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# Toast UI CodeSnippet
`tui-code-snippet` is group of utility methods to make ease with developing javascript applications.
It includes several features like `class simulation`, `browser detecting`, `type checking` and +30 more.
`tui-code-snippet` supports IE8+ and modern browsers and already has been used for [open source javascript components]( and many commercial projects in [NHN]( corporation.
## Feature
* browser.js
* Browser detecting modules
* collection.js
* Modules to Process collecitons
* Support util methods for collecitons
* customEvent.js
* Custom event modules
* Add/Remove/fire custom events
* defineClass.js
* Defined classes module
* enum.js
* Const value modules
* Making immutability values but IE8 low
* func.js
* Function modules
* hashMap.js
* Hash map modules
* Managing data by key/value
* inheritance.js
* Simple inheritance modules (Nicholas C. Zakas, YUI Library)
* Call supur constructor of superclass
* Have to get inheritance before define child
* Using mixin and inner object
* object.js
* Object modules
* Support utils to control object
* string.js
* String processing modules
* Support utils such as decodeHTMLEntity, encodeHTMLEntity
* type.js
* Check data type
* window.js
* Window object modules
* You need 'postDataBridgeUrl' options to avoid IE11 popup form submit bug.
* Different domain have x-domain issue.
* defineNamespace.js
* Support utils to define namespace
* formatDate.js
* Formating date strings modules
* defineModule.js
* Support utils to define modules
## Documentation
* API: [](
* Tutorial: [](
## Tested Browsers
* browser:
* IE8 ~ IE11
* Edge
* Chrome
* Firefox
* Safari
## Usage
### Use `npm`
Install the latest version using `npm` command:
$ npm install tui-code-snippet --save
or want to install the each version:
$ npm install tui-code-snippet@<version> --save
To access as module format in your code:
var util = require('tui-code-snippet');
### Use `bower`
Install the latest version using `bower` command:
$ bower install tui-code-snippet
or want to install the each version:
$ bower install tui-code-snippet#<tag>
To access as namespace format in your code:
var util = tui.util;
### Download
* [Download bundle files from `dist` folder](
* [Download all sources for each version](
## License