442 lines
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442 lines
18 KiB
* Copyright 2019 Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
* License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
* under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
* CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
namespace Obs;
use Obs\Log\ObsLog;
use Obs\Internal\Common\SdkCurlFactory;
use Obs\Internal\Common\SdkStreamHandler;
use Obs\Internal\Common\Model;
use Monolog\Logger;
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack;
use GuzzleHttp\Handler\CurlHandler;
use GuzzleHttp\Handler\CurlMultiHandler;
use GuzzleHttp\Handler\Proxy;
use GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise;
define('DEBUG', Logger::DEBUG);
define('INFO', Logger::INFO);
define('NOTICE', Logger::NOTICE);
define('WARNING', Logger::WARNING);
define('WARN', Logger::WARNING);
define('ERROR', Logger::ERROR);
define('CRITICAL', Logger::CRITICAL);
define('ALERT', Logger::ALERT);
define('EMERGENCY', Logger::EMERGENCY);
* @method Model createPostSignature(array $args=[]);
* @method Model createSignedUrl(array $args=[]);
* @method Model createBucket(array $args = []);
* @method Model listBuckets();
* @method Model deleteBucket(array $args = []);
* @method Model listObjects(array $args = []);
* @method Model listVersions(array $args = []);
* @method Model headBucket(array $args = []);
* @method Model getBucketMetadata(array $args = []);
* @method Model getBucketLocation(array $args = []);
* @method Model getBucketStorageInfo(array $args = []);
* @method Model setBucketQuota(array $args = []);
* @method Model getBucketQuota(array $args = []);
* @method Model setBucketStoragePolicy(array $args = []);
* @method Model getBucketStoragePolicy(array $args = []);
* @method Model setBucketAcl(array $args = []);
* @method Model getBucketAcl(array $args = []);
* @method Model setBucketLogging(array $args = []);
* @method Model getBucketLogging(array $args = []);
* @method Model setBucketPolicy(array $args = []);
* @method Model getBucketPolicy(array $args = []);
* @method Model deleteBucketPolicy(array $args = []);
* @method Model setBucketLifecycle(array $args = []);
* @method Model getBucketLifecycle(array $args = []);
* @method Model deleteBucketLifecycle(array $args = []);
* @method Model setBucketWebsite(array $args = []);
* @method Model getBucketWebsite(array $args = []);
* @method Model deleteBucketWebsite(array $args = []);
* @method Model setBucketVersioning(array $args = []);
* @method Model getBucketVersioning(array $args = []);
* @method Model setBucketCors(array $args = []);
* @method Model getBucketCors(array $args = []);
* @method Model deleteBucketCors(array $args = []);
* @method Model setBucketNotification(array $args = []);
* @method Model getBucketNotification(array $args = []);
* @method Model setBucketTagging(array $args = []);
* @method Model getBucketTagging(array $args = []);
* @method Model setBucketCustomDomain(array $args = []);
* @method Model getBucketCustomDomain(array $args = []);
* @method Model deleteBucketCustomDomain(array $args = []);
* @method Model deleteBucketTagging(array $args = []);
* @method Model optionsBucket(array $args = []);
* @method Model getFetchPolicy(array $args = []);
* @method Model setFetchPolicy(array $args = []);
* @method Model deleteFetchPolicy(array $args = []);
* @method Model setFetchJob(array $args = []);
* @method Model getFetchJob(array $args = []);
* @method Model putObject(array $args = []);
* @method Model getObject(array $args = []);
* @method Model setObjectTagging(array $args = []);
* @method Model deleteObjectTagging(array $args = []);
* @method Model getObjectTagging(array $args = []);
* @method Model copyObject(array $args = []);
* @method Model deleteObject(array $args = []);
* @method Model deleteObjects(array $args = []);
* @method Model getObjectMetadata(array $args = []);
* @method Model setObjectAcl(array $args = []);
* @method Model getObjectAcl(array $args = []);
* @method Model initiateMultipartUpload(array $args = []);
* @method Model uploadPart(array $args = []);
* @method Model copyPart(array $args = []);
* @method Model listParts(array $args = []);
* @method Model completeMultipartUpload(array $args = []);
* @method Model abortMultipartUpload(array $args = []);
* @method Model listMultipartUploads(array $args = []);
* @method Model optionsObject(array $args = []);
* @method Model restoreObject(array $args = []);
* @method Promise createBucketAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise listBucketsAsync(callable $callback);
* @method Promise deleteBucketAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise listObjectsAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise listVersionsAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise headBucketAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise getBucketMetadataAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise getBucketLocationAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise getBucketStorageInfoAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise setBucketQuotaAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise getBucketQuotaAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise setBucketStoragePolicyAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise getBucketStoragePolicyAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise setBucketAclAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise getBucketAclAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise setBucketLoggingAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise getBucketLoggingAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise setBucketPolicyAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise getBucketPolicyAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise deleteBucketPolicyAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise setBucketLifecycleAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise getBucketLifecycleAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise deleteBucketLifecycleAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise setBucketWebsiteAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise getBucketWebsiteAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise deleteBucketWebsiteAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise setBucketVersioningAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise getBucketVersioningAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise setBucketCorsAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise getBucketCorsAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise deleteBucketCorsAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise setBucketNotificationAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise getBucketNotificationAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise setBucketTaggingAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise getBucketTaggingAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise setBucketCustomDomainAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise getBucketCustomDomainAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise deleteBucketCustomDomainAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise deleteBucketTaggingAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise optionsBucketAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise putObjectAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise getObjectAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise setObjectTaggingAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise deleteObjectTaggingAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise getObjectTaggingAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise copyObjectAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise deleteObjectAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise deleteObjectsAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise getObjectMetadataAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise setObjectAclAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise getObjectAclAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise initiateMultipartUploadAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise uploadPartAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise copyPartAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise listPartsAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise completeMultipartUploadAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise abortMultipartUploadAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise listMultipartUploadsAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise optionsObjectAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise restoreObjectAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise getFetchPolicyAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise setFetchPolicyAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise deleteFetchPolicyAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise setFetchJobAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
* @method Promise getFetchJobAsync(array $args = [], callable $callback);
class ObsClient
const SDK_VERSION = '3.23.10';
const AclPrivate = 'private';
const AclPublicRead = 'public-read';
const AclPublicReadWrite = 'public-read-write';
const AclPublicReadDelivered = 'public-read-delivered';
const AclPublicReadWriteDelivered = 'public-read-write-delivered';
const AclAuthenticatedRead = 'authenticated-read';
const AclBucketOwnerRead = 'bucket-owner-read';
const AclBucketOwnerFullControl = 'bucket-owner-full-control';
const AclLogDeliveryWrite = 'log-delivery-write';
const StorageClassStandard = 'STANDARD';
const StorageClassWarm = 'WARM';
const StorageClassCold = 'COLD';
const PermissionRead = 'READ';
const PermissionWrite = 'WRITE';
const PermissionReadAcp = 'READ_ACP';
const PermissionWriteAcp = 'WRITE_ACP';
const PermissionFullControl = 'FULL_CONTROL';
const AllUsers = 'Everyone';
const GroupAllUsers = 'AllUsers';
const GroupAuthenticatedUsers = 'AuthenticatedUsers';
const GroupLogDelivery = 'LogDelivery';
const RestoreTierExpedited = 'Expedited';
const RestoreTierStandard = 'Standard';
const RestoreTierBulk = 'Bulk';
const GranteeGroup = 'Group';
const GranteeUser = 'CanonicalUser';
const CopyMetadata = 'COPY';
const ReplaceMetadata = 'REPLACE';
const SignatureV2 = 'v2';
const SignatureV4 = 'v4';
const SigantureObs = 'obs';
const ObjectCreatedAll = 'ObjectCreated:*';
const ObjectCreatedPut = 'ObjectCreated:Put';
const ObjectCreatedPost = 'ObjectCreated:Post';
const ObjectCreatedCopy = 'ObjectCreated:Copy';
const ObjectCreatedCompleteMultipartUpload = 'ObjectCreated:CompleteMultipartUpload';
const ObjectRemovedAll = 'ObjectRemoved:*';
const ObjectRemovedDelete = 'ObjectRemoved:Delete';
const ObjectRemovedDeleteMarkerCreated = 'ObjectRemoved:DeleteMarkerCreated';
use Internal\SendRequestTrait;
use Internal\GetResponseTrait;
private $factorys;
public function __construct(array $config = [])
$this->factorys = [];
$this->ak = strval($config['key']);
$this->sk = strval($config['secret']);
if (isset($config['security_token'])) {
$this->securityToken = strval($config['security_token']);
if (isset($config['endpoint'])) {
$this->endpoint = trim(strval($config['endpoint']));
if ($this->endpoint === '') {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('endpoint is not set');
while ($this->endpoint[strlen($this->endpoint) - 1] === '/') {
$this->endpoint = substr($this->endpoint, 0, strlen($this->endpoint) - 1);
if (strpos($this->endpoint, 'http') !== 0) {
$this->endpoint = 'https://' . $this->endpoint;
if (isset($config['signature'])) {
$this->signature = strval($config['signature']);
if (isset($config['path_style'])) {
$this->pathStyle = $config['path_style'];
if (isset($config['region'])) {
$this->region = strval($config['region']);
if (isset($config['ssl_verify'])) {
$this->sslVerify = $config['ssl_verify'];
} elseif (isset($config['ssl.certificate_authority'])) {
$this->sslVerify = $config['ssl.certificate_authority'];
} else {
// nothing handle
if (isset($config['max_retry_count'])) {
$this->maxRetryCount = intval($config['max_retry_count']);
if (isset($config['timeout'])) {
$this->timeout = intval($config['timeout']);
if (isset($config['socket_timeout'])) {
$this->socketTimeout = intval($config['socket_timeout']);
if (isset($config['connect_timeout'])) {
$this->connectTimeout = intval($config['connect_timeout']);
if (isset($config['chunk_size'])) {
$this->chunkSize = intval($config['chunk_size']);
if (isset($config['exception_response_mode'])) {
$this->exceptionResponseMode = $config['exception_response_mode'];
if (isset($config['is_cname'])) {
$this->isCname = $config['is_cname'];
$host = parse_url($this->endpoint)['host'];
if (filter_var($host, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP) !== false) {
$this->pathStyle = true;
$handler = self::chooseHandler($this);
$this->httpClient = self::createHttpClient($handler);
private function createHttpClient($handler)
return new Client(
'timeout' => 0,
'read_timeout' => $this->socketTimeout,
'connect_timeout' => $this->connectTimeout,
'allow_redirects' => false,
'verify' => $this->sslVerify,
'expect' => false,
'handler' => HandlerStack::create($handler),
'curl' => [
CURLOPT_BUFFERSIZE => $this->chunkSize,
public function __destruct()
public function refresh($key, $secret, $securityToken = false)
$this->ak = strval($key);
$this->sk = strval($secret);
if ($securityToken) {
$this->securityToken = strval($securityToken);
* Get the default User-Agent string to use with Guzzle
* @return string
public static function getDefaultUserAgent()
static $defaultAgent = '';
if (!$defaultAgent) {
$defaultAgent = 'obs-sdk-php/' . self::SDK_VERSION;
return $defaultAgent;
* Factory method to create a new Obs client using an array of configuration options.
* @param array $config Client configuration data
* @return ObsClient
public static function factory(array $config = [])
return new ObsClient($config);
public function close()
if ($this->factorys) {
foreach ($this->factorys as $factory) {
public function initLog(array $logConfig = [])
$msg = [];
$msg[] = '[OBS SDK Version=' . self::SDK_VERSION;
$msg[] = 'Endpoint=' . $this->endpoint;
$msg[] = 'Access Mode=' . ($this->pathStyle ? 'Path' : 'Virtual Hosting') . ']';
ObsLog::commonLog(WARNING, implode("];[", $msg));
private static function chooseHandler($obsclient)
$handler = null;
if (function_exists('curl_multi_exec') && function_exists('curl_exec')) {
$f1 = new SdkCurlFactory(50);
$f2 = new SdkCurlFactory(3);
$obsclient->factorys[] = $f1;
$obsclient->factorys[] = $f2;
$handler = Proxy::wrapSync(
new CurlMultiHandler(['handle_factory' => $f1]),
new CurlHandler(['handle_factory' => $f2])
} elseif (function_exists('curl_exec')) {
$f = new SdkCurlFactory(3);
$obsclient->factorys[] = $f;
$handler = new CurlHandler(['handle_factory' => $f]);
} elseif (function_exists('curl_multi_exec')) {
$f = new SdkCurlFactory(50);
$obsclient->factorys[] = $f;
$handler = new CurlMultiHandler(['handle_factory' => $f]);
} else {
// nothing handle
if (ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) {
$handler = $handler
? Proxy::wrapStreaming($handler, new SdkStreamHandler())
: new SdkStreamHandler();
} elseif (!$handler) {
throw new \UnexpectedValueException(
'GuzzleHttp requires cURL, the allow_url_fopen ini setting, or a custom HTTP handler.');
} else {
// nothing handle
return $handler;