498 lines
21 KiB
498 lines
21 KiB
* Copyright 2019 Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
* License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
* under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
* CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
namespace Obs\Internal\Signature;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Stream;
use Obs\Internal\Common\Model;
use Obs\Internal\Common\ObsTransform;
use Obs\Internal\Common\SchemaFormatter;
use Obs\Internal\Common\V2Transform;
use Obs\Internal\Resource\Constants;
use Obs\Log\ObsLog;
use Obs\ObsException;
use Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface;
abstract class AbstractSignature implements SignatureInterface
protected $ak;
protected $sk;
protected $pathStyle;
protected $endpoint;
protected $methodName;
protected $securityToken;
protected $signature;
protected $isCname;
public static function urlencodeWithSafe($val, $safe = '/')
$len = strlen($val);
if ($len === 0) {
return '';
$buffer = [];
for ($index = 0; $index < $len; $index++) {
$str = $val[$index];
$pos = strpos($safe, $str);
$buffer[] = !$pos && $pos !== 0 ? rawurlencode($str) : $str;
return implode('', $buffer);
protected function __construct($ak, $sk, $pathStyle, $endpoint, $methodName, $signature, $securityToken = false, $isCname = false)
$this->ak = $ak;
$this->sk = $sk;
$this->pathStyle = $pathStyle;
$this->endpoint = $endpoint;
$this->methodName = $methodName;
$this->signature = $signature;
$this->securityToken = $securityToken;
$this->isCname = $isCname;
protected function transXmlByType($key, &$value, &$subParams, $transHolder)
$xml = [];
$treatAsString = false;
if (isset($value['type'])) {
$type = $value['type'];
if ($type === 'array') {
$name = isset($value['sentAs']) ? $value['sentAs'] : $key;
$subXml = [];
foreach ($subParams as $item) {
$temp = $this->transXmlByType($key, $value['items'], $item, $transHolder);
if ($temp !== '') {
$subXml[] = $temp;
if (!empty($subXml)) {
if (!isset($value['data']['xmlFlattened'])) {
$xml[] = '<' . $name . '>';
$xml[] = implode('', $subXml);
$xml[] = '</' . $name . '>';
} else {
$xml[] = implode('', $subXml);
} elseif ($type === 'object') {
$name = $this->getNameByObjectType($key, $value);
$properties = $value['properties'];
$subXml = [];
$attr = [];
foreach ($properties as $pkey => $pvalue) {
if (isset($pvalue['required']) && $pvalue['required'] && !isset($subParams[$pkey])) {
$obsException = new ObsException('param:' . $pkey . ' is required');
throw $obsException;
if (isset($subParams[$pkey])) {
if (isset($pvalue['data'])
&& isset($pvalue['data']['xmlAttribute'])
&& $pvalue['data']['xmlAttribute']
) {
$attrValue = $this->xmlTransfer(trim(strval($subParams[$pkey])));
$attr[$pvalue['sentAs']] = '"' . $attrValue . '"';
if (isset($pvalue['data']['xmlNamespace'])) {
$ns = substr($pvalue['sentAs'], 0, strpos($pvalue['sentAs'], ':'));
$attr['xmlns:' . $ns] = '"' . $pvalue['data']['xmlNamespace'] . '"';
} else {
$subXml[] = $this->transXmlByType($pkey, $pvalue, $subParams[$pkey], $transHolder);
$val = implode('', $subXml);
if ($val !== '') {
$newName = $name;
if (!empty($attr)) {
foreach ($attr as $akey => $avalue) {
$newName .= ' ' . $akey . '=' . $avalue;
if (!isset($value['data']['xmlFlattened'])) {
$xml[] = '<' . $newName . '>';
$xml[] = $val;
$xml[] = '</' . $name . '>';
} else {
$xml[] = $val;
} else {
$treatAsString = true;
} else {
$treatAsString = true;
$type = null;
if ($treatAsString) {
if ($type === 'boolean') {
if (!is_bool($subParams) && strval($subParams) !== 'false' && strval($subParams) !== 'true') {
$obsException = new ObsException('param:' . $key . ' is not a boolean value');
throw $obsException;
} elseif ($type === 'numeric') {
if (!is_numeric($subParams)) {
$obsException = new ObsException('param:' . $key . ' is not a numeric value');
throw $obsException;
} elseif ($type === 'float') {
if (!is_float($subParams)) {
$obsException = new ObsException('param:' . $key . ' is not a float value');
throw $obsException;
} elseif ($type === 'int' || $type === 'integer') {
if (!is_int($subParams)) {
$obsException = new ObsException('param:' . $key . ' is not a int value');
throw $obsException;
} else {
// nothing handle
$name = isset($value['sentAs']) ? $value['sentAs'] : $key;
if (is_bool($subParams)) {
$val = $subParams ? 'true' : 'false';
} else {
$val = strval($subParams);
if (isset($value['format'])) {
$val = SchemaFormatter::format($value['format'], $val);
if (isset($value['transform'])) {
$val = $transHolder->transform($value['transform'], $val);
if (isset($val) && $val !== '') {
$val = $this->xmlTransfer($val);
if (!isset($value['data']['xmlFlattened'])) {
$xml[] = '<' . $name . '>';
$xml[] = $val;
$xml[] = '</' . $name . '>';
} else {
$xml[] = $val;
} elseif (isset($value['canEmpty']) && $value['canEmpty']) {
$xml[] = '<' . $name . '>';
$xml[] = $val;
$xml[] = '</' . $name . '>';
} else {
// nothing handle
$ret = implode('', $xml);
if (isset($value['wrapper'])) {
$ret = '<' . $value['wrapper'] . '>' . $ret . '</' . $value['wrapper'] . '>';
return $ret;
private function xmlTransfer($tag)
$search = array('&', '<', '>', '\'', '"');
$repalce = array('&', '<', '>', ''', '"');
return str_replace($search, $repalce, $tag);
private function getNameByObjectType($key, $value)
return isset($value['sentAs']) ? $value['sentAs'] : (isset($value['name']) ? $value['name'] : $key);
private function getNameByArrayType($key, $value)
return isset($value['sentAs']) ? $value['sentAs'] : (isset($value['items']['sentAs']) ? $value['items']['sentAs'] : $key);
protected function prepareAuth(array &$requestConfig, array &$params, Model $model)
$transHolder = strcasecmp($this->signature, 'obs') === 0
? ObsTransform::getInstance()
: V2Transform::getInstance();
$method = $requestConfig['httpMethod'];
$requestUrl = $this->endpoint;
$headers = [];
$pathArgs = [];
$dnsParam = null;
$uriParam = null;
$body = [];
$xml = [];
if (isset($requestConfig['specialParam'])) {
$pathArgs[$requestConfig['specialParam']] = '';
$result = ['body' => null];
$url = parse_url($requestUrl);
$host = $url['host'];
$fileFlag = false;
if (isset($requestConfig['requestParameters'])) {
$paramsMetadata = $requestConfig['requestParameters'];
foreach ($paramsMetadata as $key => $value) {
if (isset($value['required']) && $value['required'] && !isset($params[$key])) {
$obsException = new ObsException('param:' . $key . ' is required');
throw $obsException;
if (isset($params[$key]) && isset($value['location'])) {
$location = $value['location'];
$val = $params[$key];
$type = 'string';
if ($val !== '' && isset($value['type'])) {
$type = $value['type'];
if ($type === 'boolean') {
if (!is_bool($val) && strval($val) !== 'false' && strval($val) !== 'true') {
$obsException = new ObsException('param:' . $key . ' is not a boolean value');
throw $obsException;
} elseif ($type === 'numeric') {
if (!is_numeric($val)) {
$obsException = new ObsException('param:' . $key . ' is not a numeric value');
throw $obsException;
} elseif ($type === 'float') {
if (!is_float($val)) {
$obsException = new ObsException('param:' . $key . ' is not a float value');
throw $obsException;
} elseif ($type === 'int' || $type === 'integer') {
if (!is_int($val)) {
$obsException = new ObsException('param:' . $key . ' is not a int value');
throw $obsException;
} else {
// nothing handle
if ($location === 'header') {
if ($type === 'object') {
if (is_array($val)) {
$sentAs = strtolower($value['sentAs']);
foreach ($val as $k => $v) {
$k = AbstractSignature::urlencodeWithSafe(strtolower($k), ' ;/?:@&=+$,');
$name = strpos($k, $sentAs) === 0 ? $k : $sentAs . $k;
$headers[$name] = AbstractSignature::urlencodeWithSafe($v, ' ;/?:@&=+$,\'*');
} elseif ($type === 'array') {
if (is_array($val)) {
$name = $this->getNameByArrayType($key, $value);
$temp = [];
foreach ($val as $v) {
$v = strval($v);
if ($v !== '') {
$temp[] = AbstractSignature::urlencodeWithSafe($val, ' ;/?:@&=+$,\'*');
$headers[$name] = $temp;
} elseif ($type === 'password') {
$val = strval($val);
if ($val !== '') {
$name = isset($value['sentAs']) ? $value['sentAs'] : $key;
$pwdName = isset($value['pwdSentAs']) ? $value['pwdSentAs'] : $name . '-MD5';
$headers[$name] = base64_encode($val);
$headers[$pwdName] = base64_encode(md5($val, true));
} else {
if (isset($value['transform'])) {
$val = $transHolder->transform($value['transform'], strval($val));
if (isset($val)) {
if (is_bool($val)) {
$val = $val ? 'true' : 'false';
} else {
$val = strval($val);
if ($val !== '') {
$name = isset($value['sentAs']) ? $value['sentAs'] : $key;
if (isset($value['format'])) {
$val = SchemaFormatter::format($value['format'], $val);
$headers[$name] = AbstractSignature::urlencodeWithSafe($val, ' ;/?:@&=+$,\'*');
} elseif ($location === 'uri' && $uriParam === null) {
$uriParam = AbstractSignature::urlencodeWithSafe($val);
} elseif ($location === 'dns' && $dnsParam === null) {
$dnsParam = $val;
} elseif ($location === 'query') {
$name = isset($value['sentAs']) ? $value['sentAs'] : $key;
if (strval($val) !== '') {
if (strcasecmp($this->signature, 'v4') === 0) {
$pathArgs[rawurlencode($name)] = rawurlencode(strval($val));
} else {
$pathArgs[AbstractSignature::urlencodeWithSafe($name)] = AbstractSignature::urlencodeWithSafe(strval($val));
} elseif ($location === 'xml') {
$val = $this->transXmlByType($key, $value, $val, $transHolder);
if ($val !== '') {
$xml[] = $val;
} elseif ($location === 'body') {
if (isset($result['body'])) {
$obsException = new ObsException('duplicated body provided');
throw $obsException;
if ($type === 'file') {
if (!file_exists($val)) {
$obsException = new ObsException('file[' . $val . '] does not exist');
throw $obsException;
$result['body'] = new Stream(fopen($val, 'r'));
$fileFlag = true;
} elseif ($type === 'stream') {
$result['body'] = $val;
} elseif ($type === 'json') {
$jsonData = json_encode($val);
if (!$jsonData) {
$obsException = new ObsException('input is invalid, since it is not json data');
throw $obsException;
$result['body'] = strval($jsonData);
} else {
$result['body'] = strval($val);
} elseif ($location === 'response') {
$model[$key] = ['value' => $val, 'type' => $type];
} else {
// nothing handle
if ($dnsParam) {
if ($this->pathStyle) {
$requestUrl = $requestUrl . '/' . $dnsParam;
} else {
$defaultPort = strtolower($url['scheme']) === 'https' ? '443' : '80';
$host = $this->isCname ? $host : $dnsParam . '.' . $host;
$port = isset($url['port']) ? $url['port'] : $defaultPort;
$requestUrl = $url['scheme'] . '://' . $host . ':' . $port;
if ($uriParam) {
$requestUrl = $requestUrl . '/' . $uriParam;
if (!empty($pathArgs)) {
$requestUrl .= '?';
$newPathArgs = [];
foreach ($pathArgs as $key => $value) {
$newPathArgs[] = $value === null || $value === '' ? $key : $key . '=' . $value;
$requestUrl .= implode('&', $newPathArgs);
if ($xml || (isset($requestConfig['data']['xmlAllowEmpty']) && $requestConfig['data']['xmlAllowEmpty'])) {
$body[] = '<';
$xmlRoot = $requestConfig['data']['xmlRoot']['name'];
$body[] = $xmlRoot;
$body[] = '>';
$body[] = implode('', $xml);
$body[] = '</';
$body[] = $xmlRoot;
$body[] = '>';
$headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/xml';
$result['body'] = implode('', $body);
ObsLog::commonLog(DEBUG, 'request content ' . $result['body']);
if (isset($requestConfig['data']['contentMd5']) && $requestConfig['data']['contentMd5']) {
$headers['Content-MD5'] = base64_encode(md5($result['body'], true));
if ($fileFlag && ($result['body'] instanceof StreamInterface)) {
if ($this->methodName === 'uploadPart' && (isset($model['Offset']) || isset($model['PartSize']))) {
$bodySize = $result['body']->getSize();
if (isset($model['Offset'])) {
$offset = intval($model['Offset']['value']);
$offset = $offset >= 0 && $offset < $bodySize ? $offset : 0;
} else {
$offset = 0;
if (isset($model['PartSize'])) {
$partSize = intval($model['PartSize']['value']);
$partSize = $partSize > 0 && $partSize <= ($bodySize - $offset) ? $partSize : $bodySize - $offset;
} else {
$partSize = $bodySize - $offset;
$headers['Content-Length'] = $partSize;
} elseif (isset($headers['Content-Length'])) {
$bodySize = $result['body']->getSize();
if (intval($headers['Content-Length']) > $bodySize) {
$headers['Content-Length'] = $bodySize;
} else {
// nothing handle
$constants = Constants::selectConstants($this->signature);
if ($this->securityToken) {
$headers[$constants::SECURITY_TOKEN_HEAD] = $this->securityToken;
$headers['Host'] = $host;
$result['host'] = $host;
$result['method'] = $method;
$result['headers'] = $headers;
$result['pathArgs'] = $pathArgs;
$result['dnsParam'] = $dnsParam;
$result['uriParam'] = $uriParam;
$result['requestUrl'] = $requestUrl;
return $result;
} |