @param $id
* @return mixed
public function detail($id)
return app('json')->fail('数据不存在');
return app('json')->success($this->repository->getAdminOneProduct($id,null));
* TODO 添加商品
* @return \think\response\Json
* @author Qinii
* @day 2023/8/14
* @attr: 规格参数[];
* @attrValue: SkU数据[];
* @brand_id?: number 品牌的ID;
* @cate_id: number 平台商品分类平台的商品分类ID单选 ;
* @content: string 详情;
* @delivery_free: number 是否包邮0.否1.是;
* @delivery_way: string[] 商品支持的配送类型1.仅到店自提2快递计价配送;
* @extension_type?: string 佣金比例 0.系统1.自定义,佣金比例 0.系统,即根据商户统一设置的比例计算; 1.自定义手动在每个sku价格后面填写佣金金额;
* @image: string 封面图,列表展示图;
* @keyword: string 商品关键字,在分享海报或者微信分享好友等,会使用到;
* @mer_cate_id?: string[] 商户商品分类商户商品分类ID多选;
* @once_max_count?: number 订单单次购买数量最大限制,例如 5单次购买不得超过5件/ 或者此商品每个商户只能购买5件根据 pay_limit 类型决定;
* @once_min_count?: number 单次购买最低限购,例如 5则是5件起购;
* @pay_limit?: number 是否限购,购买总数限制 0:不限购1单次限购 2 长期限购;
* @refund_switch?: number 商品是否支持退款1.支持 0.不支持;
* @slider_image: string[] 轮播图,详情页展示;
* @spec_type: number 规格类型0单规格 1 多规格;
* @store_info: string 商品简介;
* @store_name: string 商品名称;
* @svip_price_type?: number 会员价类型0不参加1默认比例2自定义;
* @unit_name: string 单位计量单位例如个、kg等;
* @video_link?: string 视频链接地址;
* @attr.value: string 规格名,例如尺码;
* @attr.detail: string[] 规格值,["S (适合36-37)", "M (适合38-39)", "L (适合40-41)"];
* @attrValue.cost: number 成本价;
* @attrValue.detail: { [key: string]: any } 当前SKU信息当前sku组合的信息例如"detail": {"颜色": "粉红色","尺码": "S (适合36-37)"}则表示当前的规格是颜色为粉红色尺码为S的组合;
* @attrValue.extension_one?: number 一级佣金,如果 extension_type 值为1 此项必填但金额不得超过单价price参数;
* @attrValue.extension_two?: number 二级佣金,如果 extension_type 值为1 此项必填但金额不得超过单价price参数;
* @attrValue.image: string sku封面图选中当前规格会在移动端详情中显示的图片;
* @attrValue.ot_price: number 原价;
* @attrValue.price: number 售价;
* @attrValue.stock: number 库存;
* @attrValue.svip_price: string会员价如果 svip_price_type 值为 1 此项必填当svip_price_type值为1此项值为0时付费会员免费获取;
* @attrValue.volume: number 体积;
* @attrValue.weight: number 重量;
public function create()
$params = $this->request->params($this->repository::CREATE_PARAMS);
$data = $this->repository->checkParams($params,$this->merId);
$data['mer_id'] = $this->merId;
$data['is_gift_bag'] = 0;
$merchant = app()->make(MerchantRepository::class)->get($this->merId);
$data['status'] = $merchant->is_audit ? 0 : 1;
$data['mer_status'] = (!$merchant->mer_state || !$merchant->status) ? 0 : 1;
$data['rate'] = 3;
return app('json')->success('添加成功');